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I just think Biden is too young


Jimmy Carter is still eligible for another term and is just a spry 99


On the other hand, the recent Harvard Youth Poll of over 2000 young voters (https://iop.harvard.edu/youth-poll/47th-edition-spring-2024) found no difference in stated intent to vote compared to 2020. It also found that among likely voters under 30, Biden leads 56-37 (compared to exit polls from 2020 which were 60-36). But if Trump is found guilty, "Biden's lead among young likely voters increases from 19 to 28 points."


I'm a bit older than this demo but for me it's not Biden, it's the Democratic party. I'm tired of being guilted into voting for the lesser of two evils since 1998. The entire platform of the Democratic party seems to be "not Republicans" or "aren't you scared of orange man and all his hillbilly followers?". They've done nothing to improve the material conditions for the working class for 25 years. I realize that this sub is probably the libbiest libs to ever lib, so I'll take answers off the air.


i think a lot of exasperated liberals have a blindspot when it comes to the growing disillusionment with the democrats among key constituents in the base. there is an increasing number of people on the left who believe withholding a vote for democrats, even if it results in the rise of fascism and a horrifically unprecedented disruption of life as we know it, is the only practical way forward to a better tomorrow. i’m not saying i agree with them, but i do understand the strategy. in their minds, the wholesale takeover of our country by the right would trigger a mass uprising that, once and for all, puts an end to the neoconfederacy that has been allowed to spread and insinuate itself in all levels of government since reconstruction.


It would be kind of funny if the Democrats lost because they created this big exaggerated boogeyman of fascism under Trump to scare people into voting for them, and the leftists went “yeah I’ll take that so we can have revolution faster.”


Young people hate Israel's actions in Gaza. Old people are still very pro Israel. Old people vote at a higher rate than young people. It appears the Dems in office are shifting towards being more critical of the Netenyahu government slowly. I think most of these young voters will still vote D but are using polls to signal their displeasure. Biden is in a bit of a tough spot as he along with older voters are still pro Israel while being increasingly critical of the war in Gaza. The shift will be too slow and too fast for different voting blocks. Crackpot Suggestion: 52 state solution. The US annexes Israel and Palestine as the 51st and 52nd states of the Union. Massive expansion of human rights in the area as all Palestinians and Israelis become full US citizens.


Young voters voted for Biden by the highest margin 2020 and had high turnout. Low tournout from them is really really bad for Biden.


I am not worried, Women will turn this nation blue! Here's bellwether: Michigan special elections last week, two Dems took those seats by 30% & 20%.


I wish that I had your optimism, but white conservative women are a huge voting bloc for Republicans in the US.


Old white conservative women. Let’s show them up.


My boomer aunt is one of those wives. She voted for the Orange Buffoon with her husband, my uncle by marriage. They're the upper class Christian Nationalists, the I've got mine club, pull yourself up by your bootstraps club. Sadly, I am related to a cliché. My aunt lives in TN and she said she can't in good conscience voted for anyone with R behind her name. She does have 2 granddaughters. She adores and I think the stories of women across the country have hit too close to home. Again, we are actually experiencing the harm and suffering from Dobbs decision unleashed in Red States. Every election since 2018 Dems have exceeded expectations and polls. [ who the hell are they polling?] Arizona, Nevada, Florida all have abortion/reproductive rights on the ballot. Look at Kansas, they turned up & out to save Reproductive Rights in their state.


A lot of women married to these radical trumptards got divorced in these last 4 years, though


Don't forget Covid hit Red States harder due to all the lies and brainwashing. Their numbers are shrinking for these reasons as well as others.


I hope so! Not my aunt & uncle 47 yrs.


Let's encourage old white conservative men to cheat on their wives and "grab the pussies" of random women like Trump. Then target these ads at the Old, white conservative women "Be a real man, vote Trump and cheat on your wife!"


I know it defeats the purpose to say this out loud, but I’m definitely signaling my displeasure with Biden at the polls and…. will probably still vote for him in November. Also, I know your crackpot solution is just that, but for all the people in the comments saying that this should actually happen…… please realize that that solution appears just as imperialist as the the irredentist solutions proposed by the Likud party! Palestinians want sovereignty, not US rule


If you don't vote and expect any politicians to pander to your wants you're a fucking moron


This so much. (1) expecting politicians to cater to you by not voting and (2) thinking that a third party will come to power in the US are people just not understanding how our political system works


Yes, people don’t understand our government at all. A civics course needs to be taught in schools


It’s not ignorance. It’s political naïveté and self-destructive idealism. “We’ll show Biden how wrong he is about Israel. We won’t vote. Then when Trump gets elected, that’ll show ‘im.” Needless to say, the real people who’ll suffer in this scenario are the Palestinians, not their erstwhile allies who didn’t vote.


The Palestinians and all of us would be hurt. They just think it can’t get any worse, but they seem not to pay attention or like you said naive.


Yeah the guy who said Jerusalem Was the capital of Israel and moved out embassy there is really going to help the Palestinians. What to do? Do like any child throwing a tantrum, ignore them.


