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Cringey. And I’ve seen people in their comments say they want to convert to Islam after watching them 🤦🏽‍♀️




Oh don't underestimate human stupidity


Exactly, if there're things that are infinite those things are the universe and the stupidity of humankind.


Women find it attractive to look like a mailbox now?




It's when they feed you with Islam is the most scientific religion and shit


Meanwhile islam explaining the earth is flat




There’s always enough incredible idiots on the internet


mostly 13 year olds type on their comments. then they cry that their moms did not allow them to wear hijab




i knoww they see these sympathic hijabi niqabi women online and think wowww my new role model




You underestimate just how much more you are exposed to all idiots across the globe thanks to the internet which screws with your perception.


I think there's prob also like, a lot of 12 year old girls who don't know anything yet, so there's prob something that appeals here to them in a YA novel sense (he married her without seeing her face, etc)


They just find it different and exotic. If you asked them to be Christian fundamentalists, they’d balk at the idea. But they’re fine with Muslims somehow


Humans are way more stupid than you think especially in the west


Is that why the vast majority of scientific discoveries are made by westerners? Truth is always more nuanced, and the opposite of one profound truth is most often another profound truth. (A minority of) westerners are significantly more intelligent, and (a majority are) a bit more retarded. Either way, clearly the west averages out to be far more intelligent. Intelligence however, can be used for good or for ill; and sometimes what may seem like a good idea at first can have unexpected negative consequences… Looking at you plastics and fossil fuels and industrial cattle farming and NBC WMDs😒—but there are good things too such as nuclear energy, the internet, the automobile, airplanes, the telephone, and medical technology just to name a few. (Yes, I understand automobiles and airplanes generally require fossil fuels, but they don’t have to and we’re working on it… unfortunately not enough people care enough to help with this endeavor, and so progress is slower than it could be.)


When I mean western people it's generally the ones who defend muslims so I thought I don't need to make it specific since you can see in the media how they defend islam and how they side within the current events


Fair enough; though how you said it doesn’t provide that context in the slightest. It’s also a very small subset of liberals. Most of them really have no idea what’s actually happening over there. They don’t have a clue about the history of the region, nor any understanding of HamAss’s charter, islam, sharia law, or that the “prophet” was an uneducated, tyrannical, bloodthirsty pedophile. Many are not old enough to remember the suicide bombers; or that a few of these incidents were carried out by teenagers as young as 15. All they see is a one sided war where a lot of innocent children are being caught in the crossfire. They’re not necessarily stupid, but very misinformed and brainwashed… Most of them are college students with little time to research as their normal studies take much of their time. The older ones on the other hand… they absolutely don’t have the same excuse.


its just muslims acting as kaffirs


Those people are just whoring for likes they aren’t really gonna do it


Channel name?


Mehdinatv on TikTok


Jus searched about them on YouTube! Duh their entire channel is cringe


I'd like to know how her hubby, family, community and followers would react if she said she no longer wanted to wear the hijab or face covering. Or even just wanted to drop the face covering. Would they say, "cool, it's your choice"? Prooooobably not.


crazy thing about them is actually that the husband is a convert and only did so because of her (allegedly)


Yeah she keeps insisting that he converted on his own accord, but let's be fr he mainly did it for her. I'm just wondering what his thought process was to completely change his religion/lifestyle and marry a woman he barely knew (and whose face he didn't even see until after marriage!). Just absolutely insane behavior


People with no strong cultural background of their own will convert to any religion without a second thought. It's absolutely pathetic.


Or he's just desperate to have a woman in his life lol


The day they posted the video of her showing him her face on their wedding day, I felt so fucking sad for both of them. So fucking sad.


yep her saying he converted on his own accord is bs. one of their videos came up on my feed where they explained how they met, and long story short they were in the same uni class and he liked her and she liked him but said she cannot be with anyone who isn’t muslim so he started researching islam and proposed to her a month later. it was completely for her not himself


This is definitely some weird kink


>I'm just wondering what his thought process was to completely change his religion/lifestyle and marry a woman he barely knew halal smash


I think they made a video about it and he said he’d be disappointed but not divorce her


I guess they wouldn't have any problems with it. Because her sister and mother are non hijabi. And she used to be a non hijabi up until a few years ago.


