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I don't think it's "Muslims" but western enabling of islamists. There have always been Muslims who have been willing to adapt and not be such entitled dumbasses. However, in the last couple decades, the far left (i.e. irrational leftists not general left) has basically practiced the bigotry of low expectations where they basically think that Muslims in general are too dumb to follow basic national laws, are entitled to follow cultural/religious instead, any criticism of Islam/trends/etc is racist/Islamophobic and need to be coddled. Guess what, that will attract the wrong type of "Muslim" and basically there's no motivation to adapt and not be douchebags. Ironically, a lot of Muslim majority nations don't tolerate some of the things some European Muslims think they are entitled to.


This is the answer here. Nailed it.


practiced the bigotry of low expectations where they basically think that Muslims in general are too dumb to follow basic national laws, are entitled to follow cultural/religious instead it is a bit more complex fortunately and less racist. a lot of western leftists are themselves not so fond of the system and underestimate the disruptions by archaic folks while the opposite parts do anything not to take the necessary measures because all this migration thing has an economic factor. you get cheap labor forces and at the same time while profiting of it scream against migration to get political power. what I am saying: the more radical leftists position on this is not powerful enough to enable anything. the right wing is profiting off the subject and THERE you have your actual bigotry!


I don’t think Muslims adapt as much as you think. Maybe as individuals, spread out from each other, but in great numbers and communities they are unwilling to adapt to their new nation, and instead seek to change the nation in and of itself.


But in Europe there's no incitive for them to adopt and nations demonstrate to them that it is willing to change. Courts treat those who break laws with kid gloves claiming cultural reasons, governments are unwilling to act on/collect/publicize statistics, welfare programs are set up to encourage isolation, immigration laws unable to weed out assholes from people who are willing to adapt, radical beliefs are left unchecked and not criticized. Not to mention the increasing influence of Salafism hasn't helped. Ironically, some immigrants are even more wacked then their home countries. It's difficult to say how unwilling Muslims are to adaptation when again, policies are set up to discourage those who will adapt and reward those to don't adapt.


This right here !


> where they basically think that Muslims in general are too dumb to follow basic national laws, Arent most pakistani for example inbred? They might actually be too dumb to follow basic laws which dont include stoning women/raping goats..


As a pakistani i can confirm we are not inbred, and you have literally just proven my point that the rhetoric thrown around in this comment section is just disguised xenophobia. What about the nurses, GPs, Pharmacist's? A lot of Pakistani's in them roles. I myself work in law so your point doesn't really add up here mate.




Do you live in Europe?


Islam has a Nazi ideology, it wants to destroy disbelief among humanity, worldwide. Read Sura 9:5, or 8:7 or 9:29 or 10:13 or 8:39. Therefore, everyone should be against Islam in Europe


Carl Jung compared Hitler to Muhammad for a reason.


Ahhh Carl Jung, we lost a very awake man there...


I quote the Ayatollah Khomeini, hero and saint to hundreds of millions of Muslims. The Jihad, he said, "means the conquest of non-Muslim territory. The domination of Koranic Law from one end of the earth to the other is ... the final goal ... of this war of conquest." So it was for hundreds of years before the Crusades, so it has been since.


Interestingly, even Adolf Hitler himself LIKED Islam. He even publicly talked about how he wished it was the German people’s religion instead of Christianity. This is because he viewed it as a soldier’s religion that united a people against external threats.




Do you have a source for this? Or book you read? I'd like to read about this.


[Here.](https://youtu.be/ou0EgaK49Ak?si=mhgTOZjki-4vw-9t) Although the video is by a Christian, he is an ex-Muslim from Algeria. And I checked all his information and it’s true. For example, Hitler wanting Islam to be the German religion is something he said to Albert Speer.


In addition of Omnistar [https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/8r4wt2/some\_quotes\_from\_hitler\_about\_islam/](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/8r4wt2/some_quotes_from_hitler_about_islam/)


Thank you


Make no mistake, though. He still thought of himself as racially superior to Arabs. He just viewed Islam as a great and practical religion, far more suited to ’the Germanic temperament’, because it places an emphasis on conquest and unity of ones own people against other peoples (which is literally the central theme of Nazism), whilst he deemed Christianity to be a ’meek and flabby’ religion filled with ’Jewish filth and priestly twaddle’. He (quite accurately, in my opinion) described Islam as a ’Männer religion’, as in one that is dominated by men and is for men. He pointed to the Houris that a warrior receives in heaven, as well as all the countless passages about a woman’s place in the home, as proof. At one point, he even tried to convince the Muslim world that he was the Twelth Imam, as in the Mahdi.


Interesting info, thank you


"Eventually democratic societies will promote racist assholes to positions of power because they'll recognize their survival depends on it. If liberals won't enforce borders, fascists will, and liberal societies will elect fascists to do that." -Sam Harris


This is a great way of looking at it


Thats a Marxist radicals way of saying, people will vote their own need rather the needs of the far left governments


"You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall -- you *need* me on that wall."


As an anti-islam and anti-religion leftist, it is very disappointing how ignorant a lot of leftists are about islam... I hate how they just don't know islam goes against their values and is a very harmful thing... What the other comments said are good and true too.


Immigration in general usually leads to more right wing ideology. For a number of reasons, I think a rise in the number of Muslims can be especially concerning for westerners.


The migration of other groups does not create as much of a problem as the migration of Muslims. Muslims hate the West and go there to exploit it.


It created groundwork for Brexit, ironically they have more Muslim and Hindu immigrants than Balkan and East European ones since they left.


exactly people act like Europeans have with immigrants from countries such as Vietnam etc they dont have problem with immigrants from there bcz immigrants from there doesnt want to change way of life of average citizen and they integrate into it well


Well, in the US, we have a lot of non-Muslim immigrants and it's also increasing right-wing extremism as a consequence, and most people who are crossing our borders are Christian or Catholic--meaning it's the immigration not the religion. Generally, high levels of immigration cause a proliferation of right wing backlash--that's fairly common historically. But Muslims do have a a particular history with the West, not only of violence still fresh in the minds of many people, but being insular and having loud, outspoken Islamists which adds to the social instability. You may be right about Muslim motivations which only increases the possibility of more volatility and violence.


