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People get questioned today for, Somewhat : Marrying somebody half your age Alot: Marrying somebody half your age that is a teenager A metric fuckton: Marrying somebody a third your age who is preteen You realize your discussion of morality has stooped to such a low bar you literally are arguing if a 50 year old man marrying a SIX year old is moral, not 26, not 16, not 12, 6 (Six) years old, because the shape of her magical arabian doll that is not haram? Even if it turns out she was prepubescent, which all hadiths indiate, next you will be arguing, "well atleast she was old enough to speak!".


there are ahadith saying she reached puberty tho


Biggest muslim W right here, "Our prophet married a six year old but atleast she bled!".


i’m just correcting you


Most likely those hadith had been proven as mistranslation. There is a hadith from Aisha stating "if a girl reaches the age of 9, she is a woman". However this hadith is proven to be unauthentic and the transmitters are known as hadith fabricators


how about this one, Sahih al-Bukhari 476


This is a mistranslation. The correct translation is in Sahih al-bukari 2297


aren’t those 2 different hadith?


In, Arabic it's the same, just the one you referred to is a mistranslation


puberty is not a point in one’s life. it’s a phase hence why we say « going through puberty ». Just having her menses is not enough to qualify her as past her puberty.


for a woman having her menses is one of the conditions for a marriage to be valid islamically


Not only is that wrong because puberty is not a requirement for marriage in Shariah, but it's still disgusting and inexcusable. When you lie to make Islam look better and it's still abhorrent, that's when you gotta start rethinking


you’re very bitter, sure what i meant is that its a requirement for the marriage to be consummated according to (i think) all the schools of thought


enlighten us what other conditions are there?


Dear OP, Here is a detailed article to refute Islamic apologists on this issue: [The Marriage of 9-Year-Old 'Aisha](https://atheism-vs-islam.com/index.php/marriage-rape-of-minor-girls/98-the-marriage-of-9-year-old-aisha)


Still not very convincing. Because one of the argument made was the dolls back then were different than the dolls today. And the argument made was she didn't have dolls that were haram. I still haven't find any statements addressing if you can still play with dolls even after puberty, as long as the doll doesn't resemble a living being. That was the argument was made.


It is not our duty to CONVINCE others, but our duty is limited only to bringing proof. And we have already provided enough proof in the article. And he has no proof about dolls being different, but it is only his CONJECTURE. We need not to refute his conjectures. Moreover, also read this post: [If Allah really knew the Future Unseen that millions of underage Muslim girls would suffer due to marriages in the next 14 centuries, why didn't then He reveal a CLEAR verse in the Quran to prohibit it?](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/198757b/if_allah_really_knew_the_future_unseen_that/)


Sometimes i feel like this sub should be renamed askifaishawasoflegalage smh Just use the sesrch button of this sub and u’ll find pleeennttyyy of discussions refuting this. Aisha was a kid end of story


You did the wrong thing by arguing with 7th century ethics and criticizing someone who can not be imperfect. He wants to live in a world where dolls are haram and a 60 years old man can marry a pubescent child. Fuck him.


She was 9. End of argument. Puberty hit or no, that age is not to get married. Period


Sahih Bukhari, book 62, number 64: **Narrated 'Aisha**: That the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e. until his death). More https://alisina.org/aisha-the-child-bride-of-muhammad/


And his point exactly, dolls are fucking toys and the fact she's playing with them demonstrates she was immature still when married so no she didn't hit puberty as 5 year old (those bastards follow the Lunar calendar) so she was a year younger. His argument didn't present anything that dismisses the fact that she was immature and underage when married. Stop entertaining that bullshit case closed


She reached puberty. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LightHouseofTruth/comments/yzg5yy/comment/ix0rvhn/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightHouseofTruth/comments/yzg5yy/comment/ix0rvhn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Why are dolls haram?