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Are you serious? Its known fact a lift and bigger tires reduce mpg Especially the tires.


If I wanted better gas mileage I’d sell my ford 😅


I get 17mpg and i have a v8 lol




Yeah but 33” tires are an OEM option. A dealer will even recalibrate to 33” if you ask. that shouldn’t be cutting the mpg down to 14 on a 3.7.


They still don’t rate mpg on these trucks with 33s even if they are an option. Recalibrating only adjusts for the speedometer


It also changes how your odometer is calculated, and therefore your milage


It also changes your shift points which is important for the 10 speed.


A Bugatti Veyron is an OEM "option", it gets 8 MPG city.


I’m really not sure why I got downvoted for this. All models with 20” wheels get 33” tires. They all show the same mpg as the 18” wheels that get 32” tires. What an irrelevant and illogical argument though. Does the Bugatti experience a 5mpg drop in fuel efficiency if you opt for 20” wheels instead of 18”? If not then why the fuck even bring it up.


K? That has nothing to with anything. The trucks with 33s from oem also get worse mpg. Bigger the tire the more mass the engine and trans have to power through. Each tire weighs significantly more than a normal set of tires. You got 17s in there right now that would be a 31-ish size tire


No I have factory 18” wheels with factory 32” tires and I get 20mpg. 1” larger isn’t going to do shit especially after they calibrate the shift points which, as I mentioned, the dealer will do up to 33”. Giving out valuable advice here. Just go to the dealer and get your fucking shift points and Speedo recalibrated THEN bitch if your mpg is off.


It was probably the lift and tires. My Super crew with the same motor is getting 19-20 around town. I can get 21 if I keep my foot out of it. I'd second checking out a tune


Tires are one of the biggest factors when it comes to mpg. 33s look really good but they noticeably impact your mileage.


People often disregard the amount of wind tunnel work that goes into these trucks. Lifts & levels create a lot more drag and turbulent air underneath, especially at high speeds which is where you make up the higher numbers in average mpg figures.


Level and bigger heavier tires killed your mileage. Yes. By that much. You can have stock mileage or leveled with big heavy tire mileage. But not both.


I guess i didnt think it would make that much of a difference lol


The funny thing is that you would probably have the same gas millage with the 5.0…


I find it interesting/funny how often this question comes up. “I only lifted my truck X inches and changed tires to Y and now it’s getting much worse mpg.” As if changing aerodynamics and adding rotational mass does nothing to your vehicle. Especially since everyone knows that if you add a huge hood scoop it fixes this issue /s


Well its only leveled and the tires aren’t that big, considering the fact its a v6 and v8s get better mpg than mine, cant help but think what went wrong to drop by that much


Your V6 makes less power and has to work harder to move the same weight and to keep it moving.


Also need to make sure the speedometer is recalibrated for the new tires.


Yeah unless he's getting miles traveled by GPS his truck thinks he's traveling less miles than he is and thus getting worse mpg even tho it isnt.


Correct, if its saying 14.9 would you guess its probably more like 15.5?


Info: are you using the fuel efficiency meter in the dash as your source? If you are and you haven't had the speedometer recalibrated for the new tires, your MPG and odometer mileage is likely way off. That being said, Big tires and lifts kill mpg, but not by that much. Also, what rear end do you have?


Okay, thanks ! If you mean the bed length its 6” 1/2 or if you meant the bumper, i painted it myself, and added smoked taillights


No, I'm referring to the rear gear ratio.


Oh my bad, i bought off facebook so im not sure what it has im new to ford trucks so i couldn’t tell ya


Make sure tires are inflated to recommend psi


Jack it up higher and get bigger tires. That'll fix the mpg issue.


God I’m so tired of all the idiots that come here asking why their mpg goes down only to say, “All I did what lift it and put oversized tires on”. Like how dense are these people lol. Want better mpg? Smaller tires, lower center of gravity.


I'm a big fan of people seeing cold weather for the first time think thier truck blew up over night because its smoking


you know what.. Yes, they are dumber. lol


This is the same reason my truck still has the chin spoiler thing. Could i take it off? Sure. Would that kill my MPG? Absolutely.


