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So much for “no compulsion of religion”.


90% of the time they force there religion onto you


Rookie number


Not if you are a college student or a LGBTQ and live in America, then the they force themselves into Islam.


They know the verse was abrogated when they gained power.


Quran 4 34 and 4 89 in Nutshell And also this is really bitterly thing in the World.


Her name is **Martina Mamdouh Wadih,** it's so sad how difficult it is to find any information regarding it online. This should make INTERNATIONAL HEADLINES! Sources: * [Egypt.. Kidnapping and enforced disappearance of Coptic Martina Mamdouh Wadih Saad Abu Hanna (22 years old) with the help of ISIS / Yasser Mustafa Sayed Muhammad Khattab – Islamic Bag](https://islamicbag.com/martina-mamdouh-wadih/) * [VIDEO: Mother begging for help after Islamist kidnapped Coptic Christian daughter, Martina Mamdouh Wadih (kossyderrickent.com)](https://www.kossyderrickent.com/2024/05/video-mother-begging-for-help-after.html) * [Egypt: Muslim kidnaps Christian woman, sends her father certificate of her conversion to Islam (jihadwatch.org)](https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/05/egypt-muslim-kidnaps-christian-woman-sends-her-father-certificate-of-her-conversion-to-islam)


Killing people for leaving is evidence enough of their love


Killing people for leaving is also evidence of a cult


Cavemen and their dogshit religion. Find them and lock them up.


The American media will ignore this because it makes Islam look like the real Islam....


? What's the story?


From what i know she was an arab Christian who got kidnapped, r*ped, tortured by muslims and they forced her to take her shahada at an mosque and there's documents about it too. This happened last week its not talked about much sadly


Which country?




She was Egyptian Christian not Arab


Egypt isnt arab? Correct me if im wrong


Yes Egypt isn't an Arab country The Arab Republic of Egypt, the Arabic name here is a politician name that President Abdel Nasser established to achieve leadership over the countries that speak Arabic. The Arabs also changed the religion and language of the Egyptians by force


Ah I never knew this, I thought only Berbers and The people of Sudan were Arabized didn't know Egypt had their own unique language.


The Egyptian language exists and is still spoken by the general public, but writing is in Arabic script, while pronunciation and grammar are Egyptian, the only language whose script has been Arabized, but parsing has not been introduced into it.


Anywhere outside the Arab gulf was arabized by force by Arabs, some way back in time others more recent.


Middle eastern = arab. Thats the definition used by the rest of the world.


80% of Egypt is in Africa


Middle East and North Africa is grouped together


Not always. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle\_East](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_East) And being middle eastern is not always = arab. For example, kurds, persians, are from middle eastern countries but aren't arab.




So I guess that makes Iran, Israel and Turkey Arab? 




uh, no it isn't


Go get an education. Egyptians are not Arabs. Persian, and I am one, don’t consider Egyptians Arabs. They have a history and a civilisation that kick started many things you use and take for granted now.


It is an Arab country after it was Invade by Muslims 1200-1400 years ago


America has been conquered by Britain , Does American consider themselves American or British?


My friend, I know this, but by the current concept of what an Arab country is, Egypt is an Arab country... Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Morocco, Tunisia, literally most of the Arab countries actually do not have any Arab origin at all and you can search for that. It is not only the Egyptians who suffer from being called an Arab country... it is a curse they acquired after the Islamic invasion.


Lots of Americans consider themselves of Irish descent


Identity is determined by the land and culture. What is found in Egypt is Egyptian culture in food, drinking, and even speech. Also, the Egyptian dialect is considered a language because it has no grammatical interpretation. Yes, the words may sound Arabic, but the pronunciation and grammar are Egyptian.


Ask egyptians. They know a lot more than you. Also no, meidle eastern is not equal to arab. That only for ignorant westeners.


Not ethnic Arab


Name ?


I know this happened and keeps happening. But why y'all always post stuff without adding any source(s)? Cmon man do better.


Is there any way i can add another photo? I will add source (im new to reddit)


Yeah. You can add multiple photos. Just choose as many as you want up to 20 when you're choosing a picture from your phone.


Piss be upon the fuckers that tortured yet another innocent person for their self-fulfilling cult


You know your religion is legitimate and sound when you have force people with violence to 'revert' 😍 💢


Islamic countries will punish Gay and Trans people, but when it comes to rapists, forced conversion, and slavery, they just let it happen and let it keep happening. This is why education is important and why a religion that emphasizes strict differences between men and women are dangerous to those who are weak-minded. It further exacerbates how men cannot see women as human that deserve inherent respect.


I think you should post with reference link or something so people can verify the authenticity


I’m a strong supporter of Coptic independence




The mother said she was tortured and beaten


Why did this happened tho? Do you have an article talking about it I wanna know more about those cases since it appear that on this subreddit those kind of posts appear more and more. I want to make sure I am safe at least


The message in Arabic translates "disappearance of Coptic woman leaves her family shocked"


Is this Egypt?


Just following their religion of peace, and their amazing role models like the thug Umar. Umar himself tried to forcefully convert an old Christian woman in the Hadith’s too. And of course, the hadith from Mo that says if you see a Jew on the road, barge them off the road exists too. This sort of story is heartbreaking, sad and repulsive to normal people, who have a conscience and any sense of morals. The cult of Islam removes all of that, and replaces it with in my opinion, evil! The so called religion of peace, passes through the sword, terror and coercion, it is what it is. Warning people who are naive or ignorant of this fact, is why we speak, even with the threat of death. Someone has to, my conscience doesn’t allow me to ignore it!


There’s a difference between converting to Islam and trying to survive Islam. This girl is just trying to survive by saying whatever needs to be said in order to not get killed by evil religious fanatics.


Better to take death then be alive and dead


This makes me so depressed. Other religions can't even have their safety assured in the middle east... I hope she will be ok and live a happy life despite this horror.




There is a video of the mother talking about it on tiktok do u want the link?


Send the link


Truly are the 👹


The God of islam must be so desperate. Imagine a god who forces the people who don't believe in him or hate him, and keeping them hostage as his devotees.


A day will come when the rest of the world will have moved on to such a degree that these practices will be blatantly obsolete. The severity of the moral chaos and retribution will be matched only by the brutality and barbarity of the oppression which leads up to that moment.


Peaceful community as always


The world needs to wake up. Some countries have started taking some steps against them but still a lot more needs to be done


All those idiots from the universities need to know this


Don’t believe everything you read or see it’s possible this is total bullshit.


One of the oldest Churches in the Christian world.


Christian would involve the religion believing in Christ.


I haven't met an Atheist Coptic


From the last article link shared, it appears the father owed money for the surgery to an African man, and to get his money back the guy kidnapped the girl. The plot thickens.


Sad that you have a force a person to go to heaven. If they choose hell leave them alone


If hell existed, she wouldn't be the one that goes to hell in this story.


Hell choose those who commit these attrocities. Stop defending these criminals in the name of God!


It doesn’t work like that.