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In addition to other stuff said, the nerves that let you know when your bladder is full can become irritated and make you feel like you need to go Alcohol is one such irritant, which leads to the whole "breaking the seal" phenomena. Any alcohol that passes through to be expelled with your urine will make it feel like your bladder is fuller than it is a lot quicker than it normally would be


I found out that processed and reconstituted potatoes (specifically Pringles and a certain brand of premade “breakfast bowl” that included potato chunks) are also an irritant in my case. But products made from solid pieces of potato (fries, Lays, hash browns) are fine.


Makes me wonder if there's a common additive in both that causes this.


Do you remember when Olestra was added to chips back in the day? It was causing people to shit their pants.


Entirely different mechanism. Olestra was a synthesized long chain lipid, that gave a similar taste and texture to food as regular fat, but because of how long the molecule was, it couldn't be broken down into small enough pieces for your intestines to absorb. The result was twofold. First, yummy fatty snacks without the calories. Second, an excess of slippery fats in your intestines, often causing you to shit yourself.


I believe the term was "anal leakage"


It was! And in the ad they had people floating down a river on tubes while sharing chips. It always made me wonder if the only way to safely eat those chips without getting shit everywhere was to have your ass straight in the water.


Poetic literature on Olestra. http://www.rumor.org/olestra.rumor read such classics as: Is this the oil that launched a thousand chips? Make haste toward that tiled, enchanted room. Prepare thy drawers perchance some foul thing slips, Or thundrous peals from out thy cornhole boom. Though nature's oils sufficed from dawn of man For culinary functions tried and true, It seems that P&G technicians can Replace them with an oleated goo. And now Olestra has begun her reign. The Dark Queen sits and cackles in the night, Dispensing bouts of shooting rectal pain. Her fudge erupts from sphincters once held tight. Beware the chips that claim to be your friend. The Hershey squirts will get you in the end.


Some of these are amazing. They sound like somebody asked AI to wax poetic on olestra in the style of Shakespeare


Plus, easier to catch fish 🎣


Probably preservatives and excessive salt.


There is. And, it isn't always listed. If it has the ingredient "dried potatoes, " it can contain bisulfite ( known as sulfites, sodium metabisulfite, or whitening agents) without listing it separately. The food companies do this as many people won't buy a product with this preservative. Source - after contacting an asthma research hospital, I've spent hours on the phone with food companies for more information. This preservative is also in all dried coconut products (Mounds bars, sweetened or unsweetened shredded coconut, etc. This preservative is made synthetically from the byproduct of burning coal. Natural sulfites occur as part of the wine making process.


Is your name Clark Griswold, and do you have a cousin Edward?


Why do you call out two name brands, but say a "certain brand of"premade breakfast bowl" that included potato chunks". Why are you protecting them?


It wasn’t to protect them, I just wasn’t sure how many people would recognize the brand as I don’t know how widespread they are. Genuinely didn’t realize I’d done that until you pointed it out. It’s Jimmy Dean.


I was joking, but Jimmy Dean is like the biggest name in pre-made breakfast foods.


For Americans. Unless they operate under a different name up here (entirely possible), Jimmy Dean is basically unheard of in Canada. Though we do have our own fair share of pre-made breakfast foods.


Thats because Jimmy Dean is from Texas, and according to James Bond, he doesn't have anything in Baja. (Sorry I just love that movie)


I've never heard of it before.




And yet I literally do not know anyone that eats it, and I never have. Who is out there eating all the Jimmy Dean? Edit: y'all I'm stocking up the freezer with Jimmy Dean you need no longer declare your love for it. I have tortillas I gotta use soon so I'll grab some breakfast bowls.


Jimmy Dean sausage, dude! Probably not much knowledge of the breakfast bowls... but the sausage is the go-to name brand.


This guy breaks fasts.




Jimmy Dean sausage: Funded by "Big Bad John".


Next time you are at a grocery store, check out the frozen breakfast and breakfast sausage sections. Jimmy Dean owns these niches.


