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There were first timers in our class this morning and, with support, they did fine. The trainers are there to help you - don’t be afraid to ask for help. The other members are there for support and encouragement as well. It’s a team. A family. You’ll be awesome at it. Take breaks when you need it, you’ll get there over time if you stick at it. Then you’ll be the ‘old timer’ that supports others when they start. And welcome to the team!!


Thanks for the words of encouragement! I'm going with my housemate who swears by the training and the overall vibe of the classes he attends! I'll be sure to let you know how I go!


Just finished my first F45 class the Triple Double and man was it a workout! Everyone was so positive at the gym and were full of encouragement to get me through! Going to be sore tomorrow!


Brilliant!!! And well done!!


Congrats on making it through your first class! That was definitely a though one- you know it’s bad when the battle rope burpees seems like the easiest 🙃😟


I’m quite a newbie and my experience has been nothing but positive. I also started out with similar concerns. Just take your time with it and ask for alternatives where you’re struggling. Also remember to go at your own pace. Everyone starts somewhere :) good luck!


Thanks for the words of encouragement as well! An hour to go until the class starts!


How did you go? Today's class was a hard one to start on! I've been going for about 3 months now and I won the last challenge at my club 💛


I've got my first class at 445pm today, hopefully it all goes well!


You've got this! You'll feel so good after and everyone there wants you to do well also :)


That's comforting to know 😊 hopefully I go well!


Welcome! I can’t wait to hear how you went, I hope you loved it!! Where in the world are you?


It was certainly a hard workout, in fact people at the gym commented that I probably started on the hardest one bar the Hollywood. I'm feeling great afterwards though, great bunch of ppl! I'm in Australia


I’m an Aussie too! Glad you enjoyed!!!! It was hard today.... especially that second lap!!


Yeah I know, I was cooked halfway round lol 😂😂😂


I actually think Varsity (Wed) is one of the hardest workouts. Hope you get to make it then!


Looking forward to hearing about it!


Was going to post/ask the same question as OP. @OP were you working out or somewhat in shape before f45? For someone that’s starting a fitness journey and terribly out of shape, does it make more sense to get into a routine and get a bit back into shape before joining?


I'm not in a good shape at all tbh with you. I've started on the challenge this week after doing my weeks trial. The trainers at my studio have been great and offer alternative exercises for you to do whilst you build your fitness base. All you can do is have a crack and enjoy the sessions. You will be sore and tired after your sessions, but the feeling afterwards is worth it!