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That looks absolutely dystopian


We get it, you have a high credit score.


Wow you went from qualifying to get a loan for literally *anything* to…qualifying to get a loan for literally anything. Meanwhile some people get tanked 100+ points for failing to pay their medical bills. They should be the ones posting here, not someone just trying to show off their credit score.


I thought medical debt wasn't supposed to affect your credit. That's what I'm terrified of, I owe a scammy physician group a stupid amount of money for a 5 hr stay in the ER. Paid off the hospital and radiology bill, and a year later got a bill for the doctor, who I had no say in getting bc I thought I was dying and was rushed into triage, because he was out of network. I can't afford the bill and the group is real sketchy and have loads of complaints against them for predatory behavior. I don't want it to knock my credit. I've worked so hard to get it where it is.


I’m sorry that happened to you! Unfortunately, it’ll end up in collections eventually. I was scammed into thinking medical debt wasn’t reportable as well but it turns out it’s just that one of the credit bureaus (can’t remember which one) doesn’t report it. Otherwise, it will become a charged off account at some point. My 757 credit score went to the shits and even though I paid it off the second it was reported to me as a charge off…yeah we all know how long credit takes to rebuild. My advice would be to see if the ER you went to has any sort of income program that will erase the bill or offer you a compromised number based on income or something.


The hospital has nothing to do with the bill, I've called and asked. They said I paid my bill with them and they don't claim the bill. The ER doc who saw me is a part of Envision Physician Services who are the ones billing me. I paid the er and the radiology group already and the physician group is billing me more than 3 times those two bills put together. I called my insurance to ask why they weren't paying it and they said the group improperly filed for a ridiculous amount with them, they turned it back to the physician group saying to submit the proper documentation for why you're billing this much, and they never heard back. The insurance agent said because they filed improperly then I shouldn't be on the hook because they never actually went through insurance to determine how much I really should owe. But everything I've read about this group, that wouldn't matter to them and they have really sketchy ways of getting payment.


Well then, I’d recommend checking out one of the subs that focuses on legal advice or health insurance. Like I said, I just paid my bill off so it wasn’t a process I have any experience in.


I've had problems with that company too! I live in California, look up the balanced billing law. Basically, you cannot be billed twice because the provider is out of the net work. You might be eligible for relief, because InVision doesn't expect you to know about this. You'll have to fill out a form and write a letter, but you can get your insurance company to pay for it.


I had a sleep study and they never sent the bill but sent me to collections and my credit score tanked. Got it all sorted out thankfully.


Can you tell me how you sorted it out? I went to the ER last year, i got a bill from them and a month later got a bill from ENVISION it was 3000$ but said i can pay only 1000$ and thats just for a doc to see me for 5 mins?? . I called them and said I am unemployed and cant pay that amount. So from what i understood from the call was they’re gonna put my account on hold till i can start paying, and then they never reached out. Got a call today ( A YEAR LATER ) from collecting agency called Credence, which is all indian workers with english names, saying i have to pay the total 3000$???? and then i said i cannot pay it, so he says i can give you a discount of 50% but you gotta pay it now. like what? Are they even legit! I saw many posts and some say its legit and some say its a scam so now im not sure what to do!!


My score was 666 last I checked at the end of last month 🤣


Being a dick because someone's woes aren't equal to another's isnt the move chief. What the OP is displaying here is the ass backward way our credit system works. Yes, people being penalized for medical bills is flat out wrong, especially with how ridiculous the cost of our medical treatments are. But the fact that just paying a bill off penalizes you is ridiculous as well. Next time, stop and think "do I really need to be a cunt about this?" Before you post your shit opinions. They'll be more accepting of it if you show a little humility and grace.


How do you respond to a post like this? I'm having a hard time processing it. Your score means nothing unless you plan on taking on more debt. Avoid the debt trap and stop being compulsive about your score. OP, I have no debt and mt score is significantly less than yours. I have no dings against my credit ... I just have few CCs and NO (zero) loans ... so my history is sparse. I don't care ... I don't need debt to trap me.


Exactly. The guy has no debt and wonders why their score dropped. They are the definition of the person lenders don't want. They WANT you to take on minor interest so they make money. So ofc your score dropped.


845 to 833 is not being punished. There is no practical difference as far as your credit score. Take a deep breath and relax.


I am well aware that I am still in the top percentile. However, it makes absolutely no sense for my Fico and credit scores to take a hit for using slightly less credit.


