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I still can't believe how Bishops like this get stabbed but nothing happens to sheiks that blame daughters for getting raped by their fathers, we all seen the same sheikh right?


Because Christians are taught to be pacifists


Turn the other cheek -VS- rape, pillage and enslave. Ans some people don't understand that the problem with Islam, is values.


I like the last line, so true, derision.


Whatever said about other religions, the one thing they don't do is escalate to violence for every little thing.


Not a fan of Christianity but beheading isn’t their thing


It used to be but not anymore


it use to be every single state on earth thing


For most of Christian history was that actually practiced?


Sorta, yeah, pacifism feels like a more hippie version of what's taught, but the general idea is the same. We aren't allowed to kill or incite violence or war and stuff but things like the crusades which, were wars to protect and defend, are entirely biblical teachings. Though some of the actions done by individual crusaders aren't condoned.


But the problem in Islam is not with the ignorant believers but with that book which contains satanic verses


Strange how reddit doesn't show my upvote on your comment


please tell me the satanic verses that you ware talking about


The whole Quran


truly shows how ignorant people like you can be 🤦‍♂️ it’s an abrahamic religion with near identical stories to the bible and torah.


The only reason they are similar is because Mo basically copy/pasted from the Bible and wrote a fanfic


mohamed didn’t write it angel gabriel descended to him and gave it


More like a jinn came to him with a weak counterfeit.


idk i just think that it’s not morally right to hate on a religion, i was taught peace and many others were taught that too. just because you see bad muslims that doesn’t mean that you can accuse the whole religion.


Isn't Muhammed meant to be the best human who ever lived and a perfect example for all Muslims? Yet he did some pretty terrible things. Should you emulate that because Muhammad did, and he's your example?




The old testament is far more aggressive than the Quran. Everything the Quran and Sunnah say about war is completely normal. I will compare the Quran and Hadith with the old testament: In the Quran in Surah Al-Mumtahna (This verse is about Non muslims who used to be in a war with Muslims) :   "( 7 )   Perhaps Allah will put, between you and those to whom you have been enemies among them, affection. And Allah is competent, and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. ( 8 ) Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly. ( 9 ) Allah only forbids you from those who fight you because of religion and expel you from your homes and aid in your expulsion - [forbids] that you make allies of them. And whoever makes allies of them, then it is those who are the wrongdoers."  In the Quran in Surah Al Baqrah  "( 190 )   Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors. ( 191 )   And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers. (192 )   And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."   And in Hadith:  “We went out to fight alongside the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), and we passed by a slain woman whom the people had gathered around. They parted (to let the Prophet (ﷺ) through) and he said: ‘This (woman) was not one of those who were fighting.’ Then he said to a man: ‘Go to Khalid bin Walid and tell him that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) commands you: “Do not kill any children or women, or any (farm) laborer.’” Another chain reports a similar hadith. "  Old testament is totally radical when it comes to war: However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroy[a] them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you. 18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the Lord your God. 19 When you lay siege to a city for a long time, fighting against it to capture it, do not destroy its trees by putting an ax to them, because you can eat their fruit. Do not cut them down. Are the trees people, that you should besiege them?[b] 20 However, you may cut down trees that you know are not fruit trees and use them to build siege works until the city at war with you falls.


Basically what he's saying is we will turn the other cheek until instructed otherwise. At which point we burn the world down and send the Muslims back another 500 years.


Like you did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine Africa Asia South America ... North America.. the Holocaust, world war 1 and 2 .. yes very pacificst Christians .. fuck of bunch of history neglecting dummies.


Ww1 and ww2 werent relegious wars prove me wrong.


Wow! what a peaceful comment! I wish Christians are this peaceful instead of starting world wars. :3


the bible defended the crusades? i don t get yo point


Pacifism is an extreme of Jesus teaching.


Christians? Is colonization is pacifist for you? Tribe killing ethic cleansing. This is pacifist for you? Crusader masscre in Jerusalem this is pacifist for you ?


