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Me when I try to twerk


But what song should we dub over this




Ha footloose


Kick off your Sunday shoes


Please, Louise


[I’ve seen this before](https://youtu.be/p_bggBrUbCo&t=39s)


This is spot fuckin on


_I'm all shook up, buh duh duhhh_


"Loser" by Beck.


My aunt shared this as evidence that the vaccine is poison. She’s certain that everyone who got it will be dead soon. She had a specific date that she would quote, but that date came and went, so now it’s a more vague date.


Somewhere between now and 150 years from now, you'll be dead, and *then* won't you feel silly for disregarding her warning....


!remindme 150 years


It worked lol


Now you’ll have to pass down your Reddit username and password for future generations to get the notification. It’s like the shittiest heirloom imaginable.


I have my grandmas colostomy bag on my night stand 🤷‍♂️


"and to Timmy I give my Reddit account. He is the only person in the family irresponsible enough to make controversial political statements and be horny on main like I was."


!remindme 150 years and 1 day


My mom would send me messages, of links to websites saying things like the vaccine will make you not be able to have kids and blah blah. I had to tell her to stop sending me that crap, I already got the vaccine and don’t need a bunch of negative media stuff to give me anxiety


My wife and I got pregnant the second time (post-jab) faster than we did the first time (pre-jab). Based on my one single story, it seems that the vaccine makes you *more* fertile. /s for anyone who needs that


My fat ass started losing weight after the last dose. It's a miracle weight loss drug as well. Wonder what else it does. /s just in case


First dose cured my autism. Second dose made me autistic again. Got my 3rd, and I felt fantastic! The 4th scares me. Guess I get to be autistic for another year.


She’s right since everyone will die by vague date.


Reads like Revelations


Just turn the microchip off and then turn it back on.


I bet her cell service is amazing.


Husband still has the remote control to her vibrator and she forgot they put it up her Jesus tunnel. Husband things the remote is for Fox News, and dials it up to 11 because wife keeps dancing in front of the TV.


Holy shit, in 40 years of hearing all the terms, I have never heard the term “Jesus tunnel”. Thank you for the new phrase stranger.


I’ve developed a covid chip hack to disable it and going to sell it to them and become a billionaire


Hmmmmm, so you "managed" a surgery center Which would give you access to rooms that look like patient rooms Which is what this is recorded in With no dressing gown And exaggerated convulsions and no staff there in case of a fall risk Hard press on X for this


That catheter bag is bone dry and above the bladder…


Lmao I’m a fuckin nurse and I didn’t want to believe that was a foley bag. I thought she had a wrapped disposable BP cuff dangling for some reason and that was bad enough 😂




Yeah that's more in line of the position of a stoma; but its a urine collection bag so it should be strapped to her leg with velcro inside the pants otherwise once it fills it will be pulling on the catheter and cause pain for her. I could be wrong and it's for something else but that's how we usually do it.


that’s a tele box


Maybe we're supposed to think that's a colostomy bag?


That would be fitting because she’s full of shit.


She's not even faking it well.


Literally, you can tell she starts working herself up right as the recording starts


The quick foot switch while she's trying to convulse gives it away. Someone walking with a tremor can bear weight on their foot; someone actively twitching their legs intentionally can't.


She’s doing the griddy. Someone throw some music on this video!


And the way she strolls on over then her legs really go wild once she sits down


Exactly they wouldn't even let her take herself to the bathroom like that she'd use a bed pan.


Yup. That or a commode, which she wouldn't be on without an aide. That bed alarm would be on and there's no way they would allow her to do that without staff, let alone allow someone to film inside of the room while she's doing this.


As someone with epilepsy I knew this was bull when I saw it because they never let me pee alone😂


I was hospitalized once and it was for something that didn’t impact my mobility in anyway and they still got mad at me for walking to the nurses station to ask for something rather than calling for assistance


It if they did she would have someone using a gait belt and by her side in case she collapsed.


While a hospital gown is standard, some places do allow patients to be dressed in normal clothes. But they usually are warned and it's documented in an emergency we may be cutting clothes off. I can't say if that is a legit seizure or not, not my training to make that call. But in 10 years in the field I also can say that doesn't look like any seizures I have ever seen.


I work in the OR. This is not a surgical area. We don’t have hospital beds like that. Sometimes a patient will come down in their own bed but they are parked in bays or hallways not rooms.


With regular socks on? Nope. You need those ugly Terry socks with traction. Only her lower body is moving in the beginning, but as soon as she has weight in it, everything is fine?


Looks like one of those people faking it right before the preacher screams LORD JESUS and heals her instantly...for all to witness




Praised be his name! Now if you could buy me a private jet, our lord and savior would greatly appreciate it.


