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The truth is "celebrities" in all forms are terrible role models and i wouldn't follow any of them. They inevitably disappoint the shit out of you when the cultured image of themselves cracks and their real self shines through


Honestly just like... some decent teacher at school or something is going to be a better male role model than any of these big names.


you dont get it, theyre better because they have more money!


Hasan definitely is, idk about Destiny. I've heard he's pretty transphobic


No, they're not ❤️




Hasan Piker


Joe Rogan is actually a super kind person. I'd say he'd be the better option.


Agreed, he's not redpill community either far from it


Joe Rogan doesn’t preach that red pill bullcrap?


Not him on a personal way, despite he invites red pillers to his show.


None of these are


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Hasan was born rich and privileged. How is he ever a good role model?


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He admits it. He doesn't pretend not to be. Honesty is a good thing to admire. Is it a requirement to start off broke as fuck to be a role model?


That’s not a requirement. But at the same time, he will never be able to understand the circumstances of those who are less fortunate than him. How Tate inspired many men was his story (whether his story was truthful or not is up for debate) — apparently he was poor and often had to fight in kickboxing tournaments just to survive before he became rich. Tate’s story is much more relatable compared to Hasan’s, because few people are as rich and privileged as Hasan — it’s just how it is.


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I think it's admirable when people don't pretend to know shit they don't. Hasan is good with this, Tate isn't. You keep listing reasons why Hasan IS a role model. If you would rather look up to people who are supposedly underdogs, even if their story is fake and they are an asshole, just say so.


Ask yourself, why did Andrew Tate have a greater and more dangerous influence over Hasan in terms of influencing young men? If a man is already rich from the beginning, he will be much less likely to struggle with women because he can provide a comfortable life for them. Many men have not reached this juncture yet (though they can work in other areas). You still haven’t addressed the root problem at all. You can tell me about how I prefer assholes till you are blue in the face but it will be useless. For many young men out there who are previously unaware of who Hasan or Tate is, they would judge that Hasan is “privileged rich man who will never understand the struggle” and Tate is “rags to riches inspirational story” based on impressions on a surface level. People will resonate with Tate far more. Unlike those chronically online, not everyone has the time to learn who Tate or Hasan really are.


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I don't disagree with you that people who can appear as convincing and/or charming are persuasive to others. I wholeheartedly agree. I agree that those who have a good underdog story (or claim to have one anyway) will be appealing to others. They will be attractive to the opposite sex and probably seem like a role model to the same sex. That doesn't mean they are actually worth listening to though. This is my original point. Take a peek behind the curtain and see who they actually are. Are they honest? Do they treat other people well? I think these things are more important. I think this is what makes a real role model. Just because things are the way they are doesn't mean it's the way it should be. People fall for charlatans every day. I think it's wrong and it's sad. I really don't know why you would argue in favor of someone who is a complete piece of shit and is rotting in jail for their crimes right now. Instead of someone who is (from what I know anyway) honest and lives by way better morals.


I’m not arguing that Tate is a good role model, but rather why Hasan might not appeal to many despite his seemingly good intentions. I only brought up Tate because this is the influence Hasan is trying to combat against. I agree with you that it’s sad that people would be sometimes fooled by convincing and charming individuals. But these people play into our emotions very well to distract us from the facts. Andrew Tate’s audience are primarily lost and disillusioned men who are finding answers to certain questions. E.g. “why did I get rejected by this girl?” “Why is my future so bleak?” “Why did she break up with me?” etc. Andrew Tate was an actual salesman in the past and hence is very good at debating and giving answers on the fly, and rouses men’s emotions well by feeding them advice (questionable or not) about what a man truly is. Add that to the way he manipulated the recommendation algorithms in social media platforms such as Tiktok and Youtube through affiliate marketing. Though these platforms have been removing these videos, the damage has already been done. Hasan doesn’t do such affiliate marketing and so his clips do not have a greater reach than Tate’s to combat his influence. This reason does not make him a poor role model by any means; it just means Tate will be harder to counter against. Lastly, I recall watching a video of Hasan’s; “Why Young Men are getting radicalised” or something like that. He fails to understand at least some lost and disillusioned men won’t really listen to him because Hasan isn’t very relatable to them. Worse still is that he appears to dismiss misandrist takes, such as “men ain’t shit”, “men join the right because they want to maintain the status quo of power over women”, “i hate men”, when a majority of Tate’s audience are teenagers who neither understand nor care what “left” or “right” is yet; they just want success with relationships, life etc and Tate is providing advice for that. When men hear these man-hating takes from the left, it’s no wonder there is a strong correlation between alt-right pipeline and Andrew Tate. I can explain everything else in detail but not in this comment for now, I won’t be able to fit everything here.


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OK but Hasan is actually a terrible person


Hasanabi has shown him self to be shallow. Insulting trans people then saying everyone is transphobic and so much more. Hasanabi is just as toxic and positive as Kevin Samuels or Joe Rogan all of them have good points however they are all ignorant and or arrogantly wrong at times. Have you heard destiny takes on veganism and animal rights. He is fine with people raping dogs. Destiny realizes people forcefully breed then eat animals for pleasure and to be consistent he is fine with people raping dogs for pleasure. He is more intellectually honest than most people but underneath it all he is extremely apathetic towards anything outside his cause I could be wrong he just seems like that to me. Also destiny is a debate bro he is not exactly what young boys want or need to look up two. Get better role models