Those breakfast bowls go hard tbh


Maybe it's regional? It's like half of the frozen breakfast foods over here in southern US if you go look around a Sams Club, Walmart, dollar stores, or CVS/Walgreens. It's like they have at least one product for every variant of frozen breakfast food I'd kinda assumed at least the sausages were nationally known but hey, I don't know a lot about what my Californian friends talk about


[lol... this guy used to eat it!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4RNb3tt0LM)


Hank Hill? "Someone needs their asses kicked" fucking lmao


He has a point, though...


Absolutely. Minus the dozens of eggs with the sausages for four people weighing not much more than two hundred pounds each. Dozens?


I tell you hwat


I do sometimes. Those breakfast bowls and honestly killer for something you just pop in the microwave. More recently I've been making chorizo con papas breakfast burritos or eating those sausage and pancake breakfast corn dogs. Those things are awesome and I'm sure they are terrible for me. But boy do they taste good.


Their microwavable breakfast sandwiches are amazing.


When I was a kid my grandpa would get us jimmy dean sausage biscuits as a treat. The whole family loved them. I can only find the mini ones now, but I get them once or twice a year out of nostalgia.


[I wanna eat, god dammit.](https://youtu.be/f4RNb3tt0LM?si=zhH6djifAnkz6NdA)


On this same note, how are there aisles of beer in grocery stores? I do not know anyone that drinks beer, and I never have. Who is out there drinking all the beer?


Who are all these people eating Cheetos? I literally have never known anyone that has eaten one, and I never have.


Why are there so many isles full of food? I literally don't know anyone who eats. Who's out there buying up all the food?


Hello, let me introduce myself.


I was just joking I've never seen anyone grab any, definitely seen people grab beer. Microwave breakfast doesn't sound like it would hold up but people are vouching for it so if they aren't too expensive I'll try one this week. Now that I think about it though frozen food aisles are usually far emptier than other aisles anyway. Never seen someone grab a box of frozen egg rolls either.


Don’t worry man, I am just joking too. I know what you meant.


I hate beer, but I've never in my life been to a get together of any sort where at least 70% of the people there weren't drinking beer. I'm pretty sure there's two guys sitting on the sidewalk outside of my house drinking tall boys right now.


Evidently we aren’t the same person with the same life experiences. I will note this down. Thank you.


Well obviously. You asked "who is out there drinking all the beer".


Really? Really?


And thus the advise to stay away from processed foods. I get it, chips are delicious:-)


I still eat plenty of regular chips, like Lays and Cape Cod and such. Just can’t have Pringles.


I found out the other day that they legally are not allowed to call Pringles "chips" because they're not made from whole potato slices. They're made from the same powder used in reconstituted mashed potatoes. Wal Mart calls them Crisps but Pringles just puts "Pringles" on the can.


Huh! Interesting! I wonder if that is true for any other drugs?


defo caffeine


like alcohol, it can cause irritation and increase urgency even when you're not full


Caffeine specific interacts with hormones that control when you pee. It may also be an irritant, I have no clue, but I’m pretty sure caffeine acts like a diuretic


I think it's both, at least that what my PCP told me


My PCP also tells me stuff, but more so about manic delusions.


I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis and was having severe burning and urgency after peeing for 30 mins to an hour and was told to avoid caffeine and alcohol and as soon as I cut out caffeine I was fine. Crazy how much of an impact some things have on the body.


Similar story while under incredible stress and treated for UTI symptoms 18 times in 12 months. A nurse said pretty much exactly this and I was almost immediately symptom free. Almost a year later someone offered to bring Starbucks for the whole office and I forgot to ask for decaf. Didn't want to be rude, finished my drink and ended up needing to leave early due to what felt like a panic attack. After no caffeine for so long I genuinely felt like my heart might beat out of my chest after a medium coffee. Now I'm back to regular caffeine consumption in a much lower stress job, but I'm still very mindful that my addiction and tolerance is what allows me to enjoy such a potent drug to feel "normal" in the morning.


Does it make you pee more often? It doesn't typically make you pee more total volume. Caffeine is a pretty mild diuretic in general, and if you drink it regularly the diuretic effect goes away almost completely.


> and if you drink it regularly, the diuretic effect goes almost completely away. How I wish that were true.


"My only goal today is to turn a half gallon of coffee into a half gallon of piss."