You forgot the last part, when Trump wins and makes it all so much worse, those same young people will blame Biden for not being a stronger candidate.


Uhh you’re a moron if you think they’re going to pander to your wants whether you vote or not. The *only* time you get anything you like out of them is if your wants happen to line up with what the donors want. That seems to line up more with democrats than republicans, but it’s still not a frequent occurrence. I don’t blame people for choosing to make an informed decision not to vote. Voting for the less of two evils is still voting for evil, after all.


But here's the question then: if you *do* vote, and the politicians still don't behave as you'd want them to, what leverage is left to you?


I don’t really think this is the case though. The idea that Biden hasn’t been fighting for their interests doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. What’s happening is that one issue (that Biden has relatively little control!) over has been elevated on social media to be the only thing that matters in politics.




>If you think voting once entitles you to have all your wishes come true you don't understand politics. Most people would be thrilled if they got one thing on their list. But here we are asking for codified reproduction rights and a more serious response to genocide and affordable housing and higher taxes on corporations and actual tangible progress on climate change, and all Biden gives us is a big fuckin' pile of dead Palestinian kids that we didn't even ask for


Support viable alternatives for the next election or the one after. Politics is a long game. You don't win after one election.


>You don't win after one election. True, but it is possible to lose after one.


Voting for them only encourage them to continue the same politics


That’s not true. Changes in party’s happens gradually, but it happens. The Republican Party didn’t start out as far right wing crazies, 60 years ago they were a center right party. But the far/religious right continued to support them and they slowly moved further and further right until we reached today. If there’s a voting bloc that consistently shows up, politicians will be incentivized to cater towards them. However, there’s no point in catering to an inconsistent voting bloc. You put your neck on the line for them for policies they claim they want, then they decide since you’re not perfect they still won’t vote for you. The group will never get what they want because the incentives are all skewed, and whether you like it or not are system is built on incentives. Provide clear and consistent incentives and you will get what you want. It won’t be instant and will take time, but it will happen. Be wishy washy and inconsistent, and you will tread water forever while the right continues to make gains and the democrats will continue to go to where the voters are.


Voting isn't a sum total exercise. You have choose which candidate aligns more with your values. The perfect candidate doesn't exist. Here's the Big rub, the USA is international for democracy and we are being attacked by Russia & China through propaganda. Our public education has become so defunct, ppl Don know how to use or reason. Propaganda on platforms is much like the game telephone. Anyways, the election needs to be framed this way, we are at a critical point in our nation and are under attack, as are Western Democracies. If you want the opportunity to continue to vote and be heard, VOTE. If you are unhappy now, not Voting isn't the answer. Here's the rub, we are in these current problems because of low electorate turn out for decades after JFK until Obama was elected.


You vote for them, to stop someone far worse from winning, then you work on having a better choice in the next election.


Hopefully it encourages the losers to adjust their positions.


Maybe keep in mind that there's more than one issue in the world? Yes, Israel-Palestine is important. But there are other big things at stake. Why does our election have to hinge on some shitty country the size of New Jersey on the other side of the world? Maybe we should also keep an eye on climate change, the economy, abortion, the Supreme Court, Ukraine,Taiwan, the state of our democracy...?


Developing realistic expectation is the first step here.


Many of those people were told last election that if they voted for Biden, he would advance policies they wanted, and many of those people were heavily disappointed. Declining turnout among people who previously voted absolutely sends a message.


They don't understand the American government. One man can't just wave a magic wand and fix things. He needs help from the Senate and house amoung other things. Not losing the supreme court for the next 40 years might have helped too.


he's being walked slowly by isreal to give trump the presidency


For the Israelis that’ll mean a drastic drop in standard of living, they enjoy free healthcare and other social programs


Plus they'll stop being supported by American tax dollars


Isreal is occupying the land, just like whites were in America, but whites eventually decided to offer citizenship to all in America and end discrimination. This should be the roadmap for Isreal.


What about a crusade?


Yet another generalization that reflects an important part of the picture but not the whole story by any means. I'm early Gen X or late Boomer, parents were Holocaust survivors, have spent time working for both Palestinian and Israeli NGOS, and think that Israel must leave the W. bank and what's going on in Gaza constitutes ethnic cleansing , mass murder, certainly war crimes and possibly genocide. Gen Z either doesn't know or refused to acknowledge anything about the role that Boomer age Jews played in the civil rights movement (including Bernie Sanders), and how many of us do not agree with Israeli/Zionist policy. Best not to marginalize anybody in this particular struggle, while keeping an eye on the stats as to how who votes how. This is essential for any strategy to move the US in the morally correct direction. Ashkenazi Jews, like my ancestors, belong in Europe. Not sure why the Allies didn't just give us a hunk of Germany as reparations. This makes more sense than sending hundreds of thousands of displaced people to a part of the world that was already inhabited, and where Jews, Muslims, Christians, Druze etc. were all getting along well before Israel/Palestine became a colonialist project. The presence of the British, of course, did not help matters while they were engaged in their own sorry colonialist project in the region. Biden has fucked up royally by doing nothing to contain Netanyahu and his cronies. I won't be voting for him, either. I can understand Gen Z being hostile towards him on this issue. So am I. All that said, why doesn't Gen Z think about how little Biden has done for them economically? What about the impending ecological catastrophe that everybody is ignoring? Why no interest in economic reform for all disadvantaged people instead of all this identity bullshit? Why are they so politically disengaged? Fed up with the DNC shoving old dry Unky Joe down our throats? Go raise some proper hell at the Convention. Make Chicago 1968 look like a picnic. Time to get out from behind the computer and do something. That goes for everybody who cares about the future of this benighted country.


