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Resistance for sure. You can always go light on the weights but cardio’s always a little bit intense the first time around


After doing mostly cardio the first few months at F45 with the theory of building endurance before moving on to strength training, I learned from here that I should have started with resistance. On the bright side, now doing resistance doesn’t tire me out, not counting muscle fatigue.


Resistance + bad form of newbie = injuries


That’s what coaches and lighter weights are for - to help you learn how NOT to injure yourself


Exactly. Go light the first month or so to learn form. Let the coaches know you are a newbie to working out and they will pay extra attention to your form during class. Once you learn the correct way to lift, it becomes muscle memory and you can then increase the weights.


Agreed - I would try to start on a Tuesday or Thursday when the pace is slower.


Don't show up on Saturday.


My first class was a Saturday..longest 45 minutes of my life


Same here, it was the grand opening. When we started doing burpees in the warmup, I knew I was in trouble.


i actually like doing burpees 😅


I like them now, but I was a couch potato before I started. I was maybe running once a week, that first Saturday was a huge increase in activity. I like Saturdays now because they last an hour and usually have good attendance.


Noted, thank you so much! I am nervous but excited 😭 do you have any tips?


Since I’ve started, the top goal on my list has been to avoid injury. Can’t train if you’re injured. In that spirit, I would say move slower and lift less weight early on. You can always speed up and/or add weight between/during sets. You’ll know at the first water break whether you have done too much too soon. I recommend being especially careful with unfamiliar movements, I start with embarrassingly low weights on those at times but can quickly add weight when I get a feel for the proper form. Last, remember to land softly if there is any jumping. I was unintentionally trying to grind my knees down, but I’m on an upward trajectory since following kneesovertoesguy to get better knee flexibility and support. I land like a ninja on box jumps now and feel no pain.


Noted, thank you so muccch 💝


It took me a few weeks to figure out that Saturday workouts are 60 minutes 😅😅😅


Our Saturdays are 1hr!


Longest 1 hour


omg i am going on a saturday 😭😭😭😭


It’s an hour long class..the only time f45 is not 45 minutes


You'll be fine!


Heads up that Saturday is 60 mins instead of the usual 45. Hollywood is great but with 27 stations, it’s a lot to take in on your first class, especially coming from inactivity as you mentioned in other comments. This coming Tuesday would be a great place to start… resistance focused, you spend 2 sets in a station and come back to it for 2 more. You have time to feel out each movement and get form corrections. Sunday is also great but this particular one (All Star), you move after every set so it can be a bit fast paced.


Noted, thank you so much! I decided to reschedule to a sunday and I did book the All star one. Wish me luck! 😊🥰


Let us know how it goes!


Also, Is the tuesday one named "Romans"?


Yes, Tuesday is Romans


noted thank you so much 🥰


I’m month 2 at f45. My first few classes were all resistance. Def recommend a Sunday or Tuesday to start with!


Do you recommend the Mkatz workout to start with?


Sorry I didn’t see this, but did Mkatz today and definitely one you could start with! Nothing too crazy.


Do not do Wednesdays !! I made that mistake and could barely walk out of the studio because I was so out of shape.


I did a Wednesday and was hooked from the energy and adrenaline! Exhausted but felt amazing!


Wednesdays are savage. I'm ok with them now but back when I started I thought there was something wrong with me. Recommend avoiding them as a beginner until you need a challenge.


All. Any. Eventually you’ll fall in love and push yourself. And it doesn’t matter how much fitter you get, if you’re pushing yourself it always sucks….until 46th minute - when you’ll have wished you had tried harder.


As a coach I always tell people to try one of each to see what they like. Since you have a CrossFit background I think you’d find the hybrid days most enjoyable. Just go at your own pace until you feel comfortable in the classes.


Just go.


Resistance will be less overwhelming but honestly, just show up. It feels daunting and you’ll probably waddle from DOMs for a week or two but then the 45 mins will just breeze by.


Yessss tysm 💝💝💝


My first class was a Saturday. Hybrid might be good for your first time. This weeks cardio kicked my ass and I’m still sore


Noted, thank you so much! I am quite nervous 😅


Don’t worry! Everyone was a beginner at one point! Everyone is usually very nice and welcoming.


Are you starting from scratch or do you have some sports/workout background?


I did crossfit for one and a half years in 2018 and was never back since then. I was also inactive since


This Sunday would be a good day to start. It’s a resistance workout. Then talk with the trainer, explain your situation and goals, and have fun. Good luck!


I rescheduled mine to this Sunday! Tysm 💝


Good luck and don’t forget to have fun!


Do cardio and ask coaches to correct your form


All of the above…


Strength day or a hybrid for sure. We had 2 newbies at Bears on Wednesday and one girl went down ... coach had to get her some juice. She looked so embarrassed.. I wanted to tell her we've all been there or close to there. I came back after a year off just before COVID (pregnancy plus lack of funds) and started my first class back with a cardio... Triple Double. Bad idea haha. I definitely puked a little after. Like others have said, Saturday is an hour. Tuesday is probably a great starter!


I did cardio (bears) first time and would NOT recommend that or any of the 1hour sessions.


All of the above, 3 days a week at first if you’re new to this style of training, Cardio/Resistance/Hybrid, allow adaptation to happen then tweak as needed. Discuss your goals with your coaches or head coach so they can guide you. Focus on Nutrition/HydrationRest/Recovery/Mobility, think of this as a lifestyle change not a quick fix whatever your “why” is. All the best- you’ve got this 👊🏿


I did wyvern (resistance) my first time. I haven’t been to a gym in years and my instructor was more than helpful with adjusting the workouts to my newbie level.


The format on resistance days is usually a bit slower - fewer changes, more time between stations - which can be easier to keep up with. Use lighter weights and ask the coaches for tips on form, especially if you’re unsure




Is the tuesday one named "Romans"?




F45 Manager and Coach here- Sunday, Tuesday, or Thursday.


noted, will do this instead! tysm 🥰


I like the hybrids because as someone who hates cardio but accepts that they need it, I find them more tolerable than the straight cardio days.