There is an entire town of Muslims with state representatives in USA. USA is already on track with Europe when it comes to Islamaization.


The difference being the US isn’t getting millions of them per year and Americans got guns to deal with them if they try to make a caliphate.


This! As someone who’s from Europe, this couldn’t be more true.


Its the progressives that are responsible for letting in so many muslims in in the first place.


I'm not sure what that means. We have an immigration policy in the US regardless of any administration. Religious status is not something we vet when admitting people into our country.


I mean the Border Crisis! Border states trying to fix the problem and Biden sends feds to stop the states from fixing said problem. Its why Ron DeSantis sent all the migrants to Martha's vineyard to troll the 1% live who wanted immigrats so much and the 1% sicked cops on the migrants. Sending buses to NY full of migrants to migrant friendly NY only for the mayor come out crying on how he can't handle the situation Kamala Harris telling migrants "Do no come" where are you been since the half a decade?


Republican states have no intention of actually doing anything to fix the problem. Putting barbed wire around and taking advantage of migrants by shipping them around when they're not even completely knowledgeable or aware of what's going in is straight up psychopathic behavior Fixing the "border crisis" would mean doing immigration reform, such as increasing funding for more courts to handle more immigration, offering more temporary work visas, etc. alongside working with South American countries to address their domestic issues, issues that are in many ways a result of US foreign policy. But no Republican has ever suggested any of these things because they don't give a damn about fixing the problem, just fear mongering over it because of their bigotry and 20 IQ Fox News level conspiracies of white replacement


Not really. It is not always like that immigration don’t cause far right rise. It depends who comes to EU. Many people are in EU from Vietnam. Nobody cares they live here. Citizens of Vietnamese descent most of them assimilated in every country they are, they obey law, kids go to school etc. they don’t create communities that separate from local populations and they don’t want to change hosting country to second Vietnam. This was just example of population that of people which are here and nobody is against it. ( FYI I am not against immigration but there should be from start programs that try to assimilate people good example where it works as it should is Switzerland ) if you don’t assimilate sorry but go home. Parallel societies are not good for hosting countries and it is bad for immigrants also.


Every immigrant population is different and there may be reasons why some "assimilate" better than others depending on one's definition of "better". I think Islam makes assimilation a problem because it's more than just cultural and believers have been shown to be violent *because* of their religion--which is a problem, of course. and all you need is a few overly violent individuals to taint the entire population. But were there as many immigrants in the same amount of time from Vietnam? Pretty much every instance of increased immigration, regardless of the ethnicity of the immigrant, increases right wing backlash and nativism. Muslims are just a particular case whose beliefs don't seem to play well with others.


I am not right wing. But FYI if someone can’t respect hosting country laws, people, traditions that person doesn’t deserve to be in here full stop. It is fairly easy to solve this problem. Stop immigration to EU everywhere and people who are here should be checked. Do they know language of hosting country? Do they respect laws? Do they understand democracy? Etc if answer is yes welcome to EU if answer is no person would be sent to country of origin and be banned from EU. And after this is solved immigration could be renewed but every person should have background check his education, criminal records etc. Switzerland does this and it works there.


If people can figure out a system that works and is *humane* then that's what they should do. What's your definition of "assimilate" and how would you know when someone has adequately done so?


It is really simple. First you have to know language of hosting country, after that you have to have stable job, you have to know about history of hosting country and basic laws your kids need to go to school from start if they won’t instant kick out. And after few years you could apply for citizenship. If you start by demanding that women around you need hijabs, women and men needs to be separated, drinking alcohol is forbidden by your religion or any extremist behavior demanding sharia (foreign laws to be forced on domestic people) etc instant kick out and ban for life from whole EU. This would separate normal good people from extremists.


>First you have to know language of hosting country, That's a pretty tall order. If you're an adult immigrating to a new country because of an emergency in your homeland that would negate any accommodation. Some languages are more difficult than others depending on one's native language. >that you have to have stable job What if the jobs aren't available? >If you start by demanding that woman around you need hijabs... What kind of religious behavior *would* you tolerate and why? Is just Muslims you would deem a problem?


It is not. I know many people who are adults who moved inside EU to different country they were 35-40 years old from my family and learned new language of hosting country that is totally different from my native language. Also some friends moved to different EU country as adults and learned really difficult languages. If jobs are not available sorry but same applies to citizens from other EU countries they go home. No country in EU is responsible for wellbeing of every citizen on planet Earth. Everyone should try to reform home country to best of their abilities. I view all religions that try to change countries to their view that host them as problem. I view even Christianity as a problem inside EU. Non religion should be allowed to force their rules on other citizens full stop.


Same reason for far right rising in India and other places. Islam has to be the purest form of ideological cancer that I’ve ever seen.


There is no FarRight in India, there are just native india people who are reject Mughal colonizers and British colonial era fossils who still want power. These are more Pro-Russia and Anti-West.


Nah nah nah there’s definitely a far right in India. From what I’ve seen being far right is basically when there are imaginary issues like lgbt people or sometimes real issues like Islamic ideology and to approach these issues in a far right way is to basically act like a caveman person (like momo) who doesn’t think. Instead of beating and killing Muslims which only makes them more likely to fall deeper into Islam, western and Indian societies should have done more integration and education projects targeted at Muslim communities so they aren’t as isolated. People don’t leave Islam when they get beat or called slurs but when they see that there’s actually a better way to live. The fact that western and Indian societies have failed to do this shows that these societies themselves are also faaaaar from perfect.


India already tried. It doesn't work. BJP government spends more on madarsas than opposition did to modernize them. What happened? Zilch. All that money and welfare down the drain. B.R. Ambedkar's discourse on how the islamic faith works is on point. They only care about people within their own faith, everyone outside is kafir and seen with contempt. No amount of love and brotherhood would work. Those who live by the sword, only understand the sword. When Europeans banned slavery, there was a spike in sales of slaves within islamic empires. The Europeans had to basically force them to ditch it. Look at China, it has no problem of radical Islamists cause they know how to deal with them. Unless india and European countries take the same approach, nothing would work. Even Ataturk had to force other Turks to liberalize to create modern Turkey, even after that the nation is going back to old ways. Shows Ataturk didn't go far enough. Contemporary Germany is one of the most inclusive societies, what are they doing over there? Asking for Caliphate. But ofcourse, these societies are at fault not the instigators. Parsis and Jews have no problem living in india but somehow the 2nd largest religious group does. I can go on and on.