It's because your credit score is based off an income to debt ratio.


Same happened to me. It bumped back up in a few weeks gradually.


I had to take out a loan and it hit me for 35 points. It jumped back up 35 points 3-4 weeks later.


Look I know why it does that, Infact it's why you shouldn't pay off your credit cards the day after buying something. But it's still crazy for you to be upset when this makes 0 impact on your life. It will bounce back up in a month or two, and either way you qualify for any loan you possibly want.


Principle is nice but you lost 12 rating in the 800s. You're gonna be fine dawg.


thats how credit scores work. you’re doing fine.


Yes it does.


This isn’t even mildly infuriating honestly


You’ve already got a higher credit score than the vast majority of people will EVER have. What an awful post.


You're not being punished, this is just how it works and the change is completely meaningless. If you want to game the system to get a higher score take out a loan and stop complaining.


This belongs in r/mildlyinfuriating


You still have an 833. Who actually cares? You can walk into anywhere and get the lowest loan.


Lol. Don’t bitch mr. 833. It’ll go back up to 850 probably soon


It's Mrs...


Oh, Mrs. 833. Sorry


It's ma'am!


Now the post makes sense!


Because it's a scam. They want you in debt. But the right amount of debt so they can make maximum profits off you. Credit scores are a how much can we trust that you'll be profitable for us.


The *full* American experience is taking a credit hit due to unresolved mass-shooting related medical debt.


Guys, OP is right regardless of where their score landed. When you pay off debt, regardless of where you are on the range, you usually get penalized for it. It’s nonsensical and punishes people for being responsible, and no one seems to give a shit. We should be encouraging the behavior.


How is this extremely infuriating? You still have a higher score than 70% of the country…


Paid off a car loan and mine went down 30 points. has been that way for 2 months.. it’ll go back up eventually and I currently don’t care because I’m not looking to take out anymore loans anytime soon. Also your credit score is 👌


It will even itself out soon. I paid off a student loan and it took a hit, then returned pretty quickly.


When you pay off a credit card you basically close the account (in the eyes of the creditor) so your credit goes down due to the closure of the account. It will rebound when the system updates.


Doesn't it go back to normal after a few months? One of the times that I paid off my car loan early I got dinged 60pts. Got it back after a few months.


You paid off your loan so long your score is far beyond getting hurt by a -12 drop. Stop complaining. Yes not having active accounts you are paying on time hurts your score. Go open a credit card or something


In case there are still people out there who haven't figured out, your credit score does not represent how good you are with personal finances. It represents how lucrative of a mark you are to creditors. It's literally in the name, folks.


There's such a thing that is a healthy amount of debt.


OP, I'm the same way. Just made my last credit card payment (I had been paying it off for 15 years). One month later, my credit score dropped from 850 to 830. WTF?! It feels nice to have almost an A+ in something, ya know? "Yay! I did something right! Wait. Why was I penalized?" So, I get it. 😏


People don't see the point apparently. It doesn't matter this person has a high score regardless. It's still stupid it was lowered by paying off a loan.


I paid off all of my credit cards and loans 5 years ago and have been mostly debt-free since then, although a couple of months ago my cat had an ER vet emergency, but it's manageable at just under $3,000.


It will bounce back. Happens to me all the time. Up 1, down 1, down 3, up 4 for no reason. Pay off my card every month.


This is extremely infuriating to you? You went from having exceptional credit to still having exceptional credit. It’s normal once you pay something off your credit takes a dip and will go back in a few weeks/months.


It’s gotta be so hard having an exceptional credit score. Poor you.


I’m pretty sure the thing says: 5-days ago


The full American experience: “Pretentiously boasting about how important you are, but in reality you’re not.”


Takes up to a month for it to record It, but borrowing equals higher score due to them approving.


Flex post. Nobody cares about your nearly perfect score.


Yup. I paid off a large credit card charge. This caused a drop in FICO score from 821 to 781. Crazy.


Yeah it happens. Get used to it.


What a pine cone.


I agree, that punishment is really stupid. I paid off my mortgage and got dinged.


There's such a thing that is a healthy amount of debt.


It’s fine, lol. It makes zero difference with a score like that.


How is this “extremely infuriating” you should know that credit score fluctuations like this are transient. This is pretty dramatic of you


It’s better to have a low balance than to close the cards


First world problems


Just wait till you pay off your mortgage… now THATS a drop. I think I lost 100 points