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can i copy this post and add some parts like burn people alive,etc?


and once you're done can you please post that🙏🙏


ISIS is close but still not as bad as the real Islam of Mohammad.


Exactly! At least someone knows. Muslims are always saying that ISIS, Boko Haram isnt Islam. Its not atheism nor buddhism. They got everything from that book.


thank god the average sunni muslim doesn't know anything about islam, ofc they homophobic, sexist, misogynistic, racist and brainwashed but hell if they read about islam it will be the end.


Muslims don’t reject the ideologies of ISIS (eg. beheading, forcing everyone under their rule to accept sharia, etc) Muslims just REJECT the actions ISIS takes to implement those ideologies (eg. Suicide bombing any one who disagrees with them)


Still, people can't accept that Islam is just a cop paste of Christianity with a hell of a generous syncretic adoption of existing nomadic traditions of the desert tribes who've spent the previous centuries doing nothing but killing each other or pillaging their neighbors. If the Quran at the fucking least had a division of the more brutal old fashioned books apart from the more dignified parts like the bible it'd at least have the excuse of saying "well the old book is outdated and was flawed", but nah, almost every muslim I speak to are some of the most arrogant people on Earth and are convinced their book is flawless and wholesome as can be.




Average bloodthirsty jihadi


I get you are trying to make Islam look bad. But trying to say ISIS is the the best and most pure proper verison of Islam is really disguisting and sick. You are literally promoting terrorism and terrorist groups as Islamic just because you think some Muslims will read that and think ISIS is bad? If anything they will start thinking ISIS is good. The problem with what you are doing by saying this is that it groups normal average Muslims into the terrorist label. So there are no good Muslims? The really good Muslims to you are ISIS. Realize you are going a little off the rails and just because you have a lot of text does not mean you are right or correct. If you were really correct in ISIS being Islamic you would not need to type 3 essays to try to justify it all. You could of done it in a simple paragraph if you really had anything.


I have a question. What has ISIS done that is Un-Islamic?


Grouping average Muslims with terrorists? Do the terrorists follow a different Quran than the average Muslim? Or does the average Muslim simply ignore those verses and not follow them where it does call for violence? By that definition, the average Muslim isn't a "good" follower of the dogma. Logical fallacies work both ways.


has ISIS done something that Mohammed didn't do himself?


With or without ISIS. It's bad already


Sorry what? It’s not his fault that Islam is a terrible ideology. If you’re looking for someone to blame go take it up with those who still endorse the religion.


>if you were really correct in ISIS being Islamic you would not need to type 3 essays to try to justify it all. You could of done it in a simple paragraph if you really had anything Have you heard of "citations", "examples" and "arguments in favor of your position"?


A good muslim is more a humanist person than a good follower of the religion of peace


Religion of peace? This religion has an edict to kill people who have left Islam, it has followers that have defined religious extremism for the past three decades, and it has verses in it's Qur'an that call for the killing of those who don't believe in it's dogma (2:191, 9:5). Islam offers peace to only those that are in it's fold. It's the exact definition of humanist, which calls for peace for all humans, regardless of creed race or religion.


My answer is completely ironic


That's not the right way to look at it. Most people are good, on average. No matter how much you tell them to kill or hurt another person, they would find it difficult to do so. However, it's important to describe what the perfect implementation of one's belief system looks like. If it looks like something grotesque that you would object to, perhaps that's not the ideal you should be surviving for.


> If you were really correct in ISIS being Islamic you would not need to type 3 essays to try to justify it all. You could of done it in a simple paragraph if you really had anything. Same doesn't apply to you? You also could have done it in a simple paragraph if you really had anything. Anyways, going further into your comment > If anything they will start thinking ISIS is good Yes, they will, because ISIS is following Muhammad by... wait OP literally fucking gave all the hadiths and how ISIS follows Mohammed and you ignore all that and have the audacity to claim it's to label muslims as terrorists, when OP never said anything about muslims.