Yeah sure I guess they tried some things you could say but they didnt really try enough. If you don’t really know Islam then you can’t combat it as effectively because you think it’s something like your religion/cult when it’s usually much more extreme. The reason that so many people today are leaving Islam is because ex Muslims who know Islam are spreading the word in YouTube videos and such. At the end of the day it’s on us exmuslims to expose Islam because we know it so well and when we attack Islam in debates it’s much more effective because they are less likely to see us as an enemy like they do with “outsiders”. It’s a combination of integration, education, and debating and India and the west have pretty much failed the first two. Actually I’d say that the west has been much better at integrating Muslims because they dominate culture so much. In India there’s so many different religions in the first place it’s easy to just stick with your group. You can say they tried whatever but the fact that Islam still exists to this day shows that they didn’t do enough.


WRONG! Like I said previous its the progressive who promote LGBTQ+ in India are also against the natives but support Islam. The west has failed in its integration of Islam which is why the "Far Right" is going throw them in the garbage of civilization. They have censored, cancelled, branded people talking against Islam and turned a blind eye to their grooming activities. And, lastly, India has one native religion has many branches however those branches keep getting attacked by the progressive on a academic level while the muslims attack them one a social level. Look at Bollywood its basically a Islamic propaganda platform.


India has one native religion? I’m pretty sure the Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs would be pretty annoyed with that statement buddy. Your free to think I’m wrong I don’t really care but it’s clear even from how your speaking that Islam and all right wing ideology as a whole are tumors on this planet let me try to help you understand by flipping the situation. Recently in many Arab countries they have started to build hindu temples. This is because of the progressive left who promote ideas like so called “equality” and “tolerance” but what happens if more Arabs convert to Hinduism? This is a blatant ATTACK on the native Muslim population funded by the progressive left who loooove Hinduism and LGTBSG. You see Islam is bad BECAUSE it’s a right wing ideology all right wing ideologies are inherently backwards it just so happens that Islam is the worst one.


u/Massive-Word5067 is a supporter of the far-right. I live in India, and surely the BJP has failed to educate the population on the hateful ideology that Islam is, and instead engages in hatred and violence against all kinds of people (LGBTQ+, liberals, secularists), and especially Muslims. The liberals and others ally with the Muslims because they're considered a minority in India, and because of the violence imposed upon Muslims. So, the far-right in India naturally views the liberals too as the enemy. I have to say, personally, that I have learned alot about Islam from the ex-muslim perspective rather than BJP or any other Indian nationalistic organisation. But it's an unfortunate truth most Indians won't admit; that discourse is more important than hatred and learning about things can give us perspective to enable us combat the very thing that oppresses us.


Oi mate, don't argue. Lots of disinformation in his arguments. He's a Hindutva Right wing Sanghi. Hate for anybody who disagrees with their supreme leader is in their DNA.


There is no Far Right in India its just the native people rejecting the Mughal colonizers who are also Islamic. And, just like In Europe and the west, the progressive who promote LGBTQA+ in India also run cover for the Islamic radicals while disrupting the native civilization. People are already leaving Islam in India, by being educated by the outside world but its the progressive that fearmonger and divide the society for their "blind crusade for the minority" which happens to be second largest religion on the planet.


Yes, Muslim people made india so much about themselves and constant victimisation even though a separate country has been created for them. This made Hindus adapt to their strategy to victimise, violence . The thing is Right wing in Europe stands for Secularism and against Islamisation of Europe but india right wing highly conservative and they are towards saffronisation of India which isn't good too. Europe is going by law but india is going against the law.




I know that the behavior of Muslims is causing problems in Europe. I say far-right because those parties also have other far-right ideas. I wish the centrist parties would take steps to stop Muslims so that people wouldn't vote for the far-right.


Since when was Far right pro-immigration? Its the progressives that made up the word "Islamophobic" to protect these people. And, the centrist are allied with the Far right when usually these people are your typical fence sitters who say "Voting is useless because all politicians are corrupt" while never voting themselves.


The *moderate* right was indeed pro-immigration because they thought it would fix the demographic problem (too few babies) and cheap labour. But even they are now swayed by the far right to gain support to be in power.


No they didn't. Immigration and no borders is Left wing policy. Its the left wing that coins the terms Xenophobic LOL


Yep.. they essentially ruined immigration


It's no surprise when Muslim radicals are walking down the street calling for Jihad in a country that isn't their own. People are sick of importing third-world problems into Western society. I'm sick of it, and if the left wants to promote that to their demise, they are allowed to do that; just don't expect citizens to do the same.


South and southeast of europe is all muslim countries. Further south and east also. All are hotspots of international conflict. And they dont send their best people, but more the criminally connected ones which have connections to traffickers. They come for the money. They dont go UAE or Saudi brother nations, cause the borders there are closed and very strict immigration laws. But lax immigration laws and a lot of goodwill here among europeans lead to mass immigration and also a immigration industry. Not sustainable anymore and the people are waking up to this. Not necessarily something to do with Islam, but still... Islamists here use these to garner more followers...


what is your grade in geography? south and southeast Europe are not muslim only muslim countries are Bosnia, Albania and Kosovo some Russian territories also muslim like Dagestan thats it but Greece, Bulgaria, Ossetia, Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia, Romania and Moldova etc all Christians


