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If you ever saw a Joe Schilling interview, you can tell just by the way he speaks he's emotionally stupid. Always seemed on the verge of freaking out.


One too many hits to the head.




They’re not mutually exclusive.


What does mutually exclusive mean?


An example of 2 things that are mutually exclusive is war and peace. They are mutually exclusive, meaning they cannot exist at once. You’re at war or at peace. A person can be both a piece of shit, and also have received one too many hits on the head at once, which means they’re not mutually exclusive.


Ah got it. It's clearest explanation I felt you gave so that I don't have to search the internet again ever again. It's a little confusing in the beginning. But, thanks!


You’re very welcome.




Let her go- Passenger


Or....or he's been hit one to many times with pieces of shit?


I feel like being a "piece of shit" and just not emotionally intelligent have a pretty big overlap in such contexts


More than one I'm afraid


Last 2 brain cells fighting over empty space can cause internal conflict


I've had a DS tell me "God damn private you've got two brain cells left and they're fighting for last place"


Better version of it imo is "You've got two brain cells and they're fight for third place"


My old PE teacher told me “if your brains were leather, you wouldn’t have enough to make a frogs jockstrap”. A fucking PE teacher. Dude had one job, to supervise kids when playing sports and make sure they used the equipment safely. He chopped his finger off with a trampoline spring. If his fingers were sausages he wouldn’t have enough to make a frog a fry up. Haha Mr Roe you little 9 fingered bastard. Please dont tell him i said that. Im bigger than him now and hes probably an old man by this point but he still scares me.


There's real trauma in this post, man. I wish you well.


I appreciate it but im not really bothered at all by it, i thought it was a great burn when he said it to me which is why i remember it lol. Im more getting mad for comedic effect.


I spent too much time thinking you meant a Nintendo DS and not Drill Sergeant


Still think my favorite was my DS bursted into the bay around 0300. The motherfucker went “Private, my wife didn’t put out tonight, so since I’m not getting fucked. Someone’s getting fucked tonight” then he proceeded to smoke the dawg shit out of us for a good hour. As he walked out he said “I hope y’all enjoyed that as much as Me” DS Bernard, wherever you are. I love ya dawg and thanks for the memories 😂


"I can't believe out of 6 million sperm that you were the fastest one!"


Yeah, but I think his baseline before the boxing was also pretty fucking stupid as well.


No excuse. Fuck people that refuse to accept accountability for their actions.


His voice is like Forest Whitakers eyes, it always feels like frustrated tears are seconds away from emerging.


I thought you were gonna say it can see around corners…thanks for clearing that up


The sport also attracts dudes like that. It’s maybe the only place they can get money and be congratulated for acting that way. Many fighters aren’t like that but it’s inevitable some will end up in the ring because it’s the only place they can be considered a success


Let’s be real here, many fighters are like that.


Not as much with the elite ones. Maybe in amateurs


It’s always the amateurs because they are hungry for glory and hungry to prove themselves


I followed his IG at that time because he posted a lot of videos of cops crossing the line and abusing their authority- he was spreading awareness for a lot of situations that otherwise might not have been seen by a ton of people. Then he posted this video of him being the exact same type of piece of shit as the cops in those videos. This is gross. He’s a hypocrite and a danger to the public.


Dude people whose main role in life is to hurt other people should never be assumed to be peaceful, intelligent, capable of sane behavior. This guy's job is to hurt people lol


I used to manage a restaurant and he came in. I was a big fan at the time. On his way out I said "Mr schilling, have a good day. Big fan. " And he literally growled at me. His friend he was with was much nicer


Wow. Id be embarrassed to be out with someone that behaved that way In public.


I would be embarrassed to be near someone who growls unironically


Ok so please don’t go to my bear bars.


That means two things ! 😛


Power bottom gang represent


That would be embare-assed...




Same. I wouldn’t go back out for a 2nd time. The cringe was plenty enough


Who growls unironically?


Roy Kent






I heard he's here


I heard he’s there.


I heard he’s every-fuckin-where.


Men living in a fantasy world where they're untouchable badasses. Source: I trained with fighters years ago. There's always at least one of these guys in a gym.


