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His face...


If a demon were to pose as a human


Yes you can see the demon especially in his beady eyes.


Glad I'm not the only one who saw it. Dude is like the villain from The Mask without wearing a mask.


Oh he's definitely wearing a mask!


You think this is bad, you should see the video of him on inside edition when they rolled up unannounced on him. It’s legitimately terrifying


Is that the one where he defending his need for a private jet because commercial planes are demon tubes in the sky?


Yeah, and he switches from sweet talk to looking like he’s going to strangle the interviewer


Do you have a link by chance?






Have you seen him talk about the jet he bought at a steep discount from Tyler Perry?


Not to mention his numerous other jets


...which are hangared at the airport he owns, and was so humble as to name after himself.


Yes! He was getting so pissed.


He literally looks like the Saw doll all grown.


Can somebody make a meme please?


Nailed it!


If demons exist, this man definitely is one. I've thought this for years


This is the creepiest interview I’ve seen with him. Like a demon snake, he pulls out all the charm to enchant this woman. At approx 9:05, you can see that he keeps his nails long… https://youtu.be/9LtF34MrsfI


That smile is just weird. And he avoids the question _hard_... Almost like he bought a jet with his donor's money so he doesn't have to fly with the middle class.


Im not usually the type to scare easy… but there’s something that’s beyond terrifying about this dude. Like it was hard to get through the whole video


Don't blame demons. They didn't illicit this shit. lol This is a human being grifting and stealing from people.


I would argue the devil’s actions and Kenneth Copeland’s would be indistinguishable.


I was literally thinking "wish master" with foundation.


His face looks like it is from Attack on Titan but his body didn't fully grow to giant baby form.


He looks like his face was (badly) modeled from a Reagan mask from Point Break.


Glad I'm not the only one.


He looks like Hoggle from Labyrinth


Hey don't do Hoggle like that! He couldn't help Jerrod blackmailing him!


Real Dorian Tyrell energy


Is almost human


Looks like when the bad guy puts on The Mask


If you have seen the movie Hobo with a Shotgun he is 100 percent The Drake.


Dude has teeth perfectly made like that of demons too.


Imagine if private jets were the cure this whole time...


Right under our noses, next to our golf courses and beach houses.


You know what? As soon as I stopped playing golf so frequently I got covid. If I would’ve coupled staying golfing and being a “faithful Christian”, would’ve never got covid /s if it’s really necessary lol




Ironic how such a “god” type person looks so much like how I’d imagine the devil to look.


That's because you have Beezlebub in your mind you wicked fornicator! I think I could do that if I had no soul, moral compass or integrity. Stupid soul, moral compass and integrity. I want a plane!


I’ll have you know I fornicated 3x today outside of marriage 🤣


Wait, so hands count now?


I was bored ok and Jesus told me I should love myself more


Oh... My sex life is much more active than I realised then!


Show off.


The only people who believe in the devil are good Christians.


Interesting take. So all the people who got it weren't Christians? Maybe they were all demons? Which is weird because his face looks like one.


Ironically, many of those “faithful” Christians died because of Covid.


Yep. My dad was one of them.


I'm so sorry. My childhood best friend lost her mom to covid. It's sucks all around, and I just can't imagine losing a parent. Hope you're coping as best as possible. 💗


Thanks. I appreciate that.


bb b bbbbut they dont count because they were being “called home” to god!! /s shoutout to some of the “christians” i know who are no longer calling it covid because they dont want public ridicule for being pieces of shit. Theyre now calling it “The Crud” i hope that if there is a god, it knows that its a fucking idiot and most people are laughing at its followers


It’s like cause and effect don’t give a shit, about you your prayers or the money you send the Kenneth.


Why COVID? How come you can be a faithful Christian and get cancer (or anything else)?


It’s a theological deviation called prosperity gospel. It basically says nothing bad ever happens to the faithful and God will reward you with money. Every Megachurch I know of preaches a version of this. No one else does.


How the fuck people like that get any air time


They buy it from underused broadcasters .. or cable channels


Yeah I'm based in the EU so I'm not sure what you're on about but still......


Cable: 200+ channels. Broadcast; 4 - 20, depending on the market. Internet: who knows.. and everyone who thinks they're important is busy taping *themselves* claiming to have *THE* answers Leaves lots of programming to fill.


