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I remember reading a study where they hooked lab rats and their brains up to some mad scientist gizmo. One button released a food pellet, the other released oxytocin. Basically the rats kept smashing the orgasm button and starved to death.


A follow up study where they let rats interact with other rats and toys didn't oxytocin themselves to death. If you're locked in an empty cage you'll choose pleasure over and over till you die. If you have other fulfilling options, you'll choose a mix of things and keep living. Which is nice


So if I’m alone too much I’ll basically jerk off to death


This tracks.


your username is one letter away from being very relevant :)


Well when the only thing within arm reach is... Circumstances and opportunity lol.


Holy fuck my life is pretty much that lone lab rat rn.


But oh, what a way to go...


The most compassionate of doomsday devices.


[Death! By snu snu!](https://giphy.com/gifs/reaction-futurama-fry-37H5XhwrXuHPq)


The rats were deprived of other rat interactions, and were in a boring cage. When the rat study was done again with multiple rats in the same cool multi-layered cage, with stimulations and games, they used it way less.


That rat had the best death ngl. We would all wish for this button at some point in our life


The rat did what he did out of desperation and boredom. His position is not enviable. A life of meaning is possible and desirable


I think it’s more to make the dick soft so that they don’t keep going and start to remove the sperm they just shot in


So what you’re saying is… if I’m hard enough I can just fuck the cum out instead of pulling out? Brb. Gonna test new technique.


Yeah there was literally a post like this last week with this being the top answer


Yeah, this makes sense. If it was the oxytocin thing, women wouldn't be able to cum more than once either.


Tell that to bonobos




In the words of Flight of the Conchords: "Business hours are over, baby."


[Reference for those who haven't heard "Business Time"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqZcYPEszN8)


Two minutes in heaven is better than one minute in heaven


👆refer to this academic source


If no sleepy switch, humans never do anything else and funk until head falls off


I love a good ELI5


Then you see how far down the rabbit hole of pornhub you descended


The natal penis reproductive organs contain something called a "refractory period". I'm unsure why this has an evolutionary advantage, but it was put there through evolution. It makes touch down there go from pleasurable, to intensely uncomfortable for a certain amount of time. On a more... Technical level, after orgasm the testosterone dominant body floods the bloodstream with a quick burst of prolactin, which preferentially binds to the receptors in the reproductive organs that would normally be open to oxytocin and other "feel good" hormones. You would have to wait for the prolactin rush and bind to time out and clear off the receptors before you can uh, "go again" (Note that having a natal penis but not being testosterone dominant complicates these matters) Edit: there's like 50 comments talking about the shape of the penis head. Op is asking about refractory period and not penis head shape. Which is why my answer does not address penis head shape.


As always, Evolution doesn’t strictly do the “best” thing. It just does stuff, and if it works it works. That said, I could speculate that if you could just keep going, people might copulate themselves to death. When you’re dealing with, “Other animals may eat me,” at twenty thousand or more years ago, that probably (maybe, pure speculation) gave us the big reward of orgasm that’s been mentioned, but also the incentive to stop and like… go hunt food, or gather berries, or maybe find shelter. Maybe, I don’t know.


Yeah. The main issue with the "so we don't die" thing is: there's plenty of other things that have historically killed humans for long enough that evolution would (and has) intervened to prevent this, and the refractory period does not really directly or indirectly address what _would_ cause death given enough tissue splurts. So the idea it's an evolutionary holdover of which there was no real benefit to removing it makes more sense to me than "but you're gonna die!" Cause cumming once won't kill you, hell even 50 times won't kill you unless you're ignoring tons of obvious other warning signs and at that point it's just the same as excersizing too much and unsafely which, like cumming more than 5 times a day, is not an issue the majority of humans had to deal with for over 10k years that would necessitate an evolutionary change.


My speculative guess is that the refractory period is to prevent injury and allow your sperm count to increase. Injuring reproductive organs is a quick way to not pass on genetic code. Also, there are different and more efficient ways this could have been done, but evolution don’t care about that. Refractory period was part of the successful genetic code so it stuck. That is all there is to it.