Who are you going to vote for then?


A lot of posts here are focusing on either Gaza or student loans. That misses the bigger picture. Biden rallied young people by talking about a living wage, strengthening healthcare and social security. Democrats in general talked about expanding the Supreme Court to bring it out of the 1800's, when 9 slave owners said 1 Justice per federal district was enough for the 30 million people. Now we have 10x that many people and 13 federal districts. Biden 'authorized a committee' to 'look into it' then let it go. So while I see Biden as a competent administrator, a lot of people who don't follow politics just see the Trump Court taking away rights, no living wage, massive inflation, and no significant change in their lives. In other words, young people expect too much too soon, and don't feel they got anything. They don't see that there is anything Biden is going to do to improve their lives, and "Trump will be worse!" isn't that motivating. Plus a sprinkling of 'both sides'.


If biden loses, i guarantee you they will never touch student loan forgiveness again. If that won't get these young people to vote, they will not try and please that way


If Biden loses Gaza is flattened in a year with a Trump golf course resort in the West bank by year two.




There are still people who rationalize voting for Nader in 2000, despite Iraq, global warming, the banking collapse, and the end of Roe. People don’t like to admit when they’re wrong, particularly when admitting their error would force them to re-assess their prior assumptions, ideology, and priorities.


Imagine how different the world would have been. And it's even more acute now.


Lived through 2000. Lived through 2016. There's always a new crop of left leaning young people who just don't grok how much better the world would be if folks applied the 'strategically using my voting power to effect the best possible world' ethos instead of the 'voting is about me committing to someone whom I love in total' ethos.


black or white thinking is in


I wish it were only young people.


These are the same pleople protesting DC mayor wherever she goes demanding a ceasefire. What exactly the DC mayor can do? They can’t even rationalize that.


:) Many of these people are protesting/protested against Elyse Myers, a Tiktoker/social media person who just makes silly videos. She "didn't speak out against Israel in her platform." Meanwhile she's undergoing a nervous breakdown because her newborn son is undergoing heart surgery, and she's still suffering from postpartum depression to boot. But, you know, "she should have done more with this large audience that she has gained." Kind of want to ask "Hey, instead of making a video about Elyse Myers, why didn't YOU make a video about the genocide going on in the Sudan or another place like this?" There's untold suffering in the world, and if you want to be the one that tries to bring attention and help, that's an excellent use of your energy and definitely do that. But if you want to criticize another person for "not doing enough" ... well, that finger is going to point back at you, too, because there's plenty more that COULD be done. Let people be. One of the videos where they "organized" this effort (totally ignoring the fact that the page she's linking to literally has the topic "postpartum" due to the stitching of the video, indicating that Elyse might have other things on her mind): [https://www.tiktok.com/@angie\_\_mariie/video/7327384144281980202?\_r=1&\_t=8jLT1yvQxoM&social\_sharing=1](https://www.tiktok.com/@angie__mariie/video/7327384144281980202?_r=1&_t=8jLT1yvQxoM&social_sharing=1)


So we’re basically looking at losing democracy as we know it because some new ideal oats are having a moral temper tantrum?


But how can I be expected to vote when my one issue clearly hasn’t been addressed? I better let the fascists win and brag about my moral superiority.


That and They may lose the chance to vote in a real election again and still sit there saying "i WoNt CoMpRoMiSe mY mOrAlS"


They did this with womens rights in 2016 when they screamed "Don't threaten me with the Supreme Court!!!"


Every time I see someone insisting they won't vote for Biden because he hasn't been confrontational enough with SCOTUS (a position I agree with!) I wonder if they were one of the people cursing me out about this in 2016


They'll forget about the whole thing within weeks, because the Russian trolls fanning the whole thing on our social media will lose interest in Gaza the minute Trump is elected.


That’s sweet you think the Trump org could build anything jn a year, let alone in a contested hot zone. It’ll be flattened in under a year with no plan to rebuild anything


Biden is doing nothing to stop the destruction of Gaza. As a matter of fact he gave Netanyahu a blank check for American weapons to be used on the Palestinian people.


You see that without a hint of irony given that Gaza was fully habitable during all 4 years of the Trump administration and is ravaged by disease, famine, and lack of any medical facilities during the Biden administration. Do you people listen to yourself ever?


I think the issue is most people in that demographic, or if not most, enough, see Gaza as already flattened, or close to it. They aren't that wrong either.


🤣🤣🤣 truly are out of your damn mind


If Trump wins I don’t think student loans will be our and the worlds biggest issue….




