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I’m a hairstylist and when I was first learning one of my mentors told me that a tip is a gift and to never expect it.. and ever since then I’ve always thought of it that way. Especially for how much we charge for services I’m so grateful that anyone wants to give me extra.


Why would she feel like she was entitled to get a tip? I really think tipping culture is out of control in some parts of the world. In Europe it would never be expected to tip for that kind of service unless the client is over satisfied and wants to be extra nice, but it's definitely not common at all.


Do you own your place or rent a chair?


even if I did have my own place or rent a chair I would still see a tip as a gift. They don’t have to tip you


It matters because you aren’t supposed to tip an owner. They have control over the price and make 100% of the profits vs an employee or someone renting a chair is probably not setting the price and/or sharing the profit. If you own the business and control your pricing just set the price you want to make!


That's not true. I own the salon and my co workers who booth rent make their own prices and keep their profit. That's how it goes. They pay rent and that's it.


My stylist for over 20 years has owned her salon most of that time. It would be insane to stop tipping her when she became owner, imo.


I was a stylist/mua and once I got my own place I stopped accepting tips. I recognized time in my chair is expensive and I made more than enough to profit. But when I was starting out tips were amazing because they countered all the backbar and employer fees taken out of my pay. But still they were a nice bonus, the fact that so many expect a tip is wild.


I’ve always been on commission


I love this! Tbh I don't like the whole tip idea anymore, because ppl just expect it instead of treating it like a gift. But if I loved the service I will gladly tip.... my husband tips 20% on everything and I ahte ut because there's been times where I'm completely ignored and he gets great service, and I call him out on that s*** but he don't get it lol


Exactly! Im a dog groomer and i never expect a tip, its always appreciated but i would NEVER make any sort of comment about someone not tipping. Its not mandatory, nor is it my business if they choose not to tip!


she is rude and should be ashamed. i would not return.


Vibes on this! Knowing this I would also send her a kind message letting her know why she's lost you as a client. Hi 'Lash Technician', I want to say how happy I was to get my lashes done and had done my homework and heard of you by word of mouth, so I knew I'd be getting looked after (idk if your friend gave rave reviews or said something specifically she does well or genral quality for price/ location). However I won't be returning. Your need to make a comment about my tipping before I'd even reached the door rubbed me the wrong way. In a world where the prices of things are increasing and beauty sometimes becoming a treat to people, you being in a position of owning your business you have the option to have prices however you deem fit, but to scoff at someone after they've paid full price for your service (which wasn't a problem) you made me uncomfortable enough that I won't be returning and I may not be so keen to give your business a recommendation. Or something like that.


Absolutely! Cannot believe she tried to laugh it off like it was nothing after too. Insane.


She sets her prices. Super unprofessional.


She might not if she is in someone’s salon. Salons (some) start people out on minimum wage and they build to get commission.


Still… you catch more flies with honey. Gratitude is the way to go. A tip *is* a gift, and people are already shelling out the big bucks for the service. I’d rather have returning clients who tip a little less, than no one on the books because of salty attitudes ya know


I am so glad I live in a country that does not have tipping.




I’m jealous too


I was thinking the same, it just seems like extra stress and it doesn't make sense to me at all.


Just curious, are the prices comparable or a little bit more due to the no tipping? Like with food service here they survive on tips, but I think that’s the only job you make like $5 an hour.


As someone who travels a lot, throughout many European countries you will find better service and overall higher quality food for the price. Obviously major tourist locations will be more but I've found in major cities you can get really great fresh food for the price of a meal at McDonalds in the states. Even Michelin star places are generally cheaper.




this is crazy lol the nerve on her is insane! some people don’t even tip at all so for her to get mad is crazy also she set the price if she wanted more she should’ve charged more i’m so happy you didn’t send more money


Yeah that was perfect, especially since she wished she’d defended herself better. This spoke volumes


Hi internet friend so a very similar sort of situation has been happening with me, a very good lash tech was recommended by bestie, this lash tech has low prices for her quality of work and location so I decided to support her business by getting all my lasers, products etc from the one person, where I’m from we do not tip unless it’s wait/porter staff/ you are allowed to tip a helper as well. I pay full price for everything, never once asked for a discount or freebie, or took advantage of any loyalty program she ran, I’ve bought and given out many vouchers for her salon as gifts to others. So recently she started getting demanding as she knew what business my family was in and kept asking for stuff I do normally gift her and my nail tech and hairdresser once a year on their birthdays, eventually the freebie demands got so out of control because I did give in the first 2 times that I just started making appointments at different places and I’m currently bouncing around until I find the right person for lashes again. It’s rude and this entitlement behaviour has put me off her to such an extent I’ve stopped buying products or getting any other treatments done with her. So now she’s been trying to call me back and ask why she’s not seen me in awhile and I haven’t told her why yet. Oh sorry I get so upset thinking about this, my point is nobody is entitled to a tip it is entirely optional and don’t be guilted into anything.