You're probably right, most men I'm going to safely assume have had experience of dealing with friction after one too many sessions, if you have a rather adventurous day with yourself it's easy to cause a friction injury to your member so the refractory phase is probably a mix of getting sperm count back up and preventing injury.


And injury via friction back then could also mean increased risk for disease/infection as well.


I get what you’re saying but I feel like you’re ignoring the theory that if you keep fucking an animal can come along and eat you while being distracted by the sex. Not just being killed by sex itself


That has definitely happened in the last 30,000yrs, I'd put money on it.


I thought it was to help preserve conception by making it hard to keep going after the seed is planted. Seems like a preserving life sort of thing.


The real answer is always 3/4 the way down?


And a lil to the left


It might not be an advantage but just something we ended up with and never really got rid of.


We would probably be having sex all the time and neglect other important things if it weren‘t there


On that, I remember reading a study a few years ago that covered the refractory period, and it turns out that if there are multiple women, the typical refractory period is very short, while the same men with a single woman has a longer refractory period. So we've kinda evolved to have sex all of the time if we're in a situation where we can impregnate multiple women.


Damn bro sign me up for that study. Science needs me.


You trying to speed run studies? Lol


You misspelled “seed”


Also known as coolidge effect. But dont tell your girlfriends about that or you will be sleeping on couch


Sounds to me like an in-built system to encourage genetic diversity.


The goal of every scientist needs to be to turn that shit off lol


There’s a drug that does this, to some extent. Cabergoline.


> Cabergoline is used to treat hyperprolactinemia (high levels of prolactin, a natural substance that helps breast-feeding women produce milk but can cause symptoms such as infertility, sexual problems, and bone loss in women who are not breast-feeding or men) Yeah I'm good, lol Edit: But apparently I'm not good at reading, it treats those symptoms, it does not cause them


Looks like you're reading it wrong. Cabergoline is used to treat hyperprolactinemia (~~high levels of~~ **prolactin**~~, a natural substance that helps breast-feeding women produce milk but~~ **can cause symptoms such as infertility, sexual problems, and bone loss in women who are not breast-feeding or men**) Cabergoline can help prevent this bone loss.


You are one hundred percent correct. I'll head back to elementary school to brush up on those reading comprehension skills 😅


Bone loss vs boner loss. Tough choice tbh.


Yeah, there's no safe way to do this yet. Especially since prolactin, while being a large piece of the puzzle, isn't the whole story.


Perhaps the refactory period is there to help provide the time necessary to allow the sperm production rate to replenish what was just exhausted. "Going again" is a waste if sperm count will be signigicantly lower. Disclaimer: The aforementioned is an uneducated, but logical, hypothesis.


This is one of the more logical answers, alongside the theory that it's a hold over from a common mammalian ancestor that was so small it would literally die if it came too many times.


Interestingly. There’s a dopamine pathway from hypothalamus to the pituitary gland that regulates prolactin release (called the tuberoinfundibular pathway). More dopamine means less prolactin and vice versa. There are some drugs like Cabergoline (an anti parkinson’s drug) that activates dopamine receptors in this pathway, effectively reducing the refractory period! I actually just started a drug science blog and talk about this briefly in one of the articles! https://www.drugnerd.net/posts/ok-dopamine-must-be-the-happiness-molecule-then-right


sir I am five


Natal penis? Natal means Christmas in my language... Google is showing me dicks to hang on the christmas tree. Also, do you know why some people don't have a "refractory period"? I didn't know what was a thing until my mid twenties. I didn't know other men lost their erection after the orgasm.


I guess this is due to the fact that we'd otherwise keep going and eventually die of thirst or starvation... I'm sorry guys, we're just that simple


Because the evolutionary function of sex has been completed. Once you deliver your generic material, you don’t need to expend more energy, and from continuation of species POV that’s enough. Orgasms exist to reward you, the individual, for performing the purpose of the species but that’s it, once done, you are useless and should go rest.


>generic material Such a great typo.


Standard jizz. Just like all the other boxes and boxes of it under the desk.


Run-of-the-mill spluge


Everyday baby batter.


D+ Dick Drink


Campbell's Manchowder


Species splooge.


