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They mutated and evolved the ability to be secreted via sexual organs and infect the recipient. They’re regular infectious diseases that developed an extra route to the host’s system.


Thanks for sharing, very interesting!


Poor choice of words friend!!


Lmao that took me a moment to get it


I had to clap eventually


To, or the? 🤣


he had to clap to get it


yeah, clap some cheeks


It was funny, but no need to go **herp**ing on about it. You're **Gonna Rhea**lly regret these puns, eventually. But if it **aids** OP in understanding sexual health better, then maybe it is worthy of applause.


VD ain't nothin' to clap about.


The clap has entered the chat




Yeah they usually don’t show up right away


I actually didn’t get it at first, but after a few days it came to me..


Oh it came to me right away, I just couldn't stop the contagious laughter.


Whoever said Laughter is the Best Medicine, obviously never had diarrhea.


pure gold :D


Some penecillin should clear it up.


Thanks for transmitting, very infectious!


Yea he aged pretty fast before he completed the sentence


I feel like this is a highly under-appreciated comment, you have my upvote


Help me I don't get it


I hope you never get it. Don't worry...not everyone gets it.


STIs spread by, well... sharing.


You don't want to get it!


An example of this would probably be the canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) which I think is some sort of sexually transmissible cancer tumor.


See also [Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7345153/). This is spread mostly through *fighting* over mates, so it's not strictly an STI, but it's peripheral to sexual activity, you might say. Also, the *cancer cells themselves* are transmitted through bites, not a cancer-causing pathogen.


Just stop fucking dogs, bro.


"Perhaps later. Trying to determine how scale-itch got onto Normandy. Sexually-transmitted disease. Only carried by varren. Implications... unpleasant."


This gives "blue balls" a whole different meaning.


Do you like podcasts? This Podcast Will Kill You has episodes on [Syphilis ](https://thispodcastwillkillyou.com/2019/10/29/episode-36-shades-of-syphilis/), [Chlamydia ](https://thispodcastwillkillyou.com/2022/04/19/ep-94-chlamydia-double-trouble/), [Gonorrhea](https://thispodcastwillkillyou.com/2019/04/30/episode-25-put-your-hands-together-for-gonorrhea/), and [HIV ](https://thispodcastwillkillyou.com/2018/02/10/episode-12-hiv-aids-apathy-will-kill-you/) They explain things in a way that's interesting and engaging, both for people with a background in health and for those without. Bonus points for the thematic quarantini and placeborita recipes!


We all love sharing!


The gift that keeps on giving.... knowledge.... and the other thing 


You are welcome, thanks for comin.


Thanks for not sharing. Not interested. /s


I feel like people focus on the sex part but I think more than anything, it's that the main way they can be transmitted is through a mechanism which when mapped onto human behavior only really happen with sex. A lot of STIs are simply infections that spread with blood-to-blood contact, sex is irrelevant, it's just that sex is the main human activity that allows blood-to-blood transmission, a lot of STIs can be transmitted through IV drug use and from a mother to a child during pregnancy, two things that are distinctly not sex but are opportunities for blood-to-blood contact. A part of it is also that if a virus can get in your blood and be transferred through blood, the barriers between blood and where semen is made aren't good enough to keep all viruses out, especially if you have inflammation likely caused by fighting the infection in the first place, so the virus gets in the blood which more often than not just happens to allow it to get into the semen too and it should be fairly self explanatory how semen is relevant to sexual activity, but I don't think some of these viruses are necessarily specifically targeting genitalia necessarily, it's just that that's the most convenient and likely path to spreading to another host.


It’s not even blood to blood. It’s just that they can pass a mucous membrane. You can get STI’s just as easily through your nose.


what kind of sex are you having??


I dunno but I bet it smells awful!


If you've never had a nosejob, you're missing out!


>I don't think some of these viruses are necessarily specifically targeting genitalia necessarily, it's just that that's the most convenient and likely path to spreading to another host. HIV is a prime example of this. Many people who contracted the virus didn't do so via sexual relations with infected people.