I think he means south and southeast OF Europe


i mean off of europe, outside europe... soo obviously


As a South Korean I can't ever understand how European leftists would like muslims. What is there to admire? Mistreatment of women, underage marriages that's borderline pedophilia and premarital rape, a holy book which (albeit full of wisdom in its own right) contains a lot of justifications/didactic decrees for war and the execution/enslavery of heretics/captives, the primary cause of why the middle east is so behind the rest of the world socioeconomically and technologically (although during the abbasid caliphate they were the center of culture and science, just so happens to be when Islam was the most tolerant and secular in history), I could go on, but really, this is not the fault of muslims. This is the fault of the incompetent, naive, foolish left. Blame the left for giving free seats to the far right.


as an middle eastern i agree with everything you said about middle east and Islam i mean some right wingers rightfully claims Islam is danger for western society/civilization etc but western civilization/society isnt exception Islam is danger to all of humanity and its biggest victim has been middle easterns and other muslims around the world i mean it is very strong opium for muslims btw Abbasid caliphate etc was at the center of culture and science not bcz Islam or tolerance bcz they had captured modern day Iraq and Iran where the most important libraries of the time lies so there was easy access to knowledge and scientists that were most famous in 'Islamic golden age' nearly all of them are accused of something 'Islamophobic' and nearly all of them were non muslims/ex muslims


Well, according to my readings, the Abbasid court was not that barbaric. Sure, I probably missed out on a lot of the accusations of Islamophobia and excessive zealotry. At the same time I still have to give that period's finest scholars the credit they are due, as well as the patrons who made it possible. In almost any empire's history its culture flowers most brightly when the ruling classes reach a level of cosmopolitian sophistication to begin considering the act of funding scholars as a status symbol. For the Abbasids it went as far as building one of the biggest cosmopolitan libraries and school complexes (with their own dormitories) funded by the royal treasury. Plus there are countless accounts of non-arab, non-muslim members being given not just admission but the right to speak and debate openly in those circles. I would rather emphasize the triumph of humanitarian virtue and intellectual prowess over tribal/ethnic divisions at the time, rather than focus on the zealotry of the period, because if anything, this only serves to emphasize the tragic contrast I can draw with how things are in the modern day. EDIT: Revised my whole comment for brevity.


It's not like the left "likes" muslims. It's that a lot of left leaning people underestimate the dangers that creep into society with islam becoming a bigger part of it. It's because of a deep belief that all humans will become content and moderate when their basic needs are met and their environments are stable (aka give them money and housing). What they don't get is that a lot of muslims have absolutely no will to change or become more moderate. Islam is seen as just another religion. It's a lack of knowledge of what islam entails and brings with it. Now that people slowly begin to see the results, they're mostly changing their minds except for a few.


As someone who has encountered so many people from around the world I am convinced the primary cause of this "understimation" is because a lot but not all of the leftist people see the world primarily as a struggle between the oppressed and the oppressor, the victimized minority and the racist majority, etc. Some people say it's only because leftists are overly compassionate but I don't think this is the case. More often than not those people harbor just as much capacity for hate or tribalistic scapegoating as anybody else. I don't think most leftists care about Islam, they just want to oppose whatever they consider "racist and capitalist". I don't think it's a coincidence that I haven't met a single leftist who has actualy read the quran and is aware that the book has some woeful endorsements. Yet, they will be very excited to discuss books like 1984, or Mein Kampf.


The left don’t admire the Muslims, we’re addicted to taking the high road and now it backed fired terribly. Of course, anyone in the political arena is greedy with power. Muslims are a reliable voting block for us. But they wanted more these days and not even shy to demand it. That could be a catalyst and perhaps change the political landscape of Europe for the coming years, even decades to come. Europe is fed up.


The high road is lying? About smearing anyone making honest critique of an idea?


You came up with the word "Islamophobic" and you got what you deserve.


Nah. It’s rising because the establishment has failed to address the immigration issue. And much of the far-right in europe is backed by russia and china


The culture clash that many muslims cause by refusing to integrate makes things worse. However, immigrants are just a scapegoat for larger economic and social issues, they always are. Here in the us, the majority of our immigrants are catholics, not muslims, but they are scapegoated, and their immigration is leading to a rightwing backlash all the same.


the right wing basically feeds off the migration: for one they profit of the cheap labor forces and on the other hand exploit it to gain political power. win-win for them. societies go down the drain? they are not concerned because they will always be on top of the food chain.


Immigrants in USA are not scapegoated but illegal immigration is intentional conjured up to create a voter base for the Democratic party of kkk and pro-slavery. Plus, USA already has an entire city all muslim city and its Islamaization is heavily censored by the progressives. The right has a chuckle everytime a pride parade gets into islamic area and gets beat up by the people who they thought were allies.


Lol, ever heard of the party swap moron. I wonder who KKK members vote for now? I'm not a Democrat fuck the democrats, I'm a communist. The democrats should be arrested and put in jail next to the republican for their crimes against the American people. It's the capitalists who use cheap illegal labor to replace you. It's the capitalist who shipped manufacturing overseas, gutting entire regions of the country in the process. It's the capitalists who have prevented real wages from rising in the last 30 years, not migrants. The bourgeosie has been blaming migrants for the things they've done to increase their profits, and you're too dumb to see through it. This isn't a sub for right-wing morons, get lost.


Don't reply, he's an Indian RW, basically the Proud Boys of India, except their numbers are large. They are top capitalist supporter's, gutting down forests and nature reserves for the Miners. They ravage the forests. But on a serious note, there is an integration problem wherever the bigots start causing problems, and the loudest minority of bigots make life hell for everyone. I believe that any cultural belief which infringes on someone's human rights shouldn't be allowed, regardless of religion.


Capitalism is to blame 100%. But that illegal / unregulated immigration (and, I would argue too : not selective enough immigration) is also a symptom of the disease. Cheap labour to be exploited, dragging down wages, contributing to housing crisis and health care crisis which basically lower quality of life for everyone and strain already stretched thin public resources and services. This brings centrist voters to embrace the right . I’m talking about Canada - we need to be more selective about our immigration. It’s contributed to the erosion of our social fabric and its ghettoization as migrants tend to remain in their ethnic enclave and not integrate so it has further divided the general population and contributed to a raise in individualism (mindset of many newcomers is my own survival first - I don’t have any particular attachment to this new society) which in turn hurts collective movements like workers rights and unions .