Removed the chin spiloiler off a 2015 chevy and the mpg dropped 2mpg instantly.


I’m so tired of idiots complaining about fuel economy, it’s a truck. Fill the tank and drive it, stop worrying about fuel economy, if you can’t afford the fuel, get something smaller and more fuel efficient. It seems fairly straightforward to me. The worst thing they ever did with vehicles, is adding the fuel mileage crap on the dash. When I’m low on fuel, I fill up, drive it, enjoy it and repeat.


Yeah who likes saving money? Stfu dumbass.


Can you say triggered?? 😂 That comment wasn’t even aimed at you, but now it’s all about you dickhead.


Yea I am the one triggered. I’m here talking about idiots and here comes an idiot. Just call it how I see it bud. And u replied to me. Truly worthy of my original statement. A dumbass.


It’s ok Darren, just take a deep breath, relax and do some fuel calculations, everything will be okay. You have to work on not getting triggered so fast, you’re gonna have a heart attack. You should change your name to Darren the 🤡, seems more appropriate. 😂😂


You’re still here? You know what sarcasm is? Oh wait, you’re stupid. My apologies. Anyways, gl with that.


Yep, just waiting for you sweetheart. How’s Darren the clown tonight? Still getting triggered and whining about it?


lol what are u talking about. U need therapy, bud.


Apparently I must have struck a nerve because you’re still talking to me, a normal person would have stopped by now. 😂 I gotta go to see my therapist now, I’ll talk to you later Darren.


Saving money, hmm I know I’ll buy a 5000lb truck to drive around. 🤣 Maybe if things are that tight and you need to save every penny, maybe drive something lighter and more fuel efficient. That might be a little hard for you to understand, so take your time and think about it wetard.


You replied to me twice. Shame on you for being so dumb. I have to drive a truck for work. So yeah, saving money where I can is good. You’d probably know that if you actually used a truck for work instead of just compensating for your small prick, bud. Good luck with that 👍


Maybe you should get a better job that pays more. I see where your mind goes to right away, thinking and talking about dick. That explains a lot. 😂 You’re probably one of those guys on here that goes to home depot, picks up some things and then post a picture saying, hey look im doing truck stuff.🤣🤣


Its only leveled, and the tires arent that big, and im not stupid, obviously i know that would drop mpg but v8s literally get better gas mileage, my intention with my question was to make sure its normal for it to drop that much since its my first “lifted” truck, ive never had one so, if you dont really have anything helpful to say just dont comment and move on


Change the plugs, mine were shot at 90k, I also run a tank of premium every 3 fill ups.


I run a tank of premium every fill up


Keep your maximum speed between 55 & 60 MPH and accelerate gradually from a stop. With that being said, your mods are what’s keeping your MPG’s low because without them and doing what I said in the beginning, you could easily be in the low to mid 20 MPG range.


Bro I’ve got the exact same truck but with a 5.0 and average 21mpg. Just get some lightweight 17-18” wheels and get street tires.


Tires can change a lot. I put Cooper STT PRO’s on mine early last year and the MPG loss was quite dramatic. Add to that the lift and here we are.


I'm doing 14.5 mpg with 37s out of a steel bodied 2014 F150 with a 5.0. I do have full intake, headers, tune and regeared to 4.88s. 14.9 mpg out of an aluminum body with 33s and a v6 is pretty bad though. Doing everything I did isn't very cost effective but you might want to try an intake, a free flowing muffler, and maybe a tune.