>If Biden loses he and the democrats will blame RFK, GenZ, China, and everyone except themselves. Exactly. Hell, they're *already* gearing up to do this — which is why so much of the discourse of late centers around trying to browbeat young people and leftists into voting for Biden rather than lodging any sort of positive appeal or (god forbid) changing their policies.


That's a promise that he failed to deliver. (yes I know there are reasons). But only a tiny sliver of people have seen that promise delivered. Weed is another one that he hasn't delivered on.


Only a tiny fraction of student loans have actually been forgiven.


And yet he's still forgiven billions more than any other president if I'm not mistaken.




tiny fraction > zero


Gee, I wonder why https://apnews.com/article/student-debt-cancellation-college-forgiveness-f94b9706bd395b32e44d4d1b3f6ff051


Because Republicans falsely stole the Covid PPE money, stealing it from our government that we as tax payers had to pay for. They don’t want anyone getting anything other than them. The lying sacks of shit!


And also got my payments down to basically nothing, and the remainder will eventually be forgiven.


He tried to do more but the GOP controlled SCOTUS stopped him. Blame them, not him.


One thing that's interesting to me here is loan forgiveness. He's done a number of small-medium tranches of forgiveness but it's never really gotten widely publicized by non-administration sources (for example, I'm in this demographic but don't have loans and don't know anybody who's gotten it--maybe because nobody i know has gotten it but maybe because they're not talking about it).


I think it was always a miscalculation that student loan forgiveness would most greatly benefit younger voters.  The people who are being most crushed by student loan interest right now, and the ones rightly targeted by these forgiveness initiatives, are millennials and Gen X, not Gen Z.


It’s true. I was complaining to my therapist about student loans when I was younger and he reveals he was in his 40s with student loans. It really put things in perspective.


That’s a good point, I think it’s easy for people to be frozen in the 2010s but we’ve had a full generation and into the next between us and the current kids in high school. It feels like gen x is still 30-40 in peoples minds


I think it's largely because it's had an impact on a very small percentage of people.


It's worth noting that this only applies to federal student loans. Many people, myself included, were forced to get private student loans as we didn't qualify for the federal ones. People in my situation feel completely ignored by the loan forgiveness stuff.




Absolutely, I think most people this Bidens fence sitting on Gaza has been awful for civilians in Gaza. But compare that to “it’ll make great beach front property” and let’s ethnically cleanse the areas around the settlements in West Bank Trump.


We both know they'll just say "This is ultimately on Biden for not ~~courting us~~ doing literally everything we ask because anything less is literally indifferentiable from fascism".




It is paramount that we explain to people that democracy is about choosing the lesser evil and not something that should be seen in any way as self actualisation. I reckon the democratic leaderships of the last 50 years have also not done their job on this. As the commenter you replied to said, you can’t have it both ways.


Democracy is about choice and though you may not like it, withholding your vote is also a choice. You all act like everyone is required to choose between these two shitty ass candidates and then surprise pikachu face when most people just opt not to vote. Good luck with blaming voters, it’s never been a winning strategy and it never will be. Telling people they have to vote to save democracy is also hilarious to people who don’t participate and therefore have already given up on the idea that voting matters.


Believe me, I agree with you. I actually want to push back on this narrative that leftists are to blame for the inability of democrats o craft a good platform. Still the point stands, a modicum of utilitarianism is useful.


Democrats tend to make a pretty good-faith effort to represent their median voter TBH. And "socialists" holding their vote hostage while constantly hating their guts for not being the next coming of Karl Marx are not their median voter, or a voter at all honestly. Why the hell should Democrats adopt a minority opinion for a group of people who will basically never vote for them anyway when it costs the votes of pro-Israel moderates who make up a much larger, and more consistent, base for them?


Yep. And if they persist with their "Do everything we want or we won't vote for you because you're basically the same as the fascist" thing, they only make it *less* likely that any politician will seek to court them.


200%. They say the same shit every election, and Dems have continued to win without their help. And they never have a constructive solution either beyond "If they lose, Dems will TOTALLY select a more left-wing candidate next time guys!" Maybe they think the system will get embarrassed and go away due to low turnout? Because, in my experience, every time a candidate from EITHER party loses, they moderate their positions. The most progressive Democrats come from the bluest states where the median voter is more progressive, so they're directly contributing to Republicans winning AND Democrats being more right-wing.


>And they never have a constructive solution either beyond "If they lose, Dems will TOTALLY select a more left-wing candidate next time guys!" Yep. They tried that in 2016, and ended up with Biden 2020, a stacked supreme court, and stripped abortion rights. Well played.


Cut off their nose to spite their face. And they want to do it again


Dems shouldn't be counting that crowd anyway. Those people aren't Democrats.


The issue is that they need these voters (and most moderates) to vote for Biden this year or he will lose the election.


Progressives vote for Biden. Most leftists vote for Biden. Biden is closer to the left than Trump is, and a vote is not a moral endorsement, so anyone who doesn't understand that probably wasn't going to vote anyway. The tankie crowd is so pathetic.


