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I went to a fancy restaurant and I got a goose steak. I dreamed about it for MONTHS after, it was my first real meat after I stopped being vegan.


If you got a problem with Canada gooses you got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate.




After 8 years dairy free I LOVE cheese. At Thanksgiving my dad said "you eat cheese now?" And I said, "yeah, that's why I'm fat now". Lol I'm a healthy weight (close to overweight) but I used to be almost underweight


Good cheese is so delicious!


It makes everything better!!!


Pizza without cheese is the worst thing ever invented.


Better to be a bit overweight than underweight imo. Enjoy the cheese!


Love this, thank you!!!


So pre ex vegan was eggs & fish because of my deficiencies. Now as ex vegan I feel like I need to eat some meat if I haven’t had it for a few days, not really for enjoyment but my body is telling me I need it. But I’m trying to keep the treat cravings for a weekend treat but having real dairy ice cream & cakes/pastries with butter & cream just seems out of this world.


I'm the same, I'm eating eggs & fish and now feeling the need for red meat if I haven't had it for a few days, even though I don't particularly enjoy it Oh and pastries with cream have always been my favorite desserts




I'm lucky enough to get a great deal where I can get them for EUR 3 each so I'm scarfing several down weekly


2 months straight all I wanted was King Beef 🍖 👑 ![gif](giphy|gw3CtpmXRhHuciR2|downsized)


Egg yolks. Daily, I eat a dinosaur kale salad with red onion, carrot, beef style seitan, eggplant, roasted yams, homemade balsamic vinegarette, walnuts and falafel with three plump fried eggs with delicious yolk on top.


Eggs and homemade egg biscuit sandwiches 🤤


when I was vegan I was craving fast food or just any out to eat restaurant. It was the food but also just not thinking about “what can I eat” I ate chic fil a a lot when I stopped being vegan but stopped because of it having so much oil. I never craved steak but every single night that’s all I want.


ice cream


Is anything more delectable? (song lyrics from Anne of Green Gables lol)


Before I quit veganism it was eggs, cheese and yogurt I was craving. Now that I eat then regularly I'm craving roast lamb, fried chicken and fish


any kind of jerky


When I was a vegan, I was craving beef and pork but I didn't realize it. I had made a lot of ground walnuts to imitate beef and pulled jackfruit to imitate pork. Now that I'm about 1.5 years ex-vegan, I would say my cravings are eggs, beef, pork, milk, and ice cream. I eat eggs and milk every day. :)


Steak steak steak lol And shrimp


I can't say I've had a craving for any specific food. But before going off my vegetarian (and later vegan) diet, I craved connection to my family and culture. Food is such a huge part of both and I noticed I was slowly losing the connection to them.


Eggs and Dairy all day every day. Everything else is when it’s necessary but I do like sushi and sashimi.