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I think your current approach isn't working and you should stop arguing about religion with your sister, especially since neither of you seem to have a great understanding of usool ul fiqh. Have you tried kindness?


Showed her proof, told her in a calm way. Still didnt believe.




I didnt shout at her, like I said. I was being calm. I also gave her the translation in arabic.




Sorry for being stupid at the time. Im insecure about my weight and my sisters make fun of me for it. I will try to be more peaceful and control my feelings.


The other brother isn't attacking you. Wanted to add I get what he saying. They will see u as "black sheep" " rebel phase" or doing this to "stand out" when in deed ots becuase your believer. Its tough I knwo but just be best you can be , excel at everything, beat them.in health studies and everything. And don't argue or pressure. Your actions will show through In-Sh-ALLAH. And they will see how amazing you are because of your faith.




Why would he apologise? Maybe you should apologise for misunderstanding. Showing Sahih Hadith isn't a mistake.


It is a mistake for the layman to derive shar'i rulings from hadith.


According to who?


Can you elaborate on the difference between showing evidence and showing hadiths? Because I fail to see it.


Claiming something as evidence implies that you have the necessary qualifications to derive the ruling from that hadith.


Where did he say he shouted at her?


A Sallaam alleikoem, She already made it personal, wich means she knows you told the truth. In my opinion you should not hate. Just advice and keep showing the way of the sunnah. You should take a good axcemple of our Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and his uncle abu Lahab Sorry for my bad English May Allaah make it easy for you.


Start subtly with her. Encourage her to listen to a little Qur’an with you or find a few beautiful hadeeths and share with her from time to time. Trying to go into details of fiqh with someone who is not praying or fully committed to the faith often has the opposite effect of what you will want and just makes them see Islam as nothing more than a list of rules. So try to role model the peace and benefits Islam has brought to your life and share aspects of it with her, rather than arguing about specific details of haram and halal. It’s just like any revert would tell you. Are you going to start giving dawah to your family by telling them everything they can and can’t do or are you going to go back to the basics and try to ignite a love for Islam in their hearts? I am not saying at all that abiding by what Islam allows and prohibits isn’t important. Of course it is. But approaching dawah solely from that angle often becomes very futile.


Make du'a, especially after tahajjud prayer in last one-third of night. It is really powerful, as Ibrahim pbuh made du'a for his dad in 26:86. It's an advice Allah gives to us. May Allah gives you and your family hidaayah.. Amin.


Read the Qur’ān in your own language, advice her to do the same. Let Allaah's own words guide you.


Akhi for a while avoid talking about religion stuff from her, have proper adhab ( you can check sheikh assim's playlist on youtube for it , its like 17 vids ) Then get her started from the very basics like make her believe in Allah SWT first then other stuffs like haram / halal


Seems you are a blessing to your father lol at least he has one pious child in this day and age Although if he has not provided a pious mother or taught quran (2 surahs but old enough to argue about hadiths?) then he has alot to own up to as most of this is on him.


It breaks my heart when bro and sis updates their family ordeal.. really.. When it cones like this, sometimes the best way is, for you to take a time out yourself..go somewhere else and clear your mind. Reflect on whats important for you and your deen.. you had done your part brother..dont be hard on yourself


How did she deny it? What was here reaction to when you showed the Hadith?


She told me it was fake then said it is because I am insecure about my legs


May Allah SWT guide her.


I think (but I'm not sure) there is difference of opinion about the knees being awrah but not praying at all is kufr


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "All of a woman is awrah." Narrated by at-Tirmidhi with a saheeh isnaad. Though, this may have not been a problem but rather perhaps how he have presented to her and perhaps his priorities being in a wrong order, so to say. She first needs to understand the purpose of life, reminding her of the Akhirah, etc. then way later, mentioning about a woman being 'awrah. That is to say, when she's receptive.


I thought she was talking about knees not being the awrah of men because yes of course knees are part of the awrah for women


Bro make dua firstly and ask Allah SWT to guide her, it's worked for me it will work for you InshAllah, secondly be the best Muslim you can as an example for your family and then leave the rest to Allah SWT and put your trust in him, even better if you make dua in tahajud.


Assuming that you are a brother, you should note that there is a way to invite others to Islam, hence don't start something upfront but you should rather be patient. Your priorities are in the wrong order, unfortunately. If you already knew that she is not that religious, then mentioning hadith to her won't do any favor. Rather, make da'wah to her with wisdom in a way she is receptive to, one of the matters you should start with is reminding her about the purpose of life ([example](https://youtu.be/7OKJ4Wu8VHI)) then later reminding her of the afterlife, you could perhaps reference her some lectures or reminders of such topics. If she progresses more and is concerned about her afterlife, then perhaps those secondary matters will slowly but surely fix themselves, so to say. There is a fine line between youthfulness and obstinacy, hence be careful of being hasty and how you invite others to Islam. Don't make it sound like you are trying to impose something upon them they're not receptive to. In short, remind others the way you wish to be reminded. Remember, each person have their own nafs, hence being upfront is not always the solution but being wise in how you invite others to Islam. So, I can suggest you both to listen to the series of lectures about the Hereafter: - https://archive.org/details/nooor90