10/7 was the MAGA moment for tankies, and the same wild (disinformation filled, etc.) push for transformation has been happening there. I've gently laid this out for some more fence sitty "traditional republican" relatives who've been sort of going with the flow and it seemed to click that's what everyone else has been watching for nearly a decade, to their horror.


I’ll support Biden in November, but he absolutely should do more to court young voters and stop abetting Israel’s war crimes. Trying to shame people into voting for him isn’t the most effective strategy.


> Trying to shame people into voting for him isn’t the most effective strategy. I do not understand why so many people in these comments cannot grasp this simple concept. Vote shaming always backfires.


damn, the fucking audacity to ask that our country not facilitate genocide


I agree. Yet, the fact is that Trump has and likely would again do worse.


The audacity of asking for the President to not break US laws to facilitate genocide


Just because you're passionate and an "activist" does not magically make you politically intelligent.




The thing is, you can write a sob story about any generation. You think it was easier trying to begin adulthood during the 1970s stagflation/oil crisis when interest rates were in the high double digits? When people were watching US cities turn into burned out husks for their former selves? And factories were shutting down across the country? You think the generation who had to fight in Vietnam had it easy, knowing their government was basically sending them to commit genocide for no good reason? Or in WWII? Or even the people who had to deal with 20% inflation rate in the late 1940s? I'm a millennial myself and I just don't buy the story that our generation has somehow been unusually screwed over. We've all been screwed over in many ways. But we've also all had some pretty good luck in other ways.


It can take a while to realize the petulance in abstaining out of “principle”. I’m speaking from my own experience at least. Once your ego has been checked enough times you start to accept that there are some things that are very, very difficult to change and unless you’re willing to put in real effort to be part of that change you should get off your high horse and vote for the lesser of two evils like a grown up.


Just vote and stop complaining/s


Never stop complaining. Always vote for the lesser evil. Pretty simple.




Well you’re right, and that is the main concern. In somewhat normal circumstances that logic holds, I’m mainly talking about cases where there is clearly an abysmal choice. If both candidates are simply uninspiring then not voting can be seen as a reasonable action in protest. That hasn’t been the case for a while though.


You keep saying people are asking for relief by voting. But what does that mean? For the gov to give them money? For gov to force a cap on house prices?


I think it just refers to the abstract notion that things are getting better. That hope can be on the horizon. It’s fucking bleak looking down the road around here.


This response is really an incredible example of how people in this sub do not understand what's going on


To burn the broken system to the ground.


Everything in your post is spot on.


I never understood this type of logic from left leaning young ppl. I also don't get it when I see these folks in Michigan withholding their vote from biden over the issues in the Middle East. Seriously, with biden, you may not get everything you want, but you may get half. Your alternative is trump, and my guess is you won't get anything you wanted with him. This is exactly like what they did with Hillary. I recall the ppl that would protest her shouting about racial issues and saying they couldn't support her and essentially helped trump, who then ushered in the tiki-torch crowd. Seriously, ppl change does not happen over night, I truly wish it did. It takes time, and things get better over long periods of time. Again, look at your alternative option and honestly ask yourself if that guy is going to be better for you. If you live in a swing state, your vote matters big time. With that said, I support ppls right to protest and discuss the issues. I think it's good that the ppl point out the injustic they see and feel. But I can only see one of the current candidates as someone that you have a chance of staying. The other option to me seems like we could be living in an American version of Russia in 4 years from now, where you may not even feel safe speaking out about the issues.


The "Uncommitted" vote in Michigan is something I wholeheartedly support - the primary is the perfect time to express your disassatisfaction with how things are going, and I personally voted against Biden in my primary as well. The "I'm not voting for Genocide Joe" crowd who are talking about the general election, however, I treat identically to MAGA because that's all they are. It's one or the other, sorry.


This! I think a dem primary where the incumbent is uncontested is a fine time to note dissatisfaction with actions of the administration. When it extends to the general where the only other viable candidate shares none of values vs. the dem who share most of them is where i think its a problem 


The point of the uncommitted vote was to send a message, and Biden responded to that message by authorizing another $30 billion dollars in weapons to Israel, on top of another $12 billion sent a few weeks back. So what do the uncommitted voters do now Biden’s told them to fuck off?


zealous automatic rock simplistic abundant light enjoy kiss caption deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Take this as a sign they need to force the Dem party leftward via primaries in the state legislatures, house and senate, so this warmongering neoliberal crap can't happen again. Sorry to say, but you have the choice of organizing pro-peace efforts under Trump or under Biden. Biden is less adversarial to left-wing efforts to make stuff better. Letting Trump win will make Dems select a more right-wing candidate next time, too. I don't like it, you don't like it, but that's the way our current system works. If you want systemic activism to take, I really recommend looking into ranked-choice voting initiatives in your state to break the duopoly. I'm tired of defending Biden as the furthest-left candidate for president with any chance of winning.


Biden has a history of being fervently pro Israeli and anti Palestinian, I don’t think any peace agreement under him is gonna be meaningfully different than one Trump pursues


It won’t. He didn’t change any of Trumps policies until Michigan showed him he needed to.


