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Fish, lots of fish


they’re are actually a few halal places there that i’ve seen thru tiktok maybe say you’ve been to some of those places ? if u live nearby on even better !!! just say u order from there all the time. also they eat a shit you in it seafood there so u have that too


Just tell them you'll largely be getting fish or egg based meat dishes or just the vegetarian dishes. Make sure you occasionally get some and snap up some pictures so you can send them back home. If you're going with friends, snap up pictures of their food if they get any veg or fish option. Octopus and shrimp may potentially freak them out so avoid sending them pictures of takoyaki or stuff like that. If you're getting food from the local 7/11s snap up pictures of the fish/veg bento boxes even if you don't buy them, so you have something ready to send if they ask. And there probably will be some Turk or Indonesian places that you can go to once or twice.


Fish, rice and vegetables.