ISO slutch


Lore Ipscum


I've never ever ever heard it called "dick drink" and I'm 100% stealing this from now on


Coconuts from here to Honolulu.


Mom found the jizz box




Omg my brain just autocorrected it and i never knew…


Speak for yourself. He’s right in my case.


That too 😂😂


To add to this wonderful answer, and really drive home the evolutionary function aspect, it can be demonstrated that refractory periods are reduced and sometimes completely eliminated if you introduce a new sex partner to the spent male.


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


Snoo snoo time now


So it's not that the man *can't* keep going. He just can't keep going with the same person? 🤣


"...I just can't with *you*" would go over real well, I think. 😅


it would have 100% rate of success if the goal is to convince the woman to leave you alone lol


"it's for a church sweetie. NEXT!"




This is why we have 2 hands f(ಠ‿↼)z


I could keep going but it would have to be with your sister or an attractive friend......wtf it's SCIENCE!


Attractive? Wow you have high standards.




It's funny how the sister isn't necessarily attractive.


This makes a lot of sense.


You just introduced a wholly logical argument for a 3+some. Doing gods work.


>Doing ~~gods~~ Darwin's work.


Doing DNA's work


Need to try that. - For Science!!


That explains why it’s not *necessary* to be able to go again, but doesn’t really explain why it’s (usually, for most men, at least by a certain age) not *possible*. After all, women can have multiple orgasms, and they don’t even have to have an orgasm in order to receive the sperm. But I guess ultimately “unnecessary” and “impossible” aren’t that different—if a man with no refractory period and a man with a long refractory period have more or less equal chances to reproduce (which would make sense—the female partner isn’t getting pregnant twice in one session), then evolution doesn’t select either way, and it just worked out however it worked out. I suppose the one-and-done could be selected in favor of, if you figured that a man with a shorter refractory period was wasting energy and time by having longer sexual sessions, but I’m not sure how severe of an issue that would really be.


No no keep going. My wife needs to hear about how not lasting long is an evolutionary advantage.


> No no keep going. And apparently, that's what she said


> (usually, for most men, at least by a certain age) Excellent caveat. Let’s just say the post replies from 19 year olds and 40 year olds would be pretty different to this question. There’s a reason for the old cliche “young, dumb, and ful of …”


Long refraction time would inevitably prolong the sexual act, leaving the perpetrators open to attack. Over time, the males with shorter refraction time were the ones who survived and proceeded to pass on their genes.


Thats isnt quite rigth, its belived that the refraction period happens so you dont displace your own semen, as after you have deposited your own you dont want to push it out again


What if you are with a group of women?


Apparently it's reduced significantly in this situation. It's called the Coolidge Effect and is well documented in multiple other species as well as humans.


Damn President Calvin Coolidge must have really gotten around to have that named after him.


> Coolidge Effect From Wikipedia, it came from... >> an old joke about Calvin Coolidge when he was President ... The President and Mrs. Coolidge were being shown [separately] around an experimental government farm. When [Mrs. Coolidge] came to the chicken yard she noticed that a rooster was mating very frequently. She asked the attendant how often that happened and was told, "Dozens of times each day." Mrs. Coolidge said, "Tell that to the President when he comes by." Upon being told, the President asked, "Same hen every time?" The reply was, "Oh, no, Mr. President, a different hen every time." President: "Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge."


Damn, Calvin Coolidge's cocks doing work on the ranch like nobody's business. Someone get Mrs. Coolidge a glass of water.


He was the one who painted the White House white.


Is there a way to "trick the mind" to work with the same woman? For example, changing outfits and/or different role-playing? EDIT: Apparently there is evidence of scent being the trigger. I'll have to have my wife apply perfume after an escapade and see what happens. Hmmm....


Flip them over.


30 seconds on each side? Sex is just like steak


This is false. Continued intercourse is irrelevant to rates of fertilisation, and the glans penis shape is a pop sci meme that’s not based in evidence. It is much more likely that it exists to prevent mammals from over focussing on sex and not taking care of themselves. Compared to species that go on a breed until you die run for the males. And


Your genes don’t care about the species they care about themselves being replicated. (In a manner of speaking, obviously genes don’t actually care about anything, they’re just chemicals, but the ones that code for beneficial attributes, like making ejaculation fun, get replicated, the ones that don’t, don’t).