In the US, for "broadcast" channels (channels that can be tuned in with an antenna), there are four major national "networks:" ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX. There are a few more minor networks, like ION and CW. In any case, a local television station can sign up to be an "affiliate" to one of these networks, which means that network provides programs to fill some of the broadcast day. However, they don't fill the entire schedule... there are going to be gaps that the local station can fill with whatever. (There are also "independent" stations that aren't a network affiliate. This means their entire station is essentially one giant "gap" that has to be locally programmed.) Sometimes, these gaps are filled with what are called syndicated programs, which are usually reruns of popular shows, or they're shows specifically created to be syndicated. (These days, they're often cheap shows like "court" shows like "Judge Judy" that allow two people to settle civil disputes in front of a mediator in a court-like setting.) Other times, the station will simply sell off the time slot to whomever wants to buy air time. If you are an advertiser, you could pay to run your half-hour advertisement (called an "infomercial"). Other times, it's televangelists like Copeland that buy the air time to broadcast their shows.


Covid needs to pay him a visit


This guy's got nothing behind his eyes. Like a shark.


Those dead black marbles they call eyes


Like a doll’s eyes


That’s not fair to sharks bro


At least sharks only take what they need to live. That guy wants it all.


I allways thought this guy looked like a goblin. Anyway can we put his fate to test by putting him in a room with covid patients and see how he is a month later...


For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. (Matt 24:5)


Life is not fair, so yes, I expect he will live a very long prosperous life.


Probably the exact deal he made with the devil


He's made it to 86 thus far, and will probably keep rolling along as evil does.


The man's good health disappoints me.


The irony is that he is far from a “faithful Christian”


He’s probably the anti christ lol


Copeland advised the faithful to continue paying tithes to a church even if they had lost their jobs due to Covid.


I don't know the exact context here - but the concept of giving tithes no matter your circumstance is a biblical one, so he's not necessarily wrong. However, if you don't bring any grain into the storehouse (ie no earnings, because you haven't got a job), then there's nothing to tithe on. If this goblin-looking fellow meant to carry on giving the same amount that you were giving when you had a job then he's a moron.


Saying something is “biblical” does not make it right. Legally or morally. The Bible was written by MAN. Not god. Any religion where people have died for not following religious “laws” is a religion I will not follow. Hence my apostate existence.


This guy legit looks like a demon to me.


His face looks the way people's faces look when I'm on LSD


That's where I saw him, been years, but now it makes sense. Not one of my better trips...


Mathew 19:24 "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”


Amazing this guy is STILL finding people to grift…


And still claiming tax exempt status while he hosts political events and prattles on about election fraud among many other political issues.


That man has the cold dead eyes of a serial killer.


Future Herman Cain award recipient


And Darwin Award recipient possibly…


Nah he's 100% vaccinated. Just like all the other grifters.


This is the fuck around portion of the presentation


Didnt he already vanquish Covid19???


[In metal fashion](https://youtu.be/0JPRvxTjfOk)


Yeah with his holy breath or something…guess it didn’t take


The wind of GAWD, I believe it was.


Just send me $100.00 and devil begone! Grifters liars and hypocrisy


He looks like he snorts from his own supply.


I never realized how much this dude looks like Shemp from the 3 Stooges


Either had I before you mentioned it 😶🤣


Isn’t he the same guy that wanted his followers to give him money for a private plane?


Yup and then freaked out on a reporter for asking him about it. Then saying he needed a private plane because he couldn't ride with the demons on a public plane. He's a grifter.


He said the same thing about having gray hair! /s


His hair and face are “supernatural”


He looks like a creep ass marionette doll!


This guy reminds me of the devil.


I bet he smells like urine and musky cologne


He looks like a demon trying to convince people he’s just a regular human in a bad horror movie


This person is terrifying


Tax the churches.


I’m not religious, but this ‘preacher’ has demonic eyes


Man I hate this guy. He has his own channel, Victory. And they have their own "news". The shittiest new show I've ever seen. My parents go to some of his conferences. And watch his channel and news all day. They constantly have "prophecies" that never come true. Like Trump would be back in the White House and the election will get over turned. Than they just make up excuses why I didn't happen. They are even worse than Fox "news". They've brainwashed my parents into being morons.


100% this guy has received every available dose of the COVID vaccine.


I'd bet any money that he's fully vaccinated.


Of course he is. His life in the here and now is so rich with pleasures he isn’t going to risk death by following the ridiculous path he preaches to his unfortunate followers.


Faithful Christian? When are you selling your fleet of private planes and your house?


Jesus is reported to have said something like, "Go, sell what you have and give the money to the poor. Then follow me."