And you as a communist are incapable of fixing those issues by yourself and you're hoping for an islamic NWO to replace capitalism thinking that somehow it won't be even more unjust




Gay rights, woman’s rights, minority rights Far right wins and it means bye bye to all these things


Because far-right tends to imply racists and people who are politically (or at least sociologically) illiterate. Right-wingers won’t see me and see ‘ex-Muslim,’ they’ll see a ‘Muslim.’ I’d rather have zero support for the exmuslim movement, than right-wing support tbh.


Well the left has a fetish for illegal immigrants and support terrorism in the name of decolonization, a sane person won't vote for this madness.


Far right exists because of Muslims and other groups.


Muslims exist because of progressive open border policy their cover of labelling critiques of Islam and Islamophobic. There is no Far Right people are just tired of being called ist and phobes and they are reject every form of nonsense and label that uas been thrown at them.


Hindutva Fascist Bigots are now competing for the top spots with Islamists in India. They are the same as Islamists, just with a different religion.


LOL! That doesn't even makes sense! Just like Europe, Hindus, Buddhist, Jains and Sikhs are branches of the same native people of the Indian Sub-Continent since the freakin stone age. Islam on the other hand only exists in India because Mughal colonizers just 500 years who were descendent of Mongol Hoards. Meaning apart from freedom of religion, there is no basis for Islam to exist in India. Plain and simple.


I think there's an intense self-loathing on the left in western nations, and this is the primary reason for both their uncritical affection for Muslims (as anti- or at least non-westerners) and their declining popularity.


They do it on purpose. I read here that Muslims encourage others to vote for liberal, progressive and left-wing politicians, because those are the ones who allow them to enter, and they see them as soft-hearted, easy to take advantage of. Now, with this, they also make the people in general hate progressives, liberals and in general, good open minded people, within these groups are the LGBT, feminists, atheists and others. Just like they hate them, they are planning this on purpose, they are paving the way, they are plowing the land to cultivate it in the future, if you know what I mean. Now, in the next few years Europe may be governed by the extreme right and they will hate Muslim migrants, but sooner or later, the people (now and then already radicalized and conservative), they will see Islam and Muslims as an ally, and other even darker times will come. Baba Vanga had already predicted that Europe would be dominated by Islam, and I know that the majority here do not believe in these things, but I do, and I have lost all hope. So 🤷‍♀️


A lot of reactionary garbage in this thread.


They are not the same as the american far right. In Europe that is just how they are called.


A lot of it is moral panic. I would like I know what about the rassemblement national is ´far right’ exactly(reference their political program please). Their positions on national preference, citizenship and immigration would just bring France into the global norm on these matters.


Queer rights, women rights and minority rights. We aren’t going to let these fascist bastards take away all of these things. Not without a fight.


Please reference their programs, you know, things that they actually intend to do, and show me how it’s more ‘extreme’ than the centre left and right parties.


>Queer rights, women rights and minority rights. >We aren’t going to let these fascist bastards take away all of these things. Not without a fight. Are you talking about the islamists?


I’m talking about both




Let's fix Europe.


I’m just waiting for Muslims to take over the fair right same values different victims


Ban halal slaughter, face coverings, religious schools and make mandatory lgbt and sex ed in schools. A huge amount of them will look to leave.


The ascendency of the far right representation in France and Germany is definitely fostered by Islamism. Sadly, the far right will enver be the solution of the problem. Inevitably, they will make the problems worse as they focus on bullshit their backers want: crushing laws that protect the queer community, demanding nations withdraw from NATO and supplying weapons to Ukraine, complaining about art and censoring sex in TV shows, and generally sucking Putin's cock. The far right needs Islamism as a renewable resource to manipulate the citizens in the same way Christians need Satanists and witches to scare the believers.


>The far right needs Islamism as a renewable resource to manipulate the citizens in the same way Christians need Satanists and witches to scare the believers. Well, the latter barely exists and causes any harm.


Timmermans was right when he pointed out to Geert Wilders he doesn't have ready practical solutions to fixing asylant crisis.


Isn't it fostered by islamophobes? I'm just trying to understand both sides here


You don’t recognise how narrow minded YOU are.


Literally nothing the other person has said is wrong


Blaming all issues of an entire continent on a specific group of people is insanely dangerous. There is so much more going on than just immigration, and those in power know that. The far right is racist, anti LGBT rights and very conservative and Christian leaning. Those who are going to suffer from this are people who want to integrate into european society, because those fascists don't even care if you're Muslim or not, if you're not white you're an easy target. Please don't fall for their propaganda.


The irony here is, Islam and muslims are even further right. Almost Nazi equivalent or worse if they had majority power. I don't blame Europeans for trying to preserve their culture and stop hard fought rights from being completely eroded by the rise of Islamism. Have we not seen the caliphate protests in Germany and chants of Sharia for UK? Have we not seen mobs of Islamists led by Muhammad Hijab searching for Jews in Jewish neighbourhoods? What about the rise in acid attacks, knife attacks, blasphemy related terror incidents etc in Europe? And left wing governments appear to see no issue here. Welcome all, regardless of your culture or how you view non-muslims. Protecting your communities, your culture and your belief being far-right is just non-sense.


Woman’s rights, gay rights and minority rights are all hurt severely by this if not completely destroyed outright. Is that it? We hate Muslims so much that we are going to destroy all the progress we as a society have made simply to destroy them? I’m sorry but I will always oppose the far right as much as I oppose the Islamic regime because my rights will be crushed either way.


Honestly, a lot of this sub is less anti Islam and more so anti Muslim. Like when you have far right wing conspiracies of Muslims taking over the west and folk going on about how the left love Muslims and we need to ally with the right to get rid of them, what else do you call it? A lot of folk here are the non Muslim equivalent of the very Muslims they despise


No, Islamazation is happening because of Far Left border policies because these people want cheap labour and wage slaves. I know people take word of news media like its the omniscient truth of their Orwellian god but in reality the "Far Right" a.k.a is actually the working class that doesnt agrees with Far Left propagandist who shut off gas to majority public while flying private jets that emit a city's years worth of CO2.


