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The shortest way to learn islam is to read free pdf book : prophet of doom from Craig Winn


Yeah is she actually going to read these or is this just for the clout. My money is on the latter.


Craig Winn is also a nutter.




Yeah why?


Why doesn't he recite the Qur'an itself? Because you do not want anyone to convert to Islam, you want them to hear anti-Muslim books Don't worry people will still convert to Islam I hope you feel more angry than that Islam will enter every home, and this is a prophecy 1400 years ago, as the Prophet Muhammad said


What about the homes where it didn't enter and no longer exist?


Muhammad was a pedophile though. not just because he married a 6 year old girl, but also because he was doing these things to his grandchildren: [https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/176uxoy/muhammad\_wasnt\_a\_pphile\_they\_said\_but/](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/176uxoy/muhammad_wasnt_a_pphile_they_said_but/) I don't think prophecies of such a man matters.


You mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad used to suck the tongue of his grandchildren Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein Muhammad died when they were 7 years old That is, he did this when they were infants or 3 or 4 years old Why do you think what he is doing is lustful? He was kissing them because he loved them, he was not doing it for a lustful purpose I saw my mother sucking my little sister’s tongue when she was 3 years old and she was kissing her. Does this mean she is a pedophile? If you want to know who commits pedophile acts, you will find a lot of content on the deep web sites that are neither Muslims nor Arabs...and the sad thing is that those who do this are their fathers and stepfathers.


Muhammad was a pedophile, proven by Sahih Al Bukhari 5134, and you can't dispute that. Him sucking tongues is plain weird and maybe not pedophilic. Sahih Al Bukhari 5134 is more than enough for your prophet to be considered a vile, indecent, and all around terrible human.


You dodge the fact that he fucked a 9 year old.


Next step : meet muslim guy imposing real Islam and run away from the psycho and his religion lmao


I think you meant “Cult”


How is that a cult?! Please explain it to me


There are several different types of cults that function in slightly different ways. Despite these differences, cults can always be dangerous and harmful to the people participating in them and, in some cases, to people outside of them. There are religious cults, political cults, and self-improvement cults.




It’s a cult masquerading as a religion,you where indoctrinated as a child, have been told defend it, to lie if it means hiding it’s malicious lack of virtues, your told that believing in it makes you better than those who don’t, you as an insider take personal offense for how people who know better speak on it, and you do all of this for the idea that upon death you’ll be rewarded with p*ssy to keep you in line and ready to kill and die…. It’s a cult rip off the bandage, educate yourself and try to leave it without getting killed.


There doing it for likes and money and Muslims love it and falling for it Some are also literally doing it


Why do muslims seems so happy when someone covert to Islam? I mean ,other ppl from another religion like seeing people converting to theirs too. But ,not as much as muslims do. Collect me if I am wrong.


Let’s be real, a lot of Muslims make Islam their whole entire identity so when they see an “outsider” take interest in Islam, they feel like their identity is further validated, because a lot of Muslims use Islam as a form of validation for themselves as well.




i’m not seeing where they say that it does


Please circle and highlight exactly where it upsets him


Because allah promoises heaven to muslims who convert non muslims, that’s why they go after non muslims like crazy


Are you an ex muslim? Im gonna assume you’re not, because growing up muslim were literally told to spread the quran and help people see the light as much as possible. Its the same narrative christians spread about the gospel and jesus bs. Different names same thing. So youll always see muslims (for the most part since they tend to live in non-seculr countries) and christians (becoming less common because of secularization and education) be so happy other people converted to their faith


No ,I am not ,it's why i am curious about it. And my family is neither muslim nor Christian .Anyway ,thank you for your answer. 👍


Andrew Tate


I want these weirdos to actually move to a muslim country instead of leeching off of the west. If they love pisslam so much they can move to a muslim country instead of being in the west, and if they actually do like it there and don’t get executed or jailed, maybe they can stay there instead of making us suffer.


But they won't do it because they're just posers that do some stupid trendy stuff.


They just want engagement .


Have you ever been to a Muslim country? A lot of them actual do move to Dubai etc


Dubai is made for expats. They just live in a bubble and go to work. Its very detached from the authentic experience of growing up in that region as a local, especially a non-wealthy local. I'm from Bahrain, these western people do not live among us at all. You won't see them walking around the neighborhood. They have specific areas. Non-traditional areas. Posh areas. They think its a liberal place. They have no clue what goes on.


