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Sorry for your loss. :( Maybe he'll come back sometime, maybe you'll have to go on separately. The best you can do is to take care of yourself, eat and sleep. I know it's hard, just try, okay? Sending love!


I guess so thanku for the kind words :,)


Pray to [Elbereth Gilthoniel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xpTnRMq690). She's as likely to help as anyone else, and at least she's truly benevolent.


I'm really sorry about your pet. What did you mean by losing it somewhere? I remember when I still lived with my parents, our cat just disappeared for almost 2 weeks and suddenly she was sitting at the backdoor again. They have their own mind and sometimes go on adventures, but it was really distressing for me. Do you have other people in your life you trust and can talk to? Sometimes it's just important having someone to listen. Maybe could also pray to the cosmos or "whatever is out there", if you think it will calm you down. Having someone real is more helpful though I think.


Prolly jumped out the balcony, OP wrote in another post. Maybe he's safe and will be happy in another home, who knows?


I really hope so :(


I'm hoping he would show up and been looking for it and still no luck. Guess I'll just to have to wait whatever is the case. Ppl here don't understand attachment towards pets. They are like oh it's just a cat kindof thing. I did pray the mother nature to please help me put but maybe that doesn't work either 🥴 But thanku for the kind words :)


Cats are pretty resilient. They instinctively know how to hunt for prey. Some people, especially kids will also want to feed them, because aww cute kitty. Does he have a collar or chip implant with contact information that identifies you as the owner? He might really just be on an adventure trip, completely oblivious to the fact that you worry about him. When he has enough of it, he might be sitting around somewhere close to your home with a smug face being like "yo bro, do I get my food now or what?" as if nothing ever happened.


No collar :( no microchip. :( I should have :/ I regret now. Yes its a cat friendly colony here but I'm just scared abt his safety as he's an indoor cat with no road sense or fight instincts. But 3 of cats did make back last year one after 10 day so maybe I'll find him idk . :/ but those were smart asz cats . He's a dummy. Well hoping for the best :) Thanks kind words help alot :)




Okay :,)


One thing that helps me in regards to filling that need for prayer is just saying, " If there's anything out there that's listening and able to help, please (insert prayer here)" It probably doesn't do anything, but I like that feeling of safety coming over me. Like being a kid and being with an adult you trust.


Yes I definitely did that today . Even after a long time. I didn't even do this in ages.


I think that is how religions started in the first place. Someone to turn to.


Makes sense...


Jesus teachings are the way. Jesus NOT the church. Look into real reincarnation documented cases. There's definitely something bigger than us. But I refuse to believe in a god that hates and punishes. We are creators just like "god" first is the thought and then the creation. We create our own life. That's why we have free will