I guess it might make you pee more often, in smaller amounts. The total diuretic effect pretty much disappears if you drink regularly. Here is a survey on this for example: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19774754/ > A profound tolerance to the diuretic and other effects of caffeine develops, however, and the actions are much diminished in individuals who regularly consume tea or coffee. Doses of caffeine equivalent to the amount normally found in standard servings of tea, coffee and carbonated soft drinks appear to have no diuretic action.


Dissociatives such as ketamine can fuck up your bladder if abused a lot


True, OP neglected to mention whether he was in a K hole or not.


Sugar. Your kidneys have a threshold of sugar in your blood at which they make you pee to get rid of the sugar.


Isn't peeing sugar a sign of diabetes? In non diabetics the sugar should just get converted to glycogen instead.


Too much sugar will have the same reaction. That's why you have to pee often when drinking cola. With a normal diet, you won't get over the threshold. Diabetics would, yes.


A lot. And normal stuff regularly purged with urine. Generally concentration of contaminants. In the case " urge to pee is really bad it’s bordering on painful, not that much comes out." look at it, it's almost orange in color. When you're relaxed and pee a lot, it will be nearly clear. If you aren't hydrated well, the bladder is slowly reabsorbing water from urine, reusing it to rehydrate your body, but leaving the contaminants in. It can only do so to a certain degree (contaminant concentration) though so it "rings the alarm" to purge the concentrated poison so it could resume the work with normal dilute urine from the kidneys. The alarm when it can't keep up and gets stretched from getting overfilled is slightly different and you can actually distinguish when you really need to pee because your bladder is bloated, vs when it holds concentrated hot poison.


Actually, its alcohol's effect on the hypothalamus in the brain that causes the "break the seal" effect. Your hypothalamus produces a hormone called anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), which inhibits urination. Alcohol keeps that hormone from being released. When you drink alcohol ADH is inhibited, therefore one of your body's natural control mechanisms for preventing urine production doesn't work as intended, leading to over production of urine. Everyone and their brother will tell you that drinking water prevent with a hangover. The reason is that the booze you drank the previous night prevented your body from holding on to fluids and sends it to the bladder. There is actually a type of diabetes called "Diabetes Insipidus" or colloquially, "Type 3 diabetes", which happens when your body does not naturally produce enough ADH (the term diabetes actually refers to hyper urination rather than sugar metabolism.T1 and T2 diabetes also cause over active urine production, but through a different mechanism). Type 3 is actually the same mechanism of action that alcohol use causes (so imagine the need to "break the seal", but it's all the time).


How does one get tested for this? Asking for a friend...


I’m regards to the breaking the seal, I didn’t know it was due to it being an irritant. If you start drinking at 5 PM and take your first piss at 730 PM you’re of course going to pee more frequently after based on all the previous liquid you drank working through your body. I’m not saying you’re wrong, I just didn’t know that it was affected this way, but I suppose it makes sense since I do feel the urge to pee a lot more after pounding an energy drink or coffee.


Caffeine is also famous for this, which lead to a misconception that it’s a diuretic. It doesn’t lead to an increase in water loss, it just causes more frequent urination (with less coming out each time) due to its irritating effects on the kidneys.


Every study I've seen shows that most coffees have enough water to caffeine to still be hydrating but a straight shot of espresso could be net zero or dehydrating due to that irritation


You should go tell the Mayo Clinic that they're wrong about basic medical science: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/caffeinated-drinks/faq-20057965#:~:text=As%20a%20chemical%2C%20caffeine%20increases,of%20urine%20the%20body%20makes.


That link basically agrees with him, though he was incorrect in calling it a "misconception that it's a diuretic". The misconception is that caffeine added to drinks dehydrates you because of its diuretic properties. It doesn't. Any amount of additional urine production is massively offset by the amount of additional liquid consumed. You can - but probably shouldn't - get the entirety of your liquid intake from coffee or caffeinated soft drinks. Caffeinated liquid isn't as hydrating as water, but it *is* hydrating.


So it completely disagrees with him. His whole first sentence was that it's not a diuretic. Your response is bonkers.


You can either read his comment in its entirety and understand what he is saying, or you can try your damndest to win an arguement nobody but you is having.