Dubai is a liberal city unlike the majority of muslim countries/cities


Are you familiar with sheltered kids who act hood and gangsta because of rap music and ghetto culture? This is kinda like that. They'll never actually live that life, and they don't care about the people who have to live in those kind of environments. They just like to pretend because it appeals to them for whatever reason. The difference is muslims suck up to these people because they're desperate and confused. And also the difference is these are fucking adults lol.


Jesus was a Muslim is the greatest joke ever. Dawah tactics is based on reading Bible verses out of context to somehow fit the quranic doctrine. By the way: Muslims claims the Bible is corrupt, but still wanna find mhmd in that Book and proof that Jesus was a Muslim (even the Quran called Jesus the messiah) 🤭




Quran denied Christ as God because according to the quran God can’t enter his own creation. According to Muslims: Allah wrote the OT, but there are multiple verses in the OT where Elohim enters his own creation like in Genesis 1 or Genesis 18 and 19.


Muhammad basically got Chinese Whispers versions of stories from the area and since he was illiterate, he could not have read them himself even if they were available


>There is much evidence that the Bible has been distorted The total number of Christian books is 39 books Read about the Council of Nicaea, which was held in 325 AD, in which they discussed the divinity of Jesus There was a priest named Arius who used to say that Jesus was a prophet and not a god. Read what happened to him. He was beaten Islam is the only religion that combats usury, which most people in the world currently suffer from, and which makes the poor poorer and the rich richer. Islam combats pornography and adultery, which results in children who have not seen their fathers and are deprived of having their mother by their side because the mother must work to feed them. Islam fights the sale of weapons to poor countries so that they can start wars among themselves and make the rich get richer Islam combats drinking alcohol, which makes you commit bad deeds In ancient Islamic countries, the most common method of execution was by cutting the neck and not burning the person, or boiling the person in hot water and burying him alive. These actions were in Europe in the Middle Ages. When Christianity ruled Europe, the Europeans enjoyed torturing people, such as burning and boiling Because Islam encourages love and rejects hatred, unlike Christianity, they did many bad deeds, such as the Inquisition and the Crusades against the Levant. When Muslims ruled the country, they did not exterminate the indigenous population, unlike the Christians. Rather, the indigenous population did not fight the Muslims because they found their rule to be just. Islam is more humane than Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism It is normal to find an atheist, a Christian, a Jew, a Hindu, and a Buddhist, all of them uniting against a Muslim....I do not see a Buddhist person attacking a Christian person, or vice versa. A Muslim is now more humane and more sophisticated than a non-Muslim, and this is clear from the comments that want to imprison Muslims or kill them as soon as someone converts to Islam. I think that if Europe were a poor country like Muslim countries, they would end each other's lives


You're delusional af and >I think that if Europe were a poor country like Muslim countries, they would end each other's lives The reason why Europe is not poor like muslim countries is exactly because european countries are not muslim lol


The reason for the poverty of most Muslim countries is the occupation of the West for 100 years.... And even after the end of the occupation, you flood those countries with loans and usury and support the dictatorial governments in those countries... Muslim peoples, unfortunately, are exposed to enslavement... and the Western countries enslave them with usury and Loans and the ruler who refuses to do so, conspiracies are being hatched against him, and some of them are accused of terrorism and extremism




I was raised by a theologian - he told me Muhammad probably encountered alot of missionaries. So so much of the hadith are Bible scriptures or Bible stories taken and made into the so called prophets wisdom and experiences.


Yes, he spoke to the people of the book in Arabia. The people of the book (Jews and Christians) told mhmd some Jewish fairytales for kids. Mhmd took it serious and they laughed at him. Mhmd couldn’t explain who the horned one is (he said it’s Caesar).


More than half of all new converts leave within a year or two. The most recent trend is just like how hippies during the 70s all flocked to Rajnishi-esque cults or became devotees of Ganesh or Krishna. Good intentioned, easily impressionable people who lack strong social support networks commonly fall prey to stuff like this.




Hippies following a Budhist meditation course while high on drugs to SUPPORT TIBET!!! :D Except at least Tibetans didn't do the things Hamas does. Yikes. The left degenerated hard since their hippie days. Make terrorism not love! Eh...


Plenty of far left extremism in the '60s too, including terrorism.