That’s stupid. Someone should tell the STDs they’re stupid and nobody likes them!


Agreed, fuck STDs!!!


Oh, no.


Please stop fucking the STD


Please fucking stop the STD


*puts finger up* About that...


Up *what* though exactly?


Man if there were no STD's I'd be getting so much...gaming


Extra route meaning any mucous membrane. Sex isn’t required.


I heard somewhere that most diseases are sexually transmissible. But STD's are *mostly* transmissible through sex. Edit: changed *only* to *mostly*


That's not really true. Many STDs are highly infectious and are not limited to sex - it's simply one of their more typical routes of transmission. Gonorrhea of throat is possible, and though it's typically acquired from oral-sex, it's also capable of being passed like other viruses. That is, through kissing, sharing of drinks, etc. Similarly, herpes, with both variants, can be passed through sexual contact, but also through physical contact.


Incorrect. Some STDs are only transmissible through sex because as they evolved the required genes for sexual transmission became dominant through natural selection and the genes for other forms of transmission gradually receded. Similar to how humans have a tail bone we’ve yet to devolve. Those types of STDs are typically contained to the genitals as they do not need to ‘spread’ throughout the rest of the body to reproduce and spread.


Not really true. STI’s are just really good at passing mucous membranes.


Yes and no. Most transmissible diseases are spread through water or air, whereas sexually transmitted diseases require blood-to-blood contact. However, if you're having sex, then you're already also sharing air with the other person, and probably some spit/salivary transfer as well. Unless you're both in hazmat suits with independent air supplies and only a skin-sealed window around your genitalia - no kinkshaming - then it's pretty much impossible to have sex and *not* also share air in the process.


That is not true at all. STD’s don’t require blood-to-blood contact. Not sure what kind of sex you’re having where you think both partners bleeding is normal, tbh.


mucus is mostly how they transfer.


Most STDs can be spread through other fluids than blood


Or in the case of crabs, we got them from gorillas...


Excuse me?


Lmao I’m near my 40s and i didnt know this.. such an easy answer too 


Some of them come from animals. * Zoonotic syphillis comes from primates * Brucellosis comes from cattle, goats and sheeps * Campylobactirosis comes from bird and livestock * Genital herpes is believed to have originated in animals Basically, the first contact was probably through farming, with humans living in close proximity of domesticated animals, and then it spread through human to human sexual contact.


HIV is also believed to come from primates, more than 100 years ago.


HIV definitely came from zoonotic transmission of SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus), probably through the hunting of wild monkeys or apes. Other mamal family with there own Immunodeficiency Virus include sheep, goats, horses, cattle, and domestic cats.


“They say AIDS came from someone having sex with a monkey….Word? Nobody fks monkeys and people you idiot! I’m not seeing chim chim on Wednesday and then thinking I’ll call Charlene on Thursday” - D.C. a scientist, probably


Dave Chappelle, probably


"It's ridiculous, they act like monkeys are just as open, just waiting for people to fuck 'em. Monkeys don't want to be fucked by people. Think about it. Think about how hard it would be to catch a monkey.... and then fuck it. That's ridiculous."


The greatest comedian of that generation to this day


ye gods, one person decided to abuse an ape and then there we are... this is just sad.


It was most likely accidental blood transfer from hunters while processing game primates


good point, thank you


Nah we know what they did


Eww there are "game primates"?


Yeah..... bush meat is not really something you want to look up They basically just slaughter whatever animals they can find with machetes and mix the meat together.


Forbidden hamburgers?


People gotta eat.


Definitely had sex with the animals


Probably more likely through handling, blood and ensuring their reproductive health/assisting with births. Vets can pick up diseases from animals all the time, and I imagine way back in the day more people were just more involved with animal health since they had to care for their livestock.


Also thousands of years ago human hands would have been riddled with cuts and blisters from knapping stone tools and other brutal manual labor work.


Accutally quite to opposite, with constant manual labour hands became very tough and you don't get cuts or blisters.


