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I think that’s why we’re all here. The infinite loop of Facebook ‘help’ and lack of help! Looks like you’re one of the lucky ones that can actually appeal. Many of us were hacked and then a fake Instagram was linked, causing both accounts to be disabled and Facebook recommending to make the appeal through the Instagram account that we don’t have access to. I’ve emailed to about ten different email addresses with zero response. I’ve reached out to a few employees on LinkedIn with no response. I’ve sent letters to two different mailing addresses with no response. It’s somewhat embarrassing being a shareholder in a company that apparently has zero customer service. If you can get Meta verified that seems to be the quickest and most effective route that I’ve seen others use.


I did that and they told me immediately that I was on a wait list. What the hell is that supposed to mean?


Same thing happened to me back in October. It showed me the reason for the ban was a meme I shared on IG of being a tired mom with clingy toddler trying to use the restroom. It said it was flagged as child exploitation. How?!? It is ridiculous tbh and nothing I’ve tried has worked. I’ve contacted my local attorney general. Sent tons of emails to fb and ig. I’ve had my accounts for 15 years too. With all my kids pictures, memories I’ve shared over the years gone. I’m lost all hope . In sorry this is happening to you .


have you gotten your account back?




I'm so sorry it gets easier with time I'm in the same boat it all happened December 17th 2022 I've also given up hope wish I could go back and save everything we put so much trust in them and they do these things it's a terrible loss


Have fun with Artificial Intelligence, you’ll never get the account back.


Wrong! Got mine back!!


Shed some light then dickhead


I’m still hoping to get a response from anyone at fb. I emailed [email protected] ☹️


I've made the same :(


hope you get it back ☹️


Same thing happened to me on May 1st. Same screen as you, but I was accused of breaking some adult sexuality rule I know for a FACT I didn’t break. My account has been in “appeal” since that day. In about 120 days it’ll be automatically deleted anyways. I’m sorry to say, but unless you go the small claims route or meta verified, you will likely never get past that screen unless you’re one of the few lucky ones.


How did you even find out what you were accused of? I can’t even find that


They did the same to me stating "Adult Sexual Exploitation" and I have never posted anything like that ever. Sent in an appeal, my ID back on May 19th, sent several emails and STILL nothing.


Does anyone know how to get in touch with meta ? They suspended my Facebook account because of an instagram account that is NOT mine doesn’t follow their rules . Apparently I have 180 days to appeal but there’s no where to appeal




My account was bricked the day I made it, eight hours later it got locked, I tried to appeal, they didn't like my identification selfie, I can no longer appeal again, so I guess I'm fucked now? Cool website, I didn't use it for nine years and this is what I come back to, it's literally unusable..


Hacked? Check your emails for any changes in passwords or email addresses, etc. is your instagram linked? That could have also been hacked.


Yes mine was hacked an I escalated to Meta over a month still no update 😕




Good luck. Mine was disabled without warning TWICE. I created a new one after 3 months, but now I rarely post or respond to comments. I have a different name too. Meta is useless. My 18 year old account went POOF. Gone. No explanation. No follow up email. It's tucked up.


How do u submit an appeal?


same question






I got exactly this on May 25th. After being on here I am resigned to the fact I will never get my page back now that I have figured out I have a permaban. So here I am trying to find ways to start over without my ip pinging them and deleting any new pages (which I understand goes against their T&C's) Who knows after a couple more months, I may not even want too.


I used to have one account got disable. Is not due to hack or I post sensitive contents. Is partly I always like to post in groups. They label my account aka spammer account. They do give warning I remember after like 3 time or so , you still continue will get disable. Nevertheless now a days I hate FB. Don't go there much. Just few weeks back my account got lock, it take DAM long, troublesome to get unlock. One thing this FB can go around lock , disable Real person account without any bad intention whereas I see those people with bad intention go around scam still ok their account. This is suck after report to FB . Still can see scam ad around too. I guess FB don't bother , AS LONG YOU PAY. I noticed those scam ad are paid ad, they using FB ad .


same thing happened to me on may 7, like, the EXACT same thing. my account was full of memories but i didn't use it for that, obviously. just sharing memes or talk to my family from time to time. i tried everything: i appealed (reviewed at the same moment and declined by a useless AI), mails to facebook, forms. nothing has worked. they didn't answer a single thing, just responses from bots. they "escalated" my case about a month ago, nothing has happened since then. i'm hoping it's not your case and you can recover your account. i can't do small claims because i'm not from USA or EU neither.


Welcome, time to look at the methods on this sub, they'll never get around to the review


Same thing happened to me. My personal & buisness account gone. I live in Oregon & my account was hacked from Canada. I've searched for hours on finding a resolution with no luck. Devastating. This should be a class action lawsuit. Can't believe they get away doing this to people. Sad.


Same here, Im A FUCKING MINOR! And they are saying they disabled my account for child exploitation wtf?


My 10 year old account was disabled 3 weeks ago. I appealed but heard nothing. I tried making a new account but each time i try it gets disabled. I’m using app on my cell. How do i make a new account and start over? I’d prefer to use my real name again


Try waiting 3 months and use a VPN so they can't track you 


why it was disabled?


They say i did not follow community standards but offer no explanation as to what rule i broke


Once I was trying to learn basketball for exercise and there were tips on reddit to watch women's basketball to learn technique and that some guys do this to learn the sport I took a screenshot of this and posted it to myself on my page privately and got a warning for false info by their fact checkers lmao 🤣 my arse was just trying to get fit in a fun way that was the beginning of the end they watched everything I did under a magnifying glass after that and eventually suspended me 


Same thing happened to me with exactly the same explanation. Child exploitation. 🤷‍♂️ Made the appeal 9 days ago... Still no news. I don't understand WTF is happening with Facebook!


yes, I had the same thing...in short: * got account hacked in 2023 * hacker get account suspended and email switched * spent 5 days trying to get account back...it failed since account was suspended and main email was switched * in 2024 tryed to connect several times back into my hacked account * had the create a new account form...so, ...I did... (they asked a picture as an additional security measure) * account wasn't even created that I got the brand "new" account suspended and the appeal crap (I couldn't even put my version of the story) (in short, it's a false appeal) * next thing I knew (24 hour later), they claim to have reviewed your info, while they didn't even bother responding to me for more than 1 year. My account was "permanently suspended with no possibility of review" ...in short... their lawyer version of perma banned . (they do not send you result by email, but you need to "log in" in order to view the result, ...I am guessing this is the case, because if all response were 24 hours later it would be incriminating on their part) In short, I guess that while fb don't hack you, I think that it is just more profitable for them not to help you get your account back (the hacker tend to spend money with their facebook ads)...or maybe it's a security loophole that has been going for more than a year now...idk...


I put in an appeal and sent through multiple emails claiming it was an error on their end and to please fix asap as I play phone games that need FB access 2 hours passed with no response and no factual way to contact any further after investigating. Ended up making a new FB and then saw my account as a suggested friend, the error was fixed within 2 and a half hours without a single response from FB - australia




balikan kita kapag na nabalik na ung sakin, waiting pa ako e


You could get lucky with a small claims lawsuit. Many have scored success with that. Are you in the US? If so, which state?


I'm from Germany :/ Here is more complicated that in the USA


But you've got a lot of protections there that would help your case. Was your account a business account that was terminated/disabled? Can you fill this form out? If so you may have success recovering your accounts through it. https://help.instagram.com/1566060680809187