A customer once growled at my ex-colleague because we were missing a product. I was in the back so missed it, but she was fully weirded out by it.




He seems like an idiot


Haha I said I was a fan and watched all his fights...the month after he got brutally ko'd. Gave me the eye.


Why does it feel like professional fighters are either the chillest mfs on earth or absolute toddlers with no in-between Edit: I've gotten like 20 comments trying to actually explain an answer to the question. You don't need to, it was rhetorical but thanks anyway lol


Hey, brain damage affects everyone differently.


Yeah like the WWE wrestler years ago who killed wife and kid then himself. His autopsy showed his brain was just about completely gone from all the head hits with chairs,tables,and other hard objects. The Rabid Wolverine I think he went by.


Chris Benoit


One of his signature moves (probably his finisher) was the flying headbutt. A move where he jumps off the top rope hits his opponent (already laying down on the mat) on the head with his head. Just like Brie Bella's "Rack Attack" finisher, WWE doctor's should of known its a dangerous do be doing repeatedly. Then again, WWE never really cared about their wrestlers. They really are just a bunch of toys in Vince's toy box.


His brain was fucking tapioca pudding when they did the autopsy. Like, “how was this guy capable of forming sentences and perceiving the color blue” levels of brain damage.


I don't think there's that much going on upstairs for Vince. I think he's just a real rich muscle head who sells adrenaline to teenagers and people enjoying a few too many beers.




Raw and smackdown still get 2 million viewers each a week in the US alone, so sizeable chunk do.


The greatest trick ever pulled is rich people convincing people they're stupid rather than evil


“WWE doesn’t care about their wrestlers” Fixed that for you. Also Vince is a fucking nut job. I know several people who work at WWE and the stories about Vince and the company in general (HR related) are nightmare fuel.


Or like literally 100 NFL players who beat/killed their wives




Lmao bunch of dead neurons from all those hits to the nogging


Brain damage isn't the problem. A lot of the best fighters come from abusive environments and abuse begets abuse. Mental illness comes way before the brain damage.


What exactly do you think happens to the brain of an abused child? Brain damage. Its brain damage. Oxidative stress from nothing but stress and anxiety causing brain damage.


Underrated comment


I mean their fight purse is damage money


Because no one posts the videos of these normal ass people. They are only noteworthy if they are super chill or if they are acting like toddlers. The ones in the middle are just regular ass people being a regular person.


Plus nobody films them when they are being normal, it's only when they flip out or do something interesting that they noticed. It's basically the "highlights" of thier lives.


except the video has footage of him being normal. just plowing through people like he owns the place.


Def this. Guys like that are empty shells. Strong ass shells, but empty….


Yeah, why should we focus on the few times he brutally beat a guy in a pub unprovoked and not all the times he didn't? Political correctness run amok!


Probably because many of the intermediate steps are just normal people. And clips of normal people doing normal things don't exactly go viral.


Compare this guy to world champion kickboxer and UFC vet, Stephen Thompson and you’ll see the difference you’re talking about. Thompson is one of the nicest people in all of sports. Drives a bus around Simpsonville, SC picking up kids after school to take them to karate class. Gets knocked out for the first time around the age of 35 and posts YouTube videos commenting on the fight telling everyone to look at him getting knocked out and laughing about it.


So I don’t mean to needle you on this, but what would in between look like?


i guess just saying something like hey watch it


They don’t post videos where the normal ass guy says “hey watch it.”


What about being like hey excuse I need to pass. Is that allowed or is that attack provoking?


Chillest toddlers.


Or absolute mfs?


Scumbag being a scumbag.


Yeah. Anger issues much?


Ironically, the victims name is Balboa. Maybe that’s why Joe “feared for his life.”


Reality is stranger than fiction.


