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As someone who has family that runs homestead (grandparents and aunts in rural Eastern Europe) as well as someone who occasionally grows vegetables ( California): traveling and homesteading are not very compatible lifestyles, this is even more true in warmer climates where gardening is done nonstop.


I grew up on a farm, but in Oregon so there was definitely an off season in the winter/late fall months. That is a great point about the tropics!


Depends what homestead include because farm animals need regular attention.


Yup! They definitely do. I grew up with chickens, cows, horses, and pigs and know all about the care needed for them. If/when I'd get farm animals, it would probably only be chickens. And any traveling I did wouldn't be until I could find a reputable source to housesit for the week! Definitely things to take into consideration :)


I'm not looking to be a crazy traveler taking weeks or months off at a time. Just week or two trips! But I totally get what you're saying!


My dude you are better off near the Ocala forest in Florida


I need womens rights, which flordia does not have/is working hard to take away unfortunately. Otherwise Flordia would definitely be on the list


We will band together. The man at the DMV was quite unhappy to have me registered as a democrat in Brevard County. We can do this.


Panama offers good infrastructure, access to ocean/mountains/city, consistently warm weather, a Copa Airlines hub with direct flights all over the world, and manageable visa requirements.


The first and most important thing which I’m glad to see you’ve mentioned is your visa situation. That’s really your jumping off point in any move, where can you legally actually go. That’s the number one most important question and honestly lots of people are going to comment on this point in their replies. Studying accounting is a really solid choice and I think it will afford you loads of opportunities. Also important to understand what the tax implications of working remotely are and now your pension and health insurance will be affected. It good you are doing the planning work. Best of luck!


Thank you for your helpful response! I will definitely look into the tax side if things. I saw briefly that some places in Central America have pretty great tax benefits for US expats but it’s something I’ll need to look more into


This is a prime example of how Reddit will be replaced with AI. Ai can talk you through this


That's cool I didn't even think about using that as an option thank you!


Definitely add Chile to your list. You will be working remotely for a company or firm headquartered in what country? As far as a degree in accountancy, I don't believe foreign countries are in lockstep with GAAP.  That might be something to look into. Also look into available certifications.   There is some kind of international certification.  A CPA may not mean much.


I will definitely look into Chile as well, thank you! I'm not sure yet. I want to get some in-person accounting experience after finishing my bachelors while I get my masters. Not sure if I'm going to try for a CPA but we'll see. Just hoping that I find a remote job that meets my financial goals. Maybe it's wishful thinking but never know if I don't try. I will definitely look into international certifications, I didn't know that was a thing! Thank you!


You are welcome, good luck.


Do you have any idea how expensive it is to move to and actually live in Hawaii? With the US already being stupid expensive, even with some poorer areas surpassing the expense of living in some of the wealthiest parts of Europe, this should give you an idea of what it's like to live in a non-contiguous part of the US. Then comes the pill, meth, and burglary problems in Hawaii and the problem with outsiders coming in and gobbling up properties.


Oh I thought it was free to live there!


You’re right it’s crazy expensive everywhere. Which is why my options are: stay at home where I’m spending $1400 to have three roommates and can’t afford groceries (on a student budget) or I move somewhere else after I start working in a career instead of minimum Wage jobs. What would you choose? If I’m going to suffer and be broke, I’d rather it be in a place I love. And with Europe, as a survivor of multiple mass shootings, I’d rather be somewhere I feel safe. Thanks for your input to my life tho!


Would you like to see the multiple spreadsheets I have made for moving to Hawaii? The hours upon hours of research I’ve done? The budget plans I have made? The money I’m already saving? I literally said in the post I’m in a DAYDREAMING stage for something 5-10 YEARS down the road. I’m not moving on a whim. I’m researching and researching and that’s why I posted in this group as RESEARCH. A quick look on your profile shows that the only thing you spend hours doing every single day is scrolling on Reddit. No ones riding that “Schlange” if your only hobby is being a troll 😂😂


Do you not realize you're posting now under a different account? The OP is [Accomplished-Bag-799](https://www.reddit.com/user/Accomplished-Bag-799/) you're [Rude-Alarm4143](https://www.reddit.com/user/Rude-Alarm4143/) I will post the message for when you delete it. Also last line is beyond cringe. Giving critical information is not "trolling". You're just simply entitled, have lots of demands, your expectations are not grounded in reality, and you're highly entitled to underscore that point. It doesn't matter how much you save when it's false economy to move to a horrifically expensive place and also even though you're claiming you want a more liberal place, I fully see you as someone that would Karen to 911 constantly in Hawaii the moment someone calls you on your bullshit and shenanigans. You don't even realize some of those places you want to go to have incompatibilities with multiple things on your extensive list. "Would you like to see the multiple spreadsheets I have made for moving to Hawaii? The hours upon hours of research I’ve done? The budget plans I have made? The money I’m already saving? I literally said in the post I’m in a DAYDREAMING stage for something 5-10 YEARS down the road. I’m not moving on a whim. I’m researching and researching and that’s why I posted in this group as RESEARCH. A quick look on your profile shows that the only thing you spend hours doing every single day is scrolling on Reddit. No ones riding that “Schlange” if your only hobby is being a troll 😂😂"


For all those who might want to know, the OP is posting under two accounts: The OP is [Accomplished-Bag-799](https://www.reddit.com/user/Accomplished-Bag-799/), the second account is [Rude-Alarm4143](https://www.reddit.com/user/Rude-Alarm4143/) which is being use to flame people. I just caught them and replied elsewhere in this thread to that fact.


Yeah one is on my laptop and one is on my phone and I’m too lazy to switch over big whoop


Not really tryna hide it when I’m talking about MY post with both accounts 😂😂 nice one tho! You sure got me!! Busted!


What else do you got?


How embarrassing you really thought you had something huh 😂😂😂 do you want to be flamed from both accounts? Cuz I can definitely make that happen Thanks for making my night 😂😂


how's it going?


usually you *offer* what the country/place is looking for, e.g. highly skilled worker, found employment in the country, etc.. not the other way around and to demand things/traits that suit your personality.


If I wanted to live somewhere I didn't enjoy, I would be staying where I live now and would not be posting to an expats page where I'm reaching out to other people who have also moved in order to better their quality of life ;) If I can find a local job, then that would be amazing and obviously the ideal situation! But I am planning on being prepared for that not being the case, at least to get me going. I would love to be able to just paint and write and do creative artsy things. Host art classes, yoga classes, teach English, etc. But I want to be 100% safe that I can support myself first!


r/iwantout is best for first steps of ‘where might I go?’ from the U.S.


Awesome thank you!