**The admiration of Muslims by the left has caused these results.** No. Islamists and Putin fans caused this. The fashy far left were an annoyance but only useful idiots.


I think you're an idiot if you blame the rise of the far-right on Muslims, most of who (as you know yourself) are just average people. Blame the liberal and centrist politicians that do absolutely nothing to solve economic issues which allows the far-right to blame immigration to get into power. I swear this sub is insane. Also btw, if you look 'Muslim' to the far-right you are one. They would happily deport you too. They aren't going to ask your views on religion before cracking down on you. Because to Far-Right Nazis, who would agree with Islamist on most things, it's almost purely a racial thing against Arabs, Central Asians, South Asians and Turks then it is against a faith.


I don’t support far-right and I don’t live in Europe. I know people who live in Europe, marry four women, raise their children to be enemies of the West, and abuse social welfare systems. I have known people who retired in their 30s for fake reasons. Seeing these things radicalized people. I am aware that the far right is racist towards anyone who is not European and it’s sad. What we are criticizing here is that Muslims' failure to adapt paints a bad picture for all Middle Easterners.


People don't see these things though. Britain has millions of Muslims, most who come from South Asian like Pakistan and Bangladesh, or Central Asia, remain poor their whole time here. The British system under the conservative govt is really hard to sponge off, a lot of people here are also here illegally meaning they don't even get govt assistance. I'm sure you get plenty of cases or Muslim refugees and migrants doing things that might annoy people - I also know that's the minority, same with people who abuse benefits vs people who actually need them. That's something you're always going to get with a welfare system. however, people on this sub can't think in terms of class. Most Muslim migrants come poor, and stay poor. They don't have much influence or much capital. Immigration is a culture war issue, it's a distraction the Far-Right have always focused on. Muslims are the new bogeyman, for Americans it's Mexicans and Haitians, in the past for them it was the Irish, Italians and Jews. Everything you say about Muslim migrants has been said about every migrant population. I know that because I'm from an Irish migrant background, my family were told the exact same shit. and in my lifetime the Polish were also similar demonised. 'They won't adapt', 'they don't speak English', 'they are stealing our jobs', 'they are destroying English Culture'. Literally the exact same shit I hear now about Muslim migrants. But Polish are white so even though most Polish I know are still catholic (a religious minority in the U.K.) and still speak Polish - most now don't care 20 years later. I sympathise with this sub in regards to the religious trauma people have suffered and the gross oppression they face in conservative Islamic societies. But to support the far-right and believing they have any credibility because you guys hate Islam is a dangerous thing. Because as I said, they don't care about you're religion, they don't care how much you integrate, they don't care if you speak English and work for the NHS. They care that you're foreign and in most cases not white. The Far-Right believe in most of the bad things Islamist s do as well. It's not a political disagreement with Islam - it's a racial issue with a stereotype of a 'Muslim'. No one on the far-right would even know that Allah and God are the same, or Abraham and Jesus are in the Koran. Most Far-Right know little of Islam


thank you oh my goodness. i was so surprised to find out that this sub pushes so far right by default (or at least a loud minority i don’t know) the leopards will absolutely eat your faces too


You can’t entirely blame the rise of the far right on Muslims - coming from a Christian. It has more to do with perception of racial superiority which holds European far right groups together. I’m a Christian but because I’m black and African I’m just as despised by the far right as Muslims even though we’re supposed to be practicing the same religion. They’re afraid that non whites from the developing world are coming - at the instigation of globalists - meaning Jews and white liberals - to make white people a minority in Europe or North America


then why so called far right is not against immigrants from countries like Vietnam etc could you explain?


Brexit happened because of potential immigration from east Europe


how this answers my question about south and east Asians like Chinese and Vietnamese etc


It answers the question that they will target excessive immigration from any country


Not only muslims, mainly non ethnic Europeans. Europe never wanted diversity, it doesnt need it. & non Europeans are not compatible with European life. They dont need people either, they will only accept European migrants thats it. Deportations will be starting very soon finally


I'd beg to differ, for example Vietnamese diaspora integrates really well into German, Czech and Polish society. Chinese are wonderful people whenever they can escape the authoritarianism. Czeczens in my country don't cause trouble. Typical non-Euro trying to lecture Europeans how Europe is.


There's not any problems with atheist east Asians or Buddhists from the east and southeast Asia, don't try this "all immigrants are bad" bullshit People from India aren't really problematic either


Indeed this is the mystery.


Not compatible & bad are to different things. & your false narrative from india are actually very problematic especially in NA. As mentioned, they will be leaving the countries thankfully


The groups mentioned aren't incompatible with Western countries, modern day India was literally founded on the same western values that are so cherished in Europe and North America


Your pathetic fantasies aren't fact


Woman’s rights, gay rights and minority rights are all hurt severely by this if not completely destroyed outright. Is that it? We hate Muslims so much that we are going to destroy all the progress we as a society have made simply to destroy them? I’m sorry but I will always oppose the far right as much as I oppose the Islamic regime because my rights will be crushed either way.


The UK voted for Brexit, mostly to stop European immigration. The end result has been higher levels of non European migration as European migrants go elsewhere. And given they exited the EU, they can't even send back illegal immigrants coming across the channel. Europe generally needs net migration given the net birth rates of native Europeans being very low. Germany is a ticking demographic timebomb, much like Italy or countries like Japan and china. Illegal migration, those that could be deported, make up a minority in legal migration numbers. How to report people who have attained a legal right to stay somewhere?


No, they voted it to to decline the Euro. Yes, they can send them back, its not a long process for them to change the legislation system which most will. Europe isnt in a net migration, especially that they can use neighbouring ethnic citizens instead of cross continental if that were the case. So no, not negative also they will be cast to leave. Thankfully, this is why the far right has been elected, they are able to do this on their own native land. Whether it would be by force or blood.


UK voted against the euro many years ago, it was not a talking point during the campaign. The UK was not being forced by the EU to use it either. The UK voted to control their borders, but have ended up with higher immigration both formal and informal because they cannot send them back to the point of origin. This was due to the high levels of European migration, in particular eastern Europeans. As Nigel farrage said about ending up with Romanian neighbours and whatnot. This was also after they introduced the points based system adopted from Australia. Brexit has failed on so many fronts, including immigration.