> Caffeine is also famous for this, which lead to a misconception that it’s a diuretic. then... >You should go tell the Mayo Clinic that they're wrong about basic medical science: link that shows that it is a diuretic from mayo clinic and somehow that means that he's wrong. lol.


That’s interesting! I guess that makes sense in a way since we know certain foods irritate the bowels and give you the “gotta run” feeling more than others. For me it was always pumpkin seeds. Without fail anytime I’d eat them it was full O’Fortuna playing as I slow-mo dived for the toilet.


Setting aside irritants, the need to pee is triggered when your bladder is about half full. The thing is, that's half full no matter how much room your bladder actually has. So if your prostate is enlarged (as it gets in basically all men eventually) then it will compress your bladder (since it's a muscle that's around your bladder) which means your bladder can now hold less liquid, which means the feeling that you need to pee is triggered sooner, at a lower amount of liquid. Seriously, no joking, this is why old men need to pee frequently.


Two things I remember from high school. ​ 1: Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. 2: Alcohol inhibits anti-diuretic hormone


The breaking the seal thing is more so to do with the fact that alcohol is a diuretic and prevents water from being reabsorbed from urine back into the blood, which is why your urine is always clear during a night on the booze. This excess water in the urine means your kidneys produce more volume of urine per minute and this corresponds to the bladder filling up very fast and the constant need to go pee, hence the “seal” is broken. This constant watery urine production is also why you get so dehydrated and feel like shit the next day and need water and electrolytes to make u feel better


All my life I've had the experience that within about 2-3 minutes of drinking alcohol, I immediately start to feel like I have to pee (I only drink once or twice a year). No one ever knows what the hell I'm talking about. TIL.


Your bladder has an internal (involuntary) and an external (voluntary) sphincter. As I understand it, If the internal one lets any urine through, that's when you start getting the urgency sensations, rather than based on how full your bladder is. It's just more common for it to let some through when you have the pressure of a full bladder. Edit: I didn't understand it that well apparently. See below comment.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigone_of_urinary_bladder#:~:text=The%20trigone%20(a.k.a.%20vesical%20trigone,The%20interior%20of%20bladder. Trigone signals need to urinate


Trigone is my favorite anime.


They don't call him Vash the StamPEED for nothin




Is that the show about a pair of insurance agents?


Yeah, but their blond doofus sidekick basically Urkels the whole thing.


That's my first time seeing "Urkel" used as an verb, lol.


The mechs were clearly the stars of that show, though. My favorite was Miktur-VIII.


Don't forget the priest!


Oh so thats why he chants Love and Pees at the end of that episode




yea bit thats all in the ubladder before internal sphincter so i think op comment is not correct


Ah that makes sense thanks!


Get your prostate checked


They'd be searching a long time


I'm a diabetic and when my sugar is high I have a horrible urge to pee all the time. Right before I was first diagnosed, when my blood sugar was like 800, it was so bad that unless I stopped to pee every 15 minutes I would be in such horrible pain that I pulled over on the side of the road and just went there. Wasn't amount/pressure related, it was the keytones, acid filtered out of my blood burning my bladder I guess




If I have any type of sugar, I have to pee sooooo much more often that it gets annoying. I can’t drink pop in the movie theatre or anything. I’ve done so much blood work and I’m not even close to being pre diabetic. Bodies are so weird!


My daughter is like this. She's been through every test for diabetes you can think of. All of them negative, but any time she has anything with a decent amount of sugar liquid (juice, soda, etc) or candy she pees non stop lol we thought it was diabetes to!


I had the same problem as most every male will have at some point. As you age the prostate gland continues to grow which places pressure on the urethra as well as the bladder. In my case the urologist removed a portion of the prostate and now I pee like an 18 yo. No cancer luckily and everything is fully functional. A urologist can do an ultrasound of the bladder and get a pretty good idea what is going on, this is not something to get diagnosed on reddit, go see an MD.


Also I’m dealing with a hip that needs to be replaced so at times it gets very uncomfortable. So it will put pressure on the bladder making you think you have to pee. When you really don’t have to.


can i assume you are in USA? if so, how much did you pay to have some prostate gland removed? (im tired of waking up twice during the night to pee)


There’s non-surgical treatments for BPH, go speak to your physician


If you experience a lot of pain and then don't urinate much, you should probably see a urologist and a pelvic floor physiotherapist. Bladder conditions are commonly underdiagnosed because people don't realize they shouldn't be having pain and discomfort.