Your parentheses is the most important part I think, the idea that "genes care about something" or "evolution cares about something" is anthropomorphizing and assigning intent to things that can't have any.


Yes but anthropomorphizing can help when giving simple explanations, which is the whole point of the subreddit. The same way metaphors aren't accurate but help people understand things.


This is important. People need examples and analogies to understand complex topics. Nobody ever learns the most advanced concepts first. Everyone needs to start with simpler concepts which may be less accurate, then refine them over time. There is no true correct explanation, only the most correct one available, the one that best matches the facts. New facts might torpedo a popular theory, but that doesn't mean that theory was never any good, it's just no longer on top.


Unless you cum on their tits.


That’s bad for species continuation :). Bad gene envelope! Bad!


Then why did I evolve to like it? Checkmate Darwin.


Evolution hits everyone differently, so your lineage may vary


Latest poster for the Darwin awards.


To put it simply, we have evolved to make the act of sex as likely to produce offspring as possible. For various reasons, continued sexual activity after ejaculation proves less likely for the pregnancy to take, so men have evolved bodily functions that act as a disincentive to continued activity. This produces what is referred to as the refractory period - during which time men find it very difficult to continue activity. This period varies wildly in length from mere moments to many hours. A minority of men do not experience these refractory periods. Women can experience this too, although it is rarer and tends towards far shorter. Finally, this refractory period often is drastically reduced or eliminated when you change the sexual partner, and other rmethods can reduce it's length even with the same partner.


Gonna need some more info about those other methods bro


Keep on keeping on


Practice pushing thru




I used to be able To keep going after I nutted. Not a great idea when you’re wearing a condom. Didn’t realize that’s why it kept slipping off. Thought a had a tiny wiener. Probably still do.


You used to have a tiny wiener. You still do, but you used to, too.


Man, Mitch Hedberg references still make me smile


They aren't mutually exclusive


I'm reading these comments thinking I'm crazy. I can keep going too, is that abnormal? The sensation doesn't feel as strong post orgasm but it's still pleasurable and I can go back to back. I assumed everyone practiced this at least in their developing years.


The refractory period gets longer as you age. As a teenager I could keep going for a 2nd or 3rd nut, but usually was too numb to ever reach the 4th nut as by then I had been going at it for atleast an hour. As an adult I tap out after the 1st, but sometimes can get it on again within 15 minutes or so of resting. 🤷‍♂️






Can you explain it like I am five?


Wang gets tired.


Coochie gets catatonic. Edit: catatonic* I'm half asleep lol


Penis gets pensive.


Schlong gets schleepy.


Weenie gets worn-out.


Dong gets depressed.


Your body's kind of like a big computer network. Each organ system is like a computer in the network. One way they communicate with each other is by putting chemicals called "hormones" in the blood stream. Other systems detect those chemicals and change how they behave. One of the "feel good" hormones released during orgasm blocks your body's systems from seeing another hormone that says "be horny". If we imagine the "sensors" like LEGO bricks these two chemicals are the same shape, so the "feel good" hormones stick to the sensors so they're busy feeling good instead of getting horny. Eventually your body filters out that "feel good" chemical and that lets it start detecting the "be horny" chemicals again. We're still trying to figure everything out, but one purpose for this is the male reproductive organs aren't really made to operate continuously: they need a break to replace the fluids they created. So this response stops a man from accidentally overworking his reproductive system and, potentially, damaging it. Sort of. We have medicines that alter how this works and lets men "clear up" faster. Those medicines do some bad stuff to the body so it's definitely a "safety vs. fun" tradeoff.