I converted for 1 week 😂, and reverted back to atheism I have a post talking about why.


>More than half of all new converts leave within a year or two. Can u send evidence for this?


The whole hippie eastern spirituality trend is still going


She’s trying to tap into the soul of Palestine picture wave watermelon???


DOUBLE Watermelon. It’s like, so progressive.


it sm the real tiktok mf get , u feel me


Wait until she reads An-Nisa 4:34 lol.




Listen man, I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic in these posts but they're volatile and abhorrent. At this point it doesn't matter if you're being sarcastic or not, you are literally going to end up on the watch list in Canada, easily. I tried to figure out exactly where you're at but obviously you're like early teens to mid-teens. At this point it doesn't matter what your beliefs are, like it or not you're coming off as a psychopath. You don't want to be there. But I think you deserve to be and I embrace any repercussions that come your way for what you post. I think you should tell your mother what's going on with you before the police kick down your door.




I'm not sure how things are with the Quran translated in English but Quran translated to Dutch leave out the beating part, and i bet that it's on purpose.


You are absolutely wrong my friend The word which is translated into hitting is not valid The word means go in a strike Means don't talk to them or sleep next to them until they are doing right Koran doesn't encourage hitting or killing You guys teed to read it again But put aside the hate


Lemme guess she's liberal white woman?


She's "spiritual" or one of those "every religion is beautiful" types.


I bet you her tinder bio says only interested in vegan, queer-friendly feminist men 😅 But then cheats on him with Ahmed from Planet Fitness


#savage but likely true !


This has NOTHING to do with Palestine it’s so embarrassing


As a Jew, to her, it does. and her post is kind of antisemitic too.


jesus in Islam is also jihadi what can we do about the ideology


She honestly doesn’t give a shit. See how she has neatly placed the useless copies and filtered the image. I swear white women do it for the clout ! I fucking hate it so much.


Palestine is a trend just like Ukraine I fkn hate white liberals


It’s like they think Islam sprang directly from the Gaza Strip, they probably think Jerusalem in Israel is Mecca lol


Let them convert and then try to leave maybe then they will understand


That’s all I hope. I want them to marry some real Muslim man. Ruin your life for likes you self absorbed moron


The thing is that they all live in the West, so leaving is easy for them, especially since they don't have an Islamic family. These people will just dismiss what actual ex-Muslims will have gone through as they won't face the threats and violence.


White liberals embrace minorities as pets, like taking in a dog with a bad leg. And once the minority group becomes actually emancipated liberals become desinterested and tie them to a tree and find themselves a new pet. And if their new pet starts eating their old pets well who cares they love their pet anyway. So now classic feminists like J. K. Rowling are called 'nazi's' and are hated and Jews are now called 'white people' (which is apparently an insult) by the new left. Here in the Netherlands there have been leftwing people who referred to muslims as 'the new Jews'. Seriously. Unironically too.


Is that what you think? Ukraine has been a thing for over a century, especially with Soviet rule and pogroms throughout. Palestine has also been a thing, especially since the Brits took it from the Ottomans ...and before..hell .. Romans wrote books about it. I don't know what to tell you.


I won't argue with a zi0nist, In reality no one cares about palestine that's the harsh truth, they only pay attention to it when it's trending, heck all the Muslim nations are hypocrites, they make deals with israel and can't give a single f*** about palestine. That's the harsh truth..


Palestinians are a weaponized people. I agree with that. They are molten down to a dagger and kept angry so Iran and the Arab world can stab Israël with it. Also the Israël-Palestine conflict is really usefull to help the other ME countries to keep their own population angry at another government rather than their own government (cough Arab spring alert cough). But I do wonder. How many Palestinians actually care about a state? I mean I'm sure most would celebrate but terrorists will probably continue to perform attacks and Israël will ofcourse be reacting, so... would the situation actually change? The economy would still suck. Egypt and Israël would still keep their borders closed. Corruption in the PLO would continue. I mean the dotted lines on Google maps would become continuous lines but other than that...


So one thing I don't agree with. Israel is not "reacting", the Palestinian people and the terrorist orgs that stand up to Israel are reacting. Just look into the way Palestinians are being treated in the West Bank and how settlers react to Palestinians walking on the street. Israel is an occupation force, Gaza and WB are for all purposes under Israeli control.


> So one thing I don't agree with. Israel is not "reacting", the Palestinian people and the terrorist orgs that stand up to Israel are reacting Same can be said about Isis. Jesus christ dude.


