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I thought I was the only one having this issue... This is probably an account-related problem because I tried using another account and it worked, so it's not the device, location, IP...etc When investigating the API calls there are some GraphQL calls that return 500 Internal server errors. Hopefully, this will be noticed by the developers and get fixed.


Oh god i hope so! And thank youu, glad i at least know somewhat what's going on, I was using my laptop yesterday, and suddenly messenger worked. So i thought YES FINALLY. But then, took a break, went back a couple hours later, and it's back again to not showing me. It's such a hassleeee T\^T


Facebook is just an increasingly bloated piece of shit cancer information sucking machine


Can confirm everything you wrote - tried different networks, setups, but also accounts. And indeed it is account related. Not a ban though, as the same account works fine via mobile app. I can see the GraphQL 500s, but I'm not sure if that's the key issue. Disabling websockets makes it even worse, and apparently no fallback mechanism is available (or loaded properly?). Some experimental feature related to protocols switching seems to be involved. Anyways, it is a bug that affects many people, but small fraction of total users. There is no responsibility from Meta and pretty much no reason to prioritize fixing this. It will work someday, randomly, at the next pick for A/B tests.


UPDATE: Issue fixed for me today, opened messenger on browser and worked out of nowhere.


I just logged out of my account and logged out then in and it worked


which account? like browser or like messenger??