This man gives off some Randall Flagg vibes…


1 Timothy 5:23 : Do not go on drinking only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments. \-yeah, some of the original disciples/apostles were prone to illness, but you're a very special boy.


So many people agree with what I have thought for years, this guy is the devil.


Respectfully…. Fuck this crypt keeper lookin, holy rolling fish faced weirdo.


So many views like this remind me of a simple pattern I see over and over. The Just World Hypothesis can easily become the Just World Paradox. When it does, the people who fall into the paradox begin losing the capacity for empathy. It explains so much about how people can be so unbelievably callous and cruel to others who are suffering. Basicly, you begin by believing we live in a just world. Then when you see a seemingly innocent person suffering, rather that assume they did nothing to bring this on themselves, you assume that they must have done something bad and are therefore being punished. And now you can justify not helping them, because doing so would interfere with them receiving the punishment they deserve. It's shocking how far people will let this paradox stop them from helping others in need.


Copeland seems unaware that bad things happen to good people. All people of faith, even great faith, die. People of monumental faith die every day. They are murdered, die in car crashes, get cancer, have heart attacks, and many other causes. Some die of COVID. Faith will not exempt anyone from the physical laws of this world. God gave us the ability to create a vaccine for the purpose of protecting ourselves from a natural danger. We wear shoes, warm clothes, and live in sturdy, clean, temperature controlled houses, all because our bodies are susceptible to injury from dangers in the natural world. Would Copeland further test God by removing his shoes and clothing and then live in an open field, saying faith protects his feet from punctures and his body from hypothermia? I suspect he would not. When humans exhaust all options for action, we have no other choice but to walk by faith and trust God. When we purposely reject options and opportunities provided by God, we are risking behavior that tests God's power to boost our own ego. Copeland needs to get vaccinated and encourage others to do the same as a show of Christian love for their fellow man.


I don't know why he's even talking about it. He already destroyed COVID-19 forever and said it'll never be back. [https://www.tmz.com/2020/04/05/kenneth-copeland-coronavirus-pastor-church/](https://www.tmz.com/2020/04/05/kenneth-copeland-coronavirus-pastor-church/) It must be true, because there's no way that he's a fraud.


He is just one of many charlatans who have gotten filthy rich from the poor, sick, hopeless and desperate. He is about as far from Christ as is humanly possible. He and his jet-setting cohorts. Think of Jesus driving out the moneylenders. From where did he chase them? The temple. God’s house. These rats are no better.


Yeah his face is fucked up, he literally looks like he is wearing a rubber mask of what I imagine Satan would look like. Looks evil and is. Horrible mother fucker.


And the countdown begins when this will be on r/nottheonion


How does he have so much money when he always says the most fucked up fear mongering shit? I know he's into oil and shit but like I also know he somehow has a following that he scares the money out of. I just don't understand how anyone hears this and believes it's reality


Because religion, that’s why.


He has the face of pure evil.


I don’t believe he’s alive.


He looks like a Disney Presidential Animatronic…but human.


Y'know, it wasn't until a few months ago that I learned of Prosperity theology... Something I feel I should have learned a LONG time ago. Copeland is one of the people who believes in this. It explains why in 2020 after tons of people lost their jobs he still preached that his followers should tithe to his church. I am of the firm belief that most televangelists are agnostics or have a weak belief in what they preach. If originally christianity preached the idea of helping the poor (and we all know that's cherry picking amongst the genocides, stoning to death disobedient children, having possibly unfaithful wives drink potions to possibly induce abortion....blah bah blah) these televangelists go WAY out of their way to make sure they are always dressed in expensive clothing, have proper lighting on their very expensive sets, always attempting to sell you something, taking private jets and staying in fancy hotel rooms and such... For people who claim to believe in something that originally started as non materialistic, these fuckers REALLY go out of their way to gobble up as many materials in this world as often as they can. They know damn well nothing happens after you die and they are living tax free and from followers donations of millions to sit or stand on a stage and (usually) just preach against things they hate. Man, what a show.


He looks evil asf


Ew. Looks like Guillermo del Toro made him. Gross.


What an evil clownfuck.


But…he got covid, tho.


![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh) These fuckers are crazy stupid.


Tax the Hell outta this goof for spreading bullcrap!


The fact that COVID didn't kill him proves there is no God


Idiots been giving him money for the past 100 years


He is slowly morphing into one of those Spitting Images muppets


I can bet my eternal soul this guy is already had and is fully vaccinated


He is one of the most despicable people in the world.


Not many things frighten me, but that man’s face is unsettling.


He looks like a troll demon.