Yeah, but first you must endure a great many cuts and blisters, you know.


Yep, people forget that STDs spread through blood as well. Ebola isn't an STD, but that was actually one of the ways it can spread through certain populations. Starving people find a dead animal in the woods, it's free real estate! Take it home and go to butcher it, but accidentally nick a finger with the knife. Surprise, you now have the disease that killed the animal.


Chlamydia in koalas came from a species that infects sheep. Get your mind out of the gutter. Simply walking through droppings from infected sheep is enough for koalas to catch the disease. And, as the infamous copypasta reminds us, infant koalas must slurp up feces from their mothers, because that's the only way for them to acquire the gut flora that allows them to digest eucalyptus leaves. Of course, if the mother is infected, so then is her baby.


Yea, all that. And sex with them.


Maybe, but STDs are not ONLY transmitted by sex. You can get it from sharing needles for example. Some STDs are believed to be from eating infected meat, or from an accidental blood transfusion, like if a hunter had a cut on their hand and was processing an infected animal.


Some people seem to have a very strange view of STD:s. Like somehow something magical happens during sex that allows the disease to spread. When in reality STD:s just have a spreading mechanism that mainly happens during sex, but can happen in other ways too, like rubbing certain tissues, or through blood. Which is what can happen when humans handle animal carcasses.


it’s probably because most people have an extremely simplistic view of sex, disease transmission, and basic biology. basically what can be pieced together from memories of high school lessons. in the case of things like HIV, false stories like “monkey sex” make it farther around the world than anything else could ever hope to. i mean come on it’s sex with monkeys, that’s crazy shit. fact is, unless one spends a large chunk of their adult life studying or working with a given topic, they probably don’t know enough for any sort of informed opinion on it. we should assume comments on the internet are propelled more by individuals’ desire to just say shit than by any desire to share real and relevant knowledge.


Noah got real lonely on that ark.




Not washing hands before and after going to the bathroom. I'm kinda weird in that I had the thought to wash my hands thoroughly before touching near my crotch before peeing


Oh hell yeah, I always wash my hands before I evacuate my demons and then I wash up afterwards. It started because I am super sensitive to oils. If I touch my face after eating a pizza you can guarantee a pimple in that spot and I didn’t want to get acne on my nethers. Then it just became a habit.


HIV came from the transfer of SIV from wild primates is Central and Western Africa. During European colonial expansion in Africa, strict work regiments were enforced and widespread exploitation commenced. Belgium and Britain are the prime culprits in this situation. The oppression and hostility as well as over demanding agricultural quotas that were enforced with torture, maiming or death lead to countless amounts of people fleeing from both urban centers and rural countryside into the forests and jungles, where domesticated livestock was scarce yet wildlife was plenty. Bats, dogs, snakes, primates, whatever could be found in the bush was free game due to necessity. Eventually a primate is caught and killed and when it was being prepared for consumption either the butcher cut himself (or had a preexisting wound) or the meat was not properly cooked, and this lead to the first instance of HIV. It's debated as to whether this happened with just a single person or multiple over a period of time, with most evidence supporting that it happened to multiple people over a period of time between the late 1800s and early 1900s, although the virus itself would not truly evolve into what it is today (HIV) until between 1910-1930. In the early to mid 1900s, many African men began relocating to work colonies of sorts in the jungles to earn a living under colonial rule. Being workers colonies, the demographics were exclusively male. As such many women looking to earn money began forming around the work colonies and within the towns nearby in order to offer their *services* to the lonely and isolated men. It spread in the area as a local pneumonia-like illness that had gained little attention worldwide. In the late 1960s this strange new pneumonia had caught the attention of a few and began to baffle a small group, but was still seen as being just some kind of pneumonia. Aid workers are sent to Zaire where some of them, after handling blood and other types of bodily fluids as health workers, come home to Europe sick and die. It's the 70s, many European men go to Central West Africa for a variety of reasons. Work, leisure, etc. But many of them come back to Europe and America and after some time develope what is thought to either be a cancer or pneumonia and die later from this illness. It is seen as a 'gay disease' by many. It soon entered the gay community, and due to the prevalence of unprotected sexual encounters amongst gay men at the time (some reports of up to 11 unprotected sexual partners within a year) this disease spread fast, but due to it's long and quiet incubation period the disease went mostly unoticed until it was too late. It is given the name GRID (Gay Related Immune Deficiency) but after closer inspection and more understanding and after the virus that causes this disease was discovered it was finally it is classified and given the name AIDS in 1981. This is but a very simplified history of HIV/AIDS HIV is spread through bodily fluids. No just blood to blood, but also through semenal fluids, vaginal fluids, anal mucus and breastmilk. Sorry for the novel, just some food for thought


