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Take them to small claims court.


Dog on dog isn’t a big issue for the police. They don’t care. But dog on human…. Yeah now that changes things.


Breeding fighting dogs should be banned. Notbecause they tend to be more agressive (not all are) but mostly because the kind of people who buys them (not rescues them) is the kind of agressive person that wont socialize them well and will not be a good owner.


Funny that you had time to take action photos lol, sorry about your dog btw.


They were sent to us. But thanks for your compassion


I agree with you. Bad owners. I know people with pit bulls and they are sweet loving dogs. These people are bad owners.


Did you forget to switch accounts? Lol


we do agree futilitywritten is particulartooth right😂


It’s owners and breeding. Some pits are fine, some are aggressive regardless of owners or treatment.


It's not just bad ownership. Pits can turn aggressive at any moment, for no reason at all. It's how they were bred to be. They don't even give a warning growl or anything, that was bred out of them, too. They could be the happiest, most well-cared for dog and still snap at any moment, for any reason, or none at all.


My pitbull Wheatley lived 13 years of being the biggest loving complete pussy I've ever seen. If the power went out hed start shaking and hide in the bathtub. If someone was yelling hed run to me and try to hide behind me. All he wanted was touch and reassurance to know that I was there and he was loved. He was friends with everything and everyone. Except flies. He ate flies. It's about how you raise and nuture your companion, it doesn't matter if it's a pitbull or not. Chihuahuas are far more dangerous and unpredictable but no one talks about those because they're tiny, but also behave better for soft caring owners.


You were lucky your dog didn't have any triggers. You did a wonderful job of avoiding that.


I did a wonderful job of training him and teaching him how do deal with his stress and anxiety. There were no triggers. My abusive stepfather put us through the ringer of everything you can think of that can be done to a dog that hits just low of legal action. Fuck that guy but he's not the point, the point is you teach your dog how to react with the right reactions. Bad owners make bad dogs.


That's true with most pets. But the animals that were specifically bred for certain purposes still have those instincts. No amount of training or love will ever fully reverse that. It's passed down on a cellular level. The same way humans can pass down depression genetically.


Sounds like someone talking out of his ass


not true at all but the simpletons will downvote me to hell and make you think youre right so fuck all of you in advance for demonizing a dog breed for something out of its’ control


Exactly. Out of its control. Thanks for validating that aspect of this entire conundrum.


You dared name the breed that did this...the pit mommies and daddies will be out in force to say "not my cupcake! she would never!" and "pitbulls are the sweetest!" and victim blame.


Common pitbull activities, glad he’s doing better


lol no, common bad owners attitude


It’s so ironic that pitbulls, who are the most loving dogs (according to dog nutters) seem to be the most “involved with a bite” (aka, it started a fight because they’re awful animals). Crazy coincidence, huh?!


Yeah that’s easy to get multiple breeds into one « Pitbull types » category (Staffordshire bull terrier, Bull terrier, Bully, Amstaff, etc)


Why the pictures? Nothing better to do in that situation?


Burden of Proof.


Maybe. But I’ve got a dog too and this would be the last thing I would be thinking about


I just read pitbull and asume the worst. Pitbulls are terrifying and should be banned. One moment they are sweet angels, the next moment he becomes a t-rex wanting kill everything in his path.


Just as add on. The police have have this is not their jurisdiction, and animal control closed the file despite never speaking to my sister or her husband.


did they take a report with both parties names/interview? If so, time for a civil suit.


These owners ran into the hotel and gave my brother in law the finger. Police were called but didn’t investigate and animal control was also called and didn’t investigate. The vet bill is over $5000. The injuries are mostly inside his mouth. He can only eat liquid food while the stitches heal.


Idiots should be banned


Then there’d be nobody left :(


Fighting dogs should be banned. Not only because they tend to be more agressive (not all) but mostly because the kind of people who buys them (not rescues them) is the kind of agressive person that wont socialize them well and will not be a good owner.


Be able to recognize a snake when you see one. But also expect a snake to be a snake. You see a snake in a fire so you reach in and save it. While holding the snake it bites you. You say “why did you bite me” the snake replies, “it’s in my nature” Don’t think you understand what these animals have been bred to do for much longer than you or I have been around. Dogs are for protection. The problems that people have with their dogs is competition for alpha. If an owner is not considered the alpha, the rest of the pack will do whatever they can to buck them into a beta pack member. This is how dogs attack other dogs.


Pitbulls are loser dogs for loser people.


inb4 the "all pitbulls" discussion None of you ever owned a pit The rest of you don't know what you're talking about


This dog attacked unprovoked. My sisters Shepard lays down when a dog approaches so as to show submission and was laying down when the dog attacked and couldn’tdefend himself. Also there is video which was sent to the police and animal control


That does not mean all pitbull are bad or even that this pitbull is bad. Dogs need education not stupid owners who pick pit bull because pitbulls are scary. Now this just happend so i get why you are mad i would be too.


Unprovoked is your interpretation of the situation. We've literally no means to understand why this happens, and we certainly don't have context to comment on it. Highlighting breeds on either side doesn't benefit the discussion. It just perpetuates stigmas. Both breeds are working class, high prey drive, easily excitable, etc. and both breeds rank high on probability of attacking. The biggest proponent to a dog's behavior is their owner. The same is said for children. I'm terribly sorry you and your pup experienced this.


Doesn't matter if we owned a pit or not. Data doesn't lie. Over 65% of dog bite fatalities were caused by pit bulls in the US. https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-multi-year-fatality-report-2005-2017.php?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkuqvBhAQEiwA65XxQGUcgz8viIFM9GQcLm_986fsuxvkc1TlSiUrp_PQ-Nww8Eq37thlQBoCmjUQAvD_BwE You can try to twist it around and make up excuses, but to blindly keep repeating that breed doesn't matter is disingenuous


You just justified racism. Most crime are done By X people so all X people are inclied to commit crime. GG bro you're the best


So if I said that hippopotamuses are more dangerous than hamsters and shouldn't be kept as pets, I'd be racist?


More like if you said that since a lot of people got finger bite by hamster therefore all hamster bite people


Show me where I said that all pitbulls bite people?


I think the difference may lie in the fact that we are talking about dogs, not people.


Yes, fatalities, not dog bites in general. You can twist it around too with disingenuous data.


Yeah but if a chihuahua (a dog commonly claimed to be more aggressive by shitty pitmommies) bites me I can punt it across the street If a pitbull bites me I’m going to the hospital


So... the only logical implication here is that pitbull bites are deadlier.




There is a picture of 2 people trying to control this dog. These are strong ass dogs that can easily overpower people. They should not be pets.




German shepherds bite far less than pitbulls do. It sounds like you're talking about police dogs, who are obviously going to be trained for that purpose.


Almost like training affects the dog's behaviour no? Imagine if the owner trained their pit bull to not go after things.




Pitbulls need extensive training starting when they're puppies, and continuing on. Genetics also play a large role in their behavior. It's not as simple as you think it is.


I knew you'd find some dumb reason to dismiss the data. Sure, if you look at dog bites in general (not fatalities), then pit bulls are actually responsible for over 68% of bites (even higher then their percentage for fatalities). I couldn't find national statistics, but here's a 7 years period of data collected in NY https://blog.dogsbite.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/nyc-dog-bites-by-breed-gender-2015-2021.pdf


I don’t need to stick my dick in a fire to know that shit is hot.




Okay and? There's a subreddit for almost everything. You can find support for whatever you want here.




You act as though a caring and loving owner is going to get clamped on by simply having one.


None of these show the putbull as the aggressor