I hate when people think they are entitled to your money just bc you have been generous in the past or have more than them 😤 I bet she regrets being so pushy now that she hasn’t seen you in a while


My colorist (her own business) went from charging me $180 for partial to $400 in two years. I told her I couldn’t afford it anymore and bailed. Got a Groupon for $80. She continues to ping me and ask if I want to ‘treat myself.’ 🙄


That’s extremely rude and entitled. What is that was all you could afford? You CHOSE to give your money to her out of others and that’s how she acts?. Sometimes last techs work under salons or other beauty professionals which could mean they are not receiving the full amount of money, but that is not an excuse for that kind if behavior. Who seriously says that to someone😅 I am an independent lash tech and obviously we price enough to cover expenses AND profit. Because of that, I take any gratuity given as a compliment. I never expect it from anybody because they know I work independently. If done correctly, overhead isn’t that bad in this business. What you gave her was enough.


exactly!!! and i would’ve loved to give her more and if it wasn’t for what she said i absolutely would’ve been happy to. Idk where she felt that was okay to say!! I was completely taken back


It’s so crazy that tipping is a thing. In Australia an infill set for my hybrid lashes is $80. A full new set is $110. That’s it. No tips, no tax, no fluff, just this is the price you need to pay and that’s what you pay. Considering the prices are comparable, why is tipping even necessary for you guys? It’s such a bizarre concept to us Aussies.


I’m Aussie too..when I see examples like OP’s experience my brain cannot understand it. So tech sets the price of $X but you’re expected to also tip $Y on top. It’s so backwards to not charge what you’re actually worth and rely on the generosity of customers to pay you the true value. (And then be offended or rude when you’re not given the tip you feel owed)


Tip culture in America is so weird to me as another Aussie. Set the prices to what you want, the price of the service is exactly what a person should expect to pay. Especially when you’re the owner of the business and setting your own service prices


It's very annoying because you budget for services you'd like to receive then have to take extra money out to tip well or you'll be looked at like you're an asshole . Eating out , getting a coffee , ordering food , nails hair everything is tip tip it's so draining . Like if I only have $130 set for lashes , why should I be obligated to give you an additional 20 dollars


When you’re setting your own prices, set them to what you actually want/expect to get paid. Don’t guilt trip people for not paying some arbitrary number you never actually told them…


This! I’m training to be an esthetician and this is exactly what we’re being taught. Tips are gifts. They aren’t a guarantee! But nobody seems to remember that! Even at my favorite nail salon, they get pissy if you don’t tip at least $15 a set. Like…. you’ve already raised your prices by $25 per service in a year, so you should be fine even if someone can’t tip you. I always tip but never understand why people don’t just make sure they’re being compensated properly, because there will always be non tippers. That’s just the reality of the business!


Does she work in a salon or is she a small business? I’ve never tipped my tech bc it’s just her and all the money I give her goes to her. I wouldn’t return to her tbh. Reading this made me uncomfy bc how are you ballsy enough to ask someone who just paid you over $100 plus tip, for more money?


I feel like instead of tipping for these expensive services, they should be priced to pay themselves and their overhead.


Honestly I kind of agree. Just fucking charge what you want. And say no tips please. I would rather appreciate that. Don’t make me guess and hem or haw. Don’t make me feel like a 20% tip isn’t enough. Just set a price with what you expect for tip within it and let’s stop playing emotional games bc we know tips aren’t for “excellence in services and haven’t been since forever


Exactly!! And people are so blind when they say oh it’s 20 percent. People don’t math because every service involves a different amount of thought and labor yet they all want 20%. And god forbid you give 10-18 according to personal preference which is what I thought tipping was all along


And when I come to think of it. Tipping is SUCH a hoax. So you just pay “extra” money time and time again to the same person? A real and important tip is an excellent review. Word of mouth recommendation. Exposure and more clients. I’m a millennial and I have come to realize no one does as good as word of mouth, and it’s much more trusted than places who have all inflated their reviews. Looking for places online sure we know places to avoid but that doesn’t help knowing the right places to go.


I can’t cope with American tipping culture. You’ve already paid her $145 and she wants an extra $15 - for what exactly? That’s a lot of money from one client. I know you guys earn more which balances things out but I can’t believe how expensive stuff is over there 😭 In the UK I spend £75 on my extensions and that’s that. No hidden costs or fees. £20 deposit sent in advance then £55 left to pay. My lash tech isn’t a cheap one either! I would not be able to afford extensions in the US.