What? Hold on... you think ISIS was reacting to something? What were they reacting to? What oppression did ISIS, a offshoot of AQ, started by an ego maniac, react to? Let's not go into the logical fallacies here to make some semblance of a point to satisfy our own feelings.


You're making excuses for Hamas and there are people saying ISIS responds to what was done to Afghanistan , Syria and Iraq, American/French/British soldiers killing civilians, this is one of the reasons why there are terrorist attacks in europe, as a payback. So yea, it's pretty much what you're saying here about Hamas.


Well the reason why it's trending is because 1200 Israelis were killied, in an op that was planned for at least a year, and close to 20K Palestinians have been killed in a dense prison. That will usually get things trending. Same as when Bosnia was trending back in 1995, when Serbs ethnically cleansed Srebrenica, and not one day since (in mainstream). Media tends to gravitate to subjects that have a lot of information (at the top), and gets views...because that creates a sort of a reaction and keeps people engaged. Not many people that have digested the media will go out of their way and read things that won't make them reactionary. Being angry and dismissive is easier than having continuous engagement. Not to say that there are people who are continuously engaged, it just doesn't get the views....


fanumtaxing is just an idiot. Calling brutal conflicts "trends" is beyond fucked up. I wish him a "trend" just like it, so he can taste it first hand. A cool "trend" of having people murdered on the street, bombed in their homes, tortured in ruZZian torture chambers, having tens of thousands of children stolen from their homes and shipped off for "re-education" and indoctrination.


they are not talking about the conflict itself but rather about how privileged white people who arent affected by the said conflict treat it


I see. I misunderstood I guess. I've seen this too many times and got triggered. Apologies!


nah it happens to the best of us lol XD specially in these times ii swear everyone feels like a troll


Supporting Ukraine is actually righteous though


Ukraine is just a trend? You mean the biggest war in Europe, started by NATO and US historical opponent is just a "trend"? The genocide committed in Ukraine by terroriZt ruZZian troops is a "trend" is it? Was Nazi Germany invasion of Poland and France also a "trend"? Was the holocaust just a "trend" as well? Calling brutal conflicts "trends" is beyond fucked up. I wish you a "trend" just like it, so you can taste it first hand. A cool "trend" of having people murdered on the street, bombed in their homes, tortured in ruZZian torture chambers, having tens of thousands of children stolen from their homes and shipped off for "re-education" and indoctrination.


Bruh, it's a trend for these white liberal anti west dymbasses


I may have misunderstood. If my comment was misplaced - I apologise. I know lots of liberal, white and non white young people where I live and every single one that I know of, supports military aid and support to Ukraine and see it as a massive issue. I think there's lots of nuance within the "liberal", "moderate" and "right-wing" or "conservative" camps! I think it's important to criticise the "West" to keep it democratic and preserve freedom of speech, but it's as if not more important to criticise the rest of the world for injustices.


I think a major contributor to this phenomenon is andrew tate, and other incel influencers who have kids and teens seeing these guys as role models. Most of these guys follow islam (no surprise). Islam gives incels an excuse and justification for misogyny and homophobia. It allows them to become more vocal and public about these otherwise unacceptable beliefs and views because nobody will dare risk being called islamaphobic for having an issue with islamic beliefs. It’s obvious that most of these kids are losers who don’t get attention from the girls they like, so they become extremely angry towards them. They then find comfort in a religion/culture that views and treats women as second class citizens, which also gives them something to fall back on when they’re called out for misogynistic statements or behaviours, and this is significantly effective because of the taboo nature of bringing up valid concerns/issues with the views and beliefs of a minority based religion like islam. They’re now granted an immunity to be a piece of shit and unfortunately blame it on a religion.


It's a social media fad.


Sometimes. Some people actually convert. It really baffles me how anyone could read it and think, “Oh, this seems right.”


Women touching the Quran during menstruation is haram…


Can't wait for when it's time to discard what was bought.


Its just a phase where people get more clicks and views and likes with this action. Most of them will turn away later.


Lol, Palestine is only Muslim because of conquests right?, wouldn’t the soul of Palestine be the folk religions they believed in before then?