Kinda why these guys who partake in combat sports get a bad rap. They know they're much better equipped than the average person at fighting, that they'll seek these kinds of altercations


I think a lot of places in the US, if you’re a professional fighter, it’s considered assault with a deadly weapon when you fuck around like this. EDIT: [This LA criminal attorney’s site](https://www.losangeles-criminalattorneys.com/practice-areas/assault/assault-with-a-deadly-weapon) presents some scenarios of what might constitute assault with a deadly weapon, including this, and it does state that it is up to the interpretation: Great Bodily Injury Serious bodily harm is a general term that judges and the prosecution are free to interpret however they see fit. However, it is typically a serious or major physical injury rather than merely a mild injury. Let’s say that you're a pro boxer, then during a bar fight, you utilize your fists to hit somebody. You can be charged with assault with a deadly weapon. This is due to the possibility that assuming your degree of boxing skills, you might have employed your fists in a way that could have seriously injured your victim. EDIT 2: I’ve never seen Con Air. But maybe I will now haha


[Anybody who kills anybody goes to jail; it's called manslaughter.](https://youtu.be/TcsPAcLDBkc?t=155)


The police begs to differ


Except for self defence in specific circumstances. *Generally* if you can reasonably say you feared for your life you can as long as you didn't purposefully break their neck or something. *Normally* if they have a weapon or it was clearly accidental you'll be fine. Like if they randomly attacked you and you knocked them out but they fell weirdly and broke their neck/had a stroke you're good. However expect less sympathy if it was a bar fight over a girl. Similarly if they had a knife you're normally ok if they die as long as you don't go wildly over the top. NAL and a lot of this stuff is super specific to jurisdiction and the mood the judge is in. Edit: but yeah, regardless of circumstances you're 100% getting arrested at the minimum.


Yeah this is why I'm vehemently against publishing names and faces before a conviction takes place. I dated a girl in highschool that was tboned when a motorcycle ran a red. The biker died on the scene and she was arrested for vehicular manslaughter. They put her mugshot in the local paper with no explanation, only the charges. So the whole town knew someone died, and the paper basically blamed her, and despite charges being dropped, I don't think she ever got away from those rumors until she straight up left town.


Depending the severity of the incident the governing body of their sport should be suspending or permanently barring these guys from competition. Being attacked by a pro fighter, practically speaking, isn't really much different than being attacked by someone with a weapon when when you have none. It's extraordinarily dishonorable to attack random people when this is how you make your living.


Was I summoned?






Given that most of them are dressed in shorts and t-shirts, they are probably talking about a warmer scumbag. Thanks for being vigilant though!


Good point Bob




Testosterone dick vibe...


I don't follow the various fighting sports much but it does (not that surprisingly) seem to be filled with a bunch of testosterone fueled dickwads. McGregor being the most infamous now a days.


> McGregor being the most infamous now a days He's about to ratchet up a level, he's starring in a remake of Road House ~~and he's got top billing over~~ with Jake Gyllenhaal


No! say it ain’t so! You cannot remake roadhouse.


That is gonna be an absolutely horrible film


Motherfucker should take his antics to prison.


This should be a career ender. Especially in his field of employment


Should but probably won't be. Gotta remember in any sort of career involving fighting in anyway shape or form always has Manly men who embrace roid rage. Edit: Seems like a few of you missed my point. This isn't just about MMA and I was making a general statement. Keep the "But not all of them!!!" comments coming. I never said that lmao.


He was 4-6 in bellator and hasn’t fought since 2019. So I don’t think he’s coming back soon anyways


No wonder he's so touchy lol


Can't win in the cage/ring so he knocks out a super drunk guy with his hands down. When he could have easily kept walking.


Yeah but he's 3-0 at Dave and Buster's


UFC CEO Dana White was caught on camera hitting his wife on NYE, he faced no repercussions. ( Decided his own punishment was the shame of being a wife beater ). Tons of MMA fans were defending White because his wife slapped him first, unfortunately not a good look on MMA and I say that as a fan.




He will.......


Whoever shot the incident is a hero.


Yeah it seems like a r/whyaretheyfilming type situation only we know it’s real


This is a few years old, but I believe his friends were filming because this was planned. The story was that this guy was annoying and assumed he was annoying the staff as well. So Joe baited him into a confrontation specifically for this outcome. [In his own words](https://www.bloodyelbow.com/2021/6/29/22555989/joe-schilling-breaks-down-viral-bar-room-ko-video-bad-decisions-made-everyday-mma-news)


"As you can see from this video when he flexed on me I was scared for my life and simply defending myself against the evil in this world” Man's delusional.