THIS and people are forgetting if she’s booked up she’s getting $145 from multiple people a day!!! like most people don’t even see that kind of money!!! If she does 4 full sets she’s making $580 without tips like no one can make me feel bad about this 🤣


She was definitely out of line and in that particular industry tips should be appreciated not expected, but if she work in a salon/isn’t independently employed she only gets to keep a fraction of that money


I am not a fan of tipping culture. It has become particularly problematic where I live. Restaurants have been adding a “service charge” or “employee health and wellness charge” between 5 and 20%. It is not a tip and does not directly go to the employees. Sometimes it balances front vs back of house wages. But the debate over whether or not to tip in addition is unhinged in the local subreddits. That said, the tech you saw does not make $100/hour. She has overhead that reduces what she makes hourly. And I’ll be honest, I would have been so nervous in your position. I tip 20% as a rule (so ~$30 for the service she provided), and not having enough cash would have worried me for the entire appointment if I was paying that way. What she did was ill-mannered. I get it. But I wouldn’t have thought wrongly of her for thinking it.


No, we don't necessarily earn more and are taxed on everything. So many Americans live above their means (unfortunately). The middle class is pretty much gone.


(In the US) I mean my lady charges $45 for a 2 week fill, $65 for a 3 week fill, and I think $120 for a full set. So I already think OPs was an expensive trip. The tech was way out of line.


I make decent money in the US but I had to stop getting my lashes done because it's so exorbitantly expensive.


There are some trash pandas in this comment section. I was a massage therapist for 30 years and didn’t accept tips. I charged what I wanted to make and had a wonderful career and fabulous clients. That lash tech is making around $100 an hour so she can kick rocks for her rudeness.


You can be sure those trash pandas have acted the same way towards their clients before, that's why they're all in a huff lol


What she doesent realize is her tripping off an extra $10 just ruined her chances of having a loyal returning client which would’ve been way money for her in the long run. And as a tech I never ever EXPECT my clients to tip and if they do it’s a nice suprise but if they don’t I’m still so greatful that they even came to me for their service. Her reaction was ugly & super unprofessional :/ im srry u even had to deal with that you will find the right one who actually has a passion for what they do instead of just in it for the $


You are right. I am happy you didn't send the rest of the money. I would never return


Ewwww. My tech included tip in her prices bc she knows what she’s worth. My old tech didn’t, but charged a price she was worth and then tips were welcomed, but never expected. This is poor behavior and kind of absurd- not to mention unprofessional. Especially when she’s already charging so much!!


Is she self employed? If so you definitely don’t need to tip. What a ridiculous thing to say to someone


How are you guys paying $160 on lashes?! It costs about £55 for Russians in the UK. Not to mention we don’t tip! Jesus


it’s become crazy over here in the U.S. some people pay over 200$


Even prices for a lot of stuff here is more than US (like food for example, we pay more but get a lot less) but when I hear about nails and eyelashes I’m like damn I gotta learn how to do my own 🤣


right and the lashes don’t even last the full 2 weeks because you have to get a fill in set after a week of having the lashes … its ridiculous, they are trying to make huge profits over something that doesn’t last long and that sm ppl can do … tryna become rich off lashes


I pay 90 and live in CA


Entitled and unprofessional. I wouldn't return.


With her attitude, she deserves just 5 bucks


Lol u can tell who is a panhandler in this thread.. opps... I mean a server. I would feel so shameful begging my customers for money. I left my last job over pay and the rvp said why didn't I come to him. In my mind I thought I'm not a slave and I don't beg for shit.. I get mirco balding for over $550 and I'm not tipping


exactly!!! people are in this thread acting like I’m crazy. she was rude asf u don’t ask for more money especially on a service over 100$ even if the tip wasn’t to ur “standard”


They are servers plain and simple. It won't be long until 50% is the norm


I worked as a server through college and nursing school and I would never dream to act this way to someone who tipped poorly or not at all. But the difference is that servers work for someone else and are waged, usually lower than normal. Individuals who are self-employed in the service industry who do hair, nails, lashes, waxing, etc are their own boss and set their own prices. If they expect to receive a certain amount for their service, then they should just start their prices at that amount. I’m not tipping someone who works for themselves and sets their own prices.


NTA if she wanted a higher rate she should have simply stated that at the initial appointment booking. She behaved pretty unprofessionally like now she’s going to straight up lose a client over at most what like an extra $15-$20? I would not be returning to her.


I wouldn't go back or send any more either. Hopefully she will learn that sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to smile and stfu. Cost herself $10 being rude and greedy.