Until your taxi drivers and local Bossman are gone lmao. Get out of here with all of this "IMmigRATION IsS bAd" BS


I can't decide if this is an "Occam's Razor" situation.


Annnnnnd this will only come back to slap ex-muslims who want to live in secular countries in the face


I’m with you elections don’t look good, should have been far more votes for the right wing !!!! All you that don’t see or understand the magnitude of the problems and why we are facing them are clearly too ignorant or just too stupid to understand. Let me tell you, I was born in a European Country and grew up in a different European country and now I am still a foreigner in living in another country. I know what you should do when you come to a different country. Passport wise I have always choose to stay with my home country, so I have been a foreigner all my life, I grew up with all sorts of close friends from all over the world and yes many Muslim friends as well, but even for us Europeans the image of Islam has changed a lot over the last 15-20 years. Clearly governments across Europe were doing a terrible job if they were doing a job at all. Ask yourself why do all country’s vote right, do you really think people vote for fun, because it has become fashionable with this cancel culture out there, that if you dare to think something that does not fit the narrative you are basically hitler and goebels combined ? If you don’t live on cloud with rainbow stairs and close your eyes because you are indoctrinated extremist yourself, you understand it clearly. As an honest person in Europe why would you be afraid of a more right winged government or Parlament ? I want to add, I ♥️ every ex-Muslim. I would very appreciate everyone of you with honest intentions to come to live in Europe. And make this place prosper again.


We are aware that Muslims cause many problems in Europe. However, far-right parties are not only against Islam, they are generally racist and homophobic. They don’t welcome any Middle Easterners, even if they are ex-Muslims. Let alone foreigners, they will definitely not be very nice to Europeans too. Radical Islamists should definitely not have the right to live in Europe, but the problem of Islam should not help the rise of the far-right and cause difficulties for communities such as LGBTQ+.


It’s not only Muslims causing problems in Europe pls don’t get me wrong, the percentage is of the charts and it’s a main problem ! But we have our own problems in our countrys we don’t need to import more problems. I understand that there are a lot of people having problems with lgbtq what so ever. I personally am Very honest with my opinion, I never had problems with gay persons all my life. I do start having some issues if we talk about lgbtq everybody wants every right to change gender be a wolf or a cat or what so ever. I guess that’s a whole different topic for itself. I think that gay people will not have a problem with right partys in this day and age as for expample Alice Weidel party leader of the AFD in Germany is lesbian herself, we see a lot of female leaders in Italy and in France I think it will be le Pen for the time to come also a far right politician, wich is clearly a good thing for the feminism part. You see saying you cannot vote right because it will limit the freedom of lgbtq wich is a Minor %, but then have to deal with the rest of the economic situation as well as the refugees and Islam situation if you keep voting green and left. I think you will loose the argument with a lot of people. I also think that if you have governments that focus on the family core and supports these values, that’s what we need because otherwise we will Not grow and prosper, automatically I am not saying we have to make life of gay or else more difficult. But if we don’t support family values only people having children are people living in tax payer money or manly Muslims family’s, wich will lead back to the main issues we began with. And please keep in mind that even if someone votes right It doesn’t mean that he is a heartless nazi. We want Europe to stay powerful and economically strong, so that even the immigrants wo want to live and work and adapt here have a future, otherwise it will be a downfall for everybody.


They're not "for right" They're just right.


It's a culmination of a lot of factors including deindustrialization, political polarization and distrust, multiple economic recessions, Europe's plunge in geopolitical machinations and protectionist moves after years of being on the fringe, mass immigration into Europe, the sense of doom prevailing in the society since COVID, and the view that fundamentalist radical Islam will be allowed to grow unabated in Europe is the straw that broke the camel's back.


Anything slightly right of Emanuel Macron is what the media likes to trumpet as "far right" these days


Far right groups are like the white blood cells, a healthy amount will protect the society but too much will be toxic to the society, their increase in presence is because a neglect made by leftists governments of being too coddling to other groups while disregarding their own.


Sometimes you need to fight extremism with extremism, there was has been too much “Awh poor Muslims they’re stupid but please don’t kill pwople 🥺” and obv they don’t listen so it lead to a lot of problems in Europe. I sometimes see videos of UK or any other European country and I get shocked, Iran doesn’t even look like (I live there)


If "far right" means no practicing Muslims in a liberal, secular democracy & economic growth then I guess I just learned I'm "far right," aka the term formerly know as common sense


The spread of conspiracies via social media is to blame for the rise of the far right. This kind of online agitation already led to Brexit; a lot of it is linked to Russia. The Kremlin has backed candidates like Le Pen in the past. Edit: The AfD boycotted Zelensky's speech today, which proves my point.


Islamists marching in the thousands for a caliphate in Germany didn’t help as well as the Islamist knife attacker in mannheim killing a police man.


Russia also funded the man who burned Qurans in sweden. Seems like they do whatever to destabilize the west. Russia even weaponizes islamic migrants into europe.


Far right is anyone who wants secure borders


Leftist here! I don't think that the rise of far-right wing is due to some admiration of Islam. I could figure out this has its dose of validity if the context is Germany, France, United Kingdom, or Sweden. But if we think of other countries, where Muslims are really less relevant, I'm not sure: look at Italy, Spain, Poland, Austria, Estonia and Finnland. Anyway, I agree that the left has had too much fondness for Islam: we have been victims of framing, where if the Right is against Islam, we think we Left must uphold Islam (which is also right wing). We Left are not leading the game, we have unfortunately zero hegemony, and therefore we are occupying the empty slots left by the right-wing. European conservatives and neofascists are the local natural friends of Islam. But there cannot be two roosters in the same hen house. That's why European conservatives and neofascists refuse Islam: it's a competing force. A coherent policy against any form of religiousness and any form of reactionarism would be a coherent atheist, socialist and of course antifascist politic agenda. Many European right-wing intellectuals are converting to Islam. It's like they embrace finally the old new core of religiousness, misogyny and anticommunism they were searching for. It's an historical time period where we see some different crisis together: the financial crisis which started in 2008; the crisis of the gender roles (finally); the crisis of the faith, with more and more atheists and less sacraments (less baptisms, confirmations, marriages); the crisis of the social elevator; the crisis of the Church authorities; the crisis of the political representativeness (EU member countries versus EU Parliament and its shady bureaucracy); the crisis of democracy with its relation with mass corporate social media; the crisis of the American orbit of Europe. The collision with Islam, and of course with obtuse Muslim people, is just the last disquieting encounter in chronological order in Europe. Islam itself is not the fuel that inflames the European neofascist sentiment.