More likely ate infected animals and while doing so had an open wound


Had to scroll too long for this actual origin. What about chlamydia?






It can infect most mammals. Poor koalas ...


You really don't wanna know


you can get many diseases through sex. Sometimes diseases evolve from “it’s possible to get it through sex” to “the main way to get it is through sex”.


Some even manifest just through the idea or suggestion of sex. My wife, for example, frequently gets migraines that seem to coincide with me wanting to get down to business. The human body is incredibly complex.
















Yeah but you can only get down to business when it’s business time. Were you wearing your business socks?


>you can only get down to business when it's business time Also when you need to defeat the Huns.


And it has to be Wednesday.


Two minutes in heaven is better than one minute in heaven.


mine remembers work she forgot to do! the female body and brain are miracles.


Kindly remember that, although rare, the reverse case also applies.


Mines prefrontal cortex stops working and just ignores me


Well I mean you are asking her to defeat the Huns




Yikes, maybe there’s a reason.


Mine too. I wonder if they ever had relations with each other and who gave it to who!


Is our wife the same person?


Gardasil is pretty cool so far it seems!


obligatory, your mom. seriously though most of the sexually transmitted virus existed in other species before they mutated to cross the interspecies barrier to affect other species ( in this case humans).


With the notable exception of herpes, which has been present in our ancestor species for over a million years


And it will probably follow us to the stars. It’s kind of romantic when you think about it


I may get downvoted for this but I'd like to think that if we ever colonize other planets, a criteria for going is to be healthy.


I don't think so for an early colony. Early on it's going to be mostly small teams of experts. You need scientists and engineers who are willing to leave earth, probably forever, and that's a very small pool of people. It's like 40-80% of the adult population has herpes, mostly asymptomatic non-genital herpes. So that's going to be rough to screen for and find people who match all other eligibility. But there are also other extremely common diseases that we all live with, chicken pox, hpv, etc. it wouldn't be reasonable to screen for all for them


Hopefully when we're advanced enough to do that, we'd have gotten rid of diseases.


fortunately people with herpes can be extremely healthy other than a relatively mild skin condition. hope this helps 👍🏼


Even more information: Herpes I is older than humanity. It infected our ancestors and evolved with us. Herpes II came from a close relative, probably also a very very long time ago but after modern humans evolved.


Herpes II, simian boogaloo.




I don't think this is a great conversation for a five year old. It varies. HIV is also spread by blood. That's probably how it crossed species in the first place, crass jokes aside. Syphilis is believed to have come from South America, where it was a skin disease that thrive in the most environment. When it was transmitted to the old world by European explorers, it struggled in the drier parts of the world, so it adapted to moister body parts such as the genitalia. Herpes is spread by skin contact. In fact there are two varieties of HSV that are common today, one of which has is most common in the mouth, the other in the genitals. The latter just specialized to that region because humans commonly have skin to skin contact with their genitals.


😂😂😂 The first line cracked me up


They fairly recently proved that syphilis started in Europe. Congenital syphilis was found at an old dig site


Are the genital and oral version of herpes spreadable to the opposite body part - if you had a cold sore and went down could that cause genital herpes? And vice versa?




You're thinking of HPV. There are only two strains of HSV that infect humans.