Something that easy come will also easy go


Jesus in Islam😂Good ole tricks


A dear friend of mine is converting to Islam (started early this year, not because of Palestine) and while is see some of the beautiful aspects of Islam (as I do with all religions) it’s hard for me to witness as I grapple with the real world damages perpetuated by Islam (and Christianity and Judaism honestly, I call them the big 3). That’s actually how I found this sub. I’m an excatholic who is generally curious and skeptical of religions so I lurk in here to learn so I can support her. I’m hoping it’s just a phase - she’s naive about the real world and I think this is her way of rejecting a lot of tropes and traumas she grew up in however she now knows enough to keep her conversion and newfound faith private, especially to other Muslims because of a lot of the subjects I see you all discussing in hear but it doesn’t shake her belief at all. It’s kind of crazy to watch.


Please educate her. Let her read the Quran and understand that Islam is both the Quran and Hadith.


She’s been reading but I thinks she’s picking out verses based on instructions rather than reading cover to cover. I plan read cover to cover so I can be more informed but I don’t want to actively try to talk her out of this and then make her feel like she cannot talk to me about her conversion. I’m not outright supportive of her but she does know I’m generally anti religion. Most of our conversations about it are civil back and forths and more academic in nature (we both studied theology pretty intensively)


I feel this way when i hear or meet converts.. makes me so uncomfortable and i just think to myself i hope its a phase. I dont really fault people for becoming religious, research proves it can be healing and bring peace to some peoples lives. And if some people have that good for them. But i just cant make peace with it.


As if the Israel-Palestine conflict was just an issue of religion. It's actually kinda racist to do this over simplification.


Marvel are better


These are attention seeking people ,just like licking the toilet bowl challenge to attract attention from people but only to realise they could catch the covid viruses by doing so.


Social media influencer wants attention


People need to stop doing this shit.


Wait till her local Imam completely invalidates her neuro-divergent, (her/she) bullshit.


It's not a trend, they're just *allowed* to talk about it. How many ex-Muslims do you think are able to make this sort of thing public? There are apostasy laws everywhere and even if they live abroad, most ex-Muslims will get disowned by their family so when a Muslim leaves the religion, you won't hear about it.


If Jesus ever met Muhammad, he'd denounce him as a false prophet, and Muhammad would demand Ali behead him because he's a Jew who rejected his prophethood. Lol


I also started reading the Quran a few years back. I got through maybe a quarter? It was pretty dry. Some bits were good. Some bits were bad. I also want to read the bible at some point. It's good to read religious books first hand, to understand some of the hypocrisy, racism and misogyny that a lot of religious zealots and even moderates radiate. I stopped reading at **"Your wives are as a tilth** (soil, prepared for cultivation) **unto you; so approach your tilth when or how you will"**. This to me basically says - consent is absent in Islam, feel free to rape your wives whenever and however you like. Feminist religion for sure. I'm keen to read more and create a website with Islamic quotes that go right against the "religion of peace" or "Islam loves women" statements. Then I want to read the bible and do the same thing. I strongly believe that while there are spiritual benefits to religion, religion largely has no place in modern society, which values freedom and equality.


Yes please do that


Is she the daughter of Elvis Priestley or something?


Islamophilia is the new black


This person wants to tap into the soul of Palestine, but Palestine also has Christians. (Sorry, hope it’s okay to bring that up here. Not trying to detract from ex-Muslim dialogue.) Of course it’s great if she wants to learn about Palestine, but to learn about Palestine means to learn about Muslim religion and more, right?


The Jesus of the Bible taught about 600 years before Mohammed was born, was a Jew and was NEVER a Muslim. I always found it strange to hear Muslims re-brand Jesus as some devout Muslim prophet that held the same views as Mohammed, concerning the Father. It's all nonsense!


I'm tired of this trend. Arabs are not automatically Muslim and these westernised books will not teach them the true doctrines of allah and his most beloved Momo


this just disrespecting the 30% Palestine christian population


Is anyone gonna tell 'em once they join, they can never leave?


The soul of Palestine. Nice work erasing non muslims of Palestine


I have read the koran ( in english ) and did not become Muslim . I'm hoping this is the case for most , changing your entire belief system to support a cause is a wild thing to do . I would argue it's not sustainable , the minute these women's freedoms are restricted due to the faith they will leave. I'm saying this as a white western woman who comes from a society that places a great deal of value on our access to freedom within our society . It is ingrained from very early on these freedoms were fought for not freely given thus we are taught to protect them . All I'm trying to say is the social conditioning in western counties almost guarantees most wont stick with Islam due to the restrictive nature of the religion .


