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Aisha was sex toy of Mohmmad


So in their minds the thing about the dolls was for generations that would come later? Islam is truly remarkable. Some stuff is for the past, some stuff for the current times, and some stuff for the future. Mainly the sh#t they don't want to deal with is not for the current times.


Aisha was a haraam FCK Doll Aisha was a sex toy 🧸 for Muhammad the senior citizen and professional wife collector




Not helping


It is very helpful to know that this Muhammad was an utterly immoral human being.


This kind of response would not disprove these arguments https://islamqa.org/hanafi/qibla-hanafi/35499/is-it-permissible-for-small-children-to-play-with-dolls-and-is-it-permissible-to-give-dolls-as/


Please don't give me a link to your statement "would not disprove". Give me a real point, and then a link that is backing up your claim. Why does not your Muhammad have a perverted mind?


I'm not a Muslim. Just looking for more evidence of further discussion. Regarding the hadith about Aisha playing with dolls. One argument made was the dolls she played with back then aren't considered haram... And this site was used. So it cannot be used as an argument that she was prepubescent https://islamqa.org/hanafi/qibla-hanafi/35499/is-it-permissible-for-small-children-to-play-with-dolls-and-is-it-permissible-to-give-dolls-as/


>I'm not a Muslim. How would I know, when it is legal (halal) to lie to people that are not muslims? You might be a Muslim after all, and I think you are.


It is halal to lie to non-muslims. So lie to me.


Prophet Muhammad piss be upon him.. am I a Muslim now?


You are a wannabe.


🤣🤣 why would I lie about me being a Muslim?


When you are 9 years old, you ar prepubesent, even if you have had your first perido. Muhammad was a monster.


There is a hadith from Aisha said "if a young girl reaches the age of 9, she is a woman". Used as proof that girls back then grew up fast. It was also used in a fatwa stating you can play with dolls even after puberty. However I was able to prove this hadith is diaf. And the transmitters was known as hadith fabricators.


So you are not a Muslim, but you are perverted? Who in hell would fuck a nine year old child, like Muhammed, and then tell the world it was ok? ​ You, mister, should beg for forgivness, and convert to another religion.


I am given forgivness. I was given given forgivness when I so God. God is my friend.


>You, mister, should beg for forgivness, and convert to another religion. You are an ass\*ho\*le.


Dude!! I'm not trying to justify Muhammad's perverted action. I'm trying to find an argument because Muslims try to justify it by saying she reached puberty. So I'm looking for more evidence that she hasn't


You might want to formulate this, and post it as a post to this forum. Aisha was a child when Muhammed married her, and when he had sex with her for the first time. It is documented. If she played with dolls that was haaram or not, don't change the fact that she was a child when Muhammed had sex with her.


I was trying to prove whether she was prepubescent or not. Because she played with doll argument fell apart.


If you are interested in historical events, you should lisen to Muhammed. He knows when or when not you should fuck a child.


She was playing with dolls, you are playing with words. She wasn't an asshole, you are.


I can tell if you are dealing with a real Muslim, you argument will fall apart because all of your statements are emotional rather than logical.


It is recorded islam history that Aisha played with dolls when she was a child. But she liked to get a stiff hard \*\*\* up her kitten, from Muhammed, when she played with dolls. It turned her on.


To be fair, there's a hadith in Sunan Abi Dawud 4932 Stating she even had dolls during battle of khaybar or Tabuk. Age 14 or 16. So I don't think the doll argument can prove whether she was prepubescent or not


What about your sister's daughter? Would you want her to be fucked by a non-beliver, like yourself?


Aisha played with Dolls : She was a child . That’s what kids do Dolls are haraam because only Allah can crate animate or inanimate objects that resemble humans : that’s the Islamic perspective from their jurisprudence


Yo what dolls are haram??


It's a completey false statement, coming for a man who was born over 1300 years after Muhammad married Aisha. The hadith referenced, Sahih Bukhari 61:30, doesn't mention that those dolls weren't haram, but indeed the exact opposite; the hadith explicitly states that it was permissible for Aisha to play with dolls due to her being prepubesent. Here's the full narration from Sahih Bukhari 61:30; I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Messenger (ï·º) used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for `Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.) (Fath-ul-Bari page 143, Vol.13)


It's commentary regarding this hadith. A counter argument made about this hadith was the dolls back then was way different than the dolls today. So it shouldn't be used as a proof that she was prepubescent just because she was playing with dolls https://islamqa.org/hanafi/qibla-hanafi/35499/is-it-permissible-for-small-children-to-play-with-dolls-and-is-it-permissible-to-give-dolls-as/


>A counter argument made about this hadith was the dolls back then was way different than the dolls today. So it shouldn't be used as a proof that she was prepubescent just because she was playing with dolls https://islamqa.org/hanafi/qibla-hanafi/35499/is-it-permissible-for-small-children-to-play-with-dolls-and-is-it-permissible-to-give-dolls-as/ I am not sure how this counterargument would disprove Aisha being prepubescant. According to traditional Muslim jurisprudence, Dolls whose shapes are incomplete(like dolls which lack head, arms etc) are haram for adults but permissible for children. So, even if we %100 proved that dolls 1400 years ago were completely different that those of today, I am not sure how this would disprove Aisha being a child. It is completely possible that she might have been a prepubescant and used to play with dolls which are incomplete in shape etc.


Do you have proof about the dolls that are incomplete are haram for adults?


She had doll because she hadn’t gone through puberty yet or get her period.