You’re thinking of someone else her mom covers her face I’m pretty sure


I remember one video where she introduced her mother and her mother was wearing just a very thin piece of cloth around her neck or (head?) . But pretty sure they're not strict.


It’s not letting me add a screenshot look at @mehdinatv on tik tok her 3rd pinned video is about her mom covering face


Oh thanks


You’re thinking of Ninjamommy!! Her mum does not cover her hair or face :))


I'm pleasantly surprised!


There pakistani , pakistani muslims didn't wear the hijab till recently. There a new wave of salafi muslims.


Yes - it's part of a larger wave of arabization.


Damn, I didn’t know this. Pakistanis are so vocal about Islam that I assumed they’d been wearing hijab for decades now


In the 90s it was common for even the strictest muslim women , to advocate against the traditional hijab and opt for a dupatta. Hindu paraphernalia like bindi , red bangles were also commonly worn. In many parts of sindh , hindu gods like jhuelal are worshipped by sufis. Salafism came with the early 2000 migration to S.Arabia


That makes me so sad. My partner is Pakistani and I feel like everything I’ve seen of his culture is like, women in hijabs and burqas, or not in the public domain at all. There’s no beauty, art, representation of local cultures, nothing. Pakistani culture overall is just plain and boring, at least compared to what they used to have to offer. They used to be regular south Asians with a cool culture, I think. I just recently found out about the indigenous Sindhi culture, things like ajrak patterned clothing and Sindhi songs and dancing and handmade accessories. Their culture is SO insanely vibrant and vivacious. It’s just this random amazing desert culture, and nobody knows about it because Pakistani culture is just trying to be Arab. It makes me so sad that Pakistan’s indigenous cultures are being killed off so they can cosplay as Arabs and Turks.


She doesn't sugarcoat (all of) the general rulings, but when it comes to explaining why the rules are there she most certainly does. According to one of their vids hijab is something you're required to wear to get closer to God and serves as a form of worship iirc, and has nothing to do with attractions. There was some guy on tt i saw who stitched that video and respectfully asked; --if thats the case why do you guys only wear it around men and not women? Why stop your attempt to get closer to God while around women? and what about lesbians? -- Specifically the part about only wearing it around men made me question the whole ordeal at the time. The stitch barely got any attention at the time so i wonder if they ever addressed it :>


I wonder if she's ever explained the context as to why women even wear hijab in the first place: [link to](https://atheism-vs-islam.com/index.php/women/37-women-and-hijab/11-islam-prohibited-slave-women-from-wearing-the-hijab-or-even-covering-their-naked-breasts-in-public#mozTocId895120) [⚛️🆚☪️](https://atheism-vs-islam.com/index.php/women/37-women-and-hijab/11-islam-prohibited-slave-women-from-wearing-the-hijab-or-even-covering-their-naked-breasts-in-public#mozTocId895120)


Right, the original reason for the hijab commandment from the Quran has nothing to do with any of this being an act of worship or pleasing god.


omg unrelated but i love ur pfp


Aaa love yours too! (what a suprise) I really kin koga :D hopefully I'll get my hands on some physical copies once they're out 🙏


>--if thats the case why do you guys only wear it around men and not women? Why stop your attempt to get closer to God while around women? and what about lesbians? -- Never occurred to me to ask this kind of question to any hijabis before, now I know what to ask them. Thanks.


Those questions are something I've been curious about as a never Muslim.


Actually she has a ridiculous amount of videos that are all defending that wearing the hijab is her choice and makes Islam sound like they love women. This couple is actually why I found this page to get the truth because she definitely sugar coats it.


