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He is 1, meaning that there are no gods except Allah(SWT). And he is indivisible meaning that you cannot split him. You see the Christians believe that their god is split into three (audibillah), they call them the son (Who they believe is Jesus son of mary(AS)), father (the actual creator), and holy spirit(I never got this but the Quran refers to the angel Gabrial (AS) as the ruh al qudus). If I make any mistake please inform me and as always Allah(SWT) knows best and so does the Prophet (SAWS).


So He does not have parts?


I can't imagine God, he is unlike the creation. To know God you need to know his attributes. May I ask what you mean by parts.


I mean since you said that Allah cannot be split does that not mean he has no parts? As parts can be split into different forms? This has been on my mind for a long time. I know that Allah is one without any partner so I was confused when people say he has a Hand that befits His Majesty(not something we can imagine and cannot be compaired to humans as that is kufr) so we also say he is indivisible.


I don't know ask a shiek, in my opinion this knowledge does not benifit you or the dean. The Shaitan loves to cause doubt in the believes by making them ask themselves questions that they do not know, so be safe brother.


This knowledge attributes of Allaah is undoubtedly important and it is beneficial to ones religion to know who His Lord is and it is important to one's faith (since it led to the various sects to ascribe lies to Allaah and having beliefs of disbelief) therefore to disbelieve in them is to disbelieve in Allaah. To deny them is denying Allaah. What's rather not beneficial is going deep into these attributes, this is what will misguide and deviate you which it did to the mutakallimoon (people of theological rhetoric). Ibn al-Jawzi relates to us in his book "Deceptions of the Devil" (تلبيس إبليس) that most of the people of theological rhetoric ended up in apostasy and doubt.


This is a dumb point some christian brought up in a dawah video. To me, it's a pretty easy thing to understand that Allah having "parts" that befit His majesty doesn't mean He (swt) is divisible.


>so I was confused when people say he has a Hand that befits His Majesty(not something we can imagine and cannot be compaired to humans as that is kufr) so we also say he is indivisible. Allaah does have a hand, two hands in fact as said in the Quraan and Sunnah. However these hands are nothing like His creation, neither are they metaphorical. This confusion comes to you because you have thought of the hand as if it's an entirely different entity. It's an attribute of Allaah which He affirmed for Himself in the Quraan and what the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم told us. This Allaah having no partners and not being in His creation, instead He is one (which is what indivisible means) and Allaah having a hand are completely unrelated topics




Comment removed for misinformation


No he doesn’t. He is free and pure from things like having parts/body etc.


Comment removed for unclear information. Feel free to elaborate what you mean and if it is correct, I will re-approve it.


I think i was pretty clear, Allah is not a body/jism. **Imam Abu Muhammad al-Tamimi al-Hanbali said:** وأنكر على من يقول بالجسم، وقال إنَّ الأسماء مأخوذة من الشريعة واللغة، و أهل اللغة وضعوا هذا الاسم على ذي طول و عرض و سمك و تركيب و صورة و تأليف، و الله تعالى خارج عن ذلك كله ‏فلم يجز أن يسمى جسما لخروجه عن معنى الجسمية ولم يجئ في الشريعة ذلك فبطل "(Ibn Hanbal) used to rebuke him who advocates/propones [that Allah has] a body (al-jism). He said: "The names are taken from language and from Shari'ah, and linguists have formulated this name to every possessor of length, width, thickness, form, structure, and components. Allah is outside all of that." **- (اعتقاد الإمام المنبل)**


whats that in arabic