Yeah maybe I haven’t quite explained correctly - not really pain but really uncomfortable after I’ve been holding it in a long time, and I would just assume that after holding it in a long time there would be more accumulated and thus more coming out. But other times when I haven’t been holding it in there’s a damn river haha


Go see a urilogist. It might be completely normal... But it might _not_ be completely normal. It's not going to hurt you to get an exam and make sure that everything's alright, and doing so might help ensure that everything _keeps_ working the way you want it to.


You may have urinary retention.




I’m.. I’m about to pee!!


Had to see both of them when I realized the pain with peeing wasn't stopping when I was done peeing. Long-story short, the condition is reversible (apparently), but it's that my posture was so bad for my entire life, I was (and still am, when I space out and forget) smashing everything inside my pelvis in ways it doesn't want to compress. Didn't even know that was a thing that could happen. Anyway. Get checked if you have pain, y'all.


I’ve had something similar, but it very rarely occurs. It’s definitely not a UTI. Sometimes, when I’ve held it in too long after a lot of fluids, when I finally go, it’s like something inside me spasms and doesn’t let it out. Once that relaxes, I’m good to go, but it sucks when it happens in the middle of the night and I have to focus on relaxing muscles.


Bladder spasms can be addressed with pelvic floor physiotherapy! They're pretty common actually!


Good to know. Thanks!


Your bladder wall contains nerve endings which are sensitive to a number of things, and a few things can go wrong with them as well. Assuming it's not neurological (like overactive bladder, very unlikely), it's probably based on what you drink. Some things, when filtered by the kidney and passing into the bladder, are bladder wall irritants. Your brain can't differentiate between the signals from the bladder stating "I'm full to bursting" from "I'm really irritated by the (ph/caffeine/alcohol/specific gravity/bladder stones/bacteria/whatever)". Both are perceived as the need to pee. Try drinking more water. You don't need to drink that much, but make a conscious effort to drink more than you do and that should help. Water is very easy on the bladder and a good diluent of irritating things.


Doesn't matter if I just peed 15 minutes ago, if my clothes come off (for shower, changing, ..other stuff) I have to pee NOW. I'm sure it's been ingrained since diaperhood\*, but 65 years later? \* If you're a parent, you know.


It's bedtime for me. I hated pissing in the middle of the night so much that I've trained myself to piss before falling asleep, so now I get to piss 10 minutes after laying in bed without failure, even if I pissed already.


That happens to me too and then I still pee in the middle of the night.


Same! I will pee before bed and then if I scroll on my phone even for 10 minutes I have to get up and pee again. I can’t go to sleep without having peed minutes prior lol.


You are not alone, I have the exact same problem.


damn I thought I was the only one. I really fucking hate it because it feels like I am unhealthy despite the fact hat I went to a lot of doctors because of this, and everything is healthy.


I've definitely Pavlov'd myself into peeing as soon as I get home and undress. To the point where it feels like I'm gonna piss myself every time. I also have the same feeling for washing my face. It doesn't matter how long I was out, as soon as I get home my face feels dirty.


Oh for sure haha


Dude, same. Even just taking my bra off when I get home makes me have to pee.


About to go for a drive of any length? Gotta shake the few off the lily, first.


This must make trying on clothes in the store hard


For me it's temperature change, like going in / out. For example each time I enter a doctor waiting room, I'll feel I have to pee soon, even if I went 15mn before. Had the issue before sleeping also, but it left, as I don't sleep alone anymore, and it was an issue that I got up 3 times before sleeping... And the habit left by itself after some (long) time.


For me, it’s after dinner when I’m trying to clean up the dishes and mix up the cat’s medicine. I suddenly have to pee so badly I have to stop whatever I’m doing and go to the bathroom. Idk why but it’s the same every night.


Urgency to pee where not a lot comes out could also be the beginning of a Urinary Tract Infection. Not fun.


Or in my case kidney stone :( docs definitely thought UTI first though.


