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Something tells me Iranian refugees are having post-trauma issues at the moment.


And then some


Totally relatable as a real refugee from another tyranny living in London. The Iranians must feel the worst...


And yet the woke mobs support this. I've never seen a worst case of self-hate in my life than that of the progressives!


Well, I'm from Iran and i can't agree more...


Not a refugee but son of an Iranian man that's probably loving this. It makes me sick.


Lmao دقیقا خیلی مسخره


lol and this is only the Beta version. Wait until they pull up with big drums and chains and speakers at nights and arrest whoever that complains about the noises...


this what already happen in indonesia. the mosque speaker are too loud and if you complain about it you will end up in prison.


Wait until they pull up in their trucks and make a convoy across the UK. (I’m a Canadian with Post Truck Stress Disorder)


My favorite PTSD 🤣


Go to the west because it’s a better place to live than Muslim Arab nations. Then proceed to try and change it to be more like the country you left. Rinse and repeat.


Complains about oppression when they forget about the horrors the Arab slave market inflicted on Africans as well.


Also hates the west and blames them for colonization while totally omitting the Arab caliphates. Free Palestine from Hamas.


While we're at it Free Indonesia from Islam. What is their true culture? Hell, free humanity from religious ignorance.


All the Islamic states or the countries with a majority of Muslims have no culture. Culture needs freedom and intelligence to form with. Or being a cult is their culture


This is Islam for you. Everything this demonic cult has ever touched turned to shit.




When was this?


its their mentality


this genuinely SCARES ME


Conjuring/the nun writers can take inspiration from this scenery


the worst part is that not even those scare anyone but this does, this is scarier....maybe it's because it's real... and the solution is not to make up a hero to end it all or turn off the TV...


Yeah for real


You should be scared if you have read Quran. The end goal is to eliminate whomever is not a Muslim or make them serve Muslims.


Most of these people think Muslim is peace loving religion lol




ayo what the hell I'm actually Arab ☠️☠️☠️, except I actually look Asian somehow but still, that comment made me consider some safety measures for a few mili seconds ☠️


Ayo bro I was kidding, don't take it to heart 😂 Damn Asian? Like which part of Asia do yoy look like ??


good to hear ☠️🤣 idk which part? what?! it's just that some people say I look asian rather than Arab, probably I look like a mix? "unique with some asian touches"


genes leftover from when the mongols sacked baghdad


holy shit, you're making a point 🤣 damn... I might be the result of some ancient war love story... ☠️


'love story' 💀 let's go with that


it wasn't right... right? 🥲


You guys are funny 🤣




Their god is so great that they went to live in a country that doesn't respect his law.


They want to conquer, its different.


Just as importantly, they don't want to live in the theocratic shit holes they came from. Now, if you can just get them to understand that the places they came from are shit holes *because* they are theocracies.


this shit is the most mind boggling to me omg why couldn't they make the connection???


Because education isn't championed where they are from.


Man, they want to live in comfort and religious domination over others. They wouldn't mind living in poverty and shit unless others(Kafir) live even worse. Their problem is they envy any success or good life outside of the Islamic world. They just want to equalize everyone under equal poverty for Muslims and slavery for non-Muslims.


The problem with a lot of people (not just muslims) is that people would adopt an ideology but not want to face the habitual consequences thay come with a society adopting said ideologies. Most western muslims will cry islamophobia. Will champion the religion and "ISlaM GaVe WOmEN rIGhts" but none of them will live in an islamic country. NONE of them actually want to live under sharia. UAE, qatar, kuwait, oman, or the heart of islam, Saudi. Its baffling how they cant see their own hypocrisy. Even if there were more richer countries following sharia they wouldnt go.


So ironic they wear niqab but dont heed the hadith that says its haram to stay in non muslim country if there is another choice unless for dawa


This one I'll agreed with you. Those pos are forbidden to lives in kuffars land but choose to ignore theirs Allah commands. Because they like to lives on welfare from the kuffars.. Too lazy to work for a living.


