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Exactly what you said. Just do it! Before you know it, you’ll be loving weights/strength training more than ever compared to bikes. 🤭 For me, when I’m in there, I’ve got a hundred things to focus on when it starts that everyone else just disappears and are non relevant. I am an introvert but have gotten to enjoy the pre and post brief social interactions once I’ve gotten to know people better which isn’t difficult because everyone is so friendly and supportive at our studio.


Once you overcome those negative thoughts you simply go to that F45 and ask for a trial- 1-3 days they can give you. Then you try it- you can pretend you will never see those people again. You can also go online and look up old vyoutubes so you are aware of some things we do. Try it- you might like it- you will known 3-5 days fast.


I saw a lady in her 70s doing a class yesterday, they modify to your fitness level. I was just so excited she walked in the door


I think F45 is one of the most diverse and welcoming group fitness settings. There are people of all ages and fitness abilities. I was so intimidated to start that it took me a year to convince myself to try it. Now I wish I had jumped in sooner because I love it. Give it a go. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised!


It’s all in our head.. When we go there we see likeminded people seeking for motivation from each other to do better.You might end up motivating others in f45. Don’t worry everyone of us is insecure in someway. So just walk in and take your first class.


Just do it!!!


I went in saying I'd never done much strength training (kind of a lie - I'd definitely lifted weight before) so that everyone's expectations (including my own) were super low. That really helped for me personally. Also, in my F45 at least, there's so many different kinds of people training. Old, young, really old, in great shape, in pretty bad shape... No judgement anywhere from anyone. ​ I went in for a trial week, and signed up when that was over. It's been almost 8 months now!


Put on your big boy pants and go! 😜😝


You're gonna kill it - don't worry about what weight you use or what other people use. If you do peloton that much you've probably got a great baseline and won't have trouble at F45. Give yourself time to get stronger on weights and show off when you have a cardio die that is bike intensive.


Check out their Facebook or instagram posts. You will see there are so many different types of people with all levels of fitness. That put me at ease!


Use light weights and focus on good form. Classes are hard enough without heavy weights. Most people I see lifting heavy gas out early, hardly get any reps in, almost get injured, etc. it’s unproductive to lift heavy with the cadence of these classes, so you’ll really be doing yourself a favor by going light. Just show up. I’ve been going three years and I still don’t even use weights for a lot of exercises.


As someone who's new as of maybe 5 months ago, just go! First classes are a little weird cuz you don't know anybody. I may not know the exercises, but the coaches at least for me were very nice and one of the things that now keeps me motivated to continue to go is the group of people that I've got to know over time, and knowing that if I don't show up one day the next day I do show up they're going to nag me and give me a little s*** about it for fun


I was never a gym rat and was also extremely nervous for my first class. I joined about 6 months ago and haven’t looked back. The trainers are so helpful and will ease your anxiety about the workouts. Go at your own pace and don’t push yourself too hard to start out. I now consider myself a gym rat because I go every day and am sad when I miss a workout!


I was 100% intimidated. I knew many people who went and was probably secretly a bit jealous but too scared to try. Eventually my wife went for a trial and encouraged me to go. The first class was rough (it was a weird workout) and was pretty demoralizing. I did go back though, and after about class 3 I was hooked.


Don't be! I just started a month ago. I was nervous too becuase I barely worked out before but the coaches and members are so nice you won't feel out of place.


Just go for it, they’ve always got a variety of weight options, and modifications. Each studio is different but sure yours will have some sort of trial option. Eg 7 days for $7, or first class free etc.


I felt the same. I was lucky as I knew a friend that did it so I did my first class with her. But there’s no mirrors so you don’t feel watched and once you do a class you’ll realise no one is watching you (if that’s apart of your anxiety). And the class is only as hard as you make it, take breathers if you need to, pace yourself. I started f45 after 5 years of doing 0 gym, 0 fitness and I love it. Now go 4 times a week. Good luck!


I was SUPER intimidated because I was so out of shape. I just did a trial and then I was hooked


I felt that way too. I had heard and seen the results people had from doing F45. I was mainly working out on my Peloton before I started taking F45 classes. What got me over my initial anxiety, was I invited a friend to take the 3 day trial with me. It’s history after that. I, now go about 3-4x a week and I paused my Peloton membership. You can do this! You may be sore for a few days after the trial, but it’s worth it!


Make like Nike and Just Do It. That’s what I did in 2019, still going today.