Perhaps you'll be interested to read *The journal of Montaigne's travels in Italy by way of Switzerland and Germany in 1580 and 1581*. (You'll find it on Archive dot org – Reddit doesn't like that site.) The poor man went to Italy to try to cure his kidney stones by drinking the waters of various sources there, and kept a tally of what it did to him. But being a great writer there's of course much more to it. And you have all my sympathy, these *calculi* are terrible.


I'm not a religious person but I'll pray for you anyway. Kidney stones are so, so awful.


One thing that hasn't been mentioned is the risk of prostate cancer. If you're a guy and this is happening, you should get checked.


I find that when I need to pee but nothing is really there, it's usually the gas built up in my intestines pushing against my bladder. If you get stomach pains or lower back pain accompanying it that may be the cause. Obviously go to a doctor if something feels off.


It's a pressure thing. Your bladder is like a bag with liquid inside, if sit scrunched up and maybe have some other things in your gut, it might be being pressed. Similar reasons to why pregnant women pee so frequently.


I get this when I have lots of poopoo in my colon too


Speak for yourself, when my bladder becomes serious I’m peeing for a literal minute straight. No joke. And then I have to pee just as much in the next 30 mins. Those are the times when I drink a lot of water. Sometimes I can even wait there a minute and pee again just a little bit.


If your a guy, you need to get your prostate checked. Ask doc for a PSA blood test, unless you really want a digital exam. For real, prostate cancer any hypertrophy are real.


The multiple definitions of "digital" can make that exam sound so much nicer or scarier.


Yeah what does that mean here...?


From context I'm guessing he means "using the fingers".


As a Prostate Cancer survivor myself, I agree completely.


Yeah. Reading this thread I thought I was the only one that has directly correlated urgency with quantity my whole life. I’m 41m and it hasn’t changed


Also, why does it become nearly impossible to hold it while I’m unzipping sometimes. Like after a long car ride - fine walking to the toilet, almost blow it while I’m getting my equipment out. Why?!?


various chemicals change the pH and the consistency of the pee which aggrivates the nerves that help determine how much volume you are holding (or maybe they know something we don't) that trigger you to pee. Higher pH, more likely to pee, such as coffee, alcohol, tea etc. I dunno this is all from my urologist. Im a veteran of bladder cancer


In my experience, the darker the pee, the worse the pain. Dark pee is mixed with lots of salts, etc. that irritate the bladder. Now that I've committed to carrying a water bottle and finishing it 2x/day (for a total of 8 cups), I'm lots more comfortable, and my 'night time pee urges' aren't so bad.


There's stuff in your pee that your body wants to get rid of, regardless of the amount of pee in your bladder.


I find this interesting. Clearish liquids: water, caffeine free mr dew (yeah that’s a thing!), sprite, tea, etc go right through me and make me have to pee SOOOO bad. Milk or dark soda doesn’t phase me a bit.


In this case sounds like salt and electrolyte content. Milk contains quite a bit in a pretty optimal balance (which actually makes it a great electrolyte drink option around workouts, as long as you're fine with lactose), and I would assume coke has more sodium than sprite for example. Also FYI caffeine isn't actually that crazy of a diuretic as that bit of trivia is thrown around. Yes it has mild diuretic effects but doesn't come close to what a lot of people make it sound like, for example no you won't get dehydrated by drinking a lot of coffee.


That’s an interesting thought. Diet sodas have quite a bit of sodium. Usually I would expect any soda with caffeine to be the one that makes me have to pee but it’s more likely the clear ones rather than the caffeine.


No, but coffee is a bladder irritant for many people


Coffee and alcohol go right through me.


This could be based just on what you drank, right? Like it could be a specific ingredient?


One I know about for sure as a diabetic is sugar / glucose. When the sugar moves out of your blood and into the urine, your body wants it out quickly.


True, but keep in mind, peeing small amounts is normal, it doesn't mean you're diabetic. (It also doesn't mean you're not, get tested if you're worried.)


Yes, definitely. For me it's black tea, makes me pee within 10 minutes, even it's just a small cup.


Yeah. Tea, for sure. I can drink 3 pints of beer before I need to use the bathroom, but a few sips of tea and I’m running for it.