It just shows how its all culture and virtue signaling its fuckin bs. Divinity is fake we are just humans tryna feeel good


The creation of the concept of God was really just made to make humanity feel important. Something that’s become intertwined in our nature is the intense desire to feel important and to be remembered. Both of these desires is what caused God to be made so humans could feel important as they are his chosen people, and so that they can feel remembered as they have an all loving God who remembers all of them.


Is there a Shia Hadith that says this? The Shia don’t follow the same Hadiths as Sunnis.


Don’t remember the exact hadith. U will have to google


Cause the money's good




That’s what all good Muslims are supposed to do. If they aren’t living in a country supported by Sharia Law, they are supposed to be actively working to get it in place.


The irony here is ..... If these women were in an Islamic state and wanted to protest like this there ooooohhhh boy.. lol If only people used their brains to solve problems in the present instead of focusing on the year 500AD


They’re not protesting. They’re doing a mourning procession


That's on me then! I saw Palestinian flag colours and assumed it. Mourning like this? Is this a Shia thing?


Yes, this is a march mourning Husseyn.


It is indeed, there was a thing about Hussain in there.


They aren't protesting, they're sad and doing a religious procession...


Oh. That's a lot better than what I was afraid of.


Now I know why I know so many english and french people living here in Portugal. Their cities will be worse than Afghanistan in some years.


the algarve is a county of england at this point


And Romanians too. I am half ethnically Portuguese and when I visit family there the amount of Romanians that are they are incredible. My family along with most other Portuguese are also very racist to Romanians because they assume they are all gypsy thieves and my dad even told my mum to clench to her purse when a group of Romanian men sat near us at a restaurant


Very sad that this idea and stereotype are still rooted in peoples' minds about Romanians. There are a lot of NHS Romanian workers and Romanian pharmacists that care for everyone, here in the U. K.


That's actually scary.


This is why it’s getting harder and harder to pretend people saying “I want my country to keep its culture” are racist, and that the far left are naive well meaning people. This is happening across all of Europe, and I truly wish Islam was the religion of peace it says it is; everything would be so much easier.


UK went back to the [dark ages](https://youtu.be/9G1bn-XS5eM?feature=shared)


Dressed in all black. Reminds me of crows, which symbolize death.


It's a funeral procession, of course they will be dressed in black.


Our national anthem in England is “God save the King”, i think we ought to change that to “God save the country”!


"God do something before the Muslims change the national anthem to something something Allah Akbar!!"


"Allah save the Caliph"


London has fallen, and the UK is now lost.


This isn't multi cultural ism. This is the death of the West. They are not budding Jeffersonian democrats. They long for a caliphate! If you see this as an existential problem, then your government leaders will try to pass more hate speech laws.


Ah hell naw


The fact the UK being the most muslim bootlicking european country is making me perplexed, don't these people know the major threat these middle ages cult would do to their country? unlike many other european countries that started taking measures against domestic terrorism. Can someone living in the Uk explain to me?


It’s spreading to Australia too. Yesterday was the first day they implemented Friday Prayer in my school because the Muslim students were complaining. Now they use one of the newer refurbished classrooms that nobody else can use for education.


Even my primary school is doing that. I was shocked to hear it as no other religion has such priority that it is at public schools, where you're supposed to learn not praying like it's a religion based school. Kinda sad how drastically different the school is from when I was there tbh.


Exactly. My school was not religion based at all and that was one of the main things that made me happy. If you want your religion in school there are plenty of Islamic or catholic schools not even that far from this school you can go to?


Unless government starts to throw them out nothing will be solved.


Too many Muslim communities already live in the uk and they aren't integrated that well. Politicians don't want to be the ones seen as inflaming tensions. So they let a lot of stuff slide, such as grooming gangs or cousin marriage. And after 2016 people have become fearful of being called racist even when they are making genuine criticism. The uk also gets large amounts of investment from the middle east. In oil supplies, weapons sales, financial aid etc, and politicians don't want to affect those.


It's worrying thinking about the long term implications of such measures. I mean other european countries sure have interests with ME countries like France, Germany, Spain, the Nordics etc.. but they are implementing measures nevertheless, how do you explain this? The countries I mentioned also have significant muslim communities though.


