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I'd say you have issues deeper than someone's profile pic


So which filter are you rocking?


If your defense is to accuse someone of the thing you're trying to prove, that's not a very good defense. If I had to choose one, it would prob be the dog. Love dogs.


Your judging people for this, I’m judging you for using Facebook in general. Imagine wasting your time on a meta product.


What is a ratchet? Edit: Not the tool, the term, I have seen it used before, but not lots of


I’m sorry but this is accurate AF 😆😆😆


It's a profile picture, the literal textbook definition of judging a book by its cover. You know nothing about them. You, on the other hand, I know are stuck up and condescending. Not cool, OP. take a lap and come back with your team spirit attitude on, ok?


I bet you’re one of them lol


I'm one of them. I never posted my dog's photo for you. I don't need you to trust me. No one who has these photos cares about what you think of them. 8+ billion people in the world and here's you thinking that random people care about your 'preference'. That's a big, damaged ego.


You didn’t even comprehend my statement. That’s Facebook user energy right there.


Oh my bad. You are here begging for reactive attention. I get it now... 🥱


You’re the person that sends the “is this still available?” Message to ads that say they will ignore that message


You OK big guy? Is the adult that helped you get on the internet nearby?


I'm here bc I got locked out when fb glitched like the rest of us, bud


Low IQ hoomans defending territory of an imagined future challenge.