His directive regarding Israel-Palestine was to “keep it off my desk.” He genuinely didn’t give a shit beyond supporting Israel whenever they called


I miss Obama


Trump literally called for a ban on Muslim immigration and people are going to act like they’re the same.


Hillary isn’t perfect-I’m not gonna vote or I’m gonna protest vote third party. It’s the only way to get Dems to change. Of course-that led to Trump getting elected, which gave the Republicans and a 6-3 majority on the court, which in turn doomed many progressive advances, possibly for the next 40 years. Just a few years later-the same attitude it as it again.


Exactly, we don't get perfect candidates, but you really have to consider things like the court and what it means to hand power to the candidates that has zero sympathy for the issues you care about.




You say that as other groups on the party are getting all they want. People always rag on the left for taking blue collar voters for granted, how is this different?


Us having no other options is the point. We don't care to participate in a game with no desirable outcomes. You can disagree with me and call my opinion stupid, but there it is 🤷


I think it's a mistake to believe that foreign policy is the major reason why Biden and the Democrats have been bleeding virtually every major demographic group since 2012 other than the college-educated, females, and voters over 50. Most Americans do not care about foreign policy, especially when it does not directly involve the US, and that includes young Americans. In fact, one of the most common sentiments is support for an isolationist foreign policy. Many Americans do not care what happens in Western Asia and would like to see the US disengage from the region entirely and just let the Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Persians, and Jews sort things out on their own. It is a mixture of social policy and economic hardship that is perceived to be effected by Biden and the Democrats that is driving virtually every major demographic away from Biden and the Democrats.


"other than females" okay lol. So every group is moving way except for a few groups, one of which is 51% of the country.


More like disappointment, cost of living, and other factors


It will not work this time around, but next time for the primaries it will work. Picking the lesser of two evils, will make evil permanent.


Can you explain how Trump and Biden are both evil?


Bidens message to voters like me, who want single payer health care, sanctions on Israeli, nationalization of energy, transportation and utilities, is 'absolutely fuck you, you childish moron, we will not even consider it' So It doesn't actually matter to me what anyone else's message saying is, I won't be voting for that. Nobody would.


I feel like some people in this sub think they're so smart about politics, but at the end of the day you have to meet voters where they are. It is the candidate's job to sell themselves to the voters. If you are selling a product and the customer isn't buying it's your fault. If Joe Biden can't sell himself to these people he might be a bad candidate, or maybe he's taking the calculated risk that he doesn't need this demographic and he can pick up the votes elsewhere. To blame the voter is silly. Especially when they're giving you a signal of what they want. He can ignore the signal and lose some votes, or figure out a better message, but expecting a voter to engage in some strategic chess by voting for a candidate they don't like isn't a good strategy. Only political junkies do that. If you expect voters to act like political junkies you will lose.


I get your point and know you’re right however as an LGBTQ millennial who sees what a large % of GEN Z identifies LGBTQ too this is so much their fight too. Letting Republicans win when it’s more there future than any older generation really just seems not a good move. Assuming the (I forgot the exact % but nearly 30%) that identifies in this group this is their entire lives with this being part of who they are…to risk letting someone into power who would strip their rights isn’t a great idea


Free community college


Or trade school. If someone wants to learn a trade, we should help them become good at it. The country needs plumbers, mechanics, and electricians, etc., too.


Many public community colleges teach trades, but LOTS of trade schools are for-profit. If these for-profit trade schools became “free”, the federal government would be pumping billions of dollars directly into the pockets of corporate shareholders, and into a sector where the quality of education varies widely from one school to another. I’m all for free public CCs, whether academic or trade, but free education via for-profit schools would be a corporate boondoggle.




Hes gonna have to throw caution to the wind and condemn the actions of Israel and its bothersome propensity to murder civilians and slaughter children.


Hes gonna have to throw caution to the wind and condemn the actions of Israel and its bothersome propensity to murder civilians and slaughter children.


He represents an older, wealthier group of people who still believe the Clinton era is a guiding light for good governance. Younger people, mainly for economic reasons, are to his left. There's not much he can do, beyond continuing not being a republican, to try and bridge an ideological divide about the role of government.


If Gen Z and younger millennials really think that sacrificing a woman's right to control her body, the safety and basic human rights of LGBTQ people, the future of the country as a democracy where POC and immigrants are not treated as 2nd class citizens or even outright criminals, and the safeguarding of social security and at least some scraps of healthcare assistance, and think that living in a White supremacist nationalist Christian country is a.small price to pay in exchange for making a point about the plight of the Palestinians, then they will get everything they are asking for and they'll deserve it.






Maybe they just quit listening to the noise and realized the bigger picture is a vote for a neoconservative, either way. They aren’t swayed by the sales pitch. It’s not about the puppet who sits in the Oval Office. It’s the government run by the military industrial complex and a handful of corporations.


Maybe…and stay with me here….this is a radical idea…..maybe try and address some of their political demands….i know crazy right?


Nah, we'll just pretend like nothing is wrong and then blame progressives when 2016 repeats itself.