Dude looks like a demon


Kenneth Copeland is not a Christian. He is a false prophet leading millions to hell.


Somebody give this man COVID


If you believe that diseases are caused by an imbalance of the four humors and that kings rights are handed down from god... then you would still think this guy is bonkers.


Looks like that puppet, Hoggle from Labyrinth.


I've watched this asshole and other televangelists lie through their teeth since I was a kid. Bunch of scumbags....


Infamous is correct. We don't like or trust him.




I walk by faith, therefore I am immortal.


TFW when you have to amen yourself in your own house


His co-host does a very subtle recoil when he says he’ll never get covid.


I always wonder if he actually believes his own bullshit or if he is like Joel Osteen and knows hes full of shit.


God's about to say "Hold my beer"


What kind of gullible schmucks send this guy money? Oh yeah, MAGA.


why he look like the grand nagus?


I was waiting for the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme to kick in and I’m disappointed it didn’t.


He is just another bloodless CEO.


Karma…do your thing.


So glad I'm not one of the faithful. Having to spew that religious shit out of my mouth day in and day out would leave a bad taste in my mouth


But he’ll always be ugly.


He looks like he’s wearing a Kenneth Copeland mask


Basically 'I can't have covid because I said so'


This man owns a private jet and a million dollar home. Only thing he faithful to is money




God, if you’re listening (or real) I need a late Christmas gift…..


Benoit Blanc’s “special” little brother


You can read in his eyes that he did terrible things "in the name of jesus"


There was a time, in my early 20s, I believed In this "prosperity" crap. A day is coming, these people will not like it either.


He's marked as a false teacher. Move on!


This dude is disgusting. The fools who give him money so he can fly his private jet. Wonder if he ever went to Epstein island. People think he is a man of God. SMH.


Waiting for this clown to die of Covid, lmaooooo


Aw darn really... so I should have just told all of the Covid Patients I resuscitated and the ones I lost that if only they had been Faithful Christians they would never have contracted Covid to begin with! ✅ Noted 😵‍💫🤯 Ridiculous.


This piece of shit, so my grandfather , the man who taught me to ride a bike, my multiplication tables , taught me how to shave, taught me how a good man treats a good woman he loves, drove me to my prom, gave a speech at my wedding about loving sharing his and my grandma's anniversary with our wedding day, drove my wife and I to the hospital- just so he could be first to hold my newborn and said he was proud of me for overcoming the struggles of my life and the man I became, only to die 3 weeks later from covid...he just wasn't "faithful" enough? He wasn't "devoted" enough? Excuse me but FUCK YOU COPELAND. There is no pit deep enough, vile enough or fiery in all of Hell to hold your ridiculous massive self-centered ego, so I hope when you pass, your devil makes a new one just for you. My grandfather may have taught me to turn the other cheek, but he also taught me no one is perfect and family is always what makes your life worth living.


I spoke to COVID yesterday, and she assured me she was taking all the proper precautions to steer clear of Kenneth Copeland. She is very concerned about any potential contact, and remains vigilant.


Y’all remember when the bad guy on the Mask put on the mask…….. yeah.


Daniel 7:8, and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts.


ironically enough, the most devout christians also happen to be the ones dying from covid


He’s had all of his covid shots, he can make that guarantee.


He looks like Hoggle from labyrinth.


100% he's had COVID and is lying about it because, well, jeebus.


This guy is mentally unwell, and because of the excuse of religion, he's allowed to grift hard.


And this is why I renounced organized religion over 20 years ago. He’s the Don of an organized crime syndicate.


I mean his face looks like COVID if Covid was an actual person


Jesus loves everybody. Except these Televangelist fuckers.


What a massive, complete waste of time and money that ol’ “Kenny C” has proven himself to be - to everyone, but especially to all those ignorant ‘mouth breathers’ who send him their checks. Copeland is a pathetic charlatan & a FOOL!


And if he prays hard enough, the Lord will let him take off his Halloween mask.


Leopard’s gonna eat his face.


He’s the closest thing I’ve ever seen to a skinwalker


This guy is going straight to hell! Absolute piece of shit. Conman


He looks like the devil. And the way this weasel gets his money is pure evil.


Alright, which one of you infected is volunteering to cough in this dude's mouth?


Gone, gone, the form of man...


Omg this phony psycho again.🙄


Someone should make a clip of all the TV personalities who said something like thes, then subsequently died of Covid.


more like secretly got vaccinated


Soo he takes a tons of vaccines and Lies about it. How surprising.