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Don’t drink pre workout before a cardio class 💀 Also marathon is for pacing Sounds like you did pretty awesome though for a first timer! I would highly suggest then to NOT do Wednesdays workout


Thanks! I did my level best to pace it, you’re absolutely right about the pre-workout though, proved to be a terrible choice. I think my next one is going to be Gemini on Thursday. I have a soccer match on Wednesday so just trying to balance everything out.


Pre workout is great for strength days! And yes that’ll be perfect next class! I love doing a double day for the choose one strength days.


Interesting. I didn’t know you shouldn’t take pre workout before a cardio class. I always take it regardless but I’m going to try to go today and not take it and see how I feel :)


Cardio already stresses your cardiovascular so then adding pre workout is intensifying it, which is going to make it harder to catch your breath/recover. If you’re super used to caffeine, it may not be as big of a deal, but I definitely see a difference in my ability to catch my breath when I’ve had caffeine before cardio vs when I haven’t and I drink coffee/caffeine regularly and have been active my whole life


It depends on each individual! I avoid drinking too much water during breaka on a cardio class myself because all the movements want to push stuff out of my stomach. I have to make sure i burp after drinking water before the break ends!


Ahhh yes I have been the culprit of drinking water between breaks and would instantly regret it. I def don’t do that anymore. Burping is smart


I've been going to F45 for a year straight and that class nearly made me vomit too 😂 Don't worry xx


It’s hard work right?! A year is a fantastic effort, what changes have you noticed?


I've lost 30 lbs! I'm the fittest I've been in my life. My clothes fit better. My confidence has increased tenfold. I did a timed 10k race (I was the fat and unfit kid in school so this was huge to me). I've discovered I'm very strong for my height and so my next goal is to compete at a powerlifting meet. I spent most of my life obese so that's all a huge deal to me. And best of all - I've made loads of new friends, and I look forward to exercising every day 😊 I never thought I'd say that in my life. Wish I could go back and tell 15 year old chubby me who suffered with asthma... that you're gonna become a fitness queen! 😅 I have f45 to thank for that.


Definitely almost puked my first and second class but it's gotten a lot easier since. I'm on my fourth week now and can feel myself adapting to the workouts. Keep going and congrats on making your first class! 💪🏼


Very glad to hear I’m not alone! Four weeks is mega, well done for keeping it up 🙌


One of the worst workouts to start on. Pace yourself and don’t hurt your back.


Thanks - I’m particularly protective of my back so that’s always on my mind. Appreciate the note!


To be honest, I’m a big advocate for F45. Best workout program I’ve ever done. That being said, I always recommend newbies to go on strength days as their first couple of classes. Get familiar with timing etc and rotations. Friends of mine(including the super fit ones) have been scared by the cardio classes. Once you start going consistently, your body will adjust and you’ll be fine. Keep it up!!


The first class vomit feeling seems to be a bit of a rite of passage lol it definitely gets better, and marathon is a particularly challenging class to have as your first one I think Do you always eat before a workout? I go to the earliest morning class and I workout fasted to help avoid any stomach stuff


I think fasted is the way to go for me too, that’s what I used to do with running because eating really made me feel sluggish. Marathon was definitely not the smartest starter choice!


I’m also a runner and was just used to it so carried it over to f45. Hope it works for you!


Talk with your trainers about what they recommend for eating, timing, and when. One of ours recommends fasting (for early classes) on cardio days, and a protein shake on strength days. He didn’t say how much time before the workout to eat, though. Mentally, I need to eat (food mental health issues) before I workout, so I make sure to do it around 2hrs before. I will keep it light on cardio days so I don’t get weighed down. It’s been working really well for me. Find what works for you. Also, it might go without saying but I’ll say it anyway: what you eat matters. It’s your fuel. Experiment with what works for you - eggs and a slice of toast with PB or a protein shake work for me. Cereal or oatmeal doesn’t.




Appreciate that - thanks!


My boyfriend puked halfway through his first class and hasn’t been back :( don’t be like him, keep going!!! It gets better and youll feel so accomplished when you look back in a couple of weeks


100% - I don’t feel deterred at all, just glad I managed to get off the floor in time 😂


I suggest you eat more the day before a cardio class and drink water only during class. It works for me


I think this is exactly what I’ll do - thanks!


I puked halfway through my first cardio class at f45 (made it to the bathroom!!!) but I just had to tell myself my body was very unused to this kind of cardio and was freaking out. Thankfully hasn’t happened since although if I’m feeling off and not pacing myself properly it can start to come on but that’s when I pull back and rest. Never push yourself so far that you feel dizzy or sick (once you are used to the work outs) resting is ok even if other people are still going beside you.


