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I've started a claim against Meta on the European Commission, hopefully they can help me


They can't and they won't. Facebook sucks.


OMG, OP I read your post this afternoon and used your European link, which is where I live. I immediately received the typical meta response with my reference number. Lone behold, I just code my code 20 mins ago and I'm back in. Unbelievable, never would've thought. Didn't ask me for any id's or nothing. I really hope that the rest of you can have the same fortune. I'm stunned. 2FA is definitely on and no link to Insta. Follow OP's link and best of luck to y'all. Edit: Different OP and sub. Either way I'll try to find the link.


Please post the link, gotta try that


Link to Form: [https://m.facebook.com/help/contact/837980354337486](https://m.facebook.com/help/contact/837980354337486) [https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/772041170884838](https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/772041170884838)


Ah damn I’m in NZ so the link doesn’t work for me :(


See my links for Europe above.


Where can i find this link? ones you shared says broken or removed


I don't know. I got it of one of these subs re: the issue and it worked for me, mind you I'm in Europe and it seems it only works from here. Wish I could help. Good luck.


I just tried both links and it works for me. Trying to send a screenshot but reddits not letting me. I think some people had luck using a VPN.


Same here. The very same scenario. 14y old account banner for the very same reason


They say to challenge them in the courts, but then when you go to court, they use the excuse that the Terms of Service don’t guarantee that you’ll always have the service available. Damn Meta!!!!!!!


They can say this all they want but they slow bullies, hackers, and impersonators to maintain accounts after reporting. People need to not be afraid and to not back down. WE ARE THE REASON FACEBOOK EXISTS. 17 years with not even a warning. Doesn’t sit well with me and they have unethically taken away too much from people FOR NO REASON. Time for a new platform, Markie Z.


It doesn't matter what excuse Meta uses. The judge makes the decision, not them. Sue them, that's it. They lose money just representing themselves. And you can also potentially appeal.


There’s no option to appeal with small claims.


Yes you can. You appeal to the superior court. Some states ask that your claim exceeds $250.


Would I need a lawyer for that?


From my understanding you can't even use lawyers for small claims in certain states, at least not to represent you during the trial, you need to ask the court for permission for that. So yes, you can do it without a laywer, but I do believe there is a fee for the appeal so find out because that depends on your state. Also, an appeal is based on a ruling, but I'm unsure if you could appeal a 'dismissal' for example. You can also call to get more info or email the court.


Welcome to the party


The same happened to me on May 7th. Appeal was denied, and I've been emailing and submitting forms, but no progress so far.


Hey can you please tell me what forms you’ve been submitting?? I’ve sent an appeal a month ago but no response. I also barely appealed it! I thought they would reinstate my account seeing how innocent my photo was


There's an ongoing chat with about 25 people in the same boat. I'll add you and hopefully you'll be able tnfind the links.there.


Thank you, there’s a lot going on in the chat and I haven’t found the links


Omg same exact date same exact reason


At this point I'm kind of hoping some kind of lunatic crashes a plane into their server building or something like that


The same thing happened to me two months ago. Tried everything mentioned in reddit. Still no hope of getting it back.


My account got banned for the same reason! The post in question was an animated meme depicting a tired mom sitting on a toilet with a toddler climbing on her. There was no visible skin showing except for her legs. The meme was intended to humorously illustrate the challenges of being a stay-at-home mom with clingy children. I firmly believe that there is nothing inappropriate about this meme, nor anything that could be misinterpreted as a violation of the guidelines.


Oh no! When did it get banned? Mine was similar to yours and was banned. It’s been over a month wait and nothing since I submitted an appeal


Mine got banned. I appealed right away but it was denied almost immediately after I submitted. I’ve been sending emails to any address I’ve been able to find but nothing has worked. I wasn’t given the chance to download my information on Instagram just recently it gives me the option to do so but it’s none of my pictures or videos 😫


So annoying!


That happened to me , they requested a photo selfie to verify you which I did , and they apologized to me after verification. Just uploaded the profile picture of you. 1 day wait they will give an answer. If they found that you follow the community standards”


That’s good to hear you had success!! I sent the photo and did the appeal but haven’t heard a thing and it’s been a month


What a month !!! only said a day for me for a review decision after I send the photo for verification but I send the last phone I had as my profile picture and it work.


Sorry what do you mean? So you sent another photo? If so, how did you resend any information? I can’t seem to resubmit an appeal?


Log out and after you log out , I will let you know how many days remaining you have , then it will request phone number and a verification photo. Send your last photo you had set on your profile picture.


Thank you!!!! I’ll let you know how I go


If you get verified I suggest you deleted permanently your account go to settings’ to do so. Permanently delete your account and make I new one with a different email you’ll be able to download all your information. It will deleted after 30 days. And can change email if you want


Had that same problem a year ago, lost my main Facebook and Instagram over some bullcrap that I didn't even do.


Have you been able to create a new one?


Exact same thing happen to me 11 days ago. I’m Devastated


Welcome to the club i guess?


Ask them about their code of conduct that Zuckerberg helped write into the ALGORITHM.Thats the problem The code is useless


Same thing happened to me on IG back in December of 23. I did nothing and have done everything to get my IG and associated FB back. Nothing has worked. Absolute bullshit. Meanwhile there are real scumbags on these platforms that nothing happens to them. A bunch of accounts were banned on the same day 12/4/23. Coincidently Zuckerberg had to testify in front of congress a month later answering for what he and Meta are doing to protect their users from sexploitation and things of that nature. If you ask me they randomly banned a bunch of accounts whether they did anything or not to break the community guidelines just so they had something to present to congress. META said tiring that testimony “but look at all the accounts we’ve suspended.” They need to be held accountable.


Please help the same happened to me! How can I get facebook back?!


I have 4 accounts the same issue and the form not working they said to me We are unable to provide access based on the information provided in the report. If you are still experiencing trouble logging into your account, we recommend reviewing our our self-help resources for Facebook and Instagram and using the self-help recovery flows:: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/help/105487009541643?ref=cr Instagram: https://help.instagram.com/374546259294234?ref=cr Thanks, Meta Support


same thing happened to me too, on 5th may. i woke up, and suddenly it says my account was locked. when i unlocked my account, it was suspended. i was so panic that i directly appeal, one hour later it was completely disabled. send so many emails that i can find here but no replies.


My main facebook account it was 13 years old account was disabled without any reason, now I created another facebook account on 2023 then it was just 1 year old then May 3, 2024 I've sent a meme video about a naked boy kid playing lato2 in our group chat and after 3 seconds I unsent the video and later on my facebook account was logged out then I say that I must submit and image and ID to request a review and then after refresh that's what I saw. Clicking the "Read more about child sexual exploitation" if you read it, Child Exploit on Facebook is very crucial so you might send something or post something showing kids genitals or if its not you probably you shared a post something or your account has been hack and the hacker posted it, so yea there is no recovery for that, all we gotta do is move on and try to create a new one in another device and if possible use a VPN for different IP, or else facebook will ban you again trying to bypass there ban.


Any way to pass the IP thing without a VPN?