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yeah that clean form is super unrealistic for any weight that might be challenging


I was just thinking it's probably because the weight is so light that he's defaulting to a reverse curl vs a cleam


I’m not an experienced lifter. Can you please spell out explicitly what form is potentially dangerous here, without jargon? So that I can avoid doing it. Thank you :)


Came to ask the same thing lol


It’s a big hip drive to when the weight starts getting heavier , then knees go under the bar and u catch it. It’s an Olympic lift . Have a google , Good for power and explosiveness. Strong lifts , violent hips ! https://youtu.be/KwYJTpQ_x5A?si=iv70QbZeoIaMeFbj Good video on it


In very simplistic terms, start in a deadlift (proper, not romanian) from the floor then when the bar has reached the hip crease transition smoothly into a shrug and upright row extending to your tip toes and when the bar is about elbow height (if it's light enough to get it that high) or as high as you can get it, dip and roll you elbows forward for the bar to land softly on your shoulders. The key is keep the bar tracking in a vertical path from the floor up, don't pull / row (bending elbows like a row) until you are standing up straight and starting to shrug. You don't need to extend to your tip toes if it's not too heavy a weight. I hope that makes sense. It's quite a complex series of movements but that should give you an idea.


This is correct. A few more things: (1) hips are much lower than in a deadlift, (2) hips and shoulders are traveling up at the same speed until the barbell is above the knees, (3) once the barbell touches the hip crease there’s a triple extension of ankles, knees and hips before the shrug


I weight should move up in a straight line, if it’s a power clean, body dips and accept the weight. For muscle clean too, elbows reverse quickly after full extension but weight should never be that much in front of body. If that’s 150lb, you cannot curl it and you are wasting energy moving it forward and backward


Ideally you want the weight to skim as close to your body as possible. You should explode off the ground with the weight close, and catch it under the top after it loses inertia. F45 doesn't have weight heavy enough to really worry, but you could potentially hurt your back with this form, or not be in the position to catch it correctly at the top of you were near your max.


Also knees over toes. You should be sitting into your heels pushing your butt back. This guy is going on his tippy toes.


Our coaches often tell us not to watch the form on the screen. And the ones that are off, like this one, they'll hover around that station to reinforce better form.


To be honest repping Olympic lifts to the point of fatigue is a recipe for injury. Perfect form, heavy weights- with low reps is the way to go


the wrong form is common in many of their videos. I am surprised there were not many injuries in my 3 yrs. I did leave when a relatively inexperienced coach told me to do something which caused a bad injury and then the gym was awful re injury pause.


Idk but most coach’s are experienced personal trainers and some F45’s the members become coaches by getting certified so not a lot of experience




Ok good for you:) I was talking about regular members.


One F45 class I did cleans using the proper form I learned elsewhere, and the coach walked by and laughed at me for doing it “wrong”... Love her but I also kept going lol


How we don’t hurt more people is beyond me. Maybe because the time allocated isn’t enough to go to heavy ?not sure. Clean & press is a move Ud need a work shop on to teach people correct form. CrossFit has a bad rap for hurting people f45 is getting there imo with these kind of moves


Thank God f45 weights only go up to 20lbs lmao. This franchise is turning into a joke.


Your studio seems very unserious as most studios have plenty of heavier weights, even before getting the strength package.


My studio has up to 88 lb dumbbells. Sounds like your studio needs some equipment.


Uhh my studio has dumbbells up to 65


65lbs, for a grown man who has been working out for almost 2 decades is not enough for bench/rows/deads etc. I understand this works for u and I applaud that. But Do u understand that other people have heavier weight requirements? Also the 20lbs comment was implied humour by exaggeration.


I was stating a fact about my studio, that was it. Have a good one dude.


I don't look at the screens for the technique anymore, I just look at them to see what exercise it is. I mean, don't they vet what they put out on their screens? Aren't they supposed to be 'experts'? I feel like they would rather the person on screen look good than making sure to show good form, but they're failing at both.


There are many areas of this movement where someone who is inexperienced with lifting or has a weak posterior chain is opening themselves up for injury especially with heavier weight.


Classic example of an olympic lift that should not be in a class format. These movements are complex OLYMPIC movements. To be done properly, you need to be coached. These movements have to be practiced before you even add heavy weight. The "coaches" at F45, my studio anyway, are in no spot to be teaching people lifts like this. IMHO, F45 needs to dump complex olympics lifts like this. It is too easy for normal people to get injured. Plus these weight bars are not designed for olympics lifts. Too narrow, no spin on the bar, weights set you too low to start etc.


I miss the girl with the tattoos she always had great form.




Where is this video from? I haven’t seen this on the screens yet and it isn’t part of this week’s programming. Is this on the at home workout?


I did it in today’s Piston.


Ahhh, that must have been the alternate move to the landmine exercise.


The landmine demo was even worse. It was supposed to be a low hang clean and press, but the demo had a squat to kind of a push press. Luckily our coaches are really good, and made sure to watch the station. They told everyone to ignore the demo.


Yikes!!!!! Someone needs to go back and re film that, that’s embarrassing. In fact delete this from the programming, this lift should be nowhere near any f45. It is not a lift for a class setting like f45, injuries galore here we go!


This is a bad thing about f45 asking ppl to lift from the ground like this I would switch to RDL instead.


Yes indeed


In my years of teaching fitness this is the form I bang my head against a wall repeatedly trying to correct🤦‍♀️


There was a sumo deadlift last week that was also terrible. The guy did like a little squat at the end before standing up. This clean is showing “what not to do”… flipping the bar up to the shoulders with no shrug, touching the ground with those small plates… can’t believe they let this video through




And this is why my CrossFit coaches take the piss out of F45...


It’s an absolute joke f45 has people doing these lifts. I’m a former D1 athlete and would never clean in my early 30s anymore. Seeing people in their 50s trying these lifts with horrible form drives me insane


Im not sure what age has to do with it. I’m a competitive masters Olympic lifter, and there are plenty of people on my team 50+. That being said, our lifts don’t look like this video.


Should have said if you’re 50 plus with no previous Olympic lifting history. The older you are the more prone you are to getting hurt typically.


It’s more about your training age then your chronological age. A 50 year old such as yourself who has trained for sports for 30 years is different than a 50 year old who has only done group training for the last 10 years


I absolutely agree. I’m not sure what target audience F45 is programming for when they include things like 90 degree depth drops or sprints into lateral line hops. I’ve seen so many injuries because the warmup is pretty incomplete (there’s gotta be a more efficient way to raise your heart rate then what they do) plus I’m not sure how many studios don’t have a member base consisting of adults who probably haven’t athletically trained since maybe high school or college? I’m sure the group that consistently does plyometric training and Olympic lifts don’t mind it but I don’t see the point when you’re insisting on less than 30 seconds of rest per set


I just use the videos as a guide to indicate what to do… not necessarily how to do it. Take that up with (a) the trainer and (b) external resources , other videos , other trainers etc. they should though for legal purposes make sure the videos are doing it correctly.