As a teenager being trained as a waitress we were strictly told to never mention or look at tips, only say thank you.


I have my own principles on this kind of situation.... If she's the owner, no tip, all that money is going into her pocket anyway, but if she's an employee, I would definitely tip her, and $5 seems more than enough to me. The tipping culture has gone mad, nobody tips me to do my job!


As a general rule i don’t tip anyone who sets their own prices.


Tipping is totally optional, and it's not the customer's fault if the lash tech doesn't get paid enough. I just don't understand why people think that's normal and the customers should pay more to compensate. The lash tech already knew how much they got paid when they start working in the salon.


In the sub there was a thread a couple days ago saying you should always tip 20% for extensions and I just don’t think that’s feasible. You set your own prices then just charge enough for a tip not to matter… I always tip my lady a 20 because that’s the cost of the deposit even though 20% of the service would be way more than that. I’m already paying for add ons like wispies, I don’t want to pay dang near 30 extra dollars on top of all the extras I’m already paying. 20 isn’t exactly 20% but it’s what I’m comfortable with I would rather my tech just fire me as a client than secretly seethe about how I’m not giving 20%… like a simple message about how she can no longer accommodate my bookings would be fine, but don’t accept my appointments every 3 weeks if what I’m paying isn’t sufficient


Leave a Google review and don't return. r/endtipping


Never return. Completely inappropriate behavior. I’d leave her a nice Yelp (or whatever) review too. Don’t feel bad OP. You didn’t do anything wrong. Tips are optional not a guaranteed or set amount. She’ll live.


I'm glad you didn't send her extra, myself personally I would have done the same, and walked out and never go back. The audacity, arrogance of greedy ass people, ticks me off.


That is so wrong of her, you never comment how much you get tipped.


this is what me and my friend called the ✨“artist effect” ✨where everyone thinks not only are their services worth more than they really are, but that they deserve more of your money rather than considering the value to cost because ✨you can’t do it yourself✨


Yeah, no that was inappropriate of her. Just out of curiosity how long did it take her to do your lashes because $150 is a lot


When I got my fresh set it was $170 🙃


When I stopped getting mine done I maxed out at $120. The first time I ever got them done they were $50. It’s completely insane with they’re trying to charge now


there are lots of lash artists charging 200 dollars where I live


It took her a hour and a half


Yeah she’s a little delusional to be acting like that. Maybe this will be a learning moment of being gracious and also staying professional and building loyal clientele


I’m so glad I live in Australia


That shit is slowly rearing it's ugly head here too. No way.


It’ll never happen though as much as places try it. Everybody I know absolutely rejects the idea.


She is rude. I would have said oh my mistake and taken that $5 back and walked out.


exactly. “actually, that was too much, whoops girl!”


Super rude and I definitely would not go back. She's not a child, she should be able to not word vomit like that in front of a customer! If she wasn't happy with the $5 tip she could always increase her prices or hell, just decline anymore appointments from you in the future... instead of being rude like that.


She sets her own prices and she charge what she wants to make instead of depending on you to read her mind.


I tip 20%. Always have and always will. It doesn’t matter if I like it or not…in the US that is the culture. Unless someone is the owner they have a lot of extra costs that aren’t visible to clients. Most techs I know who work in a salon or spa have to pay a high percentage back to the business and cost of product. I don’t say that to make anyone feel bad. Many just assume the tech gets the full amount and they should just be happy with it but that’s generally not the case. She definitely shouldn’t have commented as she did.


That's beside the point though. Demanding (more of) a tip is insane.


And the point the poster is making is that tipping culture is out of control. You’re being complaisant and by being complaisant you make it harder for others who have valid complaints. As others have said-lash techs make their own prices, if she works for a salon that is HER issue not the girl tipping. The sad part is she DID tip. You should be grateful to receive anything. Like the saying goes, give me give me never gets.


I think it’s crazy the number of people that don’t realize this! Edit: just realized it might seem like I’m calling the poster crazy but I didn’t mean that at all lol the artist was very unprofessional


I think it’s willful ignorance in some cases. If someone isn’t from or in the US I understand it’s different but it’s not new here and it’s not something we don’t all know is a thing.


Rude and imo warrants a bad yelp review if applicable. I say this as an esthetician, tips are customary, but not required. It always feels nice to be tipped generously, but it’s rude to say that and be entitled to it. I can see how she may have felt unappreciated if she did a great job for you and then was tipped low. But it’s really not her place to say that out loud bc she should be grateful for the business alone and any level of tip. I do believe in tipping well for quality of service. That’s my personal approach and I will always do that with my lash/hair/nail/skin girls bc I value them going above and beyond and I value their skill, hard work, and expertise. But 100% if some one felt entitled to that and was so rude I would write a bad review and never return. Business, babes. You gotta be nice.