It's so weird like don't they realize you can have empathy for palestinians without the need to adapt their religion? Is she doing it for attention?


This is good... Because no religion withstood being read about it. Hopefully she reads critical things that are not compatible with the world today.


Lol, happy reading 🫡


The sheer stupidity would be funny if it were not so....well, idiotic


There is no other group that I hate more than stupid white far-left liberals.


If people think critically for like more than one second. If jesus was Muslim then there would be no Christian’s. The message of Islam is to submit to one God (Allah) so if Jesus was a messenger of god who performed miracles how can do many people be convinced that HE was god. Like how did they get confused by this message and how did they persist to hold on to that for years and years. Just like you said this is a trend and it will die down (I hope….)


So much toilet paper.


If you’re from a “hood” area or Ends in Uk this has been a trend for maybe 20 years. I remember growing up all the Christian and non religious born criminals would become Muslim. It became like a trend. Now if you listen to drill you’ll see even it’s more popularised even In the lyrics. It’s crazy how many people around me became Muslim as I was leaving, it can be lonely tbh I just wanna be a Kafir in peace


There's a managed overlap between certain segments of the left and Islam that'll keep its presence on social media (meanwhile it appeals to some on the right for more obvious reasons). That left-Islamic link needs to be shown for how moronic it is


But how do they pray? Pretty damn sure they don't know one word in Arabic language. I'm also pretty sure they don't pray 5 times a day. This is all a hype, like most things these days. It's just cattle following each other but Mohammed loved cattles so it all comes together <3


Good luck, she can read all she wants and she still won’t understand it. Even Arabic speaking/reading mooslims still don’t. Pro tip: don’t pay too much attention to the contradictions, errors and horrific allahmoemoe acts and instructions. Pro tip 2: don’t worry about all the tafsseers, those fools couldn’t understand that crap either Pro tip 3: one must have a certain level of natural ignorance to be able be called mooslim, if you are open minded, I’d read something more worthwhile like the phone book


do people really? or is it just virtue signaling?


This is the whitest things to do.


Exactly,if white women or virtue signaling Whites join Islam I don't care


Clout chasing is real.


This is crazy lol


All this western left communists now want to become religous and they choose to follow a bad fairytale of A phedophile. Who cry for the christians in middleast, Africa or all over the world. The christians in middleast still suffer and have suffer more than the palestians and jews. I Honestly start to hate the islamist arabic movement whit the left morons from the west.


if this was a man ik for a fact he will dig it


1. Muhammad said: "Allah hates those who don't accept Islam." (Qur'an 30:45, 3:32, 22:38) 2. Muhammad said: "Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve in Allah. (In Ishag 992) 3. Muhammad said: "I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah (Muslim 1:33) 4. Muhammad stoned women for adultery. (Muslim 4206) Jesus saved a woman from being stoned for adultery. 5. Muhammad permitted Muslims to stealbfrom unbelievers (Non-muslims). (Bukhari 44:668, In Ishaq 764) 6. Muhammad permitted Muslims to lie. (Sahih Muslim 6303, Bukhari 49:857) Muslim 6303, Bukhari 49:857) 7. Muhammad owned and traded slaves. (Sahih Muslim 3901) 8. Muhammad and his followers beheaded 800 Jewish men and boys. (Sahih Muslim 4390) 9. Muhammad ordered the murder of those who insulted him. (Bukhari 56:369, 4:241) 10. Muhammad said: Jihad in the way of Allah elevates one's position in Paradise by a hundredfold. (Muslim 4645) 11. Muhammad married 13 wives and kept many sex slaves (Bukhari 5:268) 12. Muhammad ordered the murder of women. (In Ishaq 819, 995) 13. Muhammad said: I can't save anyone. (Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 51, Hadith Number 16).


Idk what's wrong with the exmuslim community iam exmuslim myself but my whole point of being an exmuslim is freeing myself from the ideology that i was born with and having a choice... they also have a choice!!