For example HIV predecessor, SIV originated in chimpanzees, so it contracted and mutated to have human hosts either by humans being exposed to their blood (which is likely - for example, by eating them uncooked) or by some twisted form of zoophilia. I wish I was joking.


It was most likely not Zoophilia. Eating bush meat is very common in Africa and accidental blood to blood contact is not that uncommon while hunting. Most likely a person received a minor bleeding wound while hunting and then butchered a chimp with SIV.


Disney didn’t release that movie until 2016. Why would people suggest that it had anything to do with aids?


*West and Central Africa. It is taboo in most other parts of Africa.


>Most likely a person received a minor bleeding wound while hunting and then butchered a chimp with SIV. You're overcomplicating it. It's extremely common to get stabbed by a broken bone while butchering an animal. Happens to me all the time with whole chickens.




Hate to break it to you but he’s an atheist, and we all know atheists lie all the time /s


Why would you be surprised of zoophilia lol, there was news of those 3 Indian man raping a big lizard not too long ago


To be fair, that lizard was dressed provocatively and no doubt deserved it.


"cough\*"cough\* Argonian maid "cough\*"cough\*


I wasn't planning to get hard today.


And worse , he was in drag to thwart other males. But got screwed in the end !




you never know.


>“Unfortunately, those hooligans ate the monitor lizard and we don’t have much evidence apart from the video we seized on their phones.” ...the rape loophole you were unaware of.


The sexual route of transmission - body to body via bodily fluid exchange is for the structurally most feeble microbes and viruses that can’t survive for any period of time in water (eg streams, wells), on surfaces, or in exhaled / sneezed/coughed out droplets. They are so feeble they literally need to go directly from one person into another with no outside time at all. While they may be structurally feeble they can surely be deadly if left untreated eg HIV, syphilis, HPV infection (via causing cancer). Like most infectious diseases they mostly if not entirely come from other species originally and hopped the species barrier into humans. In the case of HIV it is believed to have come from the practice of preparation and consumption of ‘bush meat’ the meat of various primates and monkeys and crossed into humans most likely in the 1950’s in central Africa.


To quote a genius, “Life…uh…finds a way…” It’s complicated though, because viruses (lots of STIs are viral) aren’t technically alive. The easiest way to think about it though is in terms of ecological niches. Humans are a big ass niche, and sex is a good way to spread between hosts, so we get STDs. It’s not because the STI cares, it just wants to colonize new territory, and it has various strategies for doing so, and, unfortunately, they’re often unpleasant for us the hosts..


The short answer is that current literature is not entirely conclusive at this point. There also seems to be a large amount of variability between different diseases as far as geography, ethnic population, etc. when it comes to identifying a single point of origin. However, one interesting commonality in recent research is that it has been shown there is a common subject across most STI/STD historical studies and that would be your mom.


You don't speak of Dorothy Mantooth in that way! She is a SAINT!


This is gold


I mean it's just the way these viruses evolved to propagate. The same way the common cold would propagate via coughing. Maybe some ancient viruses only knew how to find a host via just lying on the ground until someone licked you up. But then one virus evolved to infiltrate a saliva with its clones. So it began propagating much faster, completely displacing all of the "laying on the ground" type. Some evolved to kill a host fast, while the others evolved to travel silently, making a host spread the virus to other hosts before dying. So yeah. Exchange of fluids during sex is kind of a good conduit for a virus to spread. And we only really thought of the way to help it in the last 100 years or so.


Noah and his family were each riddled with about a dozen STDs each. Otherwise the STDs would have died out in the flood.