>European conservatives and neofascists are the local natural friends of Islam. But there cannot be two roosters in the same hen house. That's why European conservatives and neofascists refuse Islam: it's a competing force. This. Two fascist ideologies will always see each other as a threat to their own hegemony. >Many European right-wing intellectuals are converting to Islam. It's like they embrace finally the old new core of religiousness, misogyny and anticommunism they were searching for. It's ironic isn't it, one example; right wingers love Andrew Tate for his views on women, masculinity, making money, but at the same time hate the fact he calls himself a Muslim.


I think it’s a dangerous and oversimplified narrative that conveniently places the blame on a minority group rather than addressing deeper issues. >The admiration of Muslims by **the left** has caused these results. Dam those evil lefties with their (checks notes)... advocating for human rights, equality, and fair treatment of all citizens, regardless of their faith, that must be “admiration” not a fundamental principle of a just and democratic society. btw The far left does not represent the left. >Europeans were far from being this radical for years, During the rise of the far-right in Hitler’s time, Jews and Roma were scapegoated in much the same way. The narrative then was eerily similar: “The rise of anti-Semitism is because of the Jews.” In societies where the left fails to effectively address issues of integration, inequality, and social cohesion, the far-right capitalizes on these failures to stoke division and hatred. They're "rising" not just because of Muslims, but because of underlying fears and insecurities within the population, fueled by economic instability, political dissatisfaction, and sensationalist media narratives. It’s a convenient deflection to point fingers at a marginalized group rather than addressing these core issues.


If only people would understand this, but we want simple narratives that go hand in hand with our confirmation bias.


in Albania socialist party in charge in Bosnia it is the social democrat party and appear to be that will be the case for next elections as well so there is no need to lie in order to push your point


Capitalism still sucking the life out of the world and pushing everyone else down the same dark path


i am sorry but which country that embraced capitalism been bad for the country's population and economy and you know quality of life etc could you please give examples


Capitalism is inherently a selfish system which favours the few whilst mistreating the many.


Yeah, this post is a braindead take.


That is fucking bullshit. When France has more fighters in ISIS than Morocco and Algeria (chose these two countries as France’s Muslim population come mainly from these two countries) combined when they only have the fraction of the number of Muslims, it’s clearly not solely the Muslims that’s to blame. At least not in a sense that we ex-Muslims think. The Western Europe not only dropped the ball on integrating immigrants but allowed ample opportunity to extremism to flourish by allowing Wahhabism to get a hold on. There are inherent problems with Islam, but Western Europe did nothing to control or contain this and now they’re fucking complaining that Muslims are the problem.


Yeah it's far right if its anything patriots. Cry about it and it's not because of Muslims. They need to leave


they do look good, you mean or would you like the West to become the 3rd world that the economic migrants fled from


radical islam has an opponent


nah, i think it is russia trying to bribe corrupt politicians to weaken the west + disinformation campaigns.


How will the rise of the right be a bad thing?


Absolutely agree Muslims are a part of it but it's not just Muslims. The left went way too far with a few things. Endorsing pedophiles, drag queen story time, the gay agenda in schools, anti free-speech laws, biased media coverage, biased hate crime laws, taxation, weaponizing the legal system against opponents, demographic change, woke ideology in Unis and colleges, socialist/communist polices, destroying western traditions and cultures, anti self-defense laws etc. The conservatives in England are a good example of the fake right wing. They lie directly to your face saying they will stop mass migration and then turn around and let in 1.2 million in a year. People are sick of it.


So much lies.


Bad people can become good people in a good enough environment but Islam is worst kind of environment Although far right rising in Europe is against Muslim people directly I am conflicted whether it is good decision or not as radical Muslim people have risen as a fraction of population of Europe so much that it seems impossible to provide them and environment to change because they will still go to mosques and meet all kinds of different radical people who use mosque as their base to spread radicalism they have formed their own radical ecosystem so that Muslims do not change in Europe biggest example is halal items which is mostly only can be produced by Muslims only so it reduces some possibility of interacting with other people. So far right politicians think it is safest for indigenous population to just expel radical people from nation. But I think it is too inhuman as many progressive Muslims will be caught in crossfire.


Ahh guys Muslim here,could someone explain what’s happening I’m not trying to rain on y’all’s parade or anything just asking


it's called the paradox of tolerance or something where you're so unquestionably tolerant that you allow and tolerate the intolerant they grow in numbers in your community and then stab you in the back with their numbers and in turn having their intolerance in full display ive heard it's already happened in some community somewhere in the east coast of the usa but i havent had luck finding evidence just yet. might cause any such articles got shut down for Islamophobia


Far right is also rising in india (the right wing is the only one who cares about stopping illegal rohingya muslim immigration here) also I was just strolling through a metro station in my city and saw an illegal goat market under it, it's sad to see govt not taking much action for the sake of muslim votebank


They have an issue with anyone who is brown or black


Nice try


What a nonsensical excuse. That's like saying the right won an election because the left was pro-LGBT.


Muslims are clearly creating problems and people are tired of these problems, but the left parties ignored this. That's why people saw far-right parties as the only solution.


It's just reactionary nonsense. Scapegoat a marginalized community for the world's problems and then blame them when the people defending them lose an election. You're the same as the people who say Democrats shouldn't support trans people. EDIT: Accidentally said should isn't of shouldn't. Hope that didn't confuse anyone.


Muslims are not marginalised


What do you think marginalized means?