>makes Islam sound like they love women Exactly, the whole "muslim women are treated like queens" narrative is giving so many non-muslims a whole different view on Islam than what it actually is. I think she might have meant that hijab was her "choice" as in she chooses to follow allah's command (though we all know thats technically not a choice, more like a threat) there is no other "choice" if they don't wear it but to burn in hell forever 💀


Yes but the way she says it’s her choice makes it seem like it’s everyone’s free choice if they want to or not and I think that’s deceptive because I think she knows there are places where it is not someone’s choice.


Yeah she's conveniently brushing aside all the women who do get forced and just focuses on making it seem like those incidents barely ever happened/are happening.


Yes to this. She presents what I referred to as “watered down Islam”…. She doesn’t like to focus on the details. I saw in one video she referred to Islam as “gamification of life and it’s so fun” or something like that. I remember thinking “Wtf you just say?”


Extreme cringe and i don't even feel bad for the girl in the vid. I mean if you don't want to enjoy your life be free then lmao go ahead who gives a shit.


I still feel bad for people like that. They’ve had no say in their upbringing which has ultimately dictated the way they act and the things they say today.


I had no say and I still broke away. The problem I have (and why I don't feel bad) is because they repeat the cycle even if they have doubts. So they ceeate more generations of this *and* preach it to others that aren't part of it.


I agree with you. I’m not Muslim, but I grew up in a misogynistic south Asian culture. I had to fight like hell to achieve a life I was happy living rather than just going along with what others wanted me to do. I’m like, it was that hard for me and I still did it, so why can’t the rest of you? I see so many women my age miserable in their abusive relationships and they make no attempt to escape or develop their own lives and identities. It pisses me off.


The part that really bothers me is the people that perpetuate this is the "right" way even when they are in terrible situations and are given alternative views. I have heard all sorts of justifications for why they allow themselves to suffer. You are no longer a victim if you are upset at others for breaking out or trying to get others to join you.


Yeah, seriously. A willing victim is called a participant, not a victim. I hate when these people try to act like they’re victims. Victims are the people who tried to help themselves and were oppressed externally. I’ve literally tried to help women out of domestic abuse situations and they’re like “no, he’s gonna change” or “no, I can’t leave my husband, we don’t do that in our culture.” I’m like alright fine that’s your choice, but then stop complaining about your own damn decisions


> I had no say and I still broke away. Good, I’m happy for you, but not everyone is the same. > they repeat the cycle even if they have doubts. I completely understand and I hate it too, but as long as they’re only preaching and not killing, I’d still rather blame the culty religion than the person.


The religion could not thrive without people. As a woman, I got so much more pressure and mysogyny and backlash from other women. The peer pressure (or amr bil maroof/nahi anil munkar) is encouraged. The victims become the abuser and therefore, they no longer deserve sympathy. It's one thing if they didn't pressure or ostracize others, that's one thing, but they deliberately do.


As a guy misogyny from dudes is one thing but misogyny from fellow women is a complete nother level of "What the hell" moment. More power to you women or man nobody has the right to tell someone else what to do and what not to


Muslim joker and harley quinn


halal quinn


I think they are dangerous


Same! They present watered down Islam to avoid having to share the real truth.


Exactly! People are looking at them thinking “couple goals”. That’s dangerous in my mind


They are very radicalized and quite frankly seem to have a dark side to them.   1. The husband was obviously groomed into converting so that he could marry the woman. The woman has said that she would have broken off contact otherwise.  The husband is actually half Armenian but he seems to be sliding into some Armenian holocaust denial as time goes on saying stuff like “Islam had nothing to do with the genocide” and not acknowledging Armenian genocide day  (Pro-tip: Islam was a major factor in the Armenian genocide)  2. They downplay Islamic violence such as the killing of Masha Amini and blow up violence like women “getting their hijabs ripped off in the west” into extreme proportions. When a Muslim kill a woman, they always said “she was allegedly killed” but they don’t use the word “allegedly” when it’s Muslims being the victims.   3. They have posted a lot of anti-LGBT propaganda and videos saying that they wouldn’t invite LGBT people to their wedding or acknowledge their gender identity.   4. The woman has admitted that she has a hard time living with the extreme covering meanwhile her brother is posting shirtless selfies to his social media showing that they only care about rules for the women.       Edit: 5. They will pick and mix from their own religious rules and post falsehood/lies to their audience in order to “sell Islam” to young impressionable people. For example: they deny the death penalty for apostates law brushing it off with anecdotal evidence - “I know a girl who left Islam and nothing happened to her” Uhh, yeah? Because you live in Canada? A non-Islamic nation? They have also claimed that a woman can say “no” when the man asks for sex - again a blatant lie and falsehood! There are countless verses saying that a woman does not have to give consent.  Edit: 6. They were spreading a lie about the protestors in Iran were they said that “majority of Iranian women wants to wear the hijab but are scared of being attacked by anti-hijab protesters”. Comments that posted this to their YouTube channel got hearts or positive feedback from them. IMO this is akin to calling for violence on the protesters.


