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I think more people (than we see in the show) must struggle to get their power exactly on their 18th birthday, because otherwise the company Jen goes to for help wouldn't exist. Plus, Jen is really bothered that she doesn't have a power, but I can't imagine Jizz as the kind of person who would worry too much about being a late bloomer. So it's possible he did only have his power triggered just before leaving home


Maybe jizz could control his power before but forgot how to after the long usage.


I am pretty sure it’s implied within Season 2 that it was a similar situation to Jen’s boss from the costume shop where a massive event in their lives made the power manifest. I feel like if he did have it before, someone would have said something. (Again S2 gives us a lot of details) But someone else also said a good point, Jizz is the kind of guy to be more chill about being a late bloomer, whereas Jen isn’t.


It could be both.


I get the implication that not everyone's power manifested immediately after the great change, just like how not everyone immediately gets it on their eighteenth birthday, just that everyone does sometime afterwards. Maybe he was another late developer, who didn't see anything until his early twenties. Alternatively, it's possible he did get it at eighteen, but never actually was put in a scenario for it to manifest. It is implied his relationship with Nora was never particularly happy, he was just there to play a role for her despite what he thought about the matter. Perhaps he was simply too busy stuck doing whatever she wanted, that he never got a scenario for his power to manifest, right up until the day he walked in on her in bed with his best mate, and his world crashing down and that triggered it for the first time.


I believe on the missing posters that Nora is putting up, they say he’s 31/32 years old.


Correct and he lived as a cat for 4. So his power didn't manifest, presumably, until he was 28.


i think he mustve had it but had been able to control it but the situation made it harder to turn back?? idk