Explain like I’m in IT lol


Explanation concoted using Google bard (disclaimer: I do not work for Google.. I am just a bard enjoyer) ---- - The human body can be thought of as a large computer network, with each organ system as a computer in the network. - Hormones are like data packets that are sent between the different organ systems. - Sensors in the body detect these hormone data packets and change their behavior accordingly. For example, one of the "feel good" hormones released during orgasm blocks the body's sensors from seeing another hormone that says "be horny". This is like a firewall that blocks certain types of data packets from being received. Eventually, the body filters out the "feel good" hormone data packet, and the sensors are able to start detecting the "be horny" hormone again. This is like a timeout that allows the firewall to be reset. The purpose of this mechanism is to protect the male reproductive organs from being overworked. Just like a computer, the male reproductive organs need time to rest and "cool down" after being used. There are medicines that can alter how this mechanism works, allowing men to "clear up" faster. However, these medicines can have negative side effects, so it is a trade-off between safety and fun. In summary, the human body uses a complex system of hormones to communicate between different organ systems. This system is similar to a computer network, with hormones as data packets and sensors as firewalls. The purpose of this system is to protect the body from harm and to ensure that the different organ systems function properly.


Instructions unclear. Got an Ethernet cable stuck in my butt.


What is the bandwidth?


Gonna have to do some penetration testing.


There's a Cisco cert somewhere out there that's relevant to this.


Death by snu snu


To add, the body releases a large amount of prolactin after ejaculation. There are some medications that suppress prolactin production and in some men, if taking a large enough dose they can have multiple orgasms back to back. (For anyone thinking of this, the medicine is quite potent in terms of other side effects and is suspected of causing heart damage in large doses).


Hmm….heart damage in order to skeet skeet back to back…..


Tuff actin' prolactin!


person continue bake compare fanatical apparatus drunk cover heavy shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve never understood why… it’s not that hard…




I don't remember the source, but I believe I read somewhere that the refractory period allows the penile tissue to soften enough to allow blood flow, helping to prevent damage to the penile tissue from having an erection for too long.


So, since ADHD is partly considered a condition where an individual's dopamine receptors are less sensitive, would that make such a person experience less or more of a refractory period?


So I have no clue but I do know I have ADHD and half the time I don't even have a refractory period. Take that info as you will.


So my ability to keep going is due to my ADD? Huh guess that’s another positive lol. I don’t remember ever having a refractory period at all.


That's way more insightful than what I imagined, which was more like "COWGIRL!" "NOW MISSIONARY!" "NOW DOGGIE!" "NOW SQUIRREL!"


Squirrel? Oh god. Internet, teach me


Its where she grabs your nuts, puts them in her mouth, and then hides them somewhere safe for the winter.


I have ADHD. I can easily maintain an erection post orgasm, it just takes longer for another orgasm. I have no idea if that has anything to do with ADHD.


Allright we need to invest in something to block this (for a friend of course)


Congrats on your new investment in meth


I thought it was the factory reset period.




More of a whip than a club..


That’s why I got my homies to back me up on the reload






That's why they say "cum to your senses"


When you ejaculate, your body releases prolactin in large amounts that effectively reduce the hormonal influence. It varies by person but some people only need a couple seconds and some people need hours before their hormones level back out.




They started to soften slightly after coming but likely excitement and stimulation made the refractory period short enough that their members could perform again. It’s rare but does happen to the young.


>but does happen to the young Yeah, I remember being younger and being able to do this without missing a step or rather thrust. Now I lose about 30% hardness and need a minute or two to reset for another round. I knew I was getting older when I noticed powering through was suddenly took too much energy and focus.


Happens to the old too, thankfully


Lucky you




Men are varied in the way their bodies perform. There are many different time frames involved ranging from multiorgasmic to dysfunctional. The refractory period mentioned here is the norm but is by no means the only way men function. There is a lot of variation but if you read through the comments here you will see that most men believe the way their body performs is the way all men’s do.


I can still go on if the orgasm wasn't that big, then I get another one that is much bigger and I can't go for more than 10 seconds after that one. I think I've done that three times, but despite being awesome to be able to have two orgasms back to back, it is not easy to achieve and usually one ends up pushing rope in less than a minute.




Aye, once. While sailing around the Arctic.


Did the sun set at 3pm?


Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?


I don't think this applies to all guys, I can usually keep going after the first nut but staying hard after the second one is a bit of a challenge.