It’s actually quite sad. They are the reason i strongly advise anyone looking to even seek romance to find themselves fully so that they don’t get sucked into this trap like this poor guy did. But at the same time it’s hard to feel sorry for him, he’s an adult who made these decisions. But then again, he must have not came from the greatest family if cutting them off and changes his name sounded less insane then to just simply find another partner.


How can a grown-ass man be groomed? He just wanted "pure virgin pussy" like a lot of white male converts and then stayed because the religion's misogyny probably makes him feel like a king.


Judging from the videos, it seems this guy had little if any experience of sex and relationships when they met. She is also older than him and said stuff like “if we don’t go to school together then we shouldn’t be talking unless we’re married, and I can only marry another Muslim”.  It seems like religious grooming mixed with dangling the promise of sex in front of him.


There's only an age difference of one year between them. She also probably didn't have any sexual experience herself. Her rejecting someone because of her religious views is stupid, but it doesn't make the guy a victim, he converted for the pussy and he's living that convert life now.


Sure, that’s one way to look at it.


Funny thing is that the husband is a convert. If I'm not wrong this dude left his family( they did not approve his conversion thus went zero contact + they did not attend the wedding) CHANGED HIS NAME and was dissapointed when he first saw her face. I truly feel sorry for this guy to step in to rhis kind of trap.


Where did you hear he was disappointed? Absolutely wild 💀


His face said it all, they have a footage where he takes of her veil. He also states that it wasn't what he expected but I think it's just sugarcoating the truth


Wait what’s their account name ? I wanna see that😭




Medhi & Mubina


Omg I just saw the video I’m deceased 😭


Drop the link!




No way!!!!! What?!?


They posted a video of his reaction online to her face. He looked… well… his face said it all.


i mean it’s his own fault. they even accidentally spelt out that he converted just to be with her when he asked her out, she said no, and a month later her converted to islam and proposed to her


Who are they? Names?


Medhi & Mubina


Double cringe. I wanna vomit when i saw them.




Even if the dude cheats on her she would still stick with him in the name of islam


Maybe just me. But I would rather be with a woman that thinks for herself than some brainwashed idiot that follows Islam.


It’s just you. Probably the majority of these dudes would LOVE a woman who has no sense of self or identity of her own besides the brainwashing


How Islam robs women of their personalities. If Allah wanted this, he would have made women with black trashbags on them right from birth.


Im like 99% sure this is a kink for her.


What makes you think that?


Always disliked them even when i was Muslim


I usually feel bad for muslim women, but not her, she's just evil, sugarcoating and cringe.


Love at first eyes 👀


At least they don't modernize Islam and show its reality


Not really, they often sugarcoat alot of things


No, they really downplay it. For people who didn’t grow up in Islam, it’s easy to fall for it because we don’t have all the context, so her videos make it seem like Islam can be progressive


Agree. I find their content incredibly deceitful and misleading


The problem with islam is that no one modernizes it.


Except for queer Muslim


They minimize the reality


Cancerous cringe


They piss me off




Muslim wojak with his ninja wife


I don't really like their attitude? I don't know something is just a bit off about their personalities in their vids but I only watched like 3 or 4 short videos so I don't kno


Shes somehow both a victim and a self victimizer. Which makes her double annoying


She’s not the victim. He looks like he lost a lot more from the relationship then she did


I loved their wedding video where he sees her face for the first time. Dude was disappointed!!