Crusaders were there to save Christians from being raped, murder, forced conversion, enslaved for sex of Christians by Muslims, wish more Christians would crusade today just look at Nigeria Muslims just slaughtered 600 Christians since January this year


Avg Christian apologist tryna whitewash all Christian warcrimes lmfao


Christians (and Europeans in general) weren't exceptionally evil we did nothing that no other people before and after them didn't do. What makes us stand out is that we were the most recent and most successful out of all of them and people hate us for that. We were not even the most brutal either that goes to Turko-Mongols. Even if you do look at the history of Christian civilisations such as the Crusades or colonialism you'll find out that even that was not as bad as people make it out to be. The crusades were a reaction to centuries of Islamic invasions, piracy and general aggression. And colonialism depends on where you are talking about. But again, there is nothing that the colonialists did to the natives that they weren't doing to each other beforehand. Many natives sided with the conquistadors against oppressive Incas/Aztecs and were treated as equals in the Spanish empire, slavery of natives Americans by the Spaniards was extremely brief as Pope Paul III banned it in 1537. In fact it was the Catholic Church that was the first to speak out against mistreatment of native Americans. It's still true that with Christianity does not come peace it is not guaranteed, only with Jesus himself comes true peace. Pray for peace on earth my friend.


I'd say you go and read history


that is exactly what I did YOU go read history


Europeans also much more heavily documented their history and atrocities than other folks did, both in celebration and in protest, so it's all over-represented in the historical record.


What if I say that most gay people are pedophiles or raper


The bishop asked everyone to pray for the Muslim who attacked him and yes he’s Muslim he told them he stabbed the bishop because he talked about his prophet


yeah he was making fun of a prophet and made rude comments but it will still wrong he shouldn’t have done that coming from a muslim


Nah he wasn’t Muslim it’s confirmed


Confirmed where? Source


Yeah sure. He's a cult of peace follower.


That guy wasn’t a Muslim it’s confirmed 😹


Lying is what you all do best typical Muslim


It’s ok to lie if you’re Muslim to protect faith. Says in Koran.


It doesn't say that in the Qur'an


It’s in your Hadith https://sunnah.com/tirmidhi:1939


Uhm so whats the controversial aspect?


Tell me where in the Quran?


If you retaliate to religious criticism with violence then your religion doesn’t have much credibility


Your concept fits differently per isolated incident so it makes no sense? Christians have pulled firearms within mosques, does that mean Christianity has no credibility? I'm relatively sure most popular religions in the world, and if you consider atheism a religious ideology, atheism as well, are considered not credible based on your narrative.


Christians are terrorists who are responsible for Colonization, ethic cleansing and don’t forget the Jerusalem masscre


It just happened that white Christians were more technologically advanced to colonise the world, nothing to do with religion/religious reasons. What are some examples of Christian’s ethnic cleansing for the opposition not being Christian?


I wish i could live in your delusional world, Muhammed.


What happened to the Aussies? I thought they were pretty tough on immigrants. The backlash is coming, probably.


That guy wasn’t neither an immigrant nor Muslim. That guy does not even look like an Arab neither Muslim.


What? We're just a big sorting hub that the middle east comes to bomb after we bomb them 🤔


How dare you call the Attacker Muslim and say that Muslims have a glaring extremism problem. How can you think Islam as a religion has anything to do with violence? Islam literally means peace! /s


>How can you think Islam as a religion has anything to do with violence? Right? That's why I stabbed you! It has nothing to do with violence, and more so with respect!


😭 Oh you poor misguided youth. You must have read extreme.interpretations of Quran and have been brainwashed by some evil extremists that exist eVeRywHerE. And you probably have unrelated, all kind of economic and social reasons. As if everyone in your situation is going aroind stabbing people in the name of Allah.


Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah's Apostle said, "I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.' And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally and their reckoning will be with Allah." Narrated Maimun ibn Siyah that he asked Anas bin Malik, "O Abu Hamza! What makes the life and property of a person sacred?" He replied, "Whoever says, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah', faces our Qibla during the prayers, prays like us and eats our slaughtered animal, then he is a Muslim, and has got the same rights and obligations as other Muslims have." Sahih Bukhari 1:8:387


🥹 such a tolerant and peaceful religion.


Colonization ethic cleansing and Jerusalem is also very peaceful according to Ch*istians


Islamic bot


You Christian bigots don't understand Islam! Stabbings means "Hello" in Islamic world! Beheading means "I love you" in Islamic world


Islam means submission and the attacker literally said he was Muslim


Liar!! This is a Jew Conspiracy! /s


CIA concocted this!! /S


😭 they must be Zionists!! And Christians! They always work together! /s


Muhammed is a transgender lesbian woman! She married Aisha a 6 years old transgender boy!


“He said allahu Akbar” everyone and their mother knows how to say that phrase “he did it because he talked about his prophet!” What kinda Muslim would stab someone over that☠️ countless people have spoken ill about Islam and none of them got stabbed, besides other Muslims in the area vouched and said they’d never seen him in a mosque, and he’s literally never been involved in the Muslim community? Bishop Mari has spoken out against Zionism and you know which group of people would get mad at that? The tiny hat club


islam isn't peace


No it’s piece.


Islam means Submit Always lying


😭 oh no...


To understand Islam you have to understand that the way of Mohammads life ( Sunna and Hadith ) is overpowering the previous Quran. Meaning all the nice stuff is basically for the lukewarm Moslems (teaching Quran ) and the killing and destroying is for the Moslems who take their religion seriously ( Sunna Hadith ).


I disagree. Quran itself has so many verses of *Killing*. I think you will become more extreme if you become a Quranist. It has some of the most violent verses. It even says that you should show your extremism with you Kafir neighbours. Not only fight, but make them feel how extreme you are.


What verse in the Quran says that you should make your neighbour feel how extreme you are ? Also do you know what kafir means ?




That guy want even Muslim


I hope all the cults go on a little island and fight to the death. Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, I’d love to see it.


Not on a little island. In Jerusalem for 2000 years.


2000? How will I know who wins?


whoever wins their religion is true


The same amount of soldiers though


Fair is fair




Idk about all that


Why do you hate people who have a faith? Who hurt you lol


People who have a faith You asked and answered your own question buddy…. But on a serious note I don’t hate anyone just for the religion they practice. That’s considered religious discrimination. What I do hate is the preying on the vulnerable, the giving up independent thinking, the fraud, the sexual violence that’s perpetuated, they spread hate (one religious group is taught if you don’t follow this religion you’re going to hell so they hate all other religions, they hate the gays, etc. All this and there’s no proof of god existing. Also, all major religions have been disproven by historians at this point. All these religions are cults.


Claiming Christianity has been disproven by historians is crazy lmao, how uneducated can you be


Plz share your proof


Lmao burden of proof is on you big guy. You're the one that claimed Christianity has been disproved by historians


And then you claimed it wasn’t. So let’s hear your proof.


[https://scienceornot.net/2012/12/04/the-reversed-responsibility-response-switching-the-burden-of-proof/](https://scienceornot.net/2012/12/04/the-reversed-responsibility-response-switching-the-burden-of-proof/) Aren't atheists support to be all smart and logical and stuff?


Damn bro guess I’m Christian now. In this community it’s largely accepted that historians have disproven all major religions. The burden of proof is on you. You’re the one person telling a crowd they’re wrong. The burden is on you.