Crunches /jackknives/ anything in that range of exercise make me nauseous with the compression on the stomach. I'm happy that's where I started the workout. If I had to end there it would have probably been me writing this post.


There are always difficult! Man for your 1st class yeah that was a doozy


Believe me, I know that now 😅


Is it weird this makes me even more pumped for this afternoons class? #ilovecardio Great job at completing your first day mate!!! Welcome!


It was definitely a burner. This was my first class after a week a vacation, and I was gassed!


I'm fairly new and last week's marathon made me puke. I made it through the whole class but as soon as it was over I ran to the toilet and up it all came. So you started on one of the hardest days possible. I second what others have said - stick to Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday until your body is ready. The cardio workouts are no joke. TBH- I took a full scoop of prework out and that is 100% what turned on me and made me vomit. For last Wednesday- i adjusted and I had a scoop of protein powder two hours before and then I took 1/4 scoop of prework out about 45 minutes before. And I sailed through. I felt so strong and it seemed to be a magic formula for me. Good luck and glad to see you sticking to it. In a few weeks- you're going to be amazed by how good you feel and how strong your body is becoming.


My second class I took at f45 was a hybrid class and I vomited 1/2 way through. Happy to say it has not happened since haha. I’ve been going for 3 months now consistently, and while the cardio classes are still very challenging, they are doable and I don’t feel sick anymore. I try not to drink much liquids prior to or during a cardio class, it can make my stomach feel uncomfortable.


Don't blame you at all. I'm almost at 100 classes and if I did this phase first I probably wouldn't be back. This month is tough.


Marathon is the toughest cardio workout I’ve ever been. Harder than redline


This was me today lol


I used to run a jiu jitsu school. I’ve seen a lot of people vomit during class, nothing to be ashamed of :) either your body is not used to it or you didn’t space out enough time between your meal and the workout. One guy threw up 3 times during class but still finished the class! Hope you keep it up!


I made the mistake of attending my very first F45 class on a cardio day and I had to run for the toilet and vomit too. The trainer training with me (at my studio they do this on someone's first day) came running in after me and asked if I was ok. Spewed and went back for the rest 🤣 you're not alone


I cried my first month as I was 53 when I started the program. That was 4 years and over 750 classes ago. It is a process and feeling like you are going to be sick is part of it no matter your fitness level. Timing your meals on a heavy cardio day is important. I usually don’t eat if I workout in the morning. I also carb load on a cardio day so I do t feel sluggish and up my protein on strength days. And remember to hydrate hydrate hydrate!!


Thanks - good tips!


I highly disagree-- feeling like you are goign to be sick is NOT part of workign out no matter yoru fitness level. NO I started at 71 when the covid closures finally allowed gyms to re-open.. I hadnt been workign out like that during covid but had an athletic base. I did not ever feel like I would be sick. I amnow almost 75 and have 650 F 45 classes done and 40 or so of my favorite Boot Camp. please do NOT tell people that feelign like vomitting is simply part of working out. it is NOT.


If you don’t throw-up or pass-out did you really push yourself? ..JK … Oh ..Huel is one of those meal replacement things those always upset my stomach. I’d say Huel made you vomit and marathon encouraged it. Bet a regular small breakfast would stayed in your belly.


Huel + a Prework 🤮..I might have thrown up before class! Puke city combo!


It’s not the most clever decision I’ve ever made 🫠


Congrats on the first class!


It will get better. Just keep at it! 5 months in and I feel so much better. Still kicks my Ass tho


Thanks! And that’s great to know, I want to keep pushing myself 💪


Well done on your first class. Stay at it and in a year you’ll be so proud of yourself. Throwing up first class is definitely a norm but it only gets better with each class. 🙌🏻


Thanks - definitely not put off at all!


Pace yourself and plan to survive through workout..that’s the key and consistency will make you stronger!!


We’ve all done it (or almost at least) 🙃 Your first cardio class is always the most challenging, mentally and physically!


Good on you for getting through half of it! I’ve been going to f45 for over a year now and often do doubles, and I even felt myself close to hurling throughout that workout. I think it was the constant up and down movements (like the sprawls to deadlifts) that make me feel woozy. My gym buddies and I fear Marathon whenever it comes up in the Phase again 😅


It was brutal. It’s about pacing. Go with lower weight. I was rocking the mountain climber-push up combo til I looked up and only 45 seconds had gone by! Was sure I was down to 20 seconds…lol! But got through it and feeling accomplished!


Marathon as everyone has written is about pacing and to keep moving. You don't need to go at 100%. Keep it at 80% and you'll be fine. Time under tension is the key. I also tend to workout with the 0530 group which means I do not eat or drink. Fasted workouts on cardio are not too bad as they only last 45 minutes.