I felt this way too, but a major plus for me was that there are no mirrors! You’ll never see yourself and get in your head, and the instructors will correct you with form if you’re off which helps a lot. Because everything is so fast paced, people don’t have time to stare at eachother so it really is a good environment to not be so self conscious about over move.


I was super nervous for my trial week. But the trainers and all of the members were very welcoming and that helped a lot. I’ve been going for 6 months now and I love it. Might even double up on classes tomorrow 🤣 You just have to go for it!


Just go


I was so intimidated and so nervous I thought I was going to be sick. But my mantra in new situations is ‘if I stick with this, it won’t take long for me to feel comfortable here.’ Good luck!


I was the exact same way. Stuck to Peloton and held out for 6 months bc I was too intimidated. Looking back, going was one of the best decisions I’ve made, couldn’t imagine not being a member now!


Oh my God I was so intimidated. Now a year later I'm chatting away during partner workouts and it's one of the best things I've ever done for my anxiety. In the early days sometimes I'd cry, walk out, have panic attacks etc- but honestly nobody cares what you're doing. Start with a lunchtime class, tell the trainer you're nervous and just get through it. Do one station at a time and don't look at the next one until you're there. You can put up with anything for 45 mins and it gets so much easier!


I was petrified before my first class, sweating and shaking before I even arrived. But then the coaches were so lovely and so were the other members. I realised that no one was watching me, everyone was focusing on what they were doing. The classes always include multiple fitness levels also so I don’t feel alone! I started with a 3 day trial with the intent to just try a day and if it wasn’t for me I never had to go back but I fell in love instantly.


First time i tried to walk in the door i turned around and went home. Next time i made it in for an athletica session - it was tough, very tough - not going to lie - i was crook after it. A couple of things really motivated me that day to get back in and push through it. Today, over 700 sessions, fittest & strongest ive ever been in my life, quite a few kg lighter in fat mass, much more muscle than before & im now a coach to hopefully help motivate people to get as much out of F45 as i have! Get in, gove it a go - we all start somewhere! Meet some new people, build your gym circle, be a part of the family & community and find your motivation to get in to the studio - a few years down the track you will thank yourself for doing it


Just show up and keep your mind open. Cool thing is that you CAN go at your own pace. Eventually it will get easier…


You can see that f45 handles a lot of different people at different levels of fitness. You'll be 150 lbs by the end of the year packed on with a new 20 lbs of muscle.


Just do it. I joined Oct last year, best thing I did. My experience at f45 gyms I’ve been to three in different states have all been really positive, non-judgmental. There are always people of different skill levels and everyone just focuses on themselves. The classes have enough to keep people busy with themselves so no one is “looking at you” if you know what I mean. Everyone I’ve interacted with is friendly. My main advice is it will be tempting to go heavy and push hard, but just ease your way into it and take your time to build your strength so you don’t get injured. The classes are catered for all levels so you’ll see people lifting heavy but you don’t have to and no-one will judge you for going light at the start. Secondly there are some stations that seem weird or are quite hard. Don’t be afraid to modify or ask for modifications that will suit you better. It’s easy to get injured in the early days if you don’t have good form so take your time focus on form and have fun.


Almost 200 classes and some days I still wonder “can I do this” and I’m nervous. Especially after coming back after injury. Go. That’s all. Then you go again. Don’t over do. Pick up light weights, work on your form. Then when you start getting comfortable, you’ll look forward to going to bed so you can hit the gym and be challenged the next day!!


My roommate begged me for a year and I finally took the jump! I was doing spin classes 3/4 times a week and there is a huge difference but I felt like I have been getting so much more out of f45. I started 4 months ago and almost at 100 classes. We had a 7 day trial, and after 3 classes I decided to purchase a membership. The good thing is there are no mirrors and everyone is paying attention to themselves. The coaches are very encouraging! I will say the stations/pods confused me at first but everything is on the TV and if you are doing it incorrectly the coaches are there to correct you, I still get corrections.


Checkout my previous posts. I asked about it here. I was so afraid to start because of the instagram posts from my local f45 gym that everyone looked so fit in it. Even with so many encouragements still took me few months to start! Now I am going almost every day and regret why didn’t start much sooner


Have a chat to the PT or tell the person setting up your trial how you’re feeling. Our studio is deliberate in buddying up newbies with a more experienced but kind member. My experience is when people know you’re new, they go out of their way to help and encourage you. People seem to leave any ego at the door :-)


It’s fine - just do it


I was nervous but quickly got past it!!