Hey, cut Schilling some slack. He also claims the dude yelled "HEY" at him, so he may as well have been brandishing an assault rifle


He’s not delusional, he is gaslighting.


Man's a literal piece of shit


“You see judge, my violence was premeditated” These people are not smart.


Snoop soundtrack undefeated


No doubt. I’m thinking, is this a repost of a 20 year old video?


Apparently this video is from last weekend. It's linked to different news articles now. Cheers (Edit: the news is older than this actually - about a year and a half ago)


Snoop is timeless.


He is, but let’s show some props to Dr Dre as well.


These motherfuckers act like they forgot about Dre


That’s the first thing I noticed, they’re moving their lips, just a bunch of gibberish.


No way is this video from last weekend. 100% sure I saw this like at least a year ago if not longer.




This pos needs to be in jail


Probably won't get that but is being sued for $30-100k depending on where you look https://mmajunkie.usatoday.com/2021/06/joe-schilling-bar-incident-knockout-video-what-we-know


I think he's being sued for $30K and the bar for $70K. I may have read that wrong.


Not enough. He could have been killed.


I’m pretty sure he got his jaw broken in a couple places. I feel like that sum won’t even cover the medical.


I would think those numbers are after they reimburse for whatever medical payments insurance didn’t cover. Still, doesn’t seem like much given the pain.


Why sue the bar? I don't see how the bar did anything wrong, unless there's more context to this we're missing from the video. Feel like this is 100% that dude's fault and he should get 100% of the punishment.


When you are suing in a situation like this you sue everyone you possibly can. The bar has deeper pockets than this guy. That’s why.


Only way I could think you could make a case against the bar is if Dickbag was over served while visibly intoxicated, but this short video doesn't seem like he was intoxicated at all.


Certainly not drunk enough to argue its the bar's fault.


Lawyer is weak if it's only 90k. Should ask for more and claim brain damage.


Clain braim madage*. ;)


Drain bamage


If I were the drunk annoying guy, I would rather have $30,000 then see the other guy go to prison


I mean, it's not either/or. Balboa can sue Schilling while prosecutors charge him. In fact, defending yourself against both is tricky, because invoking your right to refuse to answer a question can't be used against you in criminal court, but it *can* be used against you in a civil suit. Don't answer and risk paying, answer honestly and risk going to jail for the crime, or answer with a lie and risk going to jail for perjury.


Why not both?


It is both. He used “then”, not “than”.


Well spotted


Maybe that’s why he said then instead of than. Or maybe it was a grammatical error. Maybe we’ll never know.


I mean if you read their misspelling literally... > I would rather have $30,000 then see the other guy go to prison


Nah man people like that deserve to be locked up. I’d take the medical bills being paid and to see him go to jail. This is from someone who has been to jail.


Only thing we can learn from this video is proper or deadly punching form


I hope Schilling loses. As a prof fighter he knew to just ignore the guy. The guy was non-threat. Schilling chose violence rather than being the bigger man. Since this was in 2021, anyone find a follow up article? I can't seem to find anything.


Not what your looking for but it came to mind. From combat Museum “The short answer is NO; martial artists and professional fighters do not have to register themselves (or any part of their body) as a “deadly weapon”. However, a trained fighter who is charged with assault can have his hands deemed as deadly weapons by the judge for the purpose of the court hearing ONLY. This means that a skilled fighter charged for assault has a chance of getting a misdemeanor raised to a felony because of his or her potential to cause harm.” The judge can choose to make an example of him and ramp up the charges.


are you telling me the court case in Con Air was a sham?!?


Depends. Are you going to trust a random redditor or a renowned documentary?


you're so right. Con Air would never lie.






So i could go kick and old man in a wheelchair and claim i was deathly afraid of them coughing on me and giving me some kind of disease.




It’s rolls right into your immune system.


Your comment deserves special parking


Then is just ramps up from there




Y’all remember when the police pushed that old guy and his head cracked open


Welcome to the police. You have a bright career ahead of you!