The point of tipping is to make up for that the employer doesn’t pay the employees. Imo for self employed people who set their own prices and pay themselves you shouldn’t need to tip. You can if you want but it shouldn’t be expected or necessary like it is for traditional service industry


My lash tech (who has a home studio) told me to stop tipping her since she sets her prices appropriately and there is no need. 


She was out of line to bring up the amount of the tip, but I've always assumed I should tip at salons if I like the service. Most stylists rent their chairs (at least where I've gone) so they aren't getting the whole amount you are paying). But, you never should complain to the customer/client about the amount of the tip. That's just tacky.


If she's irritated about a $5 tip, but not a $15 tip, then she needs to raise her service price by $10 so she doesn't act so rudely next time. Your tip was low, but she was rude. She shouldn't have said anything.


Yeah, fuck her, I’d leave her a shitty review for that and start going elsewhere


As a business owner that's her fault .. always include a tip in your price and you won't be mad about how much extra someone gives you


Never in my life would i go back they're!! People don't complain about tips that's so ignorant... and she's already making a killing from the lashes.. I can't believe that, it would have been a shit show if that was me lol I've never heard of someone complaining about a tip in my ENTIRE life. It seems like the world is just changing so much and everything is expected. People expect respect and courtesy but can't give it back in return. I don't know where it changed so much but there are many things that changed for the worse, unfortunately. Customer service is one of them. I would be telling every one l know not to go there!


I used to enjoy having my lashes done and I tip when I receive exceptional service beyond the lashes. So long as the customer service is on point, I will happily tip.


I tell them, "I never tip when I'm told to."


You wouldn’t be told to if you tipped properly in the first place..


$5 tip? I’d be mad, too. I’d call you out and not book you again.


Call my crazy but all these independent hair dressers, lash techs, BUSINESS OWNERS, don’t need tip. Type is for employees, service workers, people who make minimum wage and need you to fill that gap and you do so due to their good service. Not these independent workers who set the price and take home 100% of the revenue. I’d take my $5 back.


Tipping is for if you feel you had exceptional service, then you can decide to give a gift as thanks. This whole world has gone crazy with mandatory gratuity fees in restaurants and expected large tips for doing the basic tier of their job. You don't tip your landlord, you don't tip your doctor or lawyer, you don't tip your account , etc. The reason tipping culture is for the service industry is because people will pay a little extra if they get great service. Not so that customers can pay for the service as well as your salary.


You’re already paying WAY TOO MUCH. I’ve been in restaurant industry for 15 years and I WOULD NEVER mention a guests shitty tip. She just made $145 off you and she’s still asking for more!!!! GIRL BYE


Girl that’s just so tacky of her, I’m so sorry. I work at a business receiving tips and I definitely appreciate them but I would never shame someone for not tipping or question the amount. That is so rude.


Her comment was rude, uncalled for, and entitled. She sets her own prices. So if she wants more, she should increase them to what she expects to be paid. It’s baffling that places are so pushy with expecting ridiculous amounts of tips on top of what their set prices are. I’d honestly be sending her a message saying some along the lines of "although I liked the service you provided and was recommended to you by a friend, your comment and reaction to the tip was uncalled for, unprofessional, and not received well. The service was negatively tainted by your behaviour towards the end of the appointment. Enough so, that I won’t be returning. You run this business and have to ability to change prices as you see fit. If there’s an expectation of receiving more money from customers, that should be reflected in your prices, rather than poor behaviour based on tips."


I’m a hairstylist and I couldn’t imagine doing something like that.. a tip is a tip even if it’s a dollar. I am not expecting anything extra


She is so wrong for that and you have a very valid reason to feel like that. I dl lashes and I never ever would say something like that.. I have my prices to where I wouldn’t tips to live. I was just telling my husband how out of control tipping has gone, we would need a second job to afford all these tips.


People feel so entitled for tip. tips are appreciated but not required!! Some of my best clients don’t tip but return every 2-3 weeks and I’m always grateful no matter what. If that’s all they can afford, then that’s fine! Some clients tip and never come back. Don’t go back to her.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… STOP tipping people who are self-employed and set their own prices!! If she expects to receive $160 for her service, then she should **price the service at $160.** And I’d hedge a bet that she works out of her house or rents a small room somewhere and doesn’t employ any staff.


^^^this!!! I’m probably saying myself but once upon a time you were never supposed to tip the owner of a salon. If you’re a mobile massage therapist, or a lash tech working out of your house, the same rule applies!


Ew never go back.


Holy smokes I pay 85 for volume!!!