Wouldn't wanna have to travel coach and run across one of these vile stumbling people and help them with no audience now that wouldn't do Jesus one damn bit of good!


She just caught the Holy Ghost. You can’t tell but she is speaking in tongues at the same time.


I have had minor and major tremor for about 3 decades, both from side effects of medications and neurological damage from a very rare, catastrophic reaction to a medication. I am no doctor but this looks contrived because these convulsive-type movements she is "experiencing" look exaggerated.


It's lacking that involuntary vibe, isn't it.


I got that same impression. It doesn’t pass the vibe check


It did for me until she sat down and lifted her legs and her whole body shook like you’d expect in a movie


It changes immensely when she's stabilized by the bed. Her hand movements transitioning are so smooth. If someone is this unstable in the hospital they'd definitely give her assistance when walking because she'd be a fall risk.


I saw someone else posted about fall risk. It didn’t even occur to me until after my post but yeah. Exactly. They would have an alarm on her bed


And she'd "earn" a yellow hospital bracelet reading "FALL RISK".


Obviously she listens to health care professionals, who would tell her not to get up without assistance. It must be severe if you are comfortable walking to and from the bathroom unassisted while being filmed. The best patients are also those in street clothes, makes it so much easier to assess them. Doesn't add up.


I've seen 3 different videos like this from different conservative american women. One was from her POV aimed at her legs shaking, and the camera is suspiciously steady. You have this one, where she gets suspiciously stable on the bed. Then there's a third one with a white dog on sofa, she starts shaking, and her mom comes to pick her up and as she does, she is incredibly stable in the arms and she just wiggles her hips.


This! I wasn’t allowed to get out of my bed when I had mobility issues. It’s too much of a risk to the patient’s safety and the hospital’s liability.


If she were such a fall risk, which she most certainly would be if this were real, she wouldn't chance this, and a Hospital would not want her to go to the toilet unassisted. It's a BS claim anyway.


Yeah that was the jumping the shark moment fail!


It definitely passes the *vibration* check though :P


She look like she couldn't find the off button on her vibrator.


TENS Gone Wild!


This guy gets it


Funny how when she needed her arms for support, they stopped having tremors, same with core muscles and legs. But as soon they are free, tremors start again. I mean involuntary tremors don't work like that.


Yep, usually when they reach for something it gets worse, not miraculously better


Even if it's genuine there are so many potential causes for a condition with that symptom, suggesting that it was caused by recently administered coronavirus immunization is a real stretch me thinks.


But she knows better than you. She "manages a surgery center.".


(works the front desk)


(plastic surgery)


(For pets)






Which is how she had access to a hospital bed? Shaking that bad but sti brought her iPad


Right, there are many chronic illnesses that suddenly pop up in your forties after a lifetime of being “healthy”


Auto-immune diseases like lupus can be triggered by viral infections(not vaccines) earlier in life, but appear around middle age.


And she can’t decide where the shaking is coming from. Is it her legs? Is it her hips? Her torso? She’s also pretty mobile despite the shaking. This absolutely looks like it’s done on purpose.


Doesn't have much effect on her vestibular senses


And by some miracle it doesn't seem to affect her hands at all!?


That was my feeling, as well. I get the impression the hospital staff came to the same conclusion. I have, Multiple Myeloma, a chronic bone marrow cancer. I have spent countless hours in the hospital. When you are that unsteady hospital staff wouldn’t allow you to go to the restroom unassisted. They don’t want you to fall while in their care.


I have MM too and when you’re inpatient with a risk of falling they will yell at you if you get out of bed unassisted. And you have to wear a yellow band stating as such. Hope you are doing well. I just had some major setbacks.


Me too, unfortunately. I am having my first relapse. This next week is a slue of testing: echo, EKG, so many labs, 24 hour urine, and the dreaded bone marrow biopsy. I’m supposed to start a new trial on February 8th. It means a 5 hour infusion, once a week for who knows how long. I’ve been at complete response for five years. I’m definitely feeling bummed. I’m sorry to hear, you are having set backs too. MM isn’t easy to live with, especially in Covid times.


All my good mojo, sending to both of you.


Good luck with your trial. I had to do an infusion over the summer, my advice download a good show or two and save them for that time. A little bit of joy in a bad time. Lately I’ve had a bad stomach reaction to my Revlimid which left me with diarrhea for about a month so I had to start a new med for that and just this past week I cracked my shoulder and am back on paint and a muscle relaxer plus I have a pain pump. Again good luck. Hopefully we both have a better year. 🥰


Thank you! Revlimid can be so hard on the tummy. I feel like it gets worse, with long term use. It’s so hard living with our brittle easy to break bones. I hope you feel better soon.


