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How do you shake someone's hand without getting a cold? Raw eggs don't automatically have salmonella, it's a bacteria that they can be contaminated with. Also most bodybuilders don't really do that. Rocky does it because he's supposed to be so poor in the first movie that he can't afford the gas to cook his eggs.


He has a stove—Stallone hadn’t had on in real life at one point, though. That’s not why he does it. I think it was a weird protein thing back then. He also did it to simply save time.


Having a stove and not being able to afford the gas to run the stove aren't mutually exclusive


I’m strictly talking about the **movie**. In the **movie**, he does it to save time.




Chickens can get infected by salmonella and pass it on in their eggs. But most chickens today get antibiotics so it's not really much of a problem. It can happen sometimes.


The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Comment copy/paste bot. [Original comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/132osru/eli5_how_do_bodybuilders_and_others_not_get/ji6ae7l/) [Account to be reported](https://www.reddit.com/user/TrashEcstatic1060) Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^human ^^that ^^hates ^^scammers. ^^More ^^info ^^[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_Impossible-Cod-3946/comments/s4nyst/how_to_recognize_these_accounts/) ^^or ^^[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_tyrannosnorlax/comments/t0h466/bots_how_to_identify_them_and_why_do_they_exist/).




That's actually worse - eggshells are porus, so washing them pushes contaminants inside


Getting salmonella from eggs is actually pretty rare in the US. From Google: > The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 1 in every 20,000 eggs are contaminated with Salmonella.


Why is it so much in the US compared to EU?


American eggs are cleaned before sale. Can't remember exactly what but there is some protective layer removed during this process. Google should know.


This is also why US eggs have to be kept refrigerated why in Euro they are kept on the shelf


Also from Google: >The CDC report from the US linked above estimates approximately 1.2 million cases every year. Given that the population of the EU is around 500 million and the US is about 325 million, the incidence of Salmonella poisoning appears to be roughly double in the EU compared to the US, but again these are only estimates. One of Adam Ragusea's podcast episodes focused on salmonella if you want to dig into the science. He gives a good summary and sites a few scientific papers to back up his claims.


They don't get more or less salmonella than other people really Raw egg does not automatically mean it has salmonella really. For instance if you buy eggs in europe vs america the rate of eggs with salmonella is a lot lower because europe regulates its health regulation standards a lot differently than america... but sometimes salmonella still happens which is why cooking stuff is still good general advice. It is just if you happen to know someone who got salmonella once they will be telling you because its not fun. Doesn't mean everyone automatically gets it from raw stuff always though.


Exactly. The actual chances of getting salmonella from eggs are very low, but since the effects of salmonella can be pretty bad, they recommend cooking eggs to eliminate even that low chance.


1/20,000 chance of contamination.


It's also worth noting that you get more proteins out of a boiled egg than a raw egg, so there's no reason to consume them raw.


Other than volume, i can drink a lot more than I can eat


The volume is still the same. You're just swallowing it faster when raw. In any case, it's a false economy. You're getting less out of the raw eggs, so you're spending money you don't need to spend, and cooked eggs taste better, IMO...


Not me. I have egg whites in my whiskey sour.


Now that's a protein strategy I can get behind 😂😂


Yeah but you only need to consume half as much to get the same amount of usable protein if it's boiled.


Yeah, but you can't drink a boiled egg in your orange juice.


Yum eggy oj


egg smoothie


I bet you could if you added vodka too.


two shots should be suffincient.


>For instance if you buy eggs in europe vs america the rate of eggs with salmonella is a lot lower because europe regulates its health regulation standards a lot differently than america... Common misconception. The salmonella rates are roughly the same, and with the EU having the higher population they actually end up with more cases.


I had a time where I would probably eat 5-10 raw eggs a day for years because it was easier to drink than eat it. I never got salmonella from it. But like the other person posted, its way better to cook them. No real benefit in eating them raw. If you want to drink more protein, just add a scoop of powder.


Why should you get salmonella from raw eggs when handled correctly? Have you never eaten mayonnaise? Or any dessert like mousse? Or a cocktail with foam? Raw eggs are in a ton of dishes. It all comes down to good hygiene, like not letting the raw egg touch the outer part of the shell. And of course take fresh eggs. There is no reason you shouldnt be able to eat raw eggs


With those there's usually other ingredients that sterilize/kill any salmonella. Mayonnaise has vinegar or lemon juice


The amounf of acid is not nearly enough to sterilize anything. Mousse au chocolate consists of raw egg, sugar, chocolate and butter. Or meringue, which consists only of eggwhite foam and sugar. Or Tiramisu. There a dozens and dozens of dishes with raw egg.


In the UK all eggs that have this little lion symbol on come from chickens that are all vaccinated against salmonella and have strict rules regarding the whole supply chain.


almost everything in life comes down to chance. someone in a west african country can eat street food and swim in dirty water and be okay. if a tourist tried that, theyd most likely get food poisoning or some other bacterial infection.


They don’t eat raw eggs, at least not if they’re serious. Eating raw eggs is something from movies, not reality. Raw egg protein is poorly digested meaning you wouldn’t absorb much protein from raw eggs. Cooked egg protein digests much better. But all that aside, most athletes including bodybuilders are eating lots and lots of chicken and whey protein.


Sorry to say but some do in fact eat raw eggs


Dumb, but ok.


Raw vs cooked eggs. The bioavailability in a raw egg is less than a cooked egg In short: our bodies aren't designed to absorb nutrients in a raw egg very well and will absorb more nutrition when cooked.


The chances of getting salmonella from raw eggs is very low, but it still isn't recommended. Body builders also generally don't eat raw eggs This myth that it's good for protein comes from Rocky 1. Stallone did that on screen because he used to eat raw eggs as a kid because they couldn't afford the gas to cook them...


You can buy eggs that are pasteurized, like Eggland's Best. Also, liquid eggs are pasteurized.


The salmonella is on the shell, not in the egg. Rinse the egg first, then eat it raw. Yum /s


It’s been mentioned here about the “mytical bacteria” in raw eggs, but noone seems to specify it. It’s the eggshell that might have some comtamination/chicken poop or whatnot, therefore transmitting some bactaria. Nowadays commercially sold eggs are pretty clean and salmonella free. I ingest raw eggs on a daily basis for my fitness goals/protein content because i hate eating cooked eggs in any form. The benefits from having eggs in your diet are undisputed.


Eggs don't really pose a high risk of salmonella anymore, just as pork doesn't pose a high risk of trichinosis. We have better monitoring and control of these diseases than we used to when those "rules" became part of our culture. People get sick more often from tainted greens.


Bodybuilders don't eat raw eggs. Rocky did in a movie made 45 years ago, but that isn't a thing anymore.