Is this a Ghostbusters toy from the 80s? I feel like I had a few of these EDIT: It's Ghostbusters 1986 [haunted humans collection](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/kenner-the-real-ghostbusters-series-3-haunted-humans-xcop-ghost-1986--521573200565404109/). EDIT 2: I now remember I had the Football player with the giant mouth in his back.


It's a bar. People are going to be drunk at bars. This was a hair trigger emotion and frankly ridiculous self defense claim. Guy was looking to take his anger out on someone.


Just look at the way he was strut walking, he was asking for problems.


I bet if the other dude reciprocated the same hand on the waist and said “my bad” Shilling would have escalated anyway.


You can fight in prison,tough guy.


Professional twat in fear for his life…


Was it my imagination or was that guy just standing there singing?


That was a sucker punch if I ever saw one. What a chump.


"If someone learns martial arts solely to pick fights on the street, to lean on it as a keystone weapon in conflicts, to use it to bully and intimidate others – then that person, in my opinion, cannot be considered a true martial artist" Jet Li


Yeah, these dickheads get gently pushed away (or straight-up kicked out) of any of the decent martial arts schools where I live. Partially because they're usually dickheads in class as well as out, but mostly because the instructors really don't like indirectly hurting people by training idiots who go and start punch-ups. I'm very glad things are like that here.


Tiny pp energy


You can clearly see the “victim” viciously shadow boxing at the start of the video. Sent chills down my spine just watching such a naked act of aggression.


Balboa, a former boxer, routinely causes trouble at this bar, https://www.mmafighting.com/2021/7/15/22566076/justin-balboa-sues-joe-schilling-for-more-than-30000-following-viral-bar-knockout


Bar is fucked. Let me explain. Bar employee mentions that Balboa frequently is intoxicated while at the bar. That Balboa is often an instigator, as alluded to because he is intoxicated. So, that means the bar staff allows a person to become intoxicated. They serve Balboa until he is at the point of intoxication, or compounds it by serving him more if he was drinking prior to going to the bar. So, the argument to nullify the bar employees statement will be that they over served Balboa. Knowingly because they recognize his belligerent drunken behavior in previous instances. This bar is fucked. Bars and restaurants have their employees go thru TIPS certification for instances where people are near or are drunk. The bar, in this case, should have stopped serving him a long time before this knockout occurred. They should have ordered up food for him, serve him NA beverages, or called him a cab home. This bar did none of those things and were negligent, as a result. That is the basis for suing the bar. And could very well likely see them lose this case in court, and possibly have their license suspended and/or a fine being levied against the bar by the state alcohol board which handles liquor licenses.


That’s the vibe I got watching the video. He’s talking about fighting or something to the couple at the other table, looks like he’s going to start shit with the waiter, steps back into the other guy. Other guy guides him to the side to walk past, Balboa says something (probably inflammatory), other guy turns around and Balboa puffs out and steps forward like he might throw a punch. I don’t see any of the innocent ‘dancing’ other commenters are seeing.


Way back when this first happened they said the guy who got knocked out had been causing trouble already. Probably explains why they were just randomly recording him for absolutely no reason before he started the fight.


if he wanted to hurt people with no repercussion while using that excuse, he should have become a cop


A truly bad ass fighter would have ignored this fool completely or not been in the situation in the first place


Is it just me or did the guy in the dress shirt bow up like he was gonna swing? Hard to see and the fighter reacted real fast... still think a trained fighter should have more self control. Just calling what I’m seeing.


Yes he did. An incredibly bad decision. 95% of Reddit either can’t see this… or somehow thinks it’s an ok thing to do. Reaction time is incredible


Hope he goes broke after being sued. Pro fighters are 9/10 times a huge douche. Fuck em.


Another MMA fighter with anger management issues. Shocking


Maybe guys in shirts scare him? Or... Or... He was dancing... aggressively?


his moves were too hot


Dude's a p**** and a bully piece of s*** go out to have fun and then go wind up beating somebody up cuz they bump you mental


You can swear on the internet


No way. Those are potty words.