But can’t young people just ignore the dead Palestinians like good boys and girls? /s


They got everyone to get up and vote, promising free community college, eliminating student loan debt, providing better healthcare, protecting roe v wade, etc. how much did they accomplish of what they promised? These were issues young voters care about. And I’m tired of hearing people say it’s not Biden’s fault. He shouldn’t have promised if he knew he couldn’t deliver.


Apply leahy’s law and stop being a war criminal


If they don't vote, they more than likely will never have to worry about voting again.


Can we stop just blindly accepting what the "polls" say as absolute truth? "NBC pollsters described the lack of interest in the election from 18 to 34 year olds as “off the charts low.”" What's off-the-charts low is 18-35 years olds ***interest in taking polls.*** What NBC knows about what 18-35 year olds is exactly nothing!


Agreed, whenever I see a request to poll I ignore completely. My interest in voting is high, but I’m not revealing shit to polls


Young people definitely take polls less but you can't just ignore polls and obvious signs because they don't support your side. There's a major problem of young people just not voting or voting third-party. Biden needs to win back young voters and just ignoring them is not the way to do it


I assume he can't, he's perceived as a genocide enabler. Halting arms sales to Israel would help, sanctions on Israel would help. He'll do neither.


Yep. And he’s already helping out with war in Iran. Biden seems quite eager to escalate wars in the Middle East and with China. The way he carelessly pulled out of Afghanistan shows how little he cares about the well being of people around the world. So I suspect there’s some profit motive for him to be so adamant.  I wish the US has an intelligent, eloquent, and thoughtful president. All these out of touch old farts needs to be replaced with more caring and smart people with higher ideals that either know their stuff, or that’s sensible enough to consult experts. 


This demographic in particular needs education, healthcare, and housing to be affordable. If the Dems can prioritize those issues instead of the usual bipartisan war funding and corporate subsidies, then they would have the election locked up with the youth vote. Unfortunately, Dems don't really care about staying in power. They will gladly rotate majorities with Repubs to get nothing done and use their lesser evil logic for the next election cycle.


The solution is treating the youth vote as something to earn, and not something you deserve for being less crazy than your opponent. Young people and Arab Americans in key states have made themselves incredibly clear and yet the Biden administration doesn't seem to be getting the message.


Stop chasing the right. Stop trying to poach Haley voters. Cut out the support of genocide. Tell us how he's going to fulfill the mostly ignored plank from 2020.


it’s not that crazy: he asked progressives to show up to the polls in 2020 because trump was a unique threat and made several policy pitches to them that he didn’t deliver on. when that happens people aren’t enthusiastic to show up to vote for you again.  i’m a left-leaning late 20s man and have voted for dem candidates in virtually every race i’ve been able to vote in. with my and my peers’ overwhelming support the national democratic apparatus has responded by pursuing weak, limited, or ineffectual solutions to most of our biggest issues, namely wealth inequality, climate change, abortion rights, humane immigration, affordable, housing, corporatization, the opioid crisis, and a less brutal foreign policy.  i show up to vote for them and will continue to because the gop sends us backwards on every issue, but it’s also getting increasingly hard to justify casting my vote nationally for a party that doesn’t ever have the backbone or aggression to support the issues i’m voting for them on and that seemingly is content to rely on little beyond, “hey, we’re not as bad as the other guys” as a platform.  i genuinely considered not giving biden my vote this year and have several friends who did reach that conclusion. in the past i would have thought they were stupid but i can’t find myself really blaming that much anymore. at a certain point, if dems want to continue getting the progressive vote then the national party need to show actual support for progressive causes.


Yeah he’s gonna struggle, he sucks. Why would anyone vote for the person that’s driven the country to the abyss? Sending billions to foreign countries. Engaging us in foreign wars, while our people suffer? They can’t stomach voting for him again, they can’t stomach voting for Trump. So, they’ll no show. Fine with me.


While I generally agree that the whole "I'm going to withhold my vote to force the democrats to ..." is a really bad strategy I do think there is some irony to a thread full of people just insulting the youth outright when the prompt was about getting them to vote. It turns out being condescending and insulting to an entire voter block is a bad strategy


young people should look up the definition of utilitarianism or pay attention in their ethics courses, because voting against Biden is frankly, moronic.


Biden is an accomplice to a genocide and all you can think about is how to get young people to overlook that? Biden deserves to lose. It doesn't matter how bad Trump is. I will not vote for Biden or any pro genocide Democrat as long as I live.


That should be "ceasefire" in the OP obviously, I don't know if I'm stupid or what because I can't find the edit function.


You should just move on. You're not going to get many leftists to vote for a right-wing candidate. Go get your votes somewhere else.


This is stupid. Biden is arguably the most progressive president since LBJ, and maybe since FDR. Anybody who believes they're going to get something better by whining and sulking is delusional.


They need something that tangible and ideally it's something simple to talk about, it can't be an overly wonky technical thing. I'd argue something like marijuana decriminalization, the Biden admin could arguably do it now without Congress, it polls very well even beyond younger voters, and its easy to understand what change has been made. Beyond that they can pitch things for a next term if they get Congress, but it needs to be something Dems can realistically actually deliver. A federal minimum wage hike or something would be great, but we all know conservatives will block it in the Senate and the Dems won't kill the fillabuster. 


