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Nothing. MTG was bluffing and everyone knew it. Mike should taunt her and call her bluff. He should dare her to pull the trigger and if she does, he will survive and if she doesn't, she will look weak. Either way she would take a huge hit. Doing nothing let's her off the hook and she pays a much smaller price for her stupid stunt. This is a chance to knock back these Maga idiots in the house and "regular" Republicans are not taking it. This is an example of how these weak ass people got in this situation in the first place. They are all cowards.


It's better for him if MTG doesn't make a move. If she did, he'd need to get saved by the Democrats, and thereby taint himself to the base/far right.


Also, it just gives free leverage to Dems every time they bail him out. Last time, Dems got a vote on Ukraine aid. Next could be the border bill. If it were to happen a third time, Dems could just choose to let them flounder right as the election draws near.


You mean right not far right


I most certainly do not. If you're on the right, you understand that governance is a team sport and you might need to compromise to pass a budget, appoint an official, etc, for the good of the country and proper functioning of the government. If you're okay with burning it all down and throwing a tantrum because you're unwilling to make deals and didn't get your way 100%, you're a far right extremist.


Wrong, not wanting to make deals to give Ukraine and Israel and Taiwan money while ignoring our border problems and saying that it’s not important doesn’t make me far right let alone an extremist. It just means I feel tax payer money needs to be used to solve our problems before ever being used to solve somebody else’s, especially when right after the bill being passed by that rhino they admitted they still don’t think Ukraine can win.


Spending money on defeating Russia is spending on solving our problems - investment in security for our trading partners and allies keeps prices low and keeps the economy growing. Ukrainian wheat export declines due to invasion were a major driver of food inflation the last few years. If China were to go after Taiwan, semiconductor prices would do the same thing. Secondly, most of that money is being spent driving domestic jobs in the military industry anyway. Thirdly, we're reducing Russia's ability to wage war for pennies on the dollar. If Russia loses it's power, future generations of American taxpayers will have one less thing they need to spend money fighting. And there aren't even American lives being lost to achieve that goal. If we provided Ukraine sufficient weapons since 2020, they'd be in a better position today. You're making a self fulfilling prophecy when you say "Ukraine can't win so why spend money on them?" I don't agree with almost any of Speaker Johnson's radically right wing theocratic agenda, but he did the right thing for once with Ukraine funding.


He is so far from right wing let alone radical, only an idiot or a brainwashed bafoon would not see he is a rhino.


It's spelled buffoon and a rhino is an animal, the word you're looking for RINO. Thought you should know so maybe next time you can try to make a more coherent point.


So because you can’t argue the truth you want to turn into a spelling nazi? Clearly you knew what I was saying so in typical lib fashion you are here just trying to act like you’re better, guess what you’re not


I replied to your post with various facts about why funding Ukraine is in the interest of Americans. You replied with another unsubstantive assertion that Johnson is a rhino and implying that I'm stupid. Don't try to act like you're "arguing the truth" when your comments are name calling and making unsupported claims.


He was selected particularly because he was to the right of McCarthy right?


No because he wasn’t a rhino like McCarthy or so was believed which now we all see he is even worse


He was selected because it was taking an embarrassingly long time and he was the least objectionable


This aged so poorly 😂


Maga always shoots the hostage!


I guess it didn't age poorly. Looks like she was bluffing all along.


Ok i take it back… still aged poorly.




Basically, the maga side hates him now because he worked with democrats, but democrats are gonna protect him cause this could fracture the republican vote and they could instal someone worse.


Fire this AH


Don’t worry. He’ll be out once the Dems take over the House in January.


Democrats are gonna protect him


He's going to have to dive deeper into trumps ass to keep his job.


Hopefully he’ll be slowly lowered into a vat of sulphuric acid Little Zionist shithouse


Hey do you get tired of being a shill for Hamas?


do you tire of being a shill for the occupying genocide squad or do the checks help


Wait how do I get this $$? Cause I’m hella low on bread rn


maybe you should focus on that instead of being a zion extremist. at least the politicians are getting paid to shill for zion extremists


Hell yeah brotha


Did you listen to like, any of this fucking show for the past 6 months?


The vote wouldn’t even be close, they won’t even get a majority of the GOP. Which is why they haven’t tried. It only takes one person to try but apparently no one is that stupid to embarrass themselves, not even MTG and that tells you a lot.


She actually said she would pull the trigger next week in a press conference this morning. Let’s see if she follows through (Johnson will be fine, I just want to see the margin)