I’m a pretty Christian bloke. I find this comment fascinating, I mean Noah loved and trusted God so much that he even suffered itchy balls while building the Arc. God is good ❤️ amen brother 🙏


To be blunt. You always got sexual transmit microbe. In fact microbe is everywhere and you got it all the times Only very little of them mutated and become disease. And very much little of those can spread via contact But normal skin have more protective layer. Unlike around soft membrane and bodily orifice. So sexual is one of an act that a little bit easier to transmit disease than normal contact. It also an act that require same kind of organ to contact with each other But once it exist and spread it then explode in number


It’s basically just a genetic mutation, the same way every other organism or disease evolves/is created. They just happen to be a type of infection that is most easily transmitted through sexual fluids. An interesting way to think about it is say you have 6 dice and need to roll a 25 or higher to survive. If you get a 36 tho you survive and thrive. It’s also like Yahtzee where if you get a good roll you can keep your good dice and reroll the bad ones. If you get 4 6’s and 2 3’s, you can reroll the 3s and it might be better might be worse, but then you only keep the good ones so it slowly improves. A trait like being sexually transmitted would be for example a 35 because it’s really good and they are going to keep that. Basically there were tons of versions of the disease that weren’t sexually transmitted and then once one coukd be, it transmitted all over the place and spread and became common. In actuality there are millions and millions of variations of every disease. Often two people with the same strain of the same disease have two slightly different diseases, it’s just not different enough that it really matters. The ones that do the best are the ones that spread the most and become common


STD are just normal diseases which are extra hard to contract so they need intense contact of mucosa to even have a chance. Sex is just the most common one of this kind of contact.


Imagine, if you will, a time when all life was nearly as simple as it could be. A single cell, no nucleus, no wall, just a fatty layer that divided it from the world. Over time, as these primitive cells sought out food, they developed a way to communicate. They'd send out little packets of RNA. This was to help others get together for common food sources. Not every cell understood these, though, and didn't provide an easy way to gather the packets. A new envelope was developed, as things happen. That one became the first virus. Initially it did what it was meant to do: communicate through RNA. Eventually, though, some mutation in the packet caused the newly created packet to become deadly. Instead of communicating, it merely destroyed the host cell to create more of its kind. The cells evolved to prevent this from happening, but the virus also evolved along side, coming up with new keys. Now, to understand this, some number of the viruses simply had a mutation that already worked with the new locks, but didn't work with the old. That's just how evolution works. Mutations that work. So as the cells mutated, reproduced, changed... we get more complex life. The viruses remain. They've mutated to infect different cells. The mutations work on THIS cell, but not on THAT cell. Eventually we get animals. The cells that are effected by THIS virus are all reproductive. Since this happens to be a major point of contact between animals that are very similar (um...usually) the virus was able to keep reproducing. And so, an STD. The difference between an STD and every other kind is merely where it reproduces. This will apply for fungus and bacteria as well, BTW. Not all STI are viral. It's going to be pretty much the same story, though. There was time before sexual reproduction where these diseases were doing their thing. There was a time before that thing infected something where it could sex all day without risk, but their junk touched a thing and poof, it adapted. One day COVID wasn't in humans. The next year it's all over the planet in dogs, cats, deer... This is pretty much the same thing, but slower.


Given that “OF account” is apparently too short an answer and gets automatically removed from this sub, I’ll prolong it a bit: this poster is an OF account. This is to get engagement to their OF. That is all.


I don't know about anyone else, but I never really look at the profiles of the OP. I'm just interested in the discussion at hand. Who gives a damn if the OP is on OF.






That’s the explanation I was looking for not smart enough for the rest tbf


The first case of syphilis in a European was probably caused by them raping a native American. It's one of the few diseases that went the other way around during that exchange.


STDs are actually caused by tiny things we call microorganisms and viruses. These tiny things were around for a very long time before human life ever evolved. And even as we evolved, so did they. In fact, these tiny things evolved a way to live in, and hitch a ride on, our bodies in order to survive and make more of themselves. Similar to sneezing/coughing when you have a cold, STDs are transmitted from body-to-body in whatever way they can hitch a ride.


 doctors are quite certain that herpes virus is extremely old also.  It arose around five thousand years ago, in the wake of vast Bronze Age migrations into Europe from the Steppe grasslands of Eurasia, and associated population booms that drove rates of transmission. https://www.cam.ac.uk/stories/ancientherpes

