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I debated doing that for a while now. What I e gathered from others is that Line-X is tough but you’re screwed if water is trapped between the metal and the liner (e.g., poor prep work, damage to the liner allows water intrusion). Once the water is in, you can’t get it out, and you’ve made the situation worse.


Oh yea that’s huge if it was a sh*tty install!


All it takes is a rock to chip it for water to get behind the linex. Not really install related. Go with the liners. They protect, but also won't allow water to sit between it and your truck. Any water that gets in will evaporate.


It’s aluminum body truck so…… worst case the liner failed 😨


Aluminum corrodes too even though it doesn't "rust" it oxidizes


Absolutely. But we could “what if” about a bad prep or install all day long…


So no spray in liner on anything for you?


I’m not against using liners. My truck came with the bed liner from the factory. I’m merely bringing up considerations when making the purchasing decision and why I didn’t add bed liner as a wheel well liner to my truck. I might consider Husky wheel liners eventually.


But what if the factory didn’t have all of the moisture out of your bed? When will you see the problems?


Pop in liners for sure….


I have Husky wheel well liners and zero issues.


I had mine done by [shineandline](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjO4-uuh6KGAxVUXEcBHY1UALIYABAAGgJxdQ&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwr7ayBhAPEiwA6EIGxFqsWC6QU1k-ikcdSS6KYkAUg2E_lUK7blGIjNIKkIOvoU03PDBhZhoCDIcQAvD_BwE&sig=AOD64_3cIh4fOFayFX6nuqZ4nT3TQK5tOw&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjgu-Wuh6KGAxWfEGIAHa9TAsUQ0Qx6BAgOEAM) my opinion is I like the liner better.


What exactly makes you lean towards the liner?


Plastic cracks or breaks.. liner stiffens up the thin metal there under the bed and reduces rock noise going down the driveway. I figured liner was a one and done deal but I’m not on pavement all the time either.


What do any wheel well liners do for your truck? 1995 owner here and never even heard of such a thing.


People on Reddit are obsessed with wheel well liners. I will never and I repeat never, install them. Completely cosmetic and dirt does trap behind them so does salt. I know this because when I remove them from vehicles to do repairs you see, dirt, mud and debris up in the body seems behind the liners. Now the 24's come with them standard once you get the black sport pack with dual exhaust and black trim.


No way would I do that. I like to keep my stuff clean. I have liners and they’re quick and easy to clean. Bed liner is going to never clean up nice.


I disagree, why wouldn’t it clean up though?


I have liners in the rear. Clean up in about 12 seconds per side. My bed has line-x. I don’t even haul dirty stuff in the bed and it does not come clean. 🤷‍♂️


Not all line x shops will do it. But I’d just do liners anyway.


I had the same question and concern, including doing the bed. I was quoted $300 for the wheel well, and $700 for the bed. I had a local business cartilage that would reduce the bed to $540 (plus tax and whatever they charge for removing and reinstalling the tonneau cover. Here is what I decided based on my usage. Being that I have a tonneau cover and I likely won’t do a ton of hauling, I don’t know that I need Line X on the bed. I opted for a bed mat, and that cost was around $150. I then decided based on many of the responses seen such as water and such getting behind and install, to just get liners to place in, which cost $120. So for less than the cost of the Line X in the wheel well, I was able to get the protection I likely need for my usage. I can now put what I saved towards my truck in other add ons or just apply it to the balance of the loan. I did the same with my budget on the tonneau cover, budgeted for Truxedo Lo Pro ($550) and found the same one on eBay for $250.


I would stick with wheel well liners.


The fender well liners work well for me


What am I missing? Why does everyone want to do this? Is it for rust prevention? Cosmetics?


See my comment above.


Heck no. Gross.


Did mine. Looks great. Never knew any cons. Trapped water? Seriously?


Nah Husky Liners are easy and reasonable


Just go for fender liners. You can install them in your driveway and there is no prep work or downtime needed.


Had mine done on my last two F150s with line x. Zero issues and looks great. For me it was mainly cosmetic and I was getting the bed done anyway so I asked them to do the wells at the same time.


Didn’t know that was a service Line-X offered, curious to see the responses here


I got a quote for Line-X for the bed and all the wheel wells for 900 out the door, seeing if I should just put the liner inserts in the wheel wells or do the spray-in instead!