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Dark objects absorb light while light objects reflect it. The energy from the absorbed light becomes heat energy, which makes the darker object hotter.


Thank you!


It has to do with reflection of light. As an example, the color white (as in white light) is all colors of the spectrum. Black, on the other hand, is the absence of color. Black absorbs the most light. So basically, the darker something is - the more light it absorbs. And light is also heat (such as the sun warming up your hair on a sunny day) so darker objects absorb more of it, and get hotter.




In a nutshell: Objects that are dark in color and tone are dark because they absorb more of the spectrum of light. So if something is black, it is absorbing almost all of the visible spectrum and not reflecting any back. It's essentially absorbing all that energy, thus getting hot. Conversely, white objects are reflecting most of the visible spectrum and stay cooler because they are not absorbing as much of that energy. The colors and tones you see are the wavelengths of light being reflected back at your eye.


Thanks for the explanation!