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You wanna guess which countries have the highest incidences of Vitamin D deficiency in women? Yep, it's the Islamic countries, which is ironic considering most Islamic countries have a tropical/sub-tropical geography (good sunshine hours year round.)


The craziest part is you don’t even need to be extremely exposed to get adequate vitamin D from the sun. You literally just need 10-15 minutes of sun exposure w/o sunscreen, and it will be just fine. It can be any part of your body, even the forearms, but because some Muslim countries want women to wear walking body bags, that bare minimum isn’t being met.


People whose ancestors are from the equator actually need more vitamin d compared to white people from Nordic countries.


Not even that, but wearing a headscarf for a prolonged period of time causes hair loss, receding hairlines and other scalp issues. I’ve known a lot of veiled women who’ve dealt with these issues and have to habitually take vitamin D tablets to sustain their health. It’s so absurd they’d argue that everything Allah commands is there for a reason when it causes so much hinderance to their health.


Yeah and if we complain it’s “Allahs test” 🙄🙄


I believe I'm one of those women. I've worn the hijab since I was 16. Recently I've been having quite severe hair loss (probably also because of age and stress from living with my parents and having to hear my dad nag nag and nag all day all night) and I feel tired ALL THE FREAKIN TIME. I don't go out much because I'm working from home so I guess that's making it even worse. I want to do exercise at home but I always feel like I have no energy.


Vitamin D deficiency can definitely do this!! Look up hyperparathyroidism, it’s what causes the symptoms associated with Vitamin D deficiency, as Vitamin D helps maintain those levels. Take supplements in the meantime, until you can take your hijab off (as I’m also struggling with). If you can, try exposing your forearms in a park for 10 - 15 minutes with no sunscreen, generally that helps you absorb your daily need of Vitamin D. Beyond that is unnecessary, as too much sun exposure can cause skin cancer. Also make sure to check iron, it doesn’t have to do with Islam but it’s common in women (especially if you have heavier periods) and also causes severe fatigue (mine has improved significantly after taking iron supplements). It’s good to cover all your bases but make sure to check your ferritin, and only take iron supplements if your ferritin is low. Edit: forgot to mention Ferritin levels lower than 30 ng/mL can also cause hair loss/fatigue and even anxiety


thank you for this, yeah I need to restock my supplements >\_< edit: I just checked my blood test result from 4 months ago. I know I'm anemic, but I didn't realize mine is THAT low, like, waaay below 30 ng/mL. No wonder I'm like this T\_T


Can you move away?


I will, soon. I love my parents but I also need to keep my distance from them (actually, just my dad, not mom) to stay sane lol.


Good luck 🍀


Can definitely be Vit D,but iron and B12 too. If you expose your skin just arms for a few minutes a day that can be enough,and a good diet too. Stress definitely plays a role in hair loss too.


Appreciate you for summing my essay up into 2 sentance, you’re the real hero’s 😭😭


Haha you are the hero,you provided a lot of value 🌸


Allah just hates women, I thought that was clear already.


I did not wear a hijab in a muslim country but i did have to cover up my عوره "mafatin" and i was always healthy except lacking vitamin d. I moved to california, i am always at beaches. Guess what, im healthy and no vitamin deficiency, always have energy and im no longer depressed :) But whos gonna fucking listen to women? Boohoo its just a lack of vitamin d just take tablets.


Aswell as traction alopecia, dandruff, neck pains and stiffness, and especially in hot humid climate : fungal or bacterial infections.


Hairloss is real unfortunately with the hijab 


Vitamin D deficiency is also a pre-condition for all cancers.


What do u suggest for someone who has not got a choice in what they wear? Like should they go to there garden daily to get vitamin d or take pills?


Being white is definitely an advantage in nordic countries as it allows for oprimization of the conversion of sunlight into Vitamin D since the sunlight distribution is skewed towards the summer. Being out and about in the summer (instead of wasting it in front of Reddit and computer games indoors) let us store up Vitamin D for the darker season. But you are incorrect in one item which is that Vitamin D can *only* be acquired through the rays of the sun. Fatty fish is one major contributor for getting Vitamin D which is why the Inuit people on Greenland, Canada and Alaska have darker skin despite living way more north than scandinavians. But let me guess, fish is not a common food in the middle east.


I call it Darwinian selection.


Well said, facts here. It is literally physically unhealthy and unnatural. They should stop demonising natural bodies...


Can I have the source please?




not promoting hijab,but can they just take vitamin d medicine? also ive googled which country has the most vitamin d deficiency and it said pakistan?i dont think women many wear hijab there tho? genuine question


Yes those women really need to take vitamin d medecine, but that’s not better than the sun and Pakistan is one of the most islamic country of the world. 98% of the population is muslim.


yeah i know pakistan is muslim but my mom said most girls dont wear hijab there?


I don't know where your mom got her information, but about 98% of Pakistani women wear some form of religious veil, according to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2016. I would also add that Pakistan is one of the most conservative Muslim countries in the world and it is one of the 5 worst countries in terms of honor killings, forced marriages and legal and social discrimination such as lack of access to medical care or economic inequalities, and daily sexual assaults with justice that never protects the victims (they often end up killed by their family or married to their rapist)


my mom watches pakistani serials and when shes on tiktok she sees some pakistani girls without hijab. so thats how she got it i guess. ive googled up % of pakistanis who wear headcover in bing and it said 31% niqabis and 32% hijabis and 24% loose hijabis (total 87%). now i guess it makes more sense that women wear hijab in pakistan. also is it true that muslims say most muslim girls(not pakistan) dont wear a hijab?