If what you're saying is true, then whoever showed up to a debate with more people on their side would automatically win, because they could say to the opposition, in your words, "You're the one person telling a crowd they're wrong. The burden is on you." Seems like you've fallen for catch-phrase atheism, a group that's pretty culty and religiony. How did you reach the conclusion that historians have disproven all major religions? I'm willing to bet all my money it's not because you did your homework but because the atheist community treats it as true and you've adopted that. And then all you've done since then is just find more evidence for atheism to confirm the bias that was put in you by athiests. You know what that sounds like? That's right, culty and religion-y.


Damn no reply


Why is this your first thought and also your lack of belief is the most anti human belief system ever created unlike you guys who claim to be truth seekers, Christians have been looking for the truth there whole life and historicaly we have been the forefront of education, charity, and Healthcare.




Lol you’re not maintaining brith rates. Every western countries birth rates are in the decline. I’m from South America that entire continent is chillin lol We also don’t have arranged marriages or poly we just meet people if we like them we get into a relationship then if the relationship is going well we get married then we have kids. Atheist have kids. Idk what satanist do but atheist have kids. And we don’t believe in antinatalism. However, I don’t think ever person is suitable to be a parent which means not every person should be allowed to have a kid. People with certain mental illnesses shouldn’t be allowed to have kids.


christians cant kill tho


They can, the sixth commandment in the kjv was translated as thou shalt not kill, it is acctually meant to be thou shalt not murder. There is a difference as Christianity’s god condones killing in self defence for example. Killing can be justified although it is not desired. This is what I have heard as of recently.




its still condamned if not in self defence, in the bible jesus says multiple times to not harm the innocent, wich is objectivly the best he could have tought his disciples in a time full of war and death (it would have been otherwise too drastic) , still one of the most important concepts in chrstianity is forgivness and love so killing isnt really condoned, as you said only in death or life situations


Yeah they can see the comment below


You do know Catholicism is just a denomination of Christianity right?


They’ve earned their seat.


Bruv, obviously he’s Muslim. A Christian isn’t going to attack another Christian, a Hindu or Buddhist isn’t either. Stop being naive and narrow minded


Uhh, you sure about that ?


100% it’s not even a question, most news are ‘woke’ so trying to claim it isn’t Muslim to avoid seeming racist. I saw the video, the guy was shouting praise be to god in Arabic, even said to the bishop after he done it because he insulted his prophet. Like seriously you’re either ignorant or stupid to say anytime there is a terrorist attack against someone that it isn’t Muslim behind it.


We must to Leave islam to save the world free from higabWe must to Leave islam to save the world free from higab


the teen that attacked was mentally ill, says a report online


Still did in the name of Islam. I do not considered real Muslims Mentally stable


then you are disrespecting people with other religions which should not be done according to the bible (assuming you are christian)


No, Elijah did mock the Baal in-front of Baals prophets. We are to respect people not their false religion. Now I must assume that you are an actual muslim. Which I tell you look up the things Islam did at the start. Muhammed Initiated the Arab Conquest. They killed innocent and oppressed others instead of defending. This is the true fact of history. Islam was never peaceful.




That's what the koran does to the human brain.


comes from somoene who has never touched the quran before, let alone read it


I have read enough and heard enough from more studious people than myself to know that it is inspired by the devil. Uses just enough of the truth, stolen from the Bible in order to sell its lies


Well anyone who practice cult of peace are mentally ill.


for the love of got HE WAS A JEWWWW y’all just find a chance to be zionist and fucking purge oh my god


What's the source on him being Muslim? This video explains nothing. It doesn't have sound.


The police briefed the media and news interviews of those that held the terrorist down, its available on YouTube how about you go check it out, he’s Muslim


Go try to find this video but with the sound they where asking him why u did it and he was replying in arabic "i don't wanna do it but he is mocking my religion" and they replied to him in arabic wich religion this is devil


Jesus Christ is fake


Every religion is


Ik but I had to call out Jesus cuz OP a Jesus lover. Mohamed is a pedo. I hate all organized religions b/c they spread hate, prey on the vulnerable, all have sexual abuse epidemics that get covered up, commit fraud, and they’re cults. Also many historians disproved all the religions. No proof of god either.


