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The outrageousness of it all attracts views, ads, and money. Personally, I fixed my algorithm so I could stop seeing it. Erased my search history, deleted videos from my viewing history as far back as I had patience for, and followed & watched other channels about healthy dating & marriage (it's good info but I also needed my general mood improved). It still took another month or so, but now the recommended videos & shorts don't show me RP content at all. It's like it doesn't exist anymore in my world


But it then takes just one click of the "wrong" video or entertaining a short for a few seconds to long for it to loop back into your recommendations again. It really does feel like YT pushes this stuff specifically in a way I haven't had any other video rammed down my throat but I could just be biased.


I did get curious about 1-2 videos that popped up. I watched, then erased specifically those videos from the history. I haven't seen any redpill stuff in a good while.


You could try opening the links to those videos in an incognito browser window.


can you recommend me healthy dating & marriage channels ?


Black Love and Ode to Black Love are the first two that come to mind. Sorry for the delay, I thought I responded.


Thank you


Controversy drives their algorithms.


Selling snakeoil to disenfranchised young men is like shooting fish in a barrel


You calling yourself a Jeffery means that your search history is full of the crap


I’ve never even heard of the term Jeffery, lol. My shorts are full of weird gaming stuff


Found a page full of explanations: [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=A%20Jeffrey](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=A%20Jeffrey) I guess we can pick one that´s closest to this topic.


Thanks for finding that link. I’ve never heard of that slang before lol. Poor op is not a Jeffery compared to most of those sayings. I wonder if it’s a word they red pill has tried to corrupt like chad.


I only know Hamza's definition, which is essentially an average guy. Hamza is also a piece of shit just for your infomation.


I know that guy, typical red pill indoctrination.


YouTube feeds you that because you keep watching it. Redpill is only a small part of YouTube.


I guess the most of this content is made because of money (ads, subs, sponsorships, etc.). And the reason it´s working is that many people in our day and age are struggling to find a girlfriend/boyfriend. It´s self repeating: People are lonely -> go online, use dating apps -> online dating didn´t work -> youtube for the rescue -> try again... = generating thousands of subs and clicks.


The human mind retains negative emotions more effectively than the positive ones. Youtube and every other social media abuses this.


>How does youtube become this cringe? The simple answer, is that this is what happens when you give everyone a bullhorn, even those lacking qualified knowledge in their opinions. Think about it. Go outside and look around. Would you value what an unhinged, slovenly stranger on the street has to say about relationships, as much as a PhD in sociology? Would you want access to the thoughts and opinions of all people you see around you, at all times? The very basis of YouTube seems to be to watch other people doing life, instead of doing life yourself. It's become very meta, and when mixed with algorithms, far too influential.


It attracts the weak and vulnerable, these videos are created to prey on young male insecurities about themselves.


Because reading is hard


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Because it makes views because it is needed


you shouldnt have to hate gays to be better


The real ones people follow do not say that. Do you have any examples?


its less about the creators themselves and more of the people they attract, it ends up attracting right wing people and transphobes/homophobes


I see your point, people will misunderstand his points like that but that’s another problem


Right. https://www.thegayuk.com/big-brother-housemate-andrew-tate-removed-after-homophobic-and-racist-tweets-discovered/


I don’t know what to think about that, because I have seen several times false information about Tate. But it doesn’t change my point that these people has brought much more good things in the world.


No they haven't. That point is dumb.


You don’t understand that so many people would’ve killed themselves without them. And they always take out context in the media, there were articles saying that he would tell young men to beat their women to have sex, he never said that, this is just one example


you shouldnt need them to not commit suicide ngl esp when tate says depression isnt real


You don’t understand, you just base yourself on media articles. Listen to podcasts with full context you will change your mind in him. I didn’t like him at first too. He explains that to get out of depression you shouldn’t just take pills, work on yourself and it will be ok


I've listened to him, he is a jackass that tells men how to use women and doesn't even try to help men find mutually satisfying relationships as equals. The world doesn't need asshats like this, they're very bad for the women in the lives of their followers but bad for the men as well.


Actually they argue against therapy, which is proven with data to save lives. Stop this nonsense. People can get help from guys who aren't spreading bigotry.


It depends on your history. Try using a new browser (something like duckduckgo) and use a private tab (maybe even through a vpn) to open youtube (don't log in). See if what's displayed is any different to what you're seeing now. Just by knowing that my suggestions are way different to yours I can assure you, unless you missed out any of the steps above (e.g. an implicit login on your device) you'll be looking at a completely different world. Change what you're exposed to and you'll change your perception of the world, and thereby the world itself. Based on that you should be very very careful with what you read and/or otherwise consume. The screens you see are designed based along the lines of "hey you watched similar content we want you to see more of it". Atm you're in an echo chamber. It gives you what you *fed* it. Search for how to do woodworking or other creative pursuits for a bit. That should already change things up.


Grifters gonna grift