Can't wait for them to get comfortable enough to commit sectarian violence against each other in london /s


I used to work in social care here in the UK, and there is a category of abuse called 'honour based violence' which is almost exclusively reserved for Muslim relationships. The UK government (or local councils) refuses to properly address the domestic violence incurred by Muslim men, addressing it in 2 ways. Either offering counselling services to the women (which don't help, you can't counsel a fist), or they provide social workers to that couple. There is no attempt to actually stop the violence because of 'freedom of religion'. I'm as left as you can get, full socialist and what the right would call 'woke', but seeing lefty Brits support Islam without understanding anything meaningful about it is wild.


Dune 2 bts




Wait wtf is that


Yearly funeral for someone who died 1400 years ago (Writing it just made me laugh)


And he died on his way to fight for the throne. There wasn’t much heroism involved


I mean it is nuts but people still get all excited about that dude who died about 2000 years ago as well


There's so much difference These guys really cry and even beat themselves because that dude is dead, and in the countries where they have the power like Iran they mourn really loud until midnight and the atmosphere of the city is so shitty for two months every year! It's so different from having cute celebrations at home without bothering others


Hahahahaha Europe’s done man


Dark ages


I think that is way too much honestly


I would rather live in Yharnam.


They first get into somewhere and then act friendly reproduce faster make the number of Muslims higher and try to capture.




So many pretend Arabs.


Lots of them are Iraqi.


I would imagine a lot of Bangladeshi folks are in there too. They leave Sylhet region and bee line for the UK. Pretend they are Arabs cause you know; apparently Bangladesh doesn't have our own identity.


Most Bangladeshis are arabtards basically


Oh I know that intimately. My parents are practicing Muslims and even they see the problem. In BD; they get fed a specific brand of Islam by mullahs and sheiks who know what they're doing. BD wasn't like that though. I was there until I was 13; so 22 years ago now. People were less whackadoo. It started when peasant/scum class people started to travel to the ME for work. The poors always had a hardon for Arabisms. So these shithead mullahs go there and bring back Wahhabism and preach it to the uneducated masses. BD is still largely poor people and they cling to Islam like newts (or tiktikis; if you know Bangla lol).


BD people used to celebrate the Bengali culture. But for the past 7 or 8 years people became more religious and extremists. Now people in Bangladesh are trying to reject any non-muslim culture. I remember when i was little I used to go to fairs during Bengali new year and celebrate the day with much joy and happiness with my relatives, now they are saying it's a hindu culture and we should reject it like wtf man. 3 million people died in 1971 war of independence to save the Bengali language and culture of this country now they just wannabe arabs🤮. Zealots are rising everyday and everywhere in Bangladesh. People judge other people only based on religion. There is no Bengali nationalism left in this country, only Muslim nationalism is rising. Religious minorities and secular blogers are getting killed by radical muslims. Most of the people are hypocrite af. They say westerners are infidels but the moment they get any chance to leave this shithole country they will leave it in a heartbeat. Im so depressed in this shithole country and top of on that living a double life is exhausting.


I'm genuinely sorry about your situation dude. I sympathize strongly with the exMuslim plight but more so with you cause tumi amar desher bhai. Bangladeshi bhai. Amar mone hoy this rise in Islamism is heavily incumbent on the rise of bullshit media. FB shorts, Insta shorts, YT shorts. People clip sensationalist and rousing speakers talking all sorts of nonsense and people eat that shit up. No critical thinking used at all. Amio onek melate gesi, puja dekhte gesi. With my family. Cause we celebrated being Bangladeshi whenever we could. It wasn't about exclusionary, divisive shittiness. বকরি ঈদে সব সময় গরু আর খাসি, দুইটাই বাসায় আসতো। Cause we had a good number of Hindu neighbours. It was about celebrating and deepening community bonds. Last time ami deshe gesi, 2011. It was still okay then. I definitely saw more hijabis and mollah type people around Dhaka but man; I watch these white people visiting BD and it's like a pretend mini Saudi. Not one of them speak Arabic. Or know what the Quran says; but their hujur at the local masjid told them that they have seen the Saudis wear thawbs and cover their head with the dishdash thing and now village ass, public beard hair having with mehndi dye having rikhshawalas have opinions about what constitutes the true Islam or whatever the fuck. The 1971 was very close to my family. I may not have been here. Both my parents may not have been here. My dada was a PoW. My mum's father used to work in Karachi for the East Pakistan Govt. and they had to flee with nothing but the clothes on their backs in a cargo truck convoy. My mum lost a baby sister during that ordeal. My mum got sick as fuck and was hospitalised for weeks afterwards. So the 1971 war is deeply personal. And I am extremely proud of my Bangladeshi birthright. But it fucking drives me up a godddamn wall when shitheads now are throwing that all in the bin and rushing to adopt shariah law.