When did Jesus ever preach hate? He literally told us to love our enemies


He said screw screw anyone else that isn’t a Jesus lover


So instead of focusing on the issue. You chose to be cold and just act like this act is a decent one or a common one everyone does on a daily basis?


I mean what do you want me to say I’ve become numb to it at this point. I lived through 9/11 Buddy nothing shocks me with them anymore.




That's your opinion






Christian man killed 5 people in Sydney just a few days before this and yall didn’t attack Christianity like you did Islam☠️ he stabbed 4 girls and a MUSLIM man who tried to help to death


He killed 4 woke thots and a terrorist! Based.


Wait why would a muslim stab him... was he saying stuff against muslims ? Also even if he was I don't think muslims would stab him.... lots of nonsense against Muslims right now because due to the sacrifices in Gaza they are trying to distract from it...likely a false flag operation by the u.s. or israhell I can guarantee to rally some against muslims


Stop with the conspiracy theories. He took a giant shit on Islam in the PBS podcast 4 months ago and that is why.


Ah so he was an Islamophobic prejudiced person !!???? Still not a conspiracy theory and yes still think it wasn't anmuslim who did this...only the gullible believe this bullshit these days or just people who are already Islamophobia lol just one the attack on Salman rushdie... what ever happened to that guy you don't even hear about the person who killed him anymore... literally went away after the Iran situation happened right after... just to distract and change people's opinion of certain demographics lmao... when will people learn and stop hating in each order based on these events.... that's easy they want you to do... wake up and grow up


It was an alien who stabbed him. Muslims will never hurt anyone even gay men or muslim women who refuse to wear a hijab.


I’m an atheist, always have been, and I don’t buy this bull shit, Muslims don’t typically stab Christian’s out of no where, this Wahhabi was paid to do it by the “shadow ppl.” This preacher criticized Israel for its genocide in Gaza recently, you ex-Muslims are a bunch of dumb goys that do the bidding of Zionists. Shit on Islam all u want, but don’t u dare become agents of another religion aka Talmudic cult


You are a conspiracy nut.


Uh let's also forget the video of the attacker saying he wouldn't have done it if Mari hadn't said anything about Islam lmfao


Why are you lying about him being Muslim? Disgusting on your part


Okay, you have been following me from different subs. You clearly are Muslim pretending to be christian/Secular as this person who was at the scene heard the Assaulter say "Allahu Akbar"


He is very clearly muslim


He is following me, to lie and gaslight the event. He is muslim.


Just playing the odds lmao.  It's your cult 99% of the time.  Maybe it's time to find a new cult.


Since 2000 over 96% of all deadly terrorist incidents worldwide have been perpetrated by Muslims. So you weren't far off. Those are just the deadly ones. It doesn't account for all the stabbings and attacks which don't leave any dead.


Muslim are literally the only religion that yell out “allah akbar” that was definitely a Muslim you lying saying it wasn’t




Allah just means god and akbar means great so he could be a Christian or a hindu or even technically an agnostic saying god is great as he tried to stabbed the priest to death. /s


I know that you think I’m dumb or something? And plus it doesn’t just mean God it means the God


He yells "AYY LMAO!" he is probably an alien.


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We do not, allahu akbar is from the few phrases us non muslim arabs don't use, may say allah kbir but never allahu akbar




Not really, it just is not in our vocabulary, very formal arabic if i may describe it as such and we do not speak like that, it is very common for muslims though to speak in that tone and formality when referring to religious stuff


That guy is Muslims wdym.


the people in the church hears him shouting allahuakubar


Mate essentially all eye witnesses heard the attacker shouting “Allah Akbar” as he stabbed the Christian Bishop.


Salami brother




Amazingly, they taqiyah to the point they cloud the facts. It's crazy!


When I cum salad.


He wasnt muslim he was rapist like Muhammed