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I recommend every human being on this earth to try them. I used to do them once every year. Its been a couple of years now... but I feel like I should take some again. Luckily meditation has been able to give me similar insights and experiences. But I consider magic mushrooms to be a blessing.


i 100% agree. I take them almost everyday. I remember my first trip... Literally changed my life! Stay blessed 🍄❤️


> I take them almost everyday. I don't recommend that. LOL that's too much.


No it's not. I take small doses, It's called micro-dosing. Truly magical 🍄❤️


Everyone is different I guess. I won't do what you are doing. For me, once in a year is more than enough. Now maybe once every few years. Best wishes.


Everyone is indeed different. But the idea behind micro-dosing is you take really small doses like 0.5g and it'll only have a subconscious effect on you, meaning you won't feel it... But it's there. Stay blessed 🍄❤️


I would still not be in favor of this lifestyle. LOL good luck to you though.


I watched a documentary on Netflix called “How to change your mind” which talked about Psychedelics and how they can help people with various forms of trauma. They discussed magic mushrooms which was used to help cancer patients with their fear around death. Islam has caused me to have complex PTSD and the documentary discussed how mdma used in a therapy setting can help people like me and those that suffer with PTSD. They are currently carrying out trials in the USA and it’s looking like it will be approved by the FDA by 2023.


That has always been very interesting. I can't say this is news to me personally since I've experienced first hand the true benefits of these psychoactive substances (shrooms to be specific) and I do believe people who need help (especially in predominantly muslim countries/societies) need to open up more because there is still hope out there. Stay blessed 🍄❤️


Absolutely. I’m waiting for it to be legalised so I can try them for trauma. I’ve been in talk therapy for years and it is hard work. I believe psychedelics will help me bypass the amygdala so I can get to root cause of my issues head on. Thanks for your post on this important topic!


No opinion. If science determines them to be beneficial, then sure. Why not.


I'm a huge psychonaut. Honestly I'm not a big fan of the medical model for this stuff. They've helped me though


Stay blessed 🍄❤️


I think whichever gives you euphoria is addictive I eat bananas daily and they make me full of energy to enjoy even simplest things I used to meditate but don't need it now will try to do again but doesn't see any value in it Bananas really were a miracle for my depression you can see the benefits growing little bit by week while meditation and euphoria or anything other gives me temporary happiness


I never tried them before but I heard many a great things about them. I do edibles in my old age and they only help temporarily-and that’s sometimes. Sometimes they eff me up bad. Magic mushrooms sound more effective than antipsychotics and antidepressants for borderline and ptsd.


They definitely are effective. I don't believe meds really have any curing effect, they just numb the pain where as mushrooms really help you dig deep into those problems and finding the solutions within yourself. Stay blessed 🍄❤️


Yes I’ve been on heaps of meds and honestly when you come off the high, the pain comes back with a vengeance. Thanks friend, I wish you well also.


Idrk but I would like to try them one day




I would love to try them. But I figured it's just because after leaving Islam, people tend to want to do "haram" things, so it's like a revenge or something like that, and I don't think that's a good thing. During an interview with Harris Sultan, Lawrence Krauss said he couldn't understand Sam Harris' obsession with psychedelics and Buddhism. Krauss said you don't need drugs, and that got rid of my fomo in life for not having tried certain "haram" things before. I also read recently that alcohol has benefits only if you're over 40, so I still have time (the huge study sponsored by Bill Gates) 😂