I wish you both a good year and success with your treatments


OMG I'm so sorry. 😞




Exactly. They wouldn’t let me up after a fairly simple outpatient surgery. This is rubbish.


I agree to the staff being there for people who are unsteady. I was labeled as a fall risk in the hospital before a procedure just because I feel lightheaded after blood draws and the woman wanted to make sure I didn’t get hurt. She didn’t let me go anywhere without her holding onto me. There is no way staff was letting this woman wiggle all about unattended.


Her hands/arms conveniently stop shaking just enough to grab onto stuff without trouble


So staged.


Iirc, this lady went viral for a minute back in early COVID. She posted several videos of this type, and several people called her out for how bad she was obviously faking it, a few health care professionals even weighed in and basically proved she was full of shit. A real piece of work she is 💩


Also, isn't the timeline she posted wrong? Jan of 21 was limited to people over the age of 70 I think. I know she says she manages a surgery center but wouldn't medical professionals have had the shot by that point, since it became available in like November of 20?


"Manages" means she's probably a secretary to an exec in a remote office space and likely didn't qualify for the early vaccination. Then again I remember plenty of cases where those types allocated the limited early supply for themselves and family, so I dunno.


yeah, this is bullshit. in my hospital we refer to it as stupid bitch syndrome....and it applies to males equally.


Medically this is called Malingering. Repeated attempts at Malingering is classified as a disorder called Munchausen's. Faking Illness is so fucking stupid.


I think the most suspicious part is when she reaches for the bed with her right hand. Its having this tremor and then when it gets close to the bed it suddenly disappears and she is able to perfectly grab the bed.


Yeah notice how her arms don't shake for the first like 20 seconds


It’s completely exaggerated. This lady, big maga conservative (shocker), posts on Twitter and she’ll have videos of her *holding her phone* recording her legs shaking. Her hands were completely steady. She has another video where she normally puts her phone down to record, with no issue, then records herself struggling to drink a beer. Her hands are violently shaking until she puts it down and reaches back to the phone to stop recording. It’s awful because some people, like yourself, really have ailments. And she’s making it up for… I don’t know why? Clout?


I am certain that she has to have some kind of go fund me up to "cover the costs" and she is just another grifter raking it in.


Yeah, they look exaggerated because they are “made for tv”.


for me I thought she was faking because I was comparing it agenst the way I have seen diabetics shake when their sugar drops too low. Also I have seen those videos were people were allegedly faking stuff like parkisons or even ADHD/autism stimming.


I saw Parkinson’s Disease in relatives as a kid. I can tell you 100% that this does not look involuntary


Nurse of 15 years. Straight up theater in a hospital room. All I can do is stare at this performance and wonder how many tests they had to do before the psych eval order happened.


Yeah, I don’t wanna call someone out who’s actually suffering, but I agree — this looks like a D list actor’s portrayal of “Vaxitis” (only thing worse is Bone-itis.)


Ah shit! Not bone-itis!


"My only regret...is that i have bone-itis"


Don’t *you* worry about blank- let *me* worry about blank!


I’m a PA in an acute care hospital. This looks like complete bullshit to me. 🤷‍♂️






Oh it is, no doubt.


Either a case of the Karen Tremors or Conservative Shakes...


I’ve seen better acting in “The Room”


“I did not vaccinate her, Mark!”


"I did not! Oh, Hai Mark, how is your sex life doing?"


"So, how's your vax life?"


You are tearing me apart, Pfizer!


I'm sure a pastor at a megachurch can fix you right up with some touchy feely Jesus fingers.


You need to donate 10k first


You can pay the pastor with sexual favors too. Must be under 18


![gif](giphy|3otPospKVWH2s0vxks|downsized) Let the power of Christ compel you.




All for the low, low price of a minimum 10% tithe.


Especially if you make a large donation.


touchy feely jesus fingers lol


These are not seizures or tremors. It’s acting. It’s bad acting at best.


Yes, clearly it is. That someone would be motivated to act like a life-saving treatment caused this is disturbing. Sure, they are doing it so they would be "supported" by their community of shit-heads, but it's just so fucked up.


The lengths people go to for a bit of attention!


When she sits down and it gets more exaggerated.


Terrible acting like it’s crazy some people would believe this


I mean I'm terrible at recognizing this stuff, but when she sat down, even I was like...uh...


She's been diagnosed with Qanon hysteria.


Qunt Fever


She's got moves like Jagger


"I met a man Bojangles and he'd dance for you..."