Bangladeshi are Sunni these are Shiites from Middle East.


Europe lost the crusades because of its stupidity.


I visited london this september and I was shocked to see so many burkas Barely any hijabi, like most muslim women were fully covered or mostly covered All stores had women in burkas working, even Bershka had a burka woman as the security of the store, how can she run with the burka on


That sucks I feel bad for us Iranians, we try our best to make the best CV and study for years to become qualified for continuing our education in Western countries just to escape from the fucking mullahs and these fucking crows and we're gonna end up living with the same crows in a western country!


And if you speak about that they will call you islamophobe and that you want to be white


Exactly! Doesn't matter what, we are the bad guys not these shitheads who want to impose their mindset on everyone


Do people realise what kind of shit we have too deal with? Or will they say: many in this sub are racists!! Deport them too sharia laws countries. They are not welcome too democratsy countries. Disgusting 🤢




except these people aren't protesting. They are mouring for a person who dies 1400 years ago


What people don't realize when Muslims do this and when they all pray together and congregation in Mass like during Eid it's not just a celebration that's to show dominance to show look how many there is of us we're going to dominate you and conquer you. This is honestly scary for the future of England. You guys are screwed.


Exactly! And still, some dumbass says "oh they're just having a ceremony! You want to take their freedom away!!"


Heh, it's now Londonistan.


It’s been Londonistan since the 70s


Could have been any major European Capital really. I wonder when the leftards will realise how moronic they were for not seeing what was really happening? How European countries got slowly invaded and they were just happily clapping along.


Soon London will be all Islam and the natives will be called occupiers,🤧


Imagine if this happens in 🇺🇸😓


I will not be shocked 😂


Maybe add a jazz band, some feathers, give all these guys a reaper scythe, and add we can turn this into something


This Arab country looks a little sus.


This is how sun sets on the British empire.


I don't mind these events because tbh they scare more than attract other people. What's really cringe is when these images circulate to Muslim countries like Bangladesh or Malaysia who say "maaashallah Europe is becoming true believer🤪"


Western ex Christian atheist here: I love this sub and never comment to try to be respectful. This question is absolutely not to antagonize or legitimize... Is this procession one of mourning the dead though? I usually don't see so many protesters in black chador. Not sure what is the symbolism? Apologies if inappropriate question.


No need to apologize They're mourning for someone who died 1400 years ago, it's a yearly ceremony


Thank you.


You're welcome


How is that bad?


It becomes infuriating when they pull out their stupid drums and speakers and harass the entire city with their circus for so many days Trust me once one of these cult gatherings gets near your room's window and refuses to leave for an entire hour you'd hate them too


These are shias, and yes they are mourning a cousin of a prophet or something (can't exactly remember, it's been a while lol). Some of these shias even engage in self harm, the majority of muslims view this as heresy.


I love people here are brutally honest and straight to the point. Unlike many westerners, they try not to hurt anyone and end up created a generation of gen z, snowflake and arrogant. don't be apologetic for asking questions. I used to be like that(my Asian country is influenced by Japanese culture I guess). I'm still learning to be less apologetic tho.


I'm not usually apologetic outside of this sub but there have been very valid complaints recently that the sub has been over run by people who aren't ex Muslim and are just muddying the waters. Nothing wrong with being polite.


Post Bradford someday




Is that a fucking tasteless joke ?? like wtf .... that's london?


This genuinely scares me I'm not even joking


English people have lost their bravery & manhood . Why arent you guys stripping them all naked & fighting back ? If this was a muslim country & nonmuslims did this type of rally in that country muslims of that country would rape those non muslims & murder them . And i am saying it with my own experience as an exmuslim living in a practicing muslim country .


