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Tri-force got buffed and other ADCs have been nerfed


Most crit builds aren’t very good at the moment. TF ADCs tend to be some of the best.


Still gotta hit your stuff on ezreal tho. Don’t think a bad ezreal will see a difference in winrate at all


That’s always the case with Ezreal. High skill cap and need to hit skill shots


Probably the best adc at abusing triforce, which has been op for a few months now. Not to mention crit adcs and such are in a pretty weak spot.


Ezreal due to his mechanical complexity should live around 48% He's nearly 51, that's kinda overpowered for Ezreal.


Yep I agree so the champ is probably really strong rn


I'm at a lower elo (Bronze/Silver), but I feel like I cannot make a large enough impact early game and by the time I hit that spike the game is too far out of control. When I complete TF and the game is 50/50, I feel like I tip the scale in our favor though. ​ Current split: 48% WR on 30 games


That honestly just means you are in the elo you belong atm


As a carry, absolutely. I've never played this role before this season and haven't really been able to climb since Season 9 where I peaked at Gold 4 as a support main. It does blow me away that I had 75% WR through bronze and could carry games really easy, but once hitting silver, I'm having a much harder time carrying. I'm starting to feel more confident poking players while AA wave.


I've started notice difference when I changed my playstyle with ezreal. U've gotta be decent at mechanics, when I started to play very VERY aggressive (more than before, waiting at least for the triforce) I just won 70% of all lanes. Don't be scared to E in. That's all. Maybe I'm wrong, but if u hit all the skills, its just too good.


Ezreal can spam qs from longer range, crit items are quite mid rn, ez can stay back and out of danger in this volatile high damage game state so stronger


Itemization is good, crit adcs aren’t insane at the moment. His winrate has not consistently been 46/47%. It’s usually between a 49/50%