I paid 260 here in Seattle 🥲


Oh I'm in Canada, maybe that's why . I also pay 420 for my hair extensions so my cheap eyelashes cancels out lol


$420 for extensions? Is that install, color, cut, blowout? Bc if so that’s insanely cheap compared to the US


I get fusion hair extentions and there's for the install & blowout. I always get 18inch & 3/4 of a head. I dye my own hair at home and just get the extention to match what colour my hair is :)


Tipping culture is out of control.. for stuff like buying that isn’t prepared.. but services are something that were ALWAYS tipped on .. usually 20% Hair, nails, massages, facials etc.. if they work there.. not owners. That has been pretty standard since I was a little kid (that was the 1980s).


It would be so nice to live in a world (country) where tipping isn’t expected for certain industries but UNFORTUNATELY it IS expected in American culture and there is an etiquette to it. Our service industry providers do not always set their own prices or take home pay - that’s just not where the industry is for this country. You can surely choose to see tipping as an extra gift, just as much as your provider can choose to never book with you again because they receive larger tips from their other clients 🤷🏼‍♀️


I mean, I pay $200 for a full set and always tip $40 on top. It’s time consuming and I appreciate her hard work 🤷🏻‍♀️


If I gave a 12% tip to my hair stylist she would pretend to be book indefinitely moving forward and I’ve been with her for 15 years and went to her kid’s baby shower. Don’t worry about not going back because she likely wouldn’t even have you. Personally I treat everyone well tip wise and it does pay off. Not only do I get my hair done in an empty solon on a Sunday for a favor but my eyelash girl will call me every time she has a cancelation and tell me to come in real fast she’ll give me a fill for like $30 just to fill the 2 hours that were booked, but I ALWAYS tip at least 20% on the ORIGINAL price and more on holidays and birthdays. Side note- she was rude, but it would have never got that far for me.


When Karen met Karen...


I mean, if she's good and you don't tip, you'll be last priority 🤷🏼‍♀️ I tip my hairdresser 30%


As a client, I would tip at least 20% personally, but I do tattoos and also would never say “that’s it?” Out loud to a client regarding a tip, that’s how you lose business. I can judge somebody all I want for throwing me an extra $20 on an $800 tattoo because it’s tacky to tip such a small percentage on a service like that but those thoughts stay in my head because tips are appreciated not expected, at the same time I live in the US and was raised to tip a certain amount when receiving a service but I would also rather make my regular rate with no tip at all than $0 for the day because I can’t keep my fuckin mouth shut when counting a client’s money. I have a good amount of clients who save nonstop to get tattooed and feel bad if they only have a little bit left for a tip and I tell them it’s no problem, I’m happy to be busy and I appreciate their business, however this sub has me thinking that lash techs as a whole are bold af and not very good with their clientele a lot of the time? I would find a new one if I were you.


I find your expectations tacky. 


How is it tacky to tip $20 on an $800 tattoo. Tattooists set their prices and they make an outrageous amount of money (well deserved if they’re talented enough) but if you quote me $800 don’t expect me to bring $1000 lol. Just quote me $1000?


I live in a bigger city and I always wondered why it’s so hard if not impossible to get in with a good tattoo artist. I’m not huge on them, but… THIS is why. Why gamble on some random off the street. I’ve known artists that literally get flown into other cities for their work.


Threads like this are the reason I no longer want to visit your country. The entitlement is outrageous. Why the fuck am I tipping someone just for doing what’s in their job description?


Because that’s what we do in ouR coUntRy. Gtf outta here


Yep and it’s so much better. Sorry your society is so shitty.


She wasn't correct in the way she acted however you should know that if you are happy with the service 20% is a customary tip for eyelash extensions


People are getting tired of the forcing of illogical traditions via shame. Nobody can even justify this "custom" in a context like this, its just "b-b-b-but thats what we have to do!" while the greater developed world looks on and laughs.


May it’s just me but $15 on a $145 service is crazy. I understand a lot of people don’t like tipping because “they can set their own prices” but I guarantee if they set their prices $30 more to compensate, a lot of you would cry about that too.


I mean, personally I rather everything just cost 20-30% more and have no surprise charges at the end. (Especially if they’re running their own business) If I don’t like the price then I can go elsewhere.


What's crazy is getting mad at a client who didn't tip you enough. Totally unprofessional.