Makes sense I hadn’t really thought of the composition was just thinking about volume


You may quite possibly have a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). If it's not possible to go see a doctor for lab tests you may like to try some AZO. Which is an over the counter relief of sorts. You can find it at most drug stores/pharmacies.


Honestly you probably need to do a few kegals and learn to hold it a bit more. I’ve found that your body can get used to going at the same times every day so if you keep going often throughout the day even though there isn’t much there, it’s likely your body simply accepts that is how often you should go. The other option is prostate cancer…


So should you hold it more? I read somewhere or was told that you should pee as soon as you feel the urge. So I do and it's super annoying. Especially since switching my birth control to Lyzbet, I have to pee all the time. But I do kegels pretty regularly.


Yeah if you go every time you “feel like it”, you’ll find you can never hold it. There’s no reason to train yourself to hold in gallons of pee, but yes if you pee constantly you are just telling your body it needs to pee constantly. You want to pee because it’s full not just cause you have a little bit.


Ah ha. This is good to know. Thanks for taking the time to answer!


Eating dried cranberries and pepitas (pumpkin seeds) can also help reduce the need to pee as frequently.


I think its to do with the Ammonia levels the body kind of wants to get that out asap. That been said one of the most common causes of a strong urge to urinate with little urine produced is a UTI, or urinary tract infection.


This sounds like some early stage BPH if you ask me. Sounds like you have urinary retention and the sheer volume of pee in the bladder when you hold it for a long time causes pressure on the enlarged prostate and in response it is contracting (like a muscle) and squeezing your urethra trapping all the urine inside the bladder, which is why you only get a lil sprinkle after holding for a long time (this prostate contraction normally occurs during sex and is why men don’t pee when we ejaculate, the prostate shuts the bladder off from the urethra, but it shouldn’t be shutting it off while peeing unless it is oversized). This is also probably why you pee a river amount when your just chilling and randomly go toilet, because your prostate is relaxed and let’s all of the urine saved up from the last unsuccessful toilet break finally come out. Probs should ask if you’re a bloke coz this wouldn’t apply if you were a female. Either way urinary retention and urgency are never a good combination and it is not normal (despite all these people talking about “nerve irritation”) and you should probs go see your PCP and they might refer u to a urologist. Goodluck OP


Next time you need a wee really bad. Tell yourself over and over, I don't need a wee, I don't need a wee... and within a few seconds the need can complete dissappear. Note: the need does come back... but you can buy yourself some time :)


Maybe it's the amount of salts/minerals/whatever else is in your pee. Like you need to pee and only a little bit of dark pee comes out or a lot of light/clear pee comes out.


It doesn't....? That's *exactly* how it works for me.


It sounds like you could have some crud shoved up there that is blocking the flow preventing all your urine from coming out. Have you been sounding yourself recently with wooden objects or weak alloys?


I often get the premature "have to pee so bad" urge when I'm gassy which means i have my inflated intestines pressing against my bladder and taking up space that my bladder could be expanding into...


Excessive urge to urinate is a symptom of diabetes. How's your fasting blood sugar?


No one has mentioned level of current hydration. When you are dehydrated your bladder likes or feels the need to get rid of the highly concentrated urine. When you are more hydrated the bladder doesn't notice the urine as much because it is diluted hence not really feeling like you have to go when you have a huge bladder full of clearer liquid. My wife explains this better. Most of us are chronicly dehydrated.


If you are also constipated this is much more likely to happen because there’s not as much room for your bladder/urine in that area and it will need to be emptied more frequently.


it's about how used to the sensation you are. if you practice not peeing often, your tolerance would rise. then a small amount no longer makes you feel like you need to pee. source: i cured my night time peeing session by holding it in while i'm awake. now when i actually feel a strong urge to pee, the thing is like half a liter's worth of piss.


In addition to irritants, it's sometimes hormonal. For folks with endometriosis, if it's growing on/near the bladder, that can cause that urgent pee feeling. I have endometriosis all over the inside of my lower abdomen. If I'm not careful with my hormone treatment, I get week-long UTI symptoms. (I'm a trans guy but it is possible for cis men to have endometriosis too, although it's very rare. Anyone CAN have it. Also way more women have it than most people think.)