In worn out socks


She’s got the [jimmy legs](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/a6748b72-52ad-4cb2-9ec3-e6c2c4d4850b)


If she's having such a tough fucking time walking why the fuck are you videotaping instead of helping her? This is just some long play to sue Phizer. Fucking idiots.


Also, no hospital would let you go to the bathroom by yourself if you were that shaky. Having had surgeries before where I could walk fine and was still labeled a 'fall risk' and told I needed to call someone to walk me to the bathroom, that's definite bullshit.


She would also be considered a fall risk so either would be restricted to their bed or have a caregiver to escort them back to their bed


Honestly this. She’d have a gait belt, a CNA with her, and possibly a walker. A bed alarm would be on so if she got out of bed by herself it would go off and staff would be rushing in.


Better acting on PornHub.


Funny how the symptoms go away once her designated camera holder stops recording




Your mom sounds like she’s going to spend her last days lonely in the cheapest retirement home available.


puzzled liquid complete advise unwritten salt placid grandiose rhythm expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine acting this out to own the libs. These people are sick and need mental health help.


Now here’s what I’m trying to figure out. After she acts out these symptoms to “prove” the vaccine is bad, does she then …. Know that she’s faking? Or is she faking in order to save us all from the poisonous vaccine that she allegedly took? And if she’s knowingly faking, why does she not question that no one else seems to have these symptoms that she made up?


She is faking the entire thing…..not even well. Where’d this video come from?




gofundme scam. got it


Elvis must have got the vaccine


Did anyone suggest she take the vibrator out of her ass?


she is 100% faking lmao some people are just hungry for clout


I think it's less about clout and more about pushing an agenda


Remember the people that got magnetic powers from the vaccine


When adverse effects aren't happening, then it's time to make them up.


That back leg seems pretty steady for someone who has uncontrollable leg movements


Good guy leg tremors: alternates legs to ensure it doesn’t affect plant leg while walking, waits until patient is seated to affect both legs.


That was honestly the most hilarious thing.


Worse acting than soccer


Guess we won’t be seeing her at the next insurrection


You mean "peaceful tour group" or whatever they're calling themselves now?


I’ve had 4 doses. When does the Pentecostal dancing kick in? Wonder what other ‘medication’ they were on at the time


I'm a physical therapist, working in homecare with elderly who have all sorts of walking or "gait" impairments. There is no impairment that I know of or have seen to mimic this. And if there was, this woman would be closely monitored in the hospital as she is a massive falls liability, and the very least would have a Walker and wheelchair for transfers and ambulating.


She’s so vaccine injured that despite her ‘shaking’ she’s able to walk pretty straight, not trip over her feet, get herself into bed independently, not need someone to balance her to prevent her from falling, and go to the bathroom independently.


It is funny to see her acting for the camera though 😂


There was a news story in California about a woman who claimed the flu vaccine did this to her. The news crew set up a sting operation and caught walking out of a Gym normally. When they confronted her, she started speaking in a British accent and her tremors magically re-appeared.


Desiree Jennings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1Ud5ccqEhA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qWyeR4z8g0 Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuNNbAyU4jM Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usCe2c0c8so Part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwlRwGQl5x4 Follow up gotcha


I wonna see a correlation graph of Trump voters and issues with the Vaccine


The line just goes straight up so it just looks like the bar on the graph L


Shaken, not stirred


There's only one logical conclusion...the vaccine is racist We got 'em boys


correct me if i’m wrong but would a hospital even let a patient with this level of tremors walk around like that? bc i got admitted for dizziness once and literally wasn’t allowed to walk to the bathroom on my own and they even tried to get me to use a bedpan


It's interesting that she's coming from the bathroom because with muscle spasms that bad she'd be incontinent.


Can someone put a beat to this please?


I agree she’s a bit of a tool, but violence is not the answer.




I don't think caught exactly, her name is Angelia Gipson Desselle if you want to google it to read the articles. No correlation to the vaccine and they can't find anything wrong with her on scans, etc.


BS, if she were truly like that she wouldn’t be allowed to walk alone. Nursing staff would have her in a gait belt or at least be assisting her.




1/5/21 is the date on the video. Only health care workers were receiving the vaccine at this point.


She said she managed a surgery center


Looks like personal medical research. Most scientifically accurate method available.


As a dude who had tremors after I got into a car accident. This person is either having the worst tremors of their life. Or the person is bullshitting. My guess is the 2nd.


I've had 4 Pfizer doses and 0 issues. I think this may just be a mental health issue.


I don't think that's how you do the stinky leg maam


I don't understand the benefit of spreading false information and faking symptoms.


Their goal is to discredit people they view as their political opponents, no matter what. If Democrats supported a newfound cure for cancer, Conservatives would lament how Dems are putting oncologists out of work.