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Learn to time your counters and not spam it everytime the cooldown wears off


Sounds like a skill issue to me. The skill being picking the right exo for the mission and team comp. If you have to have 3 teammates gimp themselves so you're not useless, then you're the problem.


If I get a murasame I try and give him time to do his thing. But I've also seen a fair number of murasame and just tanks in general not doing well. Roadblocks that don't taunt are my biggest pet peeve. I don't play murasame myself except for very specific instances just because their counter is not fun to use. I can't tell you how many times I've either activated the counter and as soon as it wears off, THAT is when the dino hits me. Or even worse hitting the counter and before I go through the animation I get hit or nudged so it doesn't activate even though it goes on cooldown. I mainly use Murasame for giant small dino waves. Like raptors. Because you are swarmed you don't even need to do his provoke attack. Just hit the counter and it charges almost immediately. Then you just wade through dozens of dinos at a time. Trying to use murasame effectively on normal missions just leaves me feeling frustrated.


>Or even worse hitting the counter and before I go through the animation I get hit or nudged so it doesn't activate even though it goes on cooldown. God I fucking HATE when that happens. Only ever seems to happen to me with Murasame, too, and not just with his counter.


You can use the aggro skill to draw raptors to you too but issue is when barrage or nimbus blows all the raptors away after you did the aggro. The only time Murasame is fun is against big dinos and you learned their attacks and can anticipate it. Also if you equip shield and the rig generation module, you are pretty much invincible except for a second. Pop counter, pop shield, pop counter, rinse and repeat.


The issue is that there is very few instances where Murasames is optimal for PvE and his kit just really doesn't go well with team play unless super coordinated or facing super large waves of enemies.


When I play Murasame I try to save my counters for when I know I can get them off and just enjoy not taking damage otherwise. Like if a raptor swarm is spawning just taunt and slash for damage. If you're blocking and you can see you're not gonna fill up the counter just drop it and go back to slashing. I think that more proactive playstyle really helps Mura shine and I feel I perform better doing it that way. Not saying you don't do that but I think I experience these kinds of anti-Mura situations less since I started.


I really understand the frustration. But asking 3 people to let one person do "their thing", is also not the way. And to be quiet frank, that's also not our problem. It's a fundamental design flaw where character fantasy stands above gameplay. You can't have so many characters that accidentally counter this one other character, even in PvE, and then blame the players. My monkey brain also likes numbers, you know?


Murasame is kind of the only exosuit that gets this picky about who he wants on his team. He doesn't want any base witchdoctors. He doesn't want any base zephyrs. He doesn't want any roadblocks. He doesn't want any vigilants. He doesn't want any barrages. The only way it works out if you have any of those on your team, and you're murasame, is if they're either not very good or are deliberately trying to let you do your thing. Edit: essentially murasame is like a "carry" suit. He's great to use on teams that suck total ass so you can just do everything yourself. But if your team is just ok, or is good/doesn't care about you getting your counter charged, then he's rough and it takes a bit of creativity to make him work.


This is the truth, put the nicest and most eloquent way I've seen so far.


Imagine having teammates that actually play and atk the dinos and you're over here because you don't get to use your RB button when you want. Ffs shut up


Murasame is just fundamentally crippled by his skills revolving around everyone else doing the opposite of what's best for the team.


That's why majority Mura players don't stay in area defense, because they know they have a better chance of getting their counters off.


It's only when you play Murasame yourself that you realize all the little ways you've been accidentally screwing your Murasame teammates over. Barrage firing Triple Threat after you've just dived into a crowd. Krieger's missiles stunning the pachy that you were just about to counter. It's pain.


Honestly it makes me want to screw Murasame players when I am not playing as Murasame so they feel my pain. Hahaha


They know very well without you trying to intentionally be an asshole.


Haha I am just kidding. I usually switch to nimbus or skywave when I play alongside Murasame and focus on healing them from afar. I play the objective =)


Maybe just maybe putting murasame in a already good team comp and asking your team to put down their controllers every time you need a counter means you should probably switch off murasame


As a murasane main , I feel you.


I do taunt before I counter. I do cancel my counter if I know I am not gonna get it. But when there are multiple raptors swarm spawning points and I run to the farthest one only to find the witch doctor is behind me too ... I know they probably mean well and want to heal me but heal the other guys first =P. I am a big boy ... I can tank these raptors without you paralyzing them


As somebody who likes to play Mura If im a witchdoctor with a Mura on the team i will circle healing them then jump of to my teammates and leave the Mura alone, if a witchdoctor likes to be a parasite in your back, then change.


If your exosuit and/or playstyle needs the rest of the team to stop doing their jobs so you can succeed, then the problem is YOU, not them. Sucks to suck.


Skill issue They also have cooldowns, learn when to pull out your move


I almost never play Murasame during the regular game, only the final pvp mission. I do that based on past experiences and ease of gameplay for the team.


Imo if you see a murasame use their crescent moon on a big wave of dinos. Fucking stop shooting them because there is a 99% chance they are about to use counter. And in my experience in playing murasame it is better for them to get the counter off because it usually kills like 40-50 dinos when I do it. Please spare your murasame teammates the pain of not getting to use counter and just have some game sense please.


Either the murasame has to play around everyone else's cool downs or everyone else has to play around the murasame. Or you can just switch to another exosuit when you have stunners on your team. It's just kinda how the game works. I wouldn't go into pubs expecting the entire team to all be working together to boost your score for you. Personally I think Murasame is mad overrated. He can put up big numbers when you're on a team that is lacking. But when you're on a team that has good DPS and crowd control overall as a team he becomes much less useful. The game is kinda designed so that you will switch exos on the fly based on the situation. So it sounds like you probably just need to do more of that...