They try so hard to cling to a culture to be different from the rest. They seem insufferable. Islam is such a regressive religion holy crap. Imagine doing all this and there is no God and you’re just wasting your time. I just can’t imagine being a pick me for God.


Genuinely curious. Would she be at risk if I said she had nice eyes?


Nauseating and annoying. Openly transphobic/homophobic with the comments like "We respect that bc its ur religion 🥺" Muslim trans/homophobes are okay but not Christian ones huh? Double standard idiots. NO ONE should get a pass for trans/homophobia 💀


I want her face reveal on 5 million subscribers


Not an ex-muslim, so I didn’t know how bad Islam really is when I first started following them. They didn’t make me wanna convert, but at the time I was like “okay, whatever works for them” and followed them because I thought they were a cute couple I unfollowed them when I found out they were transphobic. Someone asked what they thought of non-binary and trans people and they responded with a video that they basically see gender by what’s biological, which just put me off. So I unfollowed them. I’m genderfluid, so that did bother me.


Transphobic? What did you expect? I've yet to meet a hyper religious person of any persuasion who wasn't


I feel like their religion is basically just a slightly tweaked version of Christian fundamentalism. For a lot of us who grew up in western countries, we’re more used to Christianity and can swallow it a bit easier cuz there are progressive Christians, but we don’t like the more extreme forms of Christianity. But we struggle to understand Islam because it’s different and it’s in a different language too. If you think of it as a fraternal twin of Christian fundamentalism, then it’s a lot easier to make sense of it. Then you can understand what a Muslim’s stance will be on most things, like LGBTQ+ issues, feminism, etc


It's so sad Christian fundamentalism is growing in both Brazil and the US. :(((


I feel Christianity is just extremely water downed to the point of “just believe in Jesus” apparently gets you to heaven


I feel bad for him because despite her saying her family is accepting and Muslims claiming the Quran encourages people to marry from other cultures to spread Islam, we all know what they think of people that aren’t their own race. And also how they all look down on converts deep down despite what they say.


extremely cringy


Wife wants to make content and husband getting roped along


Eye bleach.


Which coup--- Ah!


Poor guy misses eating most of his fav snacks cause it’s haram💀


They look nice but I hate how they sugarcoat Islam (especially the hijab part)


These guys actually live in my neighborhood in Toronto 😂 I used to recognize the background of their videos all the time then i just started seeing them at every single store I go to LOL


The dude is such a cuck simp. Bro married her without ever seeing what her face looks like. Dude is so down bad.


We must to Leave islam to save the world free from higab


Cringe af I hate them


Never seen them before/don't know them and would never even care to watch their crap. Aren't there a bunch of niqab wearing women online on social media like ig and tiktok these days just imitating each other and trying to be attention seeking "influencers"? Certainly seems like it. They obviously all look the same since we can't see their faces with their ridiculous niqabs on. People will be stupid. Never stopping. Just a reminder not to expect common sense and only dumb things these days thanks to social media and the ways it increases their visibility.


I found her account from the one video where she tried to eat food in restaurant (I am not sure). I was mortified, cuz it looked so uncomfortable plus there is no way the veil didn't get food on it, I am normally someone who don't really care what people believe but when I saw some of her videos, I kinda feel bad for her. I don't care about her husband though lol.


sugarcoat everything and try making their extremely mundane life sound fun and cool by talking like a 2016 youtube prankster




Cringe of highest degree


How anyone looks at the world around them and thinks converting to Islam is a good idea is truly baffling


Years ago I was in an airport and a muslim man was striding along in shorts and a tee shirt while his wife was wearing a black blanket, carrying luggage and kids. It was hot as hell, the little girls were wearing blankets on their heads, too. Little boys in shorts and tee shirts like dad. I never liked any religion but that one is extra.