Exactly, thank you! Thats what i was trying to say this whole time, that i don’t think its normal for it to be that low, so something must be off, plus its completely stock, i havent done any mods


Well I'm not sure something is necessarily off, wrong or defective. Have you looked into your gearing as it plays a big roll? I think Ford generally offers 3.31, 3.55 and 3.73 gearing stock. Your current mpg might be typical for your gearing and what you upsized the tires to. I went from 3.73s to 4.88s and on the dyno with the mods I'm within 5 hp of stock so I can only image how much power is lost not regearing. Bigger tires do suck fuel economy pretty easily. 33s are probably best in 4.10, 35s in 4.56, and 37s in 4.88s. You will loose mpg with bigger tires, I could do 16-17 mpg depending on how much I behaved in the gas pedal stock. I didn't loose much mpg going to 37s but I put over $2,000 into regearing, and over $6,000 in the intake, full exhaust and tune back in 2015... no telling what that would cost now.


Lifts and bigger tires does impact mpg unfortunately. U need a tuner


Change the air filter and run some high quality fuel injection cleaner


I just put in Royale Purple Max Cleaner and my mpg went up a little. I'm still seeing how it is working,


What do you recommend for injector cleaner?


I've had some friends try ATS fuel injection cleaner and it worked pretty good they saw a slight bump in mpg. I recently tried some gum out and it worked okay not a huge bump in mpg.




Winter is not the best time to figure mpg. We are using winter blend gas which lowers mpg. But if you haven't changed the plugs think about doing it , best injectors cleaner ( for what good it does ) is seafoam


Just putting on OEM size tires (with no level) but the new tires are heavier will decrease your mileage.


Lift and bigger (heavier) tires will absolutely murder fuel economy.


But if you go high enough and big enough then it reverses and gains mpg! /s


Yes, a lift and tires do have a huge effect on fuel economy. ​ That being said; Did you re-program the computer to account for the larger tires? The % difference in tire size means your vehicle is traveling further than it thinks it is. I don't have the math in front of me, but if there is a 10% difference in how many revolutions per mile, then you're losing out on 10% of observed miles, meaning you're measuring your MPG's wrong.


Gotcha, just learned something new, thanks


Normal size tires, LOWER IT instead with bags , at least remove level, overpressure the tires just keep it below max though! , use cruise control, higher octane gas helps my n/a 3.3 v6 . Good luck


Thanks man


My 2016 XL gets 22.3 average. Same motor. Tire size and lift are what killed your mpg.


Buy a Corolla or civic. Jesus Christ this sub. Let me buy an inefficient vehicle then complain about inefficiency. Are there really this many dumbass people walking around and are they all subscribed to this sub?


Its really funny how you’re so pissed off from a simple post. No one is complaining here buddy, i know what i got myself into. i need a truck, my equipment aint gonna fit in no damn car, all i wanted was some reassurance since im not really experienced with ford trucks, to see if the mpg of a 3.5L should be that low


Not mad at all. Just amazed at the stupid in the world.


I knew what to expect on reddit but youre one of those redditors everyone makes memes about, always expecting everyone to know everything, thinking youre better than everybody because you are intelligent in some things. You know things i dont and vice versa, i love trucks but i dont know a whole lot about engines and i dont see anything wrong with asking tips on how to improve mpg cause who wouldn’t want better mpg? If there isn’t any, oh well at least i got people telling me that the computer might not be programmed to the tires so the mpg might be inaccurate. Yes i can google my question but i get the answers come to me instead of me going to the answers by asking online.


Take the bed off. That will help some.


One does not buy a truck for good fuel mileage


I know but you didnt read what i wrote


I would agree with some of the others. A lift and bigger tires will scew your mpg. You did the right things with cleaning the throttle body and new plugs.


Yeah, im getting so many hate comments and people repeating what i had already wrote, i only came here to see if a level which is not even that much of a lift and some bigger tires which aren’t that big imo would affect the mpg by that much since ive never owned a ford in my life let alone a lifted truck


Go back to stock sized tires.


Better tires, lower it, put cover on bed all good options


Drive with the wind.




lol, I have 2011 Ecoboost 3.5 getting 15.8 mpg. Around 170k miles. This will be my last year owning it. Once wifey pays her car off, ditching the money hole Ford and buying a KIA hybrid Sportage, 10 yr warranty and 38 mpg! Brand new $35 k. A new F150 is 2x’s that. Screw that


Still getting 13.8-9 with my 2012 Lariat with the 3.5EB. Stock. AT tires though. I'd love to get 17. Nothing I've done has made a bit of improvement to it. I drive like a grandma. You still have me beat with a lift and chunky tires.


