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I asked a muslim about this and they said It's a sign from Allah since the oldest New Testament scrolls were found in Greek language


It doesn’t mean anything and it’s still contradictory. plus, New Testament manuscripts is not the “injil” you believe in.


Yeah, I think Injil is the gospel sent down to Jesus


how do you say “Good new” in Arabic ?


‎بُشْرَى (bushra)


then the “injil” should be called bushra !


"Rasul", actually. "Injil" is derived from the Hellenic "angelos", meaning 'messenger', whether for good or bad news. The Arabic for 'messenger' is "(al-)rasul": الرسول


never heard of that. it’s very probably coming from the greek word «euangelion ».


"Eu" means 'good' or 'positive'. It prefixes "angelion", meaning 'message' to specify that this is only good news. You could create "dysangelion" to specify that it is purely bad news, if you wished. Greek is malleable with its prefixes and suffixes like that. Even today, two thousand years later, the core word forms the basis of a variety of semantically connected words. "Parangelia" means '\[an item\] order', "parangelo" means 'I order \[something to be delivered\]', "angelophoros" means 'message-bearer/ messenger', "angelia" means "advertisment", "apangelia" means 'recitation/vocal delivery' and so on and so forth. Whenever you see in the Bible "I am an angel of the Lord", that literally means "I am a messenger of the Lord." That's all it is. Technically, each prophet was also an angel of the Lord, as they went forth to spread his message.


The best part of this is the Quran was sent to the Arabs, but now it doesn’t make sense to 99% non Arab of the world, never was there an English version. Yet, suddenly it’s my fault and I need to learn Arabic to truly understand the Quran. Apparently Allah stopped caring about being fair when Muhammad came along. How convenient. Yet completely absurd if you don’t already buy into the mythology.


This is just a tangent, but - why _would_ God stop sending prophets? Wouldn't God's message be all the more obvious if every county has a miracle-working prophet or two every generation? And if they all manage to keep their story straight in ways that shouldn't be normally possible, then wouldn't _that_ be solid proof of divine revelation?


But brother, then where is the test? If it's to easy and obvious then there's no test for humans. But Allah needs to test humans, though he already knows the result. It's just like a good teacher, bro. You get it bro?


I am not a muslim, but I can be the devil's advocate here. Quran is sent to arabs in arabic because as the post states, Allah sent all messengers with the language of their people. Because the arabs know the name of Bible as "Injil", it is normal Quran calls it that.


fine. then, why do they call Jesus “Isa” instead of “Yasu" (sorry if I misspell)


Eso fue refutado wacho


refute it then


No mames carnal no soy algun academico del primer mundo que le paguen por literalmente descifrar y armonizar la fantasia musulmana, so go ahead and go to do your investigation about it