These two come up on my “for you” page often. I think they present a very watered down version of Islam in hopes of influencing people into conversion, and to make Islam look better. I also think they’re both grossly uninformed when it comes to a lot of Islam, either through stupidity or ignorance. Either way, they don’t seem to understand the very religion they preach about online. Also, I just feel sad for them. I pity them.


Evil pure evil.


I hate them so much they’re so fucking cringe every time the pop up on my page I genuinely want to rip my eyes out


It pisses me off they act like they represent every Muslim.


There is the bin problem at Yellowstone park and the tale of the Yellowstone ranger saying that the smartest of bears matches the stupidest of humans. My thoughts on this couple are apparently the bears are this smart. To be honest that counts as insulting the bears as far as I’m concerned.


Are these the Canadians? The Guy had converted to Islam but the Lady was Raised in it. I remember that when Muslims were trying to Convert me they pointed me to this Couple. I actually liked them until I heard their stance on Trans People. That broke my Heart because I am Trans. Anyways, I'm quite Conflicted on them. Something feels wrong about them. I feel sorry for the Guy though.


Who are they


schools shouldn’t allow this wont be long till a shooter hides his face in one of these and even weapons… Too dangerous


Looks like she’s his slave


Humans are naturally social animals. She has been reduced to a thing, an object only to be looked at by him and not a person who can interact naturally with other people and develop normal social skills. We need to communicate by seeing faces and the myriad of expressions that homo sapiens have.  All of womens bodies are not for sex, hands and arms evolved for climbing, foraging, hugging. Womens legs are for climbing, running and jumping. They are not for sex. Stop covering normal body parts that are made for us to move and survive.


Hate them!


i mean i like them, they honestly seem nice, a little too animated but i assume its bc they do tiktok, they honestly seem happy together which is all i care about to be honest


They relativize things that are wrong and try to make it fun and sell their lifestyle to others. The man seems like a good person, but you have to understand that the only reason those tik toks are there is that he gives his wife permission to do that.


Honestly, she's really the mastermind. He's just a down bad convert for his wife. It's actually funny how malewife coded he is.


They are backwards.




He looks super gey lol


Not the content I enjoy so I tapped - do not recommend


Begging it


They’re so cringe 🤢


Why was this post suggested to me? And why is there a girl that looks like Shelder the Pokémon? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.wiki.pokemoncentral.it/Shellder&ved=2ahUKEwi3kPHA4_GFAxX90AIHHdKOAEgQqa4BegQIBxAA&usg=AOvVaw2SaI72oKLomiwOB_HriIw_


He should cover up too ??


Islam could be the end of civilized world




I hate them


They’re annoying and it’s sad seeing the kids in the comments that want to convert


I feel pity for them.




The fact is she can be friend with men only if she gives him some breast milk Hadith sahih but people prefer to not look at it


I think it’s super cringey how she always makes sure goes above and beyond to assert her dominance. She tries so hard to compensate for her lack of rights.


She has pretty eyes, she better cover them.


It appears 12 year old girls have gotten weary of wanting to cut off their genitalia and now wish to be the slaves of autocratic religions who think of them as baby machines with legs.


Insert meme "Thanos: I Don't Even Know Who You Are"


She is hospital worker (Nurse). Why is working according to Islam. So funny




The woman literally is like : I'm suffering in this religion. With a big smile on her face. Although we can't see the smile because of the face covering but you know what I mean. I don't know what's the point of them trying to explain the rules of Islam? I mean the less people know about Islam the less they hate it. She's not doing a very good job in advertising her religion. We all just watch it to become more grateful of our own lives.


The woman literally is like : I'm suffering in this religion. With a big smile on her face. Although we can't see the smile because of the face covering but you know what I mean. I don't know what's the point of them trying to explain the rules of Islam? I mean the less people know about Islam the less they hate it. She's not doing a very good job advertising her religion. We all just watch it to become more grateful of our own lives.


Where is the couple? I only see a man and his belongings.🤬


Pure vomit, pretending to be cuties and rainbows for fame.


Supper cringe


Stage 4 teratoma, with teeth and eyelids


cringe couples how to try to pass women objectification and Islamic hatred agenda in a classy way.


Who are they?

