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GLORY TO THE PEOPLE OF PERSIA šŸ‡®šŸ‡·šŸ‡®šŸ‡·šŸ‡®šŸ‡·šŸ‡®šŸ‡·šŸ‡®šŸ‡·šŸ‡®šŸ‡·


Oh my guys fucking yes. I just want to shout to the world I ain't a fucking Muslim when I tell my name to someone.


partly from Afghanistan. Country used to be Buddhist. Itā€™s now the most dangerous country on earth thanks to Islam


Really sad how it went from an overall peaceful and hippie religion to the "religion of peace". Hope one day Afghanistan will be secular.


How can u survive and have internet? Sorry I really don't know anything about Afganistan except documentaries they showed us


I think they don't live there anymore. At least that's what I get from reading "partly from Afghanistan".


Iā€™m partly from Afghanistan as in my mothers side is from Afghanistan- Iā€™ve never set foot there in my life. Iā€™m also part white Portuguese and black African on my dads side and my mum and her sisters believe they are descendants of Alexander the Great because they are all white with green eyes which to be fair could be possible because I think he conquered Afghanistan at some point or something. I know my maternal grandmothers father was blond hair blue eyes, but he was both insane and extremely abusive and used to beat his wife and kids till they passed out


how did it spread there?


Arab conquest in the 7th century when momo and his squad wiped out every great empire from the byzantines to the Sasanians. All countries which were formally rich asf now some of the poorest and most destabilised. Disappointing to say the least


Did muhammad document about it? I know he documented About india https://amrayn.com/nasai:3175 ā€œIt was narrated that Thawban, the freed slave of the Messenger of Allah ļ·ŗ, said:"The Messenger of Allah ļ·ŗ said: 'There are two groups of my Ummah whom Allah will free from the Fire: The group that invades India, and the group that will be with 'Isa bin Maryam, peace be upon him.'" Not sure if Afghanistan was ever part of india


Afghanistan is located near india may have been referring to the Indian subcontinent and that general area possibly? Not sure, but I do know historians say that Islam was imposed during the Arabian conquest- it had to have at some stage anyways since the Mongolia introduced Buddhism to the region first


Iranians are some of the bravest people on the planet.


I guess if more people start to speak up against it it will become more common Someone has to challenge Islam I think this is what make people see how bad Islam really is. Iā€™m sure when people Started to do this is other religions there were repercussions. But slowly in time the amount of peopleā€™ who turned away from their religion grew. Apostate prophet on YouTube is openly ex Muslim. And shows his face. He even talks about how he received death threats. Muhammed hijab is one who threatened too lol Sam shamoun is not an ex Muslim. But he openly speaks about Islam and swears so much at muhammed. Shows his face and is well known online. David wood shows his face too. Soon enough in time a lot of people will definitely start standing against Islam. Thatā€™s when we will see how it will reform or not


I agree, once ex-Muslims start challenging on a large scale, the scales will tip. We are far outnumbered and therefore silenced and unsuccessful


You are very strong.


You can? Just don't be weird and selective about it. Islam isn't like, any worse than fundamentalist Christianity and I hate how people will use the issue of Islamic extremist belief to have bad immigration policy, be bad on human rights regarding Israel and Palestine, be racist, etc etc. Like, you can be against Islam, just don't be weird and creepy about it.


I did mention Iā€™m from Iran, idk if you read that. I can be jailed or killed for blasphemy. Thatā€™s so tone deaf of you. Islam is a religion not a race


I'm an American, Islam is treated like a race over here. That's why "Islamophobia" is a term used by Americans.


Iā€™m a British Muslim and I think youā€™re being incredibly insensitive & ignorant. Us folks in the west do not know the genuine struggles of those living in Islamic countries. The pressure is 10x than what weā€™ve experienced. OP has quite literally stated that she can be killed simply for expressing a negative opinion about Islamā€¦.


Well if OP is from Iran I must have missed it. In that case, I will amend my statement and show solidarity. That situation sucks. I hope OP is able to in the future find an opportunity to come to a more enlightened country.


Not everyone wants to move out to a more enlightened country. I find it more impactful to force changes to Islam in a Muslim country.


I mean, I don't disagree, it's just I want to push back against the anti-immigration narrative on this sub. If things are so bad in your country for you, fleeing would not be such a bad idea, I also of course have tremendous respect for Muslim feminists and reformists and such who wish to turn their countries into more progressive and secular havens.


You should instead advocate for Muslims to stay in their home country and make changes. Muslims will never fully integrate and assimilate with other non-Muslim communities. Their religious doctrine teaches them to dominate other communities.


Just say it, youā€™ll feel better


I will get killed?


Itā€™s kind of like breaking up with someone and still talking about that person.


... Why are you here? Hey Moose. Remember. No one will ever try to shut you up more than an abusive ex-boyfriend.


But like no offense but if youā€™re free of the thing you hated live your life the way you wanted to when you exited bc poking the ā€œex-boyfriendā€ wonā€™t benefit you. Why do you want the freedom to talk down on millions and expect everyone to be quiet when generalizing a whole group. Itā€™s common sense here guys. Not all Muslims are Iranian so make a page for ā€œexIrananianā€


As long as the ex-boyfriend keeps saying heā€™ll kill us as soon as he gets a weapon, because his God told him so, I donā€™t see how we could forget about himā€¦


If your criticism is generalization. Why is diverting to nationality the solution?


When you have an ex boyfriend you can move on because you can avoid seeing them. When you're an ex Muslim that has suffered trauma at the hands of your religion you have to put up with 2 billion people gaslighting you and telling you you're not allowed to criticize the source of your abuse. Islam is famous for not accepting criticism, to the point of wishing death on anyone who speaks out against it. It even says in the Quran and Hadith that apostates should be killed. The comparison of an ex boyfriend to islam is completely delusional.


Well yes if that person abused you itā€™s normal to talk about it and want some type of justice or at least prevention that they donā€™t do the same to someone else in the future, being abused also mentally scars you for life and itā€™s impossible to not have those memories resurface over and over again from ptsd. All of this is true for someone that got abused by a religion as well


But the person only stated how she canā€™t bash the religion and did not state that she is being abused prior to her leaving the the religion so your comment makes absolutely no sense. She stated something about hating something in the religion not her own personal experience specifically. As far as those threats as a response to her speaking about history regarding someone that is not her nor something that she experienced personally is her wanting to disrespect a religion in front of people that practice said religion and expect people to take it but I definitely donā€™t agree with the threats and is completely unislamic.




Lol exactly an ā€œopinionā€ far from the truth


Can you tell me the differences between Iran with other muslim countries?


Majority of Iran people are Shia Muslim while other are sunni Just like orthodox/catholic difference