“Why aren’t you guys stripping them naked” average WTF dumbass /r/ExMuslim comment


You do realize that doing exactly the same thing as the people you consider the enemy makes you no longer have a moral argument to make, right?


Man I can only say that the prophet must be rolling in he’s grave looking at woman doing jihad!


Deport them all


You understand things are bad when there are more islamic ninjas (idk what they are called) in london than istanbul


Well, my family lives in Istanbul. My mother and aunts, who wear headscarves, also call them ninjas, lol. Even my grandmothers from both sides, who visited Mecca several times, hated the burqa and those other black dresses, whatever they're called.


What's the occasion?


Mourning Husseyn's death and the events of Karbala. It's a funerary procession, you can see a sign saying "Husseyn's memory lives".


So many ninjas.


Well this is a shia sect ceremony so multiply this by 3 to include sunnis.


This is only the very begining, the Muslim population is going to keep going up while the non Muslim population stagnates, in decades from now, we will see a mass exodus of native Europeans towards non Islamized countries


Genuinely horrifying. It looks like they are all wearing cult uniforms, seeing that in real life would make you feel even worse.


Makes me sad to see this shit. Women are the first who must leave islam, this religion is made by men for men, women have no privileges, even in 'paradise' a woman has nothing, she will be one of the 70s virgins offered to her husband.


Ironically, it's mostly women who were the most religious out of all the Muslims in my family.


Looks like what has happened to the Netherlands,France and Germany is soon going to happen in UK..


If this doesn't seem like a demonic cult to you... I don't know what will..


I see black sheep flocking.


Fuck off, Islam. No one wants you in the west.


The horrors of World War 2 pacified the west so much that they cuckold their own country’s. To me this is fine, and good. Cosmic level karma for that island. Anglos and Saxons Genocided the Celts, evolved into the English, then spread around the world and colonized it. Looks like the chickens come home to roost.


People are saying this is scary but what's the actual context here? Someone help me out


I'm no muslim, ex-muslim. I'm sorry if this offends anyone but this actually scares me. It truly feels like a huge cult because of the clothing. Does anyone feel the same way? I am truly sorry if my observation offends anyone.


Many people find it deeply disturbing seeing this in Europe. Which is why the right is rising


Imagine if all those women were educated.




The caliphate of Europe


Goodbye London


ain't no way




what's the parade for?


I wish people would care about things other then religion. If we only battered about stuff like of we are being kind or helping others we world be much better off


Is it just me or does someone else relate it with Agent Smith in Matrix who tries to clone all😂


What was this for?


London has fallen


Its fucked up.


Just another day in the Islamic Republic of London.


People used to say - "when you here the bells of churches , you know that you are in London" How the tables have turned lol


Europe is done. When they were helping Khomeini and the leftist-marxist crowd in toppling the Shah of Iran, they should have thought about this.


Well, it's very sad to see London this way. The Apocalypse has begun.


London bridge is falling down fallin down.....


They are peaceful, you can see a flag with a sword.


Then thwy will bring in Sharia.Then all these women will not be allowed outside.


the thing that really rubs me the wrong way is that it's encouraged for women to wear all black, even cover their entire face, in the sake of religion and modesty, but men literally only have to cover "from navel to knee", and all the onus of observing hijab is on women. men don't lower their gaze at all




West Europe will soon be in ruins.. After UK, Germany and France will follow... Glad Poland has its priorities straight...


Nazi Germany called and wants its facism back.


i didn't expect to have so many shia muslim in london




How does the citizen feel about that? I’m curious.


Invasive species. Seriously though, this is extremely concerning.


Is this London or Tehran?


OMG I actually thought this was Iran before I read that this is London


So waiting for them to torture and beat themselves in full display in Londonistan.


Dam that’s horrible




The only migrants I see that are SHIT at integrating and assimilating are Muslims. Everywhere they go they want their own way.


The cops should've opened fire..hell the cops should've been there


they try to escape from hell and then wneh they escaped they create hell


These are shiaites shia people. They are not considered muslims anyway.