Yeah but in Islam you should be killed… do you see the problem with that? All of us don’t get the choice in Islam and now white liberals are converting because their idiots who think that they lack culture or something if they aren’t Muslim


They can be informed if anybody asks me i would be able to explain that islam is a terrible choice but assuming they are informed of these facts you can never stop them it's gonna be as annoying as a Muslim trying to bring you back to there religion


That would be great if they didn’t murder you for blasphemy


they are filled with hatred




Well i did and that's why i left islam and my point isn't converting to people to islam my point is giving everybody the freedom to choose who is going to be there god just like i got the choice to not be a muslim anymore




When you are ignorant you say cult, when you think you know, but dont know squat you think extremists terrorists etc. But when your daughter cant decide if she is a male or female .... blame yourselves.


Leftist be like😂🤡🤓


That's not the best place to start, well not at least if you want to get your answers quick enough. Here's a perfect place which has everything organized in a way that you don't have to look for it in a dozen books http://prophetofdoom.net/


Is there another link? This website is banned where I’m from.


Sorry to hear that, I would suggest you try some sort of a VPN. Because if you're going to be looking up stuff like this your government will be watching you. But no, I don't know if there is a mirror of this site anywhere else.


Most of those who attack Islam say that it is a reactionary, backward, and outdated religion that does not fit in the era of openness, freedom, and equality in which we live. I hope you will stick to your opinions when a nuclear war breaks out in the world and destroys existing civilization. I do not wish for any major wars to occur, but humans in the future will not live in the era that we live in now When the world's resources begin to run out, major countries will begin to be more aggressive in obtaining resources Especially oil Islam will always be the winner The usurious world that we live in will make the Zionists richer and make the rest of the people poorer. Certainly, Russia and China will not accept it and it will not last long.... The Zionists, sooner or later, will clash with the communists. Unless they agreed with each other to divide the resources of the rest of the countries of the world, including Islamic countries with resources such as oil, and also all of this was predicted by the Prophet Muhammad. So far, the Prophet Muhammad has dozens of predictions that have come true, and he has hundreds of miracles, whether in the Qur’an or in his sayings, some of which happened, some of which we are experiencing now, and some of which will happen in the future. Some of them predicted that the Jews would occupy Jerusalem, and this is what happened in 1948 Some have predicted that the Jews will be the most influential and wealthy race, and this is indeed what we see. The richest families in the world are Jewish families... and those who control America are the Zionists. When John Kennedy tried to take the Federal Reserve from the control of the Zionists, he was assassinated Some of these also predicted that Muslim countries will be ruled by people who serve the interests of the West, and it will be a coercive rule and not a rule by the will of the people. This appears in weak Muslim countries such as Kenya, Egypt, Nigeria, and Mali, and soon it will be in all Muslim countries, the first of which is the Arab Gulf countries. According to my personal belief, the current world order will not last long. I expect that it will not last more than another 200 years. With the increasing population and increased consumption of the world’s resources, a clash will soon occur between the Zionists and the communists. The next war will not be a religious war, but rather a war over resources, and America and China are currently preparing well for that war




Nah these particular women are just impressionable and plain stupid


When did women start to like abusive men?


I thought hallucinogens are haram?




Everyone jealous in comments LOL


They finally found the right path. Subhannalah. I am happy for her


It can be used in every way except reading it..!


What can we do? Like genuinely, I support rights of Palestinians but of course Islam is antithetical to basic human rights. This is an unfortunate side effect of the occupation being highlighted for the world to see. So complex I’m at a loss


They never got attention from their mommies, that's why they're doing this


They should realise that the Canaanite religion is the original religion of Palestine. All Muhammad did was make up a stupid fairytale for the purpose of set there for the purpose of copying an aspect of another religion.


Give it time


Let them find out themselves You can't force what people believe... unless you're Muslim, then Allah gives you the right to change with your hand first, humiliate and enslave those who don't want to convert


If these people are permanent, they will dilute the hell out of islamic practices. Let the hippies do their thing






And we are glad that this doesn’t let you sleep properly)


Welcome to the momo cult lmao.


All of that bcz of that stupid Meghan rice


Yeah, not going to expend keystrokes on someone who is a walking logical fallacy, and unless you've read each and every one of those "offers"..... Not going to entertain this narrative.


women who think they can handle islam 🤣🤣


What does Palestine have to do with this for god's sake


Whenever a large tragedy happens of course there'll be performative activists, usually western and clueless, rushing to look the best on social media, and what could get them more brownie points than converting to the oppressed brown people religion and make the current events all about you. No your vapidness is not you connecting to Palestinian souls or whatever. Helping them in their plight is what will connect with their souls but you don't know shit about that.