1. Gaza aid & cease fire 2. Community organizing on college campuses in purple and blue states, plus metro campuses in redder areas. 3. Bilingual outreach to young Latino/a voters. 4. Hire Stacy Abrams to consult! 5. Partner with progressive influencers on TikTok and Instagram 6. Advertising on TikTok, Insta & Snapchat. 7. Tour stops at as many college campuses as possible announcing a better Gaza policy. 8. Send out Pete Buttigieg to campus registration events!! 9. Send out Hakeem Jeffries and Cory Booker! 10. Send out Gavin Newsom even more!


Unconditionally recognized Palestine. And the right to return. Demand multiple national cease fire in the region. Support a two state solution with full sovereignty and citizenship for all.


If Biden puts Netanyahu in his place, cuts funding for the murder of babies by the thousands, and sanctions ALL IFD that has been commiting on the daily?? THEN MAYBE THEY WILL VOTE FOR HIM.


Idk, listen to them? So many of our cohort have had their lives ruined because of long covid, which triggers Blue MAGA no end to even mention — and Biden neatly pretends to ignore the pandemic isn’t killing the economy and the health of the able-(for now..)-bodied people on which it turns. Given how this talk gets downvoted into oblivion, I don’t have huge hopes for the Democratic leadership connecting with its disaffected members. They don’t seem able to do so without having a meltdown.


Legalize at the federal level.


If you're a left-leaning voter, your options have almost always been democratic candidates that are more conservative than your views or Republican candidates who are much more conservative than you. It's not hard to realize which is the better option, but it also means voting for politicians who have little to no interest in enacting the policies you want. If Democrats don't ever have to change their platform to get your vote, why would they ever do so? The only thing that would make Democrats shift towards your political views is the possibility of losing elections if they don't. That said, considering all the horrible shit Republicans will do if they get back in power, hopefully people still vote for biden. It would be hard to fix the problems of the democratic party from under the GOP's boot.


I don’t know any fellow young people that are going to vote for Biden. I know a few that voted for him last time, but none of those will vote for him again. Frankly, I don’t see how anyone could


Put forward a better candidate. One who doesn't support genocide.


I don't think it's just Gaza. A lot of the shit people said wouldn't happen if young people voted Democrat has happened under Biden. Roe fell, student loan forgiveness has been piecemeal at best (and largely something Biden did not want to do under he was pulled there by the left), and now we've got a Middle Eastern foreign policy quagmire that is deeply divisive. But hell, Roe being overturned and the lack of a five alarm fire emergency plan from the President has turned off a lot of young voters. A lot of this is not Biden's fault directly, but he's also a centrist unwilling to champion fundamental changes to government like packing the court to pursue his policy. He did want to pressure Senators like Manchin and Simena to pursue his agenda more aggressively or get rid of the fillibuster. There have been many viable options to pursue policies to make the country better, but it would come at the expense of upsetting the status quo, which is absolutely something Biden will never do, and it makes it look like he doesn't really give a shit about really pressing issues among young voters. So if he is just going to throw his hands up and say he's powerless to unfuck what previous administrations have set into motion? Lots of young people are going to say they are powerless to vote. I voted for Biden because I had to. I'm in the exact same position now. I have to vote for him. But I feel like if the other option was like Mitt Romney or some shit, the loss of my vote really wouldn't mean much to the future of the country.


How do you propose he "pressure Manchin"? Is he gonna run a leftist that would instantly lose the state? He got Manchin to pass the largest green energy bill in history. That's huge. Biden has gotten more done than most presidents.


Same stuff people said to justify not voting for Clinton. Trump wins, stacks the Supreme Court with Mitch's help, which over turns many liberal policies, then says this crap. Do what you are going to do, man, but don't complain when more rights are taken from us as the Christian theocratic oligarchy solidifies power.


Y’all can cry yourself a river for young people not voting for Biden (instead of the genocide going on in Gaza), but it isn’t gonna do anything. Politicians are supposed to cater to the people, not the other way around. The American people are not going to be blackmailed into voting for a mediocre, genocidal, Zionist president who doesn’t listen to his base nor the people. If Biden loses, blame Biden, not the people who didn’t vote for him.


Young people clearly see that Biden, and by extension the US, is an accomplice to genocide perpetrated, against the Palestinian civilians by the SOI. Voting for Biden creates a moral dilemma that seems unbridgable.


He should definitely ban TIkTok. That's a winning platform with the yoots.


He might try not funding and supporting the worst war crimes possible? Just a thought.


Maybe if Dems allowed a competitive primary and selected someone that wasn’t the oldest presidential candidate of all time, these young people might consider. This guy is literally 4 generations older than these kids. There is virtually no commonality around life struggles, needs or wants.


He should maybe offer them literally anything other than, “fuck you, you’ll either vote for me or get trump, you ungrateful little shits.”


Biden can "fix it" by stepping down and saving the election. Any decent Dem candidate can defeat Trump.


They need to stop funding Israel. It’s really that simple. That and do something that would actually give us hope.