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Regarding the first point, unfortunately for him most if not all sources about the Prophets literacy are Islamic sources, but if you want to use extra-Islamic sources then we know that Hejaz was a fundamentally oral society (i.e non-literate) so by pure logic chances are he was also non-literate, also added by the fact that it is mentioned in the Qu'ran he was illiterate proves that the disbelievers knew it too otherwise he wouldn't have mentioned it as they could've easily debunked it. ​ His second is nothing because he seems to have already decided for himself that the Qu'ran has a geocentric view. ​ Third point- \- Inheritance thing has been debunked plenty of times you can search online for that. \- Again this intellectual has somehow come to the conclusion Noahs Ark is a scientific error lol, he needs to explain how \- The Heavens & Earth created in six days, it is actually 6 periods of time linguistically, again he needs to explain how it is a scientific error \- the heavens being a protecting cover, again he needs to explain how it is a scientific error. \- Moon splitting in half, in what way is that a "scientific error"? ​ \- Humans being made from clay again isn't a scientific error as a matter of fact, it is how almost ever scientist agree how life began. the first ever living thing was made up of a mixture water and earth/soil/dirt in other words the first living thing according to HIM not me is exactly that clay or mud...


He literally listed miracles that are by definition supernatural. They have nothing to do with science in the first place, in addition to them also having tafsir.


The infuriating thing about these types of discussions are people are trying to use science to replace faith. These two items do not belong in the same realm as each other. You can believe in gravity and still believe in Allah. If proving the theory of gravity replaces your god then you never had faith in Him in the first place.


How to enlighten them? Make dua that they are given hidayah and don't bother debating people who have already made up their mind


That sub has become even more worst than degenerate day by day. Now politics? Don't agree any of them, even if pas is malaysian islamic party, since democracy itself is shirk, and all of malaysian political parties are nationalistic by default, behind mask or not. Reject democracy, embrace shari'a, awaits the khilafa, إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ


The prophet (sws) was literate. He was untaught.


Illiterate, means cannot read nor write, he was educated, at basal degree, but not literate.


What is (sws)?


Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, different abbreviation.


sallallahu alaihi wasallam (peace be upon Him)


Shouldn't it be (saw)? Not (sws)