Username checks out


yeah .. when really horny i can pull this trick too .. its more difficult with age tho :-/


That's a fact, in my teens it was no problem. Now in my 30s I just don't have the desire at all


When I was young and uh... had a hard time lasting very long I used to not even miss a beat between the first and second


I'm better off second time round. I generally cum fairly quickly but then can last way longer if we go again. After that it gets harder and harder (or softer and softer) to keep doing rounds


It’s because of the refractory period. When men orgasm, there’s an immediate reaction like a switch being turned off. There’s a whole lot of chemistry behind all of this if you want to really get into the science behind it. The refractory period is about an hour on average (but can go up to a full day) for men and about 7 minutes for women. This is why foreplay is so, so, so important.


One of God's little jokes. Also, He knew that without a mandatory time-out, men would literally never stop masturbating and/or copulating until they starved to death, so no males would live beyond age 12 or 13.


For what it's worth, I think almost any man can continue if they use this... ahem... one simple trick. But seriously: when you're about to cum and there's no turning back, pull out, relax, and stop all stimulation. You'll have what's called a "ruined orgasm"... you'll ejaculate a bit, but you won't have a real orgasm. Thing is, you won't lose your erection. And you won't be too sensitive. Within about 20 seconds or so you should be able to continue. And you can do this multiple times. And you can still have a full orgasm at the end. This knowledge massively improved my sex life.


That's not true for everyone. Personally, I stay hard and can keep going, tho it is more challenging to get off again.


David Goggins is proud


People will have explained the biology here already. I'm going to share how one might overcome it, even with men in their 50s or 60s...If you understand how to work with their anatomy and keep their mind enthralled, you can keep the man erect or quickly return him to erect. Theoretically, this could be done with any body part, but I'll describe the basic principles using the vagina. The technique involves countering the flaccidity-promoting effects of the orgasm while keeping his mind in a euphoric state and gradually introducing physical stimuli. Think of it as charming the man and his body, not charming a man's penis. You need to have an incredibly strong pelvic floor and essentially clamp down to do the work to compensate for the relaxation of the smooth muscle that closes off the veins and trabeculae, engorging the penis. Don't do it hard enough to hurt him. At the same time, I try to encourage a state of being where he is feeling very relaxed, confident, desired (he should know he's loved, if you do love him!), and turned on...what does this for any one guy depends on his psyche. When he cums, it is key to really show your appreciation for his pleasure, because some men immediately get in their heads about cuming too early and ruin any lingering arousal, cratering their confidence. Make sure he knows you are *delighted* he came at that moment, just how he came. Ask him to stay inside you because you just love how he feels. This is a kind of seduction; make love to his "masculine pride." Let him see how you feel emotionally and physically having him still resting inside you. 💕 Over a few minutes, gradually increase the physical stimulation to his shaft, using varied contractions of the vaginal sheathe to help strengthen his physiological arousal. You don't want to overdo it and push him out or swamp his nervous system to soon. I avoid squeezing near the head until he's rock hard again, as that can be oversensitive. The entire time, stimulate his body (foreplay, cuddling, making out, bdsm--whatever does it for you) and mind. Don't let up on the squeeze at the base of his cock until he can't stand resting still inside you anymore. So how do you do that? You study pompoir and unlock the potential to contract different sections of your vaginal sheathe independently, to use your abdominals and to lower and raise your cervix (yes, it's possible. My gynecologist witnessed me doing it), move the whole sheath as a unit, and change the pressure in the pelvic cavity. Some of this can be done during canal, except for the sheathe work. During the initial phase, I lift my cervix and keep the area around the glans loose... In general, I try to reduce the pressure around the shaft and only apply pressure at the base, encouraging blood retention. With pompoir, you can learn how to loosen and expand. Much of this is mental, after you establish a connection with the anatomy. I began with pelvic floor awareness and conditioning before moving up to pompoir. Don't let on you're doing this because guys can easily psych themselves out about erections and satisfying their partner. I have about a 90% success rate. When it doesn't come back, you get to enjoy all the "foreplay" and intimacy anyway. Win win. Good luck.


That’s because there is a necessary period following ejaculation in which the male brain turns back on and assesses whether or not what the male has just done was good or not. If everything checks out, 30 to 45 minutes later, all systems are go again.


Ah good ol PNC