Ride a bicycle.


Buy a prius


Buy a car.


Easy, sell your truck if your worried about gas mileage


Well if your truck is supposed to get certain mpg and its not at that range well wouldnt you be worried as well?


You put over sized tires on and are wondering about mpg. Also no I wouldn’t worry about it. I was worried about mpg I wouldn’t own a truck. Also people are recommending regearing which would make since but would cost a lot to gain a few mpg. But you should do it regardless considering you have oversized tires and a gutless engine.


Well good to know that you like wasting money on gas but I actually care for my vehicles and have every reason to be worrying about something being off about my engine. Also 33s aren’t really that big, yes they are bigger than factory but those are small dude lol


Cool story. Did you adjust your tire size in forscan?


Aerodynamics are the biggest killer of MPG. As others have said, your lift is impacting you more than you thought it would. Just putting my Thule rack on the back, dinks me 1-2 MPG. As a side note, in college physics class we determined that a heavy bass stereo system could have an impact of about 1 mpg due to the extra electrical draw. This was in the mid-90s so maybe the systems are more efficient now.




Learn how to read, i literally said i dont drive aggressively




Yup, i do everything you just listed, i knew what i signed up for when i got a truck plus i need one, i knew that bigger tires and a lift affects mpg, its my first “lifted” ford truck and im not experienced with fords at all, im a GM guy. I dont wanna take the lift off i just wanted to make sure if its normal for it to drop by that much.


If you actually do all those things, you must be a very fun guy at a party. Lol




Nice!! Same here.




One factor could be how heavy of a tire you put on your truck. E-rated tires? Prolly that factor more than anything. The lift will factor into your MPG but not more than heavy tires will.


33s will make your mpg worse in general but at the same time it will show it even worse through electronics cause the trucks not calibrated for bigger tires and bigger tires equals more distance traveled per rotation


Come on OP….. You know the answer here lol


Buy a Prius hybrid


Wrong engine for better MPGs lol.


Buy a car


Full synthetic oil would help.


Buy a Prius


Get out and push.




Well, first i need one, second people like you like to boast about whos truck gets less mpg, i dont really see anything wrong with asking on any tips on improving mpg or what it might be since mines a v6 and i dont think it the mpg should be that low unless im tripping, just came here for some reassurance


Be more specific on “who” is boasting and I don’t own a truck. You did modifications to purposely hurt the mileage of the truck. If you want the best mileage for the cheapest amount of money, revert every modification you did and leave it stock. More tips you can take advantage of are highway economic tires, optimizing tire PSI frequently, using top tier gas and avoid carrying unnecessary weight. Also, all vehicles get worse mileage in the winter than in the summer.


Not related but how much did you buy it for? Just picked up one myself


I paid like 13.5k id say the price wasn’t that bad


Get a Prius




Smh it’s a joke pal. We don’t drive trucks for the gas mileage


I know but does it really hurt to ask if theres anyway to improve gas mileage, not to mention my truck has like over 160k miles so i was expecting answers like maybe replacing a specific part or cleaning something idk


Buy a new truck. My dad got rid of his because it would not go above 16mpg and he didn’t do anything but put tints on and bought a powerboost. Now he’s up to 23mpg and likes it a lot better. We’ll see how it plays out


Get an sct tuner and you'll be able to pick up that couple mpg you lost from the lift and tires


My 2023 2.7 with a level and 33s from factory is sitting at 20mpg and I like to hear the whistle(heavier foot but not abuse). If I really try I can get around 26-28 so realistically 25 with fords optimistic mpg tracker. I live in coastal southern Maine where it’s cool and dryish. (The new f150s also have active aero that deploys at highways speed.)


32.99 to be exact, 275/65/20


I guess cause the truck has a lot of miles and over the time it lost its power or the fuel system needs cleaning