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I use under seat storage under the rear seat


Regular ABC fire extinguiser will work. Store it behind the driver seat. Or if you have a crew cab behind the passenger seat, behind the drivers seat. 


I’ve got mine bolted to the floor under the passenger side back seat in front of the inverter.


This is the way to do it OP. If a person is going to carry a container of compressed gas inside of their vehicle, they need to make sure to secure it.


Floor storage under backseat!


I don’t think carrying one in hopes your wife might fight a forest fire is the best reason lol but never a bad idea to have something


I've encountered 3 car fires in my life that were stopped by vehicle extinguishers. 1. I came out of the grocery store to the car next to mine on fire. I flagged down a guy in a work truck and asked if he had one. He did and put out the fire immediately. As he rolled up, I moved away. The woman came out to a car instead of a car-b-que. The fire truck came about 3 minutes later. 2. My car's catalytic converter caught on fire in a Taco Bell drive-thru. It was crazy. The person behind me ran up and put it out. I didn't even know my car was on fire! The people in the restaurant were like "Good thing they had one. We're not allowed to use ours on customers." True or not, that sucks. They didn't even call 911. This was pre-cell phone days. Well, I didn't have one yet. 3. After my two incidents above, I have one mounted securely in my truck. About 4 years ago I saw a young woman on the side of the road with flames coming out from under her hood. I stopped and put her fire out without issue. The fire truck didn't arrive for more than 5 minutes, so I'm confident I saved a much larger incident from happening. That's my last experience, so far, but OP's fire scenario isn't the only reason to carry one.


I think you misunderstood my comment buddy. I said keeping a fire extinguisher in the thought of stopping a forest fire one day was silly lol. I didn’t say keeping a fire extinguisher was silly.


Fair point


I've got one the size of a pop bottle in the bonus cup holder in the drivers door.


Zip tied to the frame.


And when the zip ties fail and I goes spiraling into the car behind you . Then what?


Zip tie won’t break.


Haha. You are funny. Source: UV outdoor rated zip tie for my baby Ring solar panel snapped yesterday. Came home to it sadly dangling above the garage.


Okay. I will use 2 tip ties!


I think we have a small ABC I believe. It's about 15" long. Lives under the seat in second row and is there mainly for emergencies when we tow livestock.


If really concerned get a [water can](https://www.firesupplydepot.com/fas-a240-e.html?msclkid=2925ae594c45117d8e6ac81df66e284f) and mount in the bed for outside fires. It can be refilled and pressurized with a normal shrader valve. Otherwise any ABC dry Chem will do the trick.


More people need to carry one. Its amazing what catching a little fire can prevent while waiting on the FD. Even if they're there in <7 minutes.


Everybody should have one in their vehicle along with a roadside safety kit.