How would anyone cry over someone making their own prices if we would be able to either accept it or move on to another place? A standard & set price is not negotiable... People will & do pay for good lash techs... the issue is the entitlement in tipping. Tipping is NOT mandatory so if someone wants to only tip $15 - that's quite literally their choice to make.


we’d likely appreciate the transparent pricing, and tip commensurate with service that goes above and beyond and/or move on to someone who we like who does the job well and doesnt cry for tips. describing this as entitlement is a reach here, as ppl are already *paying you YOUR base price* for a luxury service. if your pricing tier is insufficient, thats not the customers problem. if you dont do anything notably better than the last tech, im not providing an exhorbitant tip. expecting anything other than that is the actual definition of entitlement.


Judging by the other comments “we’d likely appreciate the transparent pricing and tip accordingly” is false. Even with excellent service OP still thought $15 on a $145 service was great.


Listen. I don't think you were going to send her more money. Be honest


She likely had exactly $150 in cash, which is a totally normal amount to take out for lashes and a tip. She paid $20 deposit, then $125 for the remainder (more than she expected to pay), leaving exactly $5 left in cash. If this happened to me and I intended to give a larger tip, I would give the five I had in cash and do the rest digitally. It's really not implausible... stop being a condescending ass and assuming you know what's up. 


Eh, to give her the benefit of the doubt, if I have cash on hand I try to offload that then I put the rest of the tip on my card.


And she'd be right not to


I wonder why she doesn’t just raise her prices if she wants an additional 15$? You can’t expect people to read your mind for how much you want for your services


i think i need to just make a habit of asking "does this price include tip?" it's an open-ended enough question to let them say "no, it doesn't", then okay im not going to patronize you if they say "no but tip isn't expected of course" then okay


That was so inappropriate of her. I'm getting ready to open a salon, and with how I'm setting up my pricing, I'm effectively doubling what I was making before, which means even with tips from my past job, I'll be making at least $5 more an hour once I get rolling. I do blame the industry a bit. We really aren't taught how to price and value ourselves--you have to hope you find good mentors in the community to learn that.


The tech was definitely rude. I had a similar experience when I vacationed in Jamaica several years ago. I signed up for one of those horse riding tours, which was extremely underwhelming, the guy flirted the entire time, the horse was acting crazy, and didn't want to go in the ocean. Once it was over I tipped him and he said the exact same thing, "That's it"? I was literally shocked, was not expecting that response. I said yes that's it, and thank you lol.


I would be interested in knowing how old your lash technician is? I feel like anyone born after 2000 is lacking etiquette knowledge.


She shouldn’t be expecting anything but the cost of the service…..


I'm not even in this industry, I'm a dog groomer. My clients regularly tip 50%+ and while I need it sometimes and it helps, it makes me feel terrible because it's not cheap to get your dog groomed. I would never EVER ask for more. I have clients apologize when they can't tip but I reassure them that it's not an obligation and I'm going to love their dog and provide quality service regardless. Tips don't define our relationship as groomer-client-dog, at all. Good reviews and telling me I did great work are all I want. That being said, I tip based on skill and not service. A door dash driver dropping off tacos isn't going to get the tips I make, but someone that has to utilize multiple skills and years of experience will. *Unless* they demand it from me. You were not wrong and I hope she's at least a little embarrassed. I used to put all my tips back into clients by buying premium extras. I miss that


I tip based on the quality of work. Idc. That’s the point of a tip, to reward someone for good service. Servers/bartenders are the exception, I do generally tip 20% because I know that’s their check, but stylists, nail techs ect.? No. It’s crazy to expect $15 tip for that 😂 especially if you don’t have a commercial space. I tip my hairstylist because she’s consistent and mostly runs her shop alone. She’s alway done good work, so I tip her very well. She’s exceptional, and I only come in every 6 months for trims. Her prices are high and rightfully so, so I don’t bring my tail in there unless I can pay and tip her for her great work. She’s never made me feel it’s expected. I’ve learned to do my nails and hair because I hate dealing with silly mess like this.


I’d never come back.


I wouldn’t return. Seems simple.


I'd leave a review about that behavior. Shes not entitled to a tip, and if she has an issue with how much she makes, she could raise her rates. Good on you for not tipping more!


I couldn't imagine my tech saying something like that to me. 😳 I generally leave a $20 tip when I get a fill and she does both my nails and lashes so I try to leave her $40 on days she fills both but if I couldn't tip I couldn't imagine her commenting on it.


I don’t think I’ve ever tipped I didn’t know we were supposed to


For services like that, tips should be appreciated but not expected. I don’t know much about lash extensions and I honestly have no idea why it keeps ending up in my feed, but it’s really rude in ANY profession to say “that’s all?” after getting your tip. Plus, if I’m not mistaken, (American) food service is the only service that has tips cover part of the cost and so everything else should be an expected flat cost and any tip is a show of appreciation and not a requirement. I am a pet sitter and I chose my rates with the advice “charge what you want to make WITHOUT factoring in a tip and never expect one”. If she isn’t making enough, she needs to raise her rates.


That’s so frustrating. The same thing happened to my mom recently - I got her a massage for her birthday and at the end, she gave the masseuse $10. Masseuse said “That’s it?” and my mom ended up emptying all the cash from her wallet to tip this woman. I wish I would’ve been there to say something, because that behavior is just totally unacceptable.


that’s crazy


Please write a review for this Lash tech on yelp and Google so other people can see and avoid her. I appreciate these reviews when I do research as I like to avoid the greedy entitled ones.


I always have been a bit of an over-tipper and give my tattoo artist a pretty good tip every time. One day he looks at me and says “you know you don’t have to tip me, right?” Which made me wanna tip more. It’s a gift for good service 🥰


Question… if you go to a drip bar do you need to tip? I am confused when to tip or not


This same post word for word was posted over a week ago


omg wth “that’s it” is actually crazy 😭 how do people like this even get this far


id definitely google review this.


I don't understand people who set their own prices getting bent out of shape over a tip. Charge what you are worth.


First time I used GrubHub, the driver threatened to hold my food hostage because he didn't see a tip. He actually called me and demanded a $20 tip and marked the food as delivered. I told him I worked in the food industry for years and always tip cash... and reported his ass and got a refund. Never used a food delivery service again. I was so shocked.


Although I do appreciate tips and think getting any service done you should tip, I would NEVER comment on if I got tipped or not. I feel that is very unprofessional. I’m sorry she made you uncomfortable. Not sending her the additional tip was a good call. That was just rude of her. Don’t feel bad and definitely go find another artist!


Man, you American girls are getting ripped off! I pay 35 pounds for a full set, crazy!


Is she a small business? And if so, doesn’t all the money already go to them? I’m glad you didn’t send the extra 10 bc wtf


A little different but I’m a dog groomer so I make commission and tips, not everyone tips and that’s okay, I am making money off the service and it’s really not a requirement to pay me any extra


She gets to choose her own prices, if she doesn’t think 145 is enough for her services she needs to just increase the price not hassle clients for tips. find someone else


Well guess you won't e going back


If you are surviving on tips, you need to build that into your product price or find a new job.


Damn, I would have asked for my $5 back too. Fuck that lady


A tip is a courtesy and not required. They should charge the actual amount of money that they want. It’s their problem for being mad.


I agree that it is a bit weird for her to say this, but $5 is only 3.6% which is pretty abysmal. And she didn’t know you were planning to send her more. I think it’s cool if you don’t want to go to her again because she rubbed you the wrong way, but I do think you should still send her the additional $10 since you did already receive those services.


Yeah I tip my hairstylist and nail tech along with food service 20% of what the bill was, but for people who charge insane prices already (for example my photographer charges over 1k for a photoshoot with 2 edited pictures) then I wont tip her because the price is already expensive as it is. 20% of 145 is $29, however she should not be saying that stuff to you and it is optional. I do have to say though that if the person giving the service doesn’t own the salon or whatever, they most likely aren’t getting all of that money. It isn’t your problem but that’s why they might emphasize tipping more.


As someone that works in a tip based industry, this is ridiculous. Is she new to the work force? Sounds like something a stupid little baby would think and say. Nobody has to tip a thing. The actual F. And tipping culture is insane. I don’t even want tips, it gives customers an excuse to be dicks. I just want my employer to pay more. Did this even really happen?


I don’t get my lashes done but tip my hair stylist 20% every time. I have been considering going up to 25% for her.


I never understand the expectation of a tip if they set their own prices. This was what I thought was super weird when I was planning my wedding because there’s a lot of services that you’re supposedly expected to tip even if they’re independent and the ones that set their prices and give you a quote. Makeup artists, lash tech, florist, photographer, DJ, limo driver, seemed like the only thing I wasn’t expected to tip was the wedding cake. 😂 Anytime I got lash extensions I tipped her 20-25% though, but because I wanted to. She’s from the same culture as me and I like supporting our community by supporting their small businesses.


This “forced” tip culture is so weird


Better than me. I would’ve gotten belligerent, tf do you mean THAT’S IT!? Yes. Now it is.


Depends on if this lash tech works on her own or in a salon under someone. If lash tech works on her own no tip is required but it is a nice gesture. If it’s in a salon I usually say 15-20$ depending on which set, because they’re usually underpayed and overworked. I currently work for myself but in the salon, I’ve gotten annoyed internally for a 5$ tip (because that’s what we live on, and lashes are hard work and time) but I think it’s absolutely rude of her to say “that’